Monday, March 25, 2013










     Passionate.  "Its not what you say, its what you do." --"Fencewalk" by Mandrill.  You see me in the morning what am I doing?  Writing, doing art, poetry, speaking to people.  You see me at work, what I am I doing: seeing how people are doing, listening to stories, writing, doing poetry, speaking, doing art.  If I have some down time, what am I doing?  Sketching, using the text option on my smartphone, helping people find solutions.  Who am I?  An artist, a writer, an activist, a poet--using every waking moment, just striving to get a message to you.

     You are important to me. Your state of mind means a lot to me.  How you think is most important. I don't want you to get discouraged, holler, and throw up both your hands. I know how it is, living in another society where your people are not the ruling class or amongst the richest people who control America's interests.  But, I got a plan: I want to build your confidence by making you knowledgeable. I want to make you aware of  things by telling you the truth: That may sound strange--but I'm beginning to realize, just like there's two sides to every story--there's two sides to every country: the ones who dictate and the one's who are here who have little option but to abide by it; and those lines are delineated more differently than you think.

     I just saw a documentary that is highly acclaimed called, "Searching for Sugarman," which I suggest you view it  and draw inspiration from it.  My reason for mentioning it now, is the comment that one of the Whites who live in South Africa made within this documentary--which up until now--my persons never thought too much concerning.  He said something to the effect that Sixto Rodriguez became a hero to many South Africans, simply because they reflect the sentiments of a number of Whites in South Africa who did not agree with the political aspects which were going on within South Africa, but had no voice or say internationally, not without being imprisoned for their views.  This is very similar to the German situation during WW II, and its subsequent treatment and genocide of many European Jews, known as the Holocaust.  Many rich "movers and shakers," and other "powers that be" within the governmental structure of Germany, wanted to eliminate the Jewish issue from the backlash that Germany incurred after World War One, for being a member of the Triple Alliance of the Central Powers during the war--however every German was not quite in agreement with what eventually became Germany's plan.  The rank and file of a society has very little to do with eventually becomes the policy of their country--beyond what they are offered to vote on and what they are told are the issues.  Once many of these polices are set in motion and perspectives become clear as a result of the various perspectives becoming laid bare--oft-time we find there are numbers of people within that country who do not agree.  However, this was not made more clearer than the statement made by the White man who was in this documentary.  He said, that as individuals in South Africa--Sugarman's words gave expression to ideas that they believed--that if openly expressed would wind up getting an person locked up for three years in South Africa [at the time].

     The issue then becomes muddled in a confused mush called government policy and patriotism.  Just because a person does not go along with the ideology of the rich and their lobbyists, which may eventually become a policy of their government does not make that person unpatriotic.  That person may very well consider himself a citizen of a particular country, and member of a people--yet do not agree with the policies perpetrated by a more influential social class, which culminates into government policy.  The majority of Western societies are indoctrinated into a pro-governmental stance on most of its policies, through upbringing and a skillful manipulation of the press and national media.  This is fundamentaly wrong.  Most people do not take the time to analyze, read between the lines, or consider things for themselves.  Therefore a lot of what the masses knows today is mainly what' they've been told and not anything that they know for sure.  Thus it becomes a travesty, when people like this get sucked into arguments in which they might uphold a position, simply because they don't want to seem unpatriotic.  The founding fathers of  the United States of America never advocated such a philosophical perspective.  It was they--themselves--who said that if the government did not reflect the perspective of its people, it should be abolished and replaced.  We have to get to a place where the truth and knowledge becomes more important to us, than what's popular or politically correct.  This view makes research and development mediums like what I bring you, paramount in the struggles for a free man's mind.

     For example, now most Whites in American society are popularly known to falsely identify with the belief of being a part of the middle class within this country.  As a matter of fact--they may be working next to you, have a wife, yet calling themselves middle class. Somewhere in between Obama's bids for president against Republican candidates George W. Bush and Mitt Romney--came the disclosure that the "real middle class household," brings in about $ 250,000.00 a year. Now I know that I don't make half of that, nor do I consider most of my readership does either. So I consider it safe to say, "If you have White people working beside you (having a wife, husband or not), they most likely are not part of the middle class!  That is not to say they may not be better off than most--just not as well off as they claim. . . 

Most of us (both Blacks and Whites) are working class stiffs on the day evening and night shifts, owing the rich through credit cards, loans and such--living on borrowed time. Granted, most of the time, Whites in the position to do so, will probably hire their own first--give them the higher salaries--then hire so-called minority women (for eye and skull candy) and male immigrant minorities before they will hire Blackmen.  $250,000.00 a year  is "CEO/ law firm partner like."  That type of money is usually not made by the majority of  us who think like we do.  But nonetheless, many of us still believe in the illusion that these things are still possible for them--like they believe in the American dream.

     We are here in America, along with the other working class stiffs of various cultures, races and nationalities, effected by the laws in which the rich in this country ultimately influence, and in effect control--striving to affect things through petitions and social groups.  Many of us work for big corporations--big and small businesses, city, state, and federal governments--but not often do we work for our own people.  Not to mention that, the few times we do, our employment often falls under great scrutiny--because our own people have also gotten sucked into perpetuating the White stereotypes that Blacks are incompetent, inferior, and not trustworthy.  With the exception of government jobs--often these businesses are owned by the rich, as well as, the high end middle class or bourgeois-in-the-making.

     These rich and true middle class people, are the type of people who form their own communities, live in areas we can't afford, and get opportunities we don't.  They are the type who do major trading deals, take-overs, and mergers.  We are the type who get downsized in the aftermath of the take-overs.  We do not belong to the Kiwanis Club, the Lion's Club, or the Rotary Club--because we can't afford those dues.  Nor do we have lobbyists working around the clock for our corporate or individual interests.  Yet a lot of us, certainly want to be--and a lot of us will certainly screw over each other to gain steps on the corporate ladder.  Most Whites believe, because of having the same skin tone--they are the priviledged and most likely candidates--therefore many of them display a sense of aloofness, where other peoples are concerned.  The House of Representatives, Senators, block captains, and labor unions are our lobbyists for social change--despite the fact that we pay the lion's share of American taxes.  Companies like Dole pineapples, Heinz and Hunt Ketchup, and the DuPonts of America, break bread in the United States Senate with the various lobbyist serving the table, while the executive orders pass laws which protect their interests and sixty seven plus major corporations which run this country.  I'm a renaissance man--which means I attempt to do everything "in house."  The rebirth of the Black Phoenix and all its children."  But by now, you know that:   "It's not what I say, its what I do."

     You are my people and I love you.  I believe in you, and what you can do.  That's why I write: to reach out to you: to encourage you to keep on; tell you of things it took me years to find out--that is, so that you do not have to dedicate the same time I did to find out what is real and what is not.  I do so because I care.  I get upset because, I know you have been misinformed and just don't know it. I also know, if you knew--you wouldn't be doing so many self destructive things.  You wouldn't be so eager to do crack--blast off in the shooting galleries and turn your back on what you think to be reality--to feel good about yourself.  You would not have the philosophy that any world you are welcome to, is better than the one you come from.  You are not the cause--you are the used, confused, and abused.  So I continue to work, investigating things--so that you can update your records and clear up many misconceptions. . .  If you choose to.  I would just like to keep you abreast of what's happening, as well as the social significance of such things--yet I can't,  if you don't let me.  The choice is yours--and as much as I want you to be aware--I want you to be free to choose.  It is group awareness within a society, which can hold its' government accountable for its foreign and domestic policies.  The last time this occured was during the sixties--by all walks of life--and look what got done.

      When we think of The Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, most of us do not think of religion, or Mr. Garvey's religion--because he wasn't pushing his religious beliefs.  Mr. Garvey was speaking the truth, in a most unversal way.  He did not segregate between Black people. When you think of Malcolm X (Malik Al Hajj Shabazz), you don't think as much of his religion until you think of his connection with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad--that is because he spoke to all black folks within our Diaspora.  Malcolm furthered the Pan Afrikan cause when he formed the OAAU for Black people in the West to interface with the OAU in Central Asia or so-called Africa. Things that happen to one of us, in some way, effects us all.  Religion, what group you're in, think tanks, political party, etc.--do more to divide us, rather than unite us.

     Don't get me wrong, they do provide key perspectives--just don't unite all of Black people. We can have differences in opinions or perspectives--we just need resolve what is more important or what is needed by all of us--and come together under that banner. You are all my people, you are my family and I love you.   That's why I talk: you mean that much to me.  I could be a smart guy, who only speaks to those who are on my level, but what good would that do?  There are too many intellectuals who just talk academically--never doing anything for anyone, unless it benefits them or makes them look good--and never do anything towards our goals.  They'll speak on topics, to show how well versed they are, but the truth is--they believe they are far beyond, too much above, or far too superior to the people we need to reach--to ever become involved enough to make a difference. There is certainly no concern for others, amongst these types here.

     I personally do not have any time for such small talk--my words are truly for those who need it.  I have no time for wasted words, playing trivia or sports, or championing lost causes--I am an artist, writer, activist, poet--and I'm here for those who are in-tune, to get turned on by a positive destiny for Black people. Possibilities based upon the known--actual acts, and chronology. People like you and me. People who plan to do progressive things by increasing of one's awareness about the known.   I don't write about dreams. I belong to a people who have done, and will do, noteworthy things and  I am proud of  us. And, if you study our chronicles thoroughly enough, you would be too. But pride is only a small part of it, you must learn to act upon the confidence that knowing the truth brings. Knowing something has a way of teaching us, what has happened before can surely happen again--given the same conditions and circumstances. Therefore being aware is paramount.

     "Deeds not words," that's what the master drummer, Max Roach said:  Like these skateboard fanatics around Love park.  Day in day out--who do they hang out with?  Other skate board friends.  Where do they hang out?  On their various "home-made obstacle courses" taking on all challenges--all day, everyday.  If you ain't down, best not hang around them--its bound to get monotonous for a non-devotee.  If he or she is on the set with outsiders, it is short lived, because they have to get back "to the lab."  Like me, I have so much time, "but I ain't got time for nothing--I'm always doing something.  I'm about this: Production and being productive.  Learning, speaking, building and teaching--with those of like mind.   If I am striving to convince you, you and I are not the same. . .   This is very important to recognise.  It does not have to be "teacher/student"--they could be malcontents or chronic complainers.  The cards are not in on you yet.  Maybe you will, maybe you won't.  In the words of Chuck D: "Can't Truss It."  Can't put too much weight on it.

     I approach each circumstance like a psychologist--non committal, critical and hard to convince.  I saw you and you weren't doing what I was when I met you.  Therefore, we are not working from the same confidence that an already tried "word" brings. As an artisan toils, his clay and tool teaches him more when he labors--the unaware are lost in the need to be convinced and are reluctant to the path and truths a new brings. I don't have a problem with breaking the word down, or teaching, I'm just saying--from now on, you'd have to prove to me that you are about this concept or that concept, and I am not easy to convince.  In the morning, what are you doing?  In the afternoon, what are you doing?  In the evening what are you doing?  At night, 'whatcha' doing?  It's "deeds not words," "it's not what you say, it's what you do."  Everyday, that's what I do.  For weeks, months and many years, that's what I do.  I'm committed.  I don't just say it, I be about it.  You can see what I'm about.  No doubt.  Like B.B. King, "I like to live the love that I sing about."  Coming from the heart.  My heart is in this!  Not pretentious, passionate.

     Now I heard, it's been said about people like me, by these so-called liberals, that we have a problem with us--"making up our own chronologicals."  Poppycock!   This is one of the main reason for my links to documented facts--usually by Western sources and places in their his*story, music, art etc.--along with our own sources of Black intellectuals who have gone to their finest schools; often making books out of their dissertations, so the facts are already proven under the scrutiny of college professors who are leading members of "experts in the field."

You have to do such things, like back up your assertions for two reasons.  First of all, I don't ever want you to take my word for it: find out for yourself and then you will be convinced in a way I can never give you.  The bible teaches, "Study to show thyself approval."  Next, when things are being judged by a jury, all the antagonist has to do is cast "reasonable doubt" upon a subject and the jury can be hung.  So I want you to get the facts straight from the door before I proceed, because I am going to test your member and cite passages from my own treatises and articles.

One more word on these so-called liberals: I don't put too much weight on them or trust them.  The name alone tells you why.  The word means freedom and they are free people in the position of being fair or going along with what the masses does.  Just because they approach this as an option, does not make them a candidate in my book.  As Thomas Paine said, "Give me liberty or give me death."  That does not sound optional.  He was speaking about having rights.  The same rights as the rich; the same representation.  If a liberal does not approach your freedom in non-optional terms, he or she is not feeling justice from the heart, they are just acting the part and I don't need that.  I don't trust a rich kid who's says he's a punk rocker: There's real kids out their who are poor and actually living and breathing punk--not just a bored, rich kid who's looking for a cause to get behind.

Peace and Blessings,


C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers

Thursday, March 7, 2013








Making Progress?

   Previously, we talked about politic-king, knowing who you're working with, and joint interests.  I can't turn back the hands of time, but just like the raps that come off these urban streets-- some of the credit goes to the neighborhood that produced them.  Every phase we go through in life, presents us with certain challenges--just like changes in the terrain: it's the person's response to that environment, that produces the genius out of the culture in which we see before us.  Yet, some credit has to be given to those who challenge us to do better--even when they attempt to bully us!  This is why Jazz is considered America's Classical Music art form and Blues is America's only original music in which all other forms of music are derived from.  It is produced from the conditions America impressed on the Blackman and Blackwoman.  The person's responses to our environment is what makes our attitudes and forges our abilities from the underlying significance of those cultural experiences.  Nothing gets tossed; all of it shapes your reality.

We, Blacks in America, are a phenomenon, living in an inner-city and rural environments, existing as a culture inside a culture--because of the manner in which our people came to this country and the color of our skin which makes us easily recognizable and separate.

 It is no secret that Western culture is the culture-at-large--no matter how many other cultures comprises this country, and Western culture alone is the dominate culture.  Nor is it a secret or a surprise that the nature of Western culture impedes the progress of our own subculture within this country--just as it does the original (Native) American.

   We, as Blacks in America, are descendants of a people who were abducted from their homeland for the purpose of exploitation.  And the people from Europe and America who orchestrated slavery in this country, did so for the purpose of extortion.  Like B-Divine says, "Some people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."  These deeds (which happen in this country) left scars, not only for a lifetime--but nearly half a thousand years!  
      So after Americas period of bondage slavery was no longer in vogue, "Get in where you fit in," became the name of the game.  And where our people "fit" within the American fabric, is at best, a questionable proposition.   However, a relationship has been struck between whites, and it hasn't changed much in nearly half a thousand years.
  As a matter of fact, after 310 years of cost-free servitude for the making of America's wealth--our relationship is symbiotic.  It is a relationship where our economically depleted Black "subculture soil" is disproportionately dependant upon the American Western economic, educational, and political "top soil" for our own Black cultural development.  This places us in a "docile buck for sale" position--where the best Black athlete in sports, arts and entertainment, engineering and technological know-how, as well as, music and literary endeavors--gets sold to America in a wholesale, disesteem manner (similar to the act and process of prostitution).

     There will be no hostile takeovers by the workers here--there will be no mutiny on this ship! This is because most Blacks in America place more of an emphasis on their strides as individuals--than as members of an ethnic group who were stolen from home 458 years ago.

      Now when most of our Central Asian relatives (so-called African), come to the United States, they leave their other wife and family over there (because polygyny is not accepted as a mainstream custom here--just promiscuity)--that is if they have another wife--they'll send money from the States to support their family, extended family and fellow kinsman there.  Oprah Winfrey makes money for her own interest.  Bill Cosby makes money for his own interest.  Tiger Woods makes money for his sole use, reinvents his heritage (while not primarily identifying to his father's Black lineage), marries a White woman, cheats on her--and now supports her White tribe.

     Nat Turner did not think like this.  Sojourner Truth did not consider this path.  George Washington Carver was not this way.  Denmark Vesey did not think like this.  Harriet Tubman never pondered that road.  She led loads of people to freedom--and the majority of Blacks who live in Niagara Falls today owe their freedom and common heritage to her!  It was not Frederick Douglass' ideology.  His ideology orchestrated acts which led to the Emancipation Proclamation (freedom for Black people), which changed the way White Union men and White Confederates looked at Black men.  Nor did Booker T. Washington--and his acts inspired Marcus Garvey. . .
     After all of their efforts, we remain--for the most part, a scattered people, who have bought into Western concepts of rugged individualism--and are all out for the own interests alone.  You would have thought that the Black residents of Niagara Falls would have maintained bonds with all those who had made the trip with this 'female Moses' to the promised land--but it seems very little was done to maintain their solidarity as a special group of people.  Neither was enough done  to establish businesses that would have secured their interests.  Not even a local holiday to commemorate the journey.  We, as Blacks, have all these NBA Black millionaires, yet these rich Blacks don't have any rich towns where they've pooled their resources, securing some of their common interests.  They just live their separate dreams of oblivion, inside "The Matrix"--as Olympian gods with 'clay feet'--relying on the society at large to protect their interests and investments.  That never works.  Just look at O.J. Simpson and his Sport Commentator peers, or the Jewish businessmen in circa Nazi Germany.

      It is ludicrous to put your trust in a different stock of people, especially when the two groups don't see eye to eye.  And It's a known fact amongst Blacks, regardless of social status--that on major issues Blacks and Whites don't see eye to eye.  Many Whites believe we should never rise above being a servant or entertainment to the White man.

      I spoke to an Italian acquaintance of mine, who took a trip to Montana, a couple of years ago.  Upon returning, he said, while he was there, he saw huge tracts of land for sale in the area where he was, but when he visited the realtors--he kept getting turned down.  Finally (after being a little disheartened), he came across a woman who worked for one of the realty firms (who also had a romantic interest in him), that helped him figure things out.  She said, "You're not from these parts are you?  They can tell it.  They can tell it, and wouldn't sell land to you--even if you offer substantially more.  They don't want people with your ways around here."   He seemed a little disturbed by the discrimination--as we muttered, "Welcome to our world." 

     Just a few days ago, I watched an ESPN documentary on a football player, a defensive lineman by the name of Allen Bailey, from the Kansas City Chiefs, who grew up on Sapelo Island, in Georgia. This is an island off the mainland in the Georgia sound.  On this island, these so called former African slaves have lived a near traditional African life, from the time they came to America.  One of Allen's relatives, his great aunt, Cornelia Walker Bailey, traces their people's lineage back to 1857.  In Hog Hammock Community, where Allen Bailey grew up, 54 out of a population of 70 are his relatives.  Cornelia Bailey went over to so-called West Africa and witnessed that her cousins over there, "don't live much different than the Salt Water Geechees live, here in the sound."  At one point, it seemed, the people were owned by the tobacco merchant R.J. Reynolds, but they've been free--at least since the Emancipation and have had cultural, tradition, and family bonds from then till this day.  But today, due to summer resorts houses being built by outsiders on purchased land--the Salt Water Geechee way of life (culture) on this island is being threatened by the rise in  property tax--while those people in Montana will still continue to carry on with their world as they know it.  Now I know it's possible that R.J. Reynold's relatives may have sold their section of land to the outside world, but if they didn't and it was some of Allen's relatives who did...  Which would be the wiser, the one who made great profits personally but changed their people's way of life, or the one who maintained their way and turned a fortune down? You make the call.  All I know is some things (like freedom), you just can't put a price tag on--personally or collectively!

     And since we are talking about politics, and knowing what people you are working with--it should be fairly obvious to most people by now, that Blacks and Whites in America do not have the same joint interests, since Blacks are not considered equal by the dominant culture (that is, those in America who are of European descent)--and this unjust attitude of superiority and privilege, creates an environment which underscores what Blacks in America are culturally experiencing everyday.   Granted, I am not talking so much about race, as much as I am speaking on how we, as Black people, were introduced to the American scene by White slave traders and the relationship they and their kind established 458 years ago.  Therefore partnership under these terms would not be wise for Blackmen and Blackwomen.

   By politics, my person means, "The principles relating to or inherent in a sphere or activity, especially when concerned with power and status: activities aimed at improving someone’s status or increasing power within an organization: the activities associated with the governance of a country or area, especially the debate between parties having power." 

         The main concern of knowing the politics of others is to understand their principles related to their sphere of activities, their power and status--as well as activities associated with the governance of areas in which we mainly occupy (a.k.a., their concern about us as a people).  I also mean when my persons says, "politics of the company you keep," that my person is concerned with the principles in which other persons govern themselves with; ideas they keep concerning social graces; their morals, ethics and interests--as well as figuring out whether these areas they have, coincide with my own!  
   But I digress, we were talking about how to establish proper relationships with others, on the basis of having common interests, and similar enough politics to work together for the same common cause.  If we are not on the same page, as far as codes, morals and ethics, there is no deal--as far as trading and other business endeavors are concerned.  I have to be able to trust you.  In the work we're putting in, you must be reliable.  You have to be dedicated to get the job done.

    Many people fail because they want to turn "their girl" into something that she wasn't.  Believe as you may but, you can't turn a whore into a housewife.  And if you seem like you did--then whore-ing was only a "part-time gig" to her--something that she had to prove to herself: Some "good talking to," she had to give to herself.  And be this as it may, nothing useful is going to come from this, until this person (suffering from that state of mind), RESOLVES TO CHANGE IT.  I'm using the word she, but this applies to all relationships and situations that are unequally yoked.  "If it don't fit, don't force it!"

    Things have to run their course, before that person  gets their fill or gets the opportunity to see things for what they really are.  You can't get good things out of a bad or dysfunctional relationship.  Nor can you force a person to become intimately involved with things they do not know, or have experience with.

      That's where knowing the politics of a person comes in:  This means you ask questions and get answers which reveal the code that they go by, as well as, their values and interests are revealed for your examination.  Once these values are known, one must analyze to see what is common between you two--and how long can alliances be maintained; which causes are common, which are the same interests, etc.  Of course, these notes have to be updated as often as you possibly can (maybe as often as you talk to people and the conversation lets things out).

   It literally takes my being out to hear how quickly persons of today, are so willing to call someone a friend or associate and engage in enterprise after just meeting them a few encounters ago.  If I am going to help keep your "boat afloat,"  I better know what banner or flag you're flying and what codes you go by. . .

   I know that person maybe a good person, but sometimes they may be in a bad way.  When this is the case, they will have to get their fill, before they can create the attitude necessary to turn and walk away.  If you are to be any help at all, your attitude has to be for this type, like a couple of lines in Stevie Wonder's "Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing":  You'll have to "be standing on the side, when they get off their trip"--as opposed to trying to get in there and change what they are doing to show the person a better way.  When junkies are fiending, you better hide your jewelry--because it won't be that person, but their addiction talking and taking over. . .

    Many persons, seeing all that talent that this person has, and the potential that talent represents, will begin to rush the process, in the attempt to help the other person with their success--oft-times to their chagrin.

   In life, the amount a person goes through, directly relates to the amount of resistance that person has to learning the proper lessons.  Even though they may be good meaning people, you're "helping them out," might be interfering with their growth process.  And even though your intentions are good, your act will be interfering with providence--which makes it bad.  In the Christian faith, doing something like this is called trespass.  On the streets, if you help out an addict by shouldering one's burden, you may be "enabling" them to have more cash flow to buy more drugs...

   Just because you are in the same religious, political, economic, or social group, does not guarantee that your politics are or will be the same.  People weigh in at different rates of development: Every lawyer who graduates from law school, does not graduate at the top of their class.  Therefore, just because your group expounds on excellent principles and morals, doesn't mean the people who belong to your group will adhere to them or realize them at the same rate of development--nor does it  guarantee that they ever will.

   They say that you meet in life, the exact reproduction of your own thoughts.  Your "thought" is a misnomer.  You meet in life, the exact reproduction of your own considerations.  Consideration is a sense of your own values.  If the values you see in others, are like the values you know, then that's a good match--and it doesn't matter where you see it--that's a good match!

     We don't live in a perfect world, even if the group you are in is striving for perfection: And this has been an "Achilles heel" for Black people in America, who are (and have been) growing in consciousness--for as far back as my person can remember.  We, the people who are Blacker than blue, have been searching for our reprieve for so long--when we see something that has a lot of our answers, we want to make it the utopia, claim it to be the only way, and take a didactic, elitist attitude towards it.  Oh, it might be worth mentioning, that a similar quality is experienced by the brainwashed Black who has moved into a previously White community and thinks he's made it or been accepted--or the one who brags about  being the only one of his kind amongst a sea of White faces.

     Too often, because of the Western way which does not openly embrace you as part of it and one of its own, many Black people who were incarnated in North America, do not feel good about the relationship--or ourselves in relation to the freedom and privileges in this country.    Until President Obama was elected, many of us did not see the president as the father of our people, just as leader of this nation.  Black and White are two separate realities in this country, and if you are Black, you know far too well, it is a position where one is kept wanting. Many of us will not rise above the adversity that comes with being Black in America--we will blame the color of our skin for our stigma or feel inadequate (being around the "other" Americans)--due to a lack of understanding concerning the Black people's chronicle in the U.S., and the dysfunction it has brought about.

     The Creator of all, formed all humans for His purpose.  There is a divine destiny for Black people, and you must find that purpose, and form a personal relationship with it.  Put more care in considering, living, loving, and there will be more love and care in you.  You must establish a strong connection with that aspect of God that lives inside of your being, as the better part and conscience of this human existence.  This time is precisely when you have to reach inside and find your own integrity as one who is worthy.  But recognize, as you are reaching for those higher qualities, you must prepare yourself for those who are Black, but believe that "they are not alright (and nor is anyone else who has Black skin)."
     These types of Blacks are not going to like you.  They are going to accuse you of thinking you are "better than everybody else."  They may like what you have, and they may like the control you have over your life--but they feel don't have the powers you have--and this is why you're despised: they don't believe in themselves like you do.  This phenomenon is the direct result of the conflict between the two cultural environments that exist within American society.  Other ethnic groups may have conflicts but they came here of their own free will.  They chose this for themselves--we were abducted and not given a fair choice afterwards.

     These Blacks are some of the scarred victims.  There are plenty Blacks in America who know the events concerning our chronicle in America, but do not see it for what it is.  They fail to see the message which is being sent.  The descendants of our ancestors are like children--staring into a store window that their forefathers helped produce--without being compensated for their labor: cursing their poverty, as though their parents let them down.  They are currently longing for the things in that store window, while working for peanuts for the same store owner.  Being frustrated by the opportunities available to little urban innercity boys and girls--but still wanting what all the little priviledged kids have.  Resorting to all manner of things like drug dealing, gambling and stealing to afford such finer things in life: produced by fancy sounding company names, made by rich slave makers of the poor.  Produced in sweat shops by children whose grandparents were former slaves, prison inmates, and overseas persons and migrant workers, for less money than Americans make.  But sold to the buyers as though it was made with American labor cost and overhead (like Urban Outfitters, L.L. Bean, and Banana Republic).

     Yes, you must be doing something wrong: believing what you are told, as the powers that be "blame the victim."  Your poverty is produced by the former owners who made themselves a pile of Black gold from the sweat of your labor they stole: Now they pick and choose by quotas and government incentive plans--while the Japanese got repatriated for the wrongful treatment here in America during World War II.  Yes, you are doing something wrong.  You are not thinking for yourselves and researching our chronologicals and their history.  You are not reading between the line and having faith in their references, instead of finding documentation of your own.  You are relying on others who do not have a good track record, instead of transitioning into self-reliance!

     There is no utopia: perfection is something we strive for and work towards.  A perfect place is not a place you reach but an eternal goal.  Reading "Mein Kampf" (writings of Adolph Hitler), the writings of Nietzsche and early Nihilist writers like Franz Kafka, Imperialism (England then America), one would get the impression that there's a large number of Europeans suffering from delusion or depression, or that quite a few of them have a God complex.  If that is the case, I know it must please these beings to see the dependency that the civil (as opposed to human) rights struggles produced for America.
    Combine the American descendants of this sort (European ancestry), with the symbiotic relationship we, as Blacks have with American society--and one will quickly recognize that Blacks are mingling with mayhem accepting the current social and economic system.  It would seem more viable, at least,  to have the option of a readily available Black entrepreneurial base, near the innercity of most major areas--providing our own with at least, an alternative.

     This would require a strong sense of nationalism.  One that would be willing to research the company and invest in our own businesses by soliciting them and buying into legitimate Black businesses--rather than just buying stock in "traditional" American stock.  Investment firms which research amongst our own Black Enterprise to find and report which Black businesses are solid enough to invest in.

       Allow me to demonstrate:  Let's say you grew up in the innercity and both your parents were Black and you grew up in a Black neighborhood.  Let's say your parents gave plenty of love and affection.  They encouraged you, and were able to instill in you a belief that you could accomplish things, as well as, a sense of pride in what you have accomplished.  Your inner environment of father, mother, siblings and extended family will nurture and encourage that mind state.  You will face a few obstacles, but the interests and goals of the family will help to overcome that.  There are higher forces at work here.  There's family, there may be religion, but the family believes in you.  That's all good until you get older and 'hit the streets' or get out of kindergarten.  After that you begin to face more challenges.

   One of those challenges is your sense of social order.

  The ethnic environment in America is cultivated differently.  In the extended family, you might have a splattering of all the different types represented by the plurality or ethnic cultural tradition, as well as the human condition in general--but they are linked under a few common ancestors and family ties.  A lot can be manipulated through respect, family moral codes, and family bonds.  The ways and customs are a natural outgrowth from the relationships of the people which form it, and even the ill-behaved may be reprimanded but they are still part of the family.

   When we become older and interface with the ethnic subculture, there are familiarities and differences.  Chief among them is the fact that we are the same people, but come from different tribes.  We have tendencies that are common to Black people, but we have different ways of handling it--depending on the tribe.  There maybe common ancestors, paramount kings, tribal kings and such, but in America (due to slavery), most Blacks don't know who they are--nor is there a sense of belonging and comradery, or self policing--past block committees, business committees and/or chambers.

   In a family, no matter how far the plurality takes us, we still have the family to bind us.  In the street, we just have the diversity, with only police and social services to regulate and keep order.  The outside culture or mainstream society regulates the sub cultures and neighborhoods through city councils, ordinances, local laws and local law enforcement.  In ancient Rome, they had the vigilis, or watchmen, today we have police on surveillance, surveying the areas.  If things get to out of hand, state troopers and/or SWAT gets called in.  If that doesn't work, the national guard are deployed.  If that doesn't work, the armed forces swoop in and marshal law is enforced.

     On the other hand, we should not be looking for the ultimate society or religion to join.  For those who are conscious or self aware, one should realize that there are more than one way to gain knowledge of the true self--by using this method, we are saying that this is the one we know the best or are more intimate with.  There are no perfect people.  We are all composed of both positive and negative elements.  Therefore, the problem is not a matter of finding the perfect group, but an issue-by-issue examination of the person or persons--to see how many issues you and the persons you examine are on the same page.  You can be from different groups and have the same objective--and have several ideas in common but not totally be on the same page.  This makes the issue, not what organization one belongs to, but the level of a person's cultivation or growth and development--in matters social, political, economical, temporal, and the amount of enlightenment.  This determines the amount of work you can do together.  The issue is not a perfect match, but how long can you do business.  This, of course, will be on the basis of how the separate persons are "built."

     "Some people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime."  However, all your associates must have a sense of belonging to a people and of course a destiny for that collective group.  Man vs. society seldom affects widespread social change, without like minds working in the arts, sciences and humanities.  We must work together for the common good.

Peace and blessings,


C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers