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In the attitude of kujichagulia, we evoke the following set of writings concerning the cosmogony.
These are thoughts concerning our origin in life; our existence in this world or realm. Through the institution of slavery in America, the Blackman and Blackwoman have been transformed into another type of people, at the hands of the European colonists (America’s White founding forefathers); into a people who would serve the White race [directly for 308 years and indirectly for 151 years]: Not only would Blacks pick cotton, but our people worked in the trades fields that built cities, toiled in the crafts which made mines to forge various metals and search for precious stones, and fought to protect this great country. By being relegated to experience this task of sufferation for three hundred and eight years, ultimately suggested an image in the oppressor's mind of Blacks being casted as a lowly and undesirable entity; much inferior to the White race. Thus today, the Blackman is generally relegated to the task of menial labor and factory work, as well as, any work considered undesirable to members of the White race. I guess the thinking is since Whites were doing the hiring, they might as well preserve the best parts for themselves. The metamorphosis of changing slave back to man, was further complicated by the fact that although we were indigenous people stolen from our homeland—in slavery (as a rule) we were never grouped with members of the same tribe, group, or clan; further isolating us from our original cultural traditions! Kujichagulia is the process of defining ourselves—as opposed to being defined by others. It is one of the principle concepts of Kwanzaa.
This process is particularly hard, when your culture has been obliterated, when your language has been lost, and you find yourself practicing things that are not your way, in order to obtain or maintain gainful employment. In these days and times, our youth have moved away from the traditions of their ancestors. Even when they imitate the past, like “The New Panther Party” or “The Nation of Islam,” they are but remnants of their former selves. One of the reasons is the influx of the insidious crack cocaine being infused into the Black communities. It is a known fact that we do not own submarines and the types of ships that these things are imported in; therefore, although our own may participate in its distribution, the presence of crack in the Black community is more of a conspiracy against the Black unity than anything else. Sure, its popularity is due to the fact that when there’s a population of large numbers of people who do not feel good about themselves and their social condition, drug selling is usually lucrative since people will find a way to temporarily feel good. Many of today’s youth are sons and daughters of crack addicts —which generally make many youth believe most of the people around their parent's age are either weak or soft; therefore, they do not believe in older people's solutions in life.
These children are disappointed in their parents—but their parents were also disappointed by America's promises. These particular parents were incarnated just in time to ride in on the accomplishments achieved during the Civil Rights struggles of the sixties—like Affirmative Action, Basic Education Opportunity Grants (for college), etc—but without our own businesses to work for or jobs that are created by Blacks themselves, this assistance did not create real empowerment since it did not include a means of production; thus, many became disillusioned over the outcome (simply because they are still looking to others to provide a job). There is a certain smugness in having the means, and a certain amount of desperation; when one is part of the have-nots. If oppression does not spawn creativity, then ultimately it leads to frustrations due to education without opportunity or possibility—which (for some) may lead to temporary relief in a little plastic vial. The sixties birthed Black persons who achieved some modicum of success from the dominant society by working on their conscience; however, after the dissolution of the hippy movement, many of the yuppies who returned to their parent’s fold were more pragmatic and less sentimental than their parents ever were. The rejection left a lot of wounded hearts searching for easy fixes.
I could fully appreciate the current youth trying to avoid some of the “Soft Shoe Acts” of the past—like integration; however, by separating themselves
from their parent's ideologies obtained through experiences and tradition,
which could help them navigate around the snares of being Black in a White
society: For it is a known fact that Black elders always taught their children survival
skills as part of traditional rearing while living in America. At the very least, their
children would be better equipped to appropriately handle and navigate the obstacles
by knowing the nature of them. . .

Strategies had to be devised—especially in the past, because those who stood up and challenged colonial America, often met their destiny at the end of a rope. Petitioning to the Europeans-turned-Americans to have a sense of fairness to educate, empower and compensate is pointless. Sure there has been token efforts made by the Westerners, but overall sentiments seemed to be on the side of the bigoted, in those days (as apathy seems to control America nowadays). Blacks in Congress attempted to past laws throughout our tenure in the states, but enforcement of such legislation by “New Americans” made us lose hope in their support. In America, there has always been numerous factors which results in the oppression and depression of our lives—from the traditional colonist attitude, along with the various prejudices and bigotry; straight to the passing of legislation and ultimately physical and psychological intimidation.
My parent’s, nor their parents, generally didn't trust hospitals, nor did they depend on White or Jewish lawyers to have our best interest at heart. Generally speaking, Blacks did not believe in going to the Whites for anything that involved Black people. This is due to their experiences during Segregation [1849-1950]. During such times, issues between Blacks would often be settled out of court, or worked out amongst themselves. They didn't rely on employment outside of their community or amongst other people. They had to rely on themselves—because Whites weren't operating much in the Black communities [although immigrants like the Jews did]. As a child, I never understood why Black neighborhoods had so many White teachers working in our schools; however, those folks didn’t live in our neighborhoods—they never went through the same experiences as we did, so how could they advise me for things that had to do with my particular social conditions? Basically, I felt more like a specimen for my White teachers to study. I never thought White police or White teachers understood us much in our communities; therefore it seemed you always had to justify why you were doing things. I often felt these teachers felt they were superior to us; often talking down to our parents in meetings—as though (due to their level of education), our parents didn't understand what they were saying. The contemporaries of my older siblings were the ones who ushered in the Black Renaissance and Black Power Movements; so that let’s you know what their atmosphere was like. My contemporaries were the ones who benefitted by what the “old heads” accomplished—as well as experienced all the ‘smoked screens’ and disadvantages ‘new policy bandages’ placed upon the gaping holes of racism and bigotry projected upon the tapestry of America.

But before taking a step further, let’s talk about this concept called “We.” “We” is where we start and ultimately, “we” is where we shall end. We need each other. Concepts of man/woman relationships, family, people and nation must be maintained at all cost. It is the true meaning of humanity and civilization. Man is a social creature and needs more than one in order to begin his own existence. It is the gathering of both man and woman which comprises enough chromosomes in order to make our physical existence—and despite what you might have picked up concerning sexuality, the reality is ultimately for the perpetuation of the species. “Spit don’t make babies." Too intimate and interbreeding creates retardation, and love is not just love. There are many types of involvements: some positive and negative. My love for my sister is much different from my love for my mother. The love spurred on from my hormonal drives which has me looking woman to bond with for the rest of my life, is different from my love of a person of the same sex. Name one person who was not defined by the quality of their parent's social interaction (or lack thereof)? Every psychologist knows that all people are out here trying to reconcile the genius or nonsense taught to them at youth. We ultimately had to trust the ones who conceived u; if only to provide for us and show us the social harmonies between ourselves and the environment: “I am because we are.” Our individualism is defined along the social consciousness of the group: Parents, teachers, communities and institutions—all play their part in he establishment of the individual. And it was the institution of slavery which disrupted our development as a people, by allowing another group of people the opportunity to redefine us; and they began to control our destiny, simply because we bought into their concepts.
In essence, we are not only defined—but judged—by those who were in the position to extend or offer any semblance of citizenship. The New Americans write the books, the New Americans do the interviews—in essence, their people tell us what “really” happened and we tried to fit in—like the bully who made up the game we must play. When a Russian comes to the United States and seeks to become an American citizen, he does not have to fight for his civil rights—but we as Black people in America do! The more sophisticated we become, the more elusive true first class citizenship has become. It has been 149 years and we still have not received what that Russian or citizens under Fidel Castro can receive in one day!
Blacks in America were given Christianity by the Western man during slavery; right after its Protestant Reformation which happened within European society. This shapes what the average Black in America knows.
Not the knowledge from the missionaries who visited our motherland later on, or from ancient Black Hebrews, like the Falasha of Ethiopia [the place called, “Kush,” where the Queen of Sheba came from in ancient times]. During this time, Blacks received religion from the slave master, based upon his peoples understanding of it and social use of it; as a means of keeping their social order. His people from their native country know the ‘Ins and outs’ of this “organized religion” that was provided for us, during this time. Their sojourn with this religion, is what makes up the concepts that Blacks go by, and not purely the “text” itself: To put this religion within its chronological and social context, within the White man’s motherland/fatherland or place of origin: Catholicism had already lost its firm grip to the so-called Age of Enlightenment, and the Eastern Orthodox Church (the earliest European form of Church), which never became as widespread as the Roman Catholic version of Christianity within Europe. Anyway, by the time the Western man taught Blacks Christianity, the White man was very familiar the type of political control that goes along with the practice and was using THAT among the Black populace. Many Westerners HAVE BEEN moving away from religion all together, but THEY OFTEN WANT TO KNOW what churches our Black families attend. In most cases, during slavery, Christianity was used as a way of understanding how to psychologically control Blacks; forcing them to make considerations to policies that many of their “owners” had long since abandoned (sort of, "Do as I say, not as I do/If you are a Christian but I'm not" concept): Yet, at the time, it was the only semblance of culture we knew; as well as, “Free and Accepted” Masonry was the only available source of light, civilization and social “advancement” that a few of our people could muster out of our horrendous condition—but even that had ‘strings attached’. . .
As I said earlier, one of the meanings of Kujichagulia is defining or redefining yourself; instead of letting yourself be defined by others: And what better way to start than redefining your purpose and meaning in life? After all, it is my personal perception, that what we were previously taught in American society was a bunch of rubbish; So why not at least consider something which depicts us in a much better light? At least you’ll be engaged in critical consideration. . .
This Chronicle we previously discussed contains—not just one creation account but several related ones from various tribes of our people—sort of the “Best of the Creation Cosmogonies.” It is approached this way, to show that this is not a foreign teaching—but general considerations included in many non-Western societies: After all, the unification of our people is not just the Black and Brown peoples, but Red and Yellow as well.
Long before the parameters of the universe was created, the Supreme One organized principles to govern how the forces were going to interact. These principles were capsulized in the mandala called, “Tree Of Life.” There are many books out there written by Jewish authors posing as the originators, but for a comprehensive perspective written by one of our people—please acquire, “Realization of Neter-Nu by R. A. Straughn.” And for a further understanding of previous vanquished peoples, please read “Anacalypsis by Godfrey Higgins,” or ”The Hebraic Tongue Restored by Fabre D’ Olivet.”
Anyway, this is a new way of looking at ourselves; defined by our people—in several lands—in old and new times. It dissects our physical existence quite differently than how our American upbringing has equipped us. Then again, we have to rethink this orientation, because the tradition its founders (the Europeans) use, comes from a society which is very class conscious: Which is to say that most Europeans have always been bigoted and prejudiced according to class. As a matter of fact, some countries will never let you out of your social status—regardless to how much money you make. Perhaps you heard the press referring to the English rock star, Elton John, as “Sir Elton John?” The fact of the matter is, as rich as he was before the queen knighted him, he was still treated as just a working class bloke—despite his millions. Ironically, he was not discriminated against because of sexual preference—he was discriminated against for being poor or being born into a working class family. Europe has had a long tradition of social acceptance of sodomy and alternative lifestyles, that rivals its tradition of bigotry—dating back to the cabin boys and Viking tribes of European antiquity; whereas Blacks in America are constantly accused of being non-receptive to alternative lifestyle themes. Could it be that European and other Western societies have generally moved away from a Christendom traditional government, while as the rest of the world engages in some from of deity-oriented, conscientious government which emphasizes circumspect and somewhat civilized behavior?
It should not be hard to tell that most Western societies have been steady moving away from a moral society and into a world which embraces individual freedom overtop of the inconsistent parts of the society at large. America is a time bomb waiting to happen. As Malik [Malcolm X] once said, “America has the seeds of its own destruction built right within it.”
England has a big problem with class; America has a big issue with color.
In England, a person will never be released from your social status without the monarch’s (in this case, queens) approval. And as you can see, America, a colony of English occupation—are still carrying on with tradition; by discriminating against all the hired help; with Black people being at the top of the list. And you may think because you are Oriental, Indian, Arab or Jew, you are free of the English man’s racism and Bigotry—but you are not. If you think because you have starred in his movies or have played basketball, football, golf or any professional sport for this rich White man, because he has let you live in his privileged areas among him—he has accepted you—he hasn’t. If you think because you go to a lodge and do secret handshakes, while studying secret documents from York or Scottish Rite and tradition, extended from the British European traditions dating back to Biblical times—you have become a free and accepted member of their social equality—you are sadly mistaken. Every culture that the Western world has colonized or the European has had the privy to meet, has a sob story to tell at the end of the day—where that meeting is concerned. The truth of the matter is, they have become great at smiling and using political correctness, while keeping you apart from their true social equality and brotherhood. The European discriminates between each other, but is united concerning their opinion of people and cultures which are non-Europeans. True, they have layers of discrimination and ways of handling each sub-species of man—but at the end of the day, the sun could never set upon parts of the British Empire and its influence overrode them all; that is to say, there are still tea times in the jungles of the most secluded lands. . .
Racism for Blacks, then, should be no surprise. In medieval times, there was serfdom and great battles were fought to received equal rights and privileges; but at the end of the day—the serfs were still considered their slave class and therefore beneath the rest of society. If you are using a credit card because you cannot by everything outright in cash, then you are a borrower and not able to live without assistance. I am not talking about people who have money tied up in investment and have temporary cash flow problems—I am talking about people who have yet to earn the money and have it in their accounts. If you are he or she, you are not outside of serfdom, and are looked down upon those of the West who can buy everything outright. Check it out or trust me on this, it is absolutely true—whether you see their discrimination or not! We Blacks in America, just happen to be a society of people who fell under the distinction of mainly being used as a tool for extracting the mineral riches of this colonized land, at no benefit for ourselves in assisting the Western man in doing so. This may come as a shock, but we are still viewed as discarded tools that have overgrown our level of usefulness to the White race, and now they want to tell you that you can go back to Africa, but they will not pay you for more than 459 years of giving them service—aka, no wage repatriation. As it was said in the movie, Prizzi’s Honor: “I can hear him. He always used to say: The Jews are bad enough in this business. . . But the Sicilians’d rather eat their children than part with money. And they’re fond of their children.”
Bill Cosby had to learn this the hard way, as did Magic Johnson at the hands of Donald Sterling (former basketball team owner of the Los Angeles Clippers). In spite of what they say, there are still some deniability on their parts, because they still want to be part of the dream that is America. It lives on, because they can't let go—it lives within them; their belief literally 'will it on.' Despite the tragedies experienced by Blacks, the belief by some of our people continues. Like most drug addicts, many believe there's exceptions. They believe they are different. Charles Barkley doesn’t get it, because he’s married to a White woman and lives among White neighbors—so therefore, he thinks he is accepted. But if a riot broke out today or tomorrow, none would be safe regardless. The mobs would not pass by his house because of his affiliation, money, or 'hand shaken' agreement. These are thousands of years in preparation. These are ideas, that are involved in a tradition that runs onto to current day. Over in England, bigotry runs in class—in America, it runs in lines of color; delineated in levels of hierarchy—but never crossing. To mother country and colonizers, the world is their oyster—and as England once said unwittingly, “The Sun never sets.” Art imitates life, and life imitates social possession. Truth crushed to the ground shall aways rise again.
Where better to start, than your origin in this world?
If you study things in their infancy, you get a better understanding of these things—than if attempt you to understand these things, when they are older. The rich slave makers desire to make slaves out of all they can, so they can rob them, and live in luxury. Whether you are the overseer or the servant, you are still under the jurisdiction of the master. They never will teach you how to be free, so why do you think they should teach you correctly about your origin in this world? Then you would be free of your fetters, now wouldn’t you?
Emotions have taken the place of better judgments; judgments which should be governed by rationality. Look across America—no one wants to follow discipline anymore; so how can the true teachings penetrate those type of followers? The most insidiously diabolical thing we could have ever learned from our transplanted home, is to go according to how we feel. Fear is a vey powerful emotion now, isn’t it? Our enemies terrorize in white sheets claiming to be followers of Christ now, don’t they? Only when you recognize that emotions are feelings, and feelings are brought on by your considerations, will you ever be able to liberate yourself. Feelings are not your own—just like thoughts are not—they are the things for you to consider. We must not take gain, nor lost to heart—we must remain unfettered by the things which happen. They are our teaching tool and we must become wiser as a result of them. Only when we let go of what we hold onto, can we see what we were meant to be. God has no graven images, nor can we have graven images of ourselves if we are to walk the path that the true and living God traversed. Knowledge is the foundation of all things in existence. Wisdom is the way. Understanding shows you when you are on your way.
We must take another look at who the true and living God is, and our origin in this world. Please go back and peruse my previous articles again. I’m sure you will appreciate the “sentiments,” especially given your “sensibilities”—it will tend to make “sense.” After all, there is a thin line between love, hate, and righteousness. Watch how they play with words. Weigh them carefully.
Thank you for your consideration,
C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers