The Juxtaposition;
|ˌjəkstəpəˈziSHən| noun The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect: the juxtaposition of these two images.
If you haven't picked up anything yet, bear witness to the fact that the data that I've used to prove my assertions—is not mainly through authors of my own kind and orientation, but from research using Western means; using Western authors to support my assertions. We are descendants from great civilizations, while the Western man was still living in caves—isolated in the remote area called West Asia, as they now call it Europe. These facts are well known by the learned in the East and West, and those descendants in the North and the South. While our experience here in America is quite humbling, our overall legacy (as Black people) is quite impressive. Our ancient wisdom currently holds the key to our salvation in present times. Those concepts embraced, elevated us to a point where we built things that current day Europeans still marvel as the Wonders of the World. This is not a pitch to return to so called Africa—or to be nostalgic—but part of a resurgence to return to the ancient principles which built these great civilizations—to reestablish ourselves in modern times.
If you go back to read my earlier articles, from beginning to the end, you will notice that I am giving you nifty words, antidotes, and concise definitions. I am not trying to floss like I'm thoroughly articulate (though there is nothing wrong with that), I am striving to accurately describe a noumenal reality I want you to be acquainted with; a reality which has not been experienced much in the West, but embraced in the East and Central Asia; amongst the Black lands and used in the rise of several Black Empires in the motherland, as well as throughout Arabia, India, and China. No, I'm not being a stickler for words and semantics, my aim is to give you concepts and ideas, so that you can visualize in real-time, modern day, third-eye vision beyond the confines of the Western world:
In order to be, you must see. . . You must use your imagination and
think about it. Imagine a world with these things with it. Imagination is
key in conceptualization, visualization and your aims to achieve. In order
to grow into a role, you must first use your imagination—or see yourself
as: This meditation is crucial in the development from man into a much
nobler or godly creature (so go back and create your own dictionary of
conscious terms from my articles).
think about it. Imagine a world with these things with it. Imagination is
key in conceptualization, visualization and your aims to achieve. In order
to grow into a role, you must first use your imagination—or see yourself
as: This meditation is crucial in the development from man into a much
nobler or godly creature (so go back and create your own dictionary of
conscious terms from my articles).
One of the things I want to acquaint you with, is that all things in life are dual. It is a Kabbalistic concept [Kabala is from Khamit (Kemit) and has been experienced by the Hebrews but is not a Jewish invention], that persists throughout the ages—so put it in your mental tool box, because it is going to be useful to you throughout this journey. In my last article I said, "God is a noumenal reality, seen through the eyes of a civilly-minded person. In sovereignty and nobility, there is a reliance on providence; with the noble class being the earthly facilitators. In traditional Central Asia [so-called Traditional Africa], a king is cultivated to abnegate most of his personal life and sentiments, for the preoccupation and consideration of the people: In exchange for this type of focus and sacrifice, the civilly-minded person is endowed with knowledge and wisdom far, far beyond normal understanding; because the focus is dedicated to the consideration of a large group—their ups, their downs, their complications, considerations, needs, interests, etc. A righteous destiny and understanding comes from this type of awareness, commitment, force, and presence. Such preoccupation cultivates awareness; not to mention develops acumen—due to the undying dedication and preponderance of such types of unification factors, such as morals, values, justice, mercy.” If you taken the time to look at the definitions by clicking on the green triggers, you should have gained some valuable insight.
It is important that you see yourselves as kings and queens, and not the peasants this Western reality would have you believe. There has been arrested development here, in America, for you, because there's no people like you are in their driver's seat, and these charlatans (called custodians) have been giving you the wrong mental foods. The problem is, they simply cannot educate beings like you and me—their evolution just isn't high enough or sophisticated enough, to be teaching ancient beings like yourself.
It is important that you see yourselves as kings and queens, and not the peasants this Western reality would have you believe. There has been arrested development here, in America, for you, because there's no people like you are in their driver's seat, and these charlatans (called custodians) have been giving you the wrong mental foods. The problem is, they simply cannot educate beings like you and me—their evolution just isn't high enough or sophisticated enough, to be teaching ancient beings like yourself.
Most of you have heard of worship, but very few of my readers have heard of word-ship: Wordship is the status and capacity of words. Many of you have heard of chanting and mantras; Buddhist are known to use chanting. There is a common saying amongst various peoples of the world that, "If you repeat something long enough to yourself, you just might believe it." Traditional Indians make use of mantras in their Vedic traditions. Mantra is described in the West as, words of power or sounds repeated to aid concentration in meditation or Vedic hymns. This is not the most accurate description of the phenomenon. It is not the words that have power in Wordship; it is the meaning, concepts, and ideas behind them which give words the power to change and direct! Ideas are visualizations created by suggestion, with driving elements attached; the suggestion comes from the meaning of the word: The concept is the general notion, overall picture, plan or intention—making its ideology, or system of ideas and manner of thinking, phenotypical to the science of ideas; the study of their origin and nature. When an idea is accepted and it combines with affiliated thoughts within your conscious realm, they become powerfully driven ideas called Elementars; that is, ideas impossible to stop from materializing. In other words, this is where the concepts start to steer your life events. There's nothing wrong with that, if you agree to the terms. . .
These ideas come into your life when you are reasoning things out, or trying to make sense out of the world you are living in; at those times, you need antidotes, solutions and coping skills or just the ability to disconnect and tune into another reality. This is where Wordship becomes useful. It also becomes useful in the creating of a better you.
These ideas come into your life when you are reasoning things out, or trying to make sense out of the world you are living in; at those times, you need antidotes, solutions and coping skills or just the ability to disconnect and tune into another reality. This is where Wordship becomes useful. It also becomes useful in the creating of a better you.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” —John 1:1. “God is a Spirit: And they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth” —John 4:24. For those who take the religious route, this may be enough—but according to all the accounts in esoteric science, God is consciousness [knowledge or awareness] dwelling in a highly refined form of energy or fluid thought, thought to culminate into, and govern physical phenomena. This indicates that you must take an energetic, proactive approach to living your life and embracing your godhead.
When you consider “Spirit” to mean; “those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group; or in the thought and attitudes of a particular period or place in time”—it all begins to make sense. The “Word” represents the consciousness or the awareness of the concept. The “Spirit” is indicative of the fluid thought process which follows, when the concept is considered (as a potential act); culminating into an idea, ideas, or ideology of elemental energized thoughts; which all gets composited into an earthly or fleshly form; consisting of these “thoughts and attitudes of a particular period or place in time” or the “birth of Jesus/Isa” (depending on how devoted one is to the word).
Of this John said: “ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. (1) The same was in the beginning with God. (2) All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made, that was made. (3) In him was life; and the life was the light of men. (4) And the light shineth in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not. (5) He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. (10) He came unto his own, and his own received him not. (11) But as many as received him, to them gave he the power to become the “sons of God,” even to them that believe on his name: (12) Which was born, not of blood, nor the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God. (13) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth (14)” —John 1:1-5; 1:10-14.
Quite a fascinating passage! Verse thirteen, seems to refer to the “personal abnegation that kings make in traditional Central Asia, concerning his personal life and sentiments, for that of a preoccupation and consideration for the people”—“not of blood, nor the will [wants] of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” Every Blackman should aspire to be like this; in the way that most of my Black contemporaries aspired to be like Spock on the original Star Trek.
Of course, you will find some Christians, who will state: “That is the way of kings, but Jesus is the king of kings.” But to that assertion, I would remind those, who think along those lines, “We are made in the image and likeness of God,” and that all kings are representations of God; governing their people according to His divine will. And Psalms 82:6 [written by King David of Israel] clearly states: “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Mind you, there is no limitation as to how close the Supreme Being can make someone in His own image and likeness. The key point to this is, “How willing are you, to go along with the program?” What sacrifices will you make?
How many Christians imitate Christ? That’s what the word, “Christian" means. Wu Tang Clan called the Bible, “The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!” So aren’t we supposed to be using Jesus as a reachable example, instead of putting him on a pedestal that no one could obtain? In other words, what is the purpose of having God on Earth, if it is not to show that living that way is doable (I think the other way is the charlatan’s way of making himself rich)? Yes, imitating Jesus isn’t easy—that’s why Jesus’ students were called “disciples” (due to the amount of “discipline” it takes to carry it out). But Western people must have thought it was doable at one point, because they believed their kings had divine right. . .
In my previous article, it was said, “In traditional Central Asia [or so-called Traditional Africa], a king is cultivated to abnegate most of his personal life and sentiments, for the preoccupation and consideration of his people: In exchange for this type of focus and sacrifice, the civily-minded person [or king], is endowed with knowledge and wisdom far, far beyond normal understanding. The issue here is social evolution (on various levels); In other words, within family, humanity, and civilization—there is an evolution taking place: From baby to toddler, from child to adolescence, from adult to parent, and from parent to nobility; there is a responsible acceptance of more and more social responsibility that distinguishes one social group from the other: In order to evolve, you must involve yourself in social endeavors. In nobility, at least from the Eastern and Central Asian perspective, the emphasis is the undying commitment that is felt from the heart of the person.”
It was meant for us to grow from offspring to baby; baby to child; child to man; man to father; father to king; king to king of kings or God. Jesus is son of God and so are you (so says Psalms 82). In order to evolve, you must involve yourself. “Deeds, not Words.” —“Deeds, Not Words,” Max Roach.
This is a very important issue to grasp: You got to take gaining knowledge of yourself—awareness of yourself—seriously; and remain conscious of this fact: What you put into it, is what you’ll get out of it! “And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make”—“The End,” John Lennon & The Beatles. You have to want to be better, to be better; you got to love the life you live, and live the life you love! The emphasis is the feeling of it from your heart; serious contemplation and commitment to that which you find to be true. You have to be enthused about getting things right; for yourself and for you people! A scientist is one who is devoted to knowing. Political science is the science of the people. We could be so much more, if we put our minds to it:
“We must get closer to the essence of life,
Must be aware that it takes courage and strife;
Expand your mind, don’t let it whither and die
You’ll find it’ll lift your spirit, high to the sky.”
—“Heavenly Bodies,” Andy Bey/Gary Bartz & Ntu Troop
Before going any further, I am not quoting Bible passages because I am a religious man or because I favor Christianity; I do not believe in organized religion: I am quoting the Bible, because I rely on the wisdom, chronological, and anthropological value and veracity contained within The Book. To me, religion (rituals to tie one back to the source) is developed from within; not without. When I know the Qur’an, like I know the Bible and Realization Of Neter Nu, Kabbala, Metu Neter, etc., I will resource and reference it also; in the same way. I am a scientist, first and foremost. Secondly, I am about the Science of God; The love of that ancient and wisdom as revealed through man via his experiences and writings. Therefore I use these books of antiquity, because they sought to save humanity, by keeping our beings on a balanced path. I have a commitment to reach as many people as possible, with the truth bestowed to me, on the road I'm on. To this endeavor, I maintain a scientific approach; documenting what I say, when I can—without sounding superfluous, too erudite, or opinionated: Truth and accuracy is what I am after, when dealing with this subject; and the proper understanding is key when instructing others.
Man’s evolution to a divine being is what I am after, generally; the Blackman and Blackwoman’s apex and rise back into their proper place, specifically. We are the world's most ancient people, not the caveman—but we have fallen out of grace and he's had 6,000 years to rule. I do not see man's evolution into divine beings, as the concern or philosophy of America, or Europeans. They have embraced capitalism and the stock exchange. The West has lost the civilization emphasis, long since the ancient days of Greece, and culminated a philosophy of world domination, since the days of ancient Rome. Most of the current day illnesses plaguing the world—can be traced back to Western cultural influence and ideology—as a result of their world domination and so-called philosophy; not necessarily because they are inherently evil—but because of their ignorances and arrogance; alongside the fact, that once the world was dominated by the West, the rest of the world (generally speaking), stopped reasoning and thinking for themselves. The world has seem to have lost its’ “objectivity” and became almost completely “subject” to this school of thought.*
It is like the West put the rest of the world under some magic spell—making the rest of the world tied into the fate that Europe has. I know the world is brighter than that. This ideology must be resisted by the rest of the world. We are more ancient and much more wiser than that; I mean, to be fooled by the European into thinking that his ethnocentric way is the right way. We have got to be more anthropological than that! Let’s dig into our legacy and chronicles and see what we can do to right this ship. Knowledge and awareness is always the key to wisdom and understanding; but to truly know better, you must do better.
[*I have never agreed to this sort of logic: If “I” or “We” is the subject of the sentence, then (logically) being “object-ive” is truly being the object of the sentence or speaking from an opinionated or “direct object” point of view (such as John hits the object called “ball”); making “subject-ive” mean, “looking at things from the overall point of view” (from the “We” perspective) and not the erroneous “subjected to” designation assigned to it, in that type of wordplay. These concepts are “loops in Western logic.”]
Anyway, that word Spirit is an interesting word. It comes from the Hebrew word, Spiroth, with means “spiraling motion of the breath” (inhalation-exhalation/centripetal-centrifugal forces)—in ancient Khammau, it is Nefer: like Zephyr (gentle breeze) or a rapture (enthusiasm or as some believe—as the Second Coming of Christ). Now these things suggest a wave-like influence; tsunami-like in impression; as being part of some gigantic wave length:
“A vibration or vibratory rate in which things are in tune—
as in music, harmony, and song—the same or similar, does
what it takes, to get along.” —Quotation's mine.
When I think of spirit in the West, I think of the Spirit of 1776; where change was in the air. Not everyone was down with that vibe, but there were enough people who were tired with the way things were and plenty of zealots available to stir public sentiments. They were tired of being under British rule and being taxed without proper representation in British government and sought to do something about it. This led to the revolution of the new colony against the British government, the rise of democracy and disposal of the rulership of kings, and the rise of the presidential leadership. In other words, there's an idea, it matches with the public sentiment and interests of the people; it catches on—and people are driven to work under that cause and ideals: That's not uncommon at all. You may say, that they were on the same vibe, but I'd say, its part of the ideology behind words—sort of like the path of the math, so to speak.
The events that happen in our lives, often reflect the values we have as people. We use these values we have to evaluate circumstances and to help us make decisions—in effect, to determine our path and help us stir clear of certain roads. Because of the way we are taught, many people feel that fate is predetermined, but this perspective suggests that fate is predetermined along the roads you choose: Meaning that each word is a concept or idea—many of which, are values and assessments concerning various issues. The ideas behind words also possess a certain power, distinguishable from other powers possess by other words. Words have qualities assigned to them as well; making some qualities work well with each other and others which do not. When we're feeling the spirit of change, each of us may experience it differently, depending on our values; but it is important that we learn how to coordinate the abilities we see present among the people we know, and work within those guidelines—for all of us have a job to do, in conjunction for the one common cause.
In the Western world, this power was represented by the Greek and Roman Pantheons. It was said that these gods ruled over the affairs of White people within the West. They were believed to have an effect over their emotions. In the Greek and Roman world, there is a "King of the gods" present, but somehow the other gods are able to plot and create intrigue, behind a supposedly omniscient entity's back (demonstrative of how the West worships Rugged Individualism). Of course, this is not the same as Kabbalistic societies, where the realm of Kether, or the supernal chief governing body, has a chief or father of the Gods, who is the reflection of the concept and idea of the Supreme being's (or the Supreme One's) infinite potential and undifferentiated energy/matter within the concepts of creation in present day; represented by God and other deities or angels.
We today, often speak about vibes; "I don't dig that kat's vibes—we're not on the same page, etc., etc." This often suggests that we stay in tune, operate on the same vibration or vibe along similar lines—so to speak—keep harmony, or a kindred rhythm; as to maintain melody, we should be just fine. Each personality moves at a certain rate of vibration; just like each color does and each note on the scale. Some colors are primary, others are secondary—some combinations are complementary and others clash; the same goes with notes in music. As all these things have their social significance as well, in terms of different personas, different values, etc. As the word literally states in the Western World, Spirit: Those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation or group; in the thought and attitudes of a particular period; a mood, especially one prevailing at a particular time; the quality of courage, energy and determination or assertiveness; to stimulate [as in vibrate or stir].
The significance here is that we are involved in an evolution from boys to men and from men to divine beings. The difference between children and adults is social responsibility. The difference between and adult and a parent is communal development. In a multi-cultural environment, within a communal setting—the emphasis is representation and politics: If you don't have proper representation within the community, your interests and needs will simply not be taken care of properly; that is, no more than you can expect someone who is not the same race, color or creed to know what it is that your people need or what your interest are.
Too often, we as black people suffer from complacency. We move to a nice area, because it looks nice, but we do not get involved in community politics. We do not find out how to get things done within that community, who the representatives are, or what resources are available. In other words, we are not involved. We expect to get what everyone else gets, that lives in that community—but we expect someone else to provide the service for us. I know that as a city dweller, for example, we do not have the same ordinances as our suburbs. We do not pay to have our trash hauled, and our community centers are different. Yet, they are more politically organized persons in the suburbs. In some urban areas, it may not even be that organized, but this is a reflection of the people who occupy it—there's less community involvement by its members. In a multi-cultural neighborhood, one may look at things being done in certain parts, which are not being done in other parts—but that just might be because one group is more politically organized, while the other may be waiting for "what the community board will come up with."
Slick Rick once said, "Hey young world, the world is yours. . ." and it is. At some point, the youth will inherit our positions, whether they want to or not—and life will be what THEY make it. If they choose to participate in the process to determine their rights and freedom, there will be a consequence; and if they sit back and simply let others control their destiny, there will be a consequence—just complaining to each other will do relatively nothing. "It's deeds not words," that gets the job done.
When I see the young members of current Black Self Development groups, I get a little dismayed. They all seem like shadows of their former self. The single most cause is that there is too much individual ego in all of them for me. This leaves room for bribes, single gains, petty jealousies, envy and separate agendas. When San Antonio won the championship against the Miami Heat, I immediately knew why: They faced a real team. You have notable stars like Lebron James, Dwayne Wade on the Heat, but no one considers Parker like Dwayne Wade. Rarely does anybody considers Tim Duncan like the superstar he is. That's because he is part of a team, doing his part. He is part of a well-oiled machine, where each player does his part to the best of their ability. It takes a concerted effort, on the part of everyone, to get the job done. You never think of teams like the Spurs, as a team full of stars; you think of them as a well coached team, with placated egos, hoisting a bunch of championship rings; and that's the type of thing we need to see in today's youth, if they too are ever going to amount to anything great. These are exciting times. Today's youth have the right dynamic to really elevate us, as a people. Right now, our attitude, is our single-most obstacle in getting the job done. We are to "me" oriented. We need unity to fight our way out of the "belly of the beast."
People "crack me up," when they come trying to "pick and choose" in the Knowledge of Self category. First of all, which cultural ways are you using to judge which parts you are going to take? What is the real value of what you know so far? If you knew what it took, you'd look like a said person of that ability, from the jump; displaying manifestations of acumen far beyond your capability—based upon your experience. You'd be thinking and dreaming as one. When you know something first, and experience it second, the extraction of wisdom and understanding, or the underlying significance of that experience is far greater, because you know what you are looking at. There is no substitute for that. Until we thoroughly learn something different, we are people from another culture, throughly indulged in the "Ways of the States," a way other than the people we have come from—we are Westernized with Western ideology and approaches. The something different is what you don't know about our legacy. I've spent so much time enumerating the ways, because the ways in which you have been indoctrinated, are many. You may think you are embracing your culture, heritage and Blackness, but if you look real close, you'd see a "white-washed" phenomenon: Even to this day, you have young people looking at mixed heritage as some sort of advantage. Don't believe me, ask Tiger Woods.
The first thing a person must do, in such endeavors, is to humble himself or herself to the fact that they know very little about what it takes to be what they are attempting to learn about. If they did, they would "be that" already. What I know is a conglomeration of all the great people ever known. I am because we are. If I am the greatest but my people are nothing, then I am a great nothing unless I do something to uplift us; and I wouldn't be surprised if my ego didn't contribute to our degradation. Second of all, it takes discipline and concentration to achieve levels of excellence. Part of the problem facing today's devotees is mix-matching or making your own combinations. Before you can mix-match anything, you must know what it is, be thoroughly familiar with the nature of the thing, and know that one thing CAN be substituted for the other. You can only learn that, by studying that discipline—within itself; with no comparisons. Appreciate the discipline for its own beauty. Many times, the reason one chooses one way above another—is Western prejudices and bigotry superimposed, as proper judgment. If you have no prior experience, you cannot make a proper judgment.
Many may retort my statement by saying, "It just doesn't feel right." But I will remind you, that there is a difficulty affiliated with starting any and every thing for the first time. It takes time to get your feelings in line with what you know is the right way. It takes attitude adjustment. When you are seemingly, "a natural," it is because you embrace values and principles—which are similar to the thing(s) you are learning. This is what is known as "a said person of that ability." But even with that, you must be taught by someone who has been on the road a little longer than you. In the East, this is the meaning of a "Master." To many, Master means to accomplish or do the thing you set out to do. Those folks will be familiar with the pit-falls and snares along the way.
We'll just have to reintroduce love and trust to Us again. More later.
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