Thursday, July 24, 2014


  conundrum |kəˈnəndrəmnoun (pl. conundrums)    A confusing and difficult problem or question: One of the most difficult conundrums     for the experts.   • A question asked for amusement, typically one with a pun in its answer; a riddle.
Your destiny lies in your ability to use your imagination.  No serious changes will ever take place in your life, if you can't see yourself in the role; if you can't see yourself as a prince or princess--but this ain't no fantasy--this is reality. It is based upon things expressed to you, that you know are true.  These are the thoughts that you chose, the ones you can't lose with; the ones which are right and exact--exactly the type of ideology you need, during an  era when you can never be sure about anything or anybody.  Your success in life, relies on  your use of imagination, spontaneity and creativity.  If you hold thoughts of uncertainty,  disbelief, or opposing thoughts, you simply won't achieve.  You will just get blind-sided by a steady stream of thoughts displaying doubts and inabilities—nullifying your own ideas; both coming from none other than y-o-u.  You have to be able to imagine yourself as; and you must have faith in your role; and you must be sure.  Not by blind faith, but a faith that comes from knowing the truth—a truth that knows that if it happened before, it can happen again; given similar circumstances.  This is the reason why we research and study so hard; to find the truth that will remove all doubt.  The thoughts we choose, are the ones we can't lose with.  The interests I have, represent the interest we have as a people; all the rights we yearn for.

And our people represent each one of us as a single entity; our mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, grands, great grands, and great great grands; our tribe and all its branches; the group of kindred tribes; The land we stand on; the things our ancestors accomplished; our previous evolution until today; in general, our ways and the purpose we were put on this earth to fulfill, is all included in who we are.  We have achieved so much over millenniums  and the efforts we made and enriched "the soil" for the offspring that we have left; and the ones who are sure to come.  You cannot even consider your true identity, without considering the input of everyone who came before your incarnation.  These people are your family line, and they have an impact as to where you are presently.  Why, knowing your own medical history even requires knowledge of your extended family's medical history!  These beings are the people we love, and the ones we've been loved by.  Their interests represent our interests, or at least the things which are important to us; their rights are our rights, because it's our lives we're fighting for.  You can't expect no other people to give a damn about us, no more than you can expect other people to fight for our rights with the same conviction or commitment.  No other nation should hold the destiny of another nation, or group of people, in the palm of its hands—not even America.  Inspire yourselfyour life is yours; it fits you like your skinYou are who you are—we are members of the oldest people on this planet—and you should be proud of that.  Be that.

No other people can appreciate your individual circumstances like Black people; especially not the European.  They have never been through the same things that we've been through.  They don't see things the way that you do; and there's nothing necessarily wrong with that.  All ethnic groups have their own ethnocentric perspective.  Some call this perspective  national pride.  However, America is a place where the White man wrestled away the land from the natives by deceptionand as a people, Whites have never had your best interests at heart either.  Many of their kin are the reason for your ancestor's enslavement; and the reason for you being here in this country.  There is no rationale, justification or nice way to put that.  Their rationale was enslavement and/or menial servitude for people they thought to be inferior and as a group, they had no intentions of granting your freedom—which is something you should never forget.  Go to any history museum, concerning this issue, and you will see—over and over againthe Blackman has never been treated fairly, unless he fought to achieve it; so its ludicrous to believe, "And justice for all," includes you and I, when it is being stated in this country.  "We've seen the rose, but we've only tasted the thistles."  Truly, there is no equality in that at all.  Not that I am saying that Whites are all our enemies, or all of them are inherently evilthey're just different from us as a peopleand that difference makes them a separate people with a different agenda.  Thus you cannot rely on them to take care of our interests. 

This noble specimen is Heru.  In Khamit culture of Central Asia, Heru is the archetype of the avenger of Truth (which was the murder of Ausar).  The round sphere above heru's head, represents a conglomerate on one hand, and a singularity on the other; it is both "I" and "We" at the same time [as in "Let us make man in our own image and likeness].  It represents the Supreme One personified; in our personal sphere of development, the sphere represents the body of Ausar; In this picture, it is the Sun surrounded by Sekhert, the protective coating around the edges of the sun—represented by the serpent.  "I am he, as you are he, as you are me, and we are all together"—"I Am The Walrus," by the Beatles.  "I am because We are"—The Great Sun; the Truth; the All knowing: The great teacher putting all on their paths; or Us, on the rise.    

I took my young daughter to the African American Museum, here in Philly.  And while she was learning our sojourn in America for the first timeI was observing how many times we've been lied to over the course of American and European History.  I knowing what I know now; I am aware that the Greek Orthodox Church's Bible was the first European Bible, and its Bible bears no resemblance to the Vulgate [a Roman or Latin version translating the book of wisdom God gave to the Hebrew people].  Catholicism is a European modification of the Hebrew religion after the birth of the Messiah, that a few years earlier,  the Roman  government killed every Christian for worshipping.  Ironically, the Catholic form of worship bears no resemblance to what Jesus practiced, or Hebrew way of doing things.  Catholicism does not even resemble the earlier Greek Orthodox version that preceded it; which is the oldest form of all European Christianity.  How can we trust a system like that (not Hebrew teachings but Western Christianity), as the basis of our guidance?      

By the time Europeans were ready to colonize, subjugate, rob and plunder (like pirates) for King and country, Europe was no longer being ruled by a pope who coronated kings.  This was the beginning stages of the new European nationalism. Many European countries were following the dictates of several protesters against the Catholic Church--like John Calvin and Martin Luther; as a means of gaining political control of their own countries by breaking away from the power of the Catholic Church.  The English had formed the Anglican or Episcopal Church, but advocated the Bible of King James as the authentic translation of the Hebrew teachingsand even that does not bear a more accurate translation of Hebrew teachings; the move was more political than anything else.  If the European idea was to acquire Hebrew wisdom, practices and legacyby translating the Torah, Talmud and Zohar and disseminating Hebrew ways throughout European culture and religionby this time, the path was somewhat muddled.  The ironic part is, we are following the Western matrix towards Hebrew ways.   

But let's not forget why I brought this religious conundrum up to begin with.  During slavery, it was customary that the master of the house be dressed by his male servants.  Today, this is the work of a butler, valet or personal manservant—as it still is in England today.  However, during this time, if this master was a White Freemason, his slave valet would be required to carry out the same service for his master while performing his rituals, duties and obligations in their clandestine meetings within American society.  Pretty soon, the American Masons caught on—realizing that the valets were also learning the craft and must take the oath themselves—and this was the beginning of the Black Freemasons in America [albeit a closed society initially (not able to initiate new members) until Prince Hall, Absalom Jones and Richard Allen changed things].  This becomes a key point later on.  

On the plantation, the slave master allowed his slaves to be taught religiously, according to the religious customs in Europe.  In England, during and after Henry VIII, there was a lot religious moves done for political reasons—this by no means ended with King James the IV of Scotland, who became King James I of the English throne; after the death of his relative Queen Elizabeth.  The political outcome was the birth of the King James Bible. 

Now those who were made Black Masons were naturally favored [much like some famous entertainers like Jayz and Beyonce are favored today], and therefore placed over the affairs of their contemporaries in servitude [some considered them "sell-outs" in the past].  And since the slave master used the "moral rope" of religion to bind his slaves or keep them in order; those slaves who showed aptitude and loyalty to their masters and good at public speaking, were naturally made ministers and spiritual leaders over his plantation.  So, in the case of Richard Allen—both criteria were fulfilled; evident in the founding and leadership of the first African Methodist Episcopal Church [A. M. E.] in America: Mother BethelThus a Blackman bonded to the same obligations (used to keep the European civil) to the lodge in York, England, and a selected leader to keep the Black menial class in order; was the right man for the job for the American population.  Malcolm X described these type of leaders as "tide breakers," or the jutted rock formations along the shore; used to disperse the strength of the waves, as they approach the shore.

So whenever a radical element appeared among the captives, like Nat Turner or Denmark Vesey, the radicals may have thought they were appeasing the common interests of the slave population by convening in church—but in reality, unwittingly, they were meeting with clandestine and religious elementsmore loyal to their positions and privileges among White society, than they were to Blacks interests and their relentless pursuit of freedom [hence the term; "sell-out"]: Thus these types give novel definition to the term, “Free and Accepted.”

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad [previously a Mason himself] once said of the Black Mason: There used to be a time when joining the Masons was the only way a Blackman had the opportunity for knowledge and civilized behavior in America, but since the coming of Master Fard; the opportunity for finding his purpose has become far greater.  Eventually, Prince Hall & Company broke away from the York Lodge and stop sending dues; indicative of those becoming autonomous or independent—but if you are not actively a part of that organization, you can never really tell where their allegiance lies, since their nature is a clandestine one. . . 

When I look at the Christian movement within Europe, it appeared initially that the interest was to transplant the wisdom of the Hebrew teachings and the coming of the Messiah, into European culture; as evident in  the advent of the Septuagint Bible [note: Ptolemy Philadelphus II (285-247 BC) ordered the translation under auspices of Alexander the Great for Greek edification (not Jewish or Hebrew)  as St. Augustine, St. Jerome, and Western media, and Western scholarship seem to suggest].  And, by the way, there's an impressive Greek Orthodox Church called St George, on 8th Street, in Philadelphia, where you can possibly view how their services are done.  However, by the time you get to the Vulgate version of the Bible, Constantine The Great and the Holy Roman Empire, Martin Lutherthe Episcopalor John Calvin and the Presbytery—you have popes, bishops, elders, religious protests and religious reforms on things, that have nothing to do with the covenant, rabbis, Hebrew priests, or Hebrew philosophical teachings.  

This represents one of my pet peeves concerning "organized religion."  In keeping with my philosophy between Us and Them, I am more prone to read the translation in the Bible, and extract my wisdom from there; rather than deal with the ways religious nominations in West Asia (aka Europe) founded; which are political and philosophical ritualistic power playsbetween kings, popes, bishops, bourgeoisie and European serfdom; while having less to do with Hebrew teachings, or the ability of Whites to live by a system laid down by Semitic people, as their own guidance. 

[Noteworthy: Look at the word, AfricanAsiatic group in the definition and origin of Semitic people.] 

Bottom line: we need to move away from letting White America play "follow the leader" with our future [while their own kind evolve], waving a "bunch of liberty carrots" in front of our face—while listening to divergent elements within our own Black communities, who do the bidding of our oppressors. 

What we've been striving to do in our writings, is to get you to see that divinity is the natural progression of our people's growth and development.  Humans are designed by the eternal  consciousness to grow into a more civilized moral creature and collaborate with others as a collective.  God resides among the collective.  Morals are rules designed out of love, to keep things right between people, and establish social harmony—simply because man is a social creature by nature; like ants or bees and to pull us together for collaboration, we need to feel appreciated in order to feel like we belong.  To my knowledge, God is present in group realities, and I'm sure the Original people knew that, because it is present in this verse: 

"Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them [there am I in the midst of them]"Matthew 18:19-20.

We show our faith in God being innately in the midsts of us, by how we cling to religion (on the continent as well as in America); way beyond what our oppressors have done in their homelands, how we overcome adversity, and how we "magically" work our way out of grave situations with this belief that, "God will see us through."

But what I am saying more specifically is: More Word-ship, and less worship of organized religion: ”Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved; a worker who does not need to be ashamed, and who correctly handles the word of truth [2 Timothy 2:15]"aka, Think for yourself and apply your findings.

I'm sure once you examine the meaning, and form your own bonds to the concepts expressed; by living by themyou will need less and less of "others" to show you the way!  The Black Renaissance in America, originated from the need to define ourselvesdistinctly, within the context of American society.  If the definition of insanity is to do the same things over and over again, but wanting different results; then the definition of sentient is to live your life based on things you know to be true.  In other words, "Put more care in eating, living and loving, and they’ll be more care in you!"  We have got to stop looking for this country to include us properly; We have got to learn to start taking care of ourselves properly!

When an idea is accepted (or allowed to be thought of as true), it  combines with affiliated thoughts within your conscious realm, and become powerfully driven ideas called Elementars; that is, ideas impossible to stop from materializing.  In other words, this is where the concepts start to steer your life events.  There's nothing wrong with taking the trip, if you agree to the terms. . . And this is precisely the issue.  Whether you accept the idea, or the idea slips by your watchful eye, it has the same effect—only in the second instance you have been sky-jacked; commandeered; bamboozled.  

This commandeering happens every time you watch reality shows.  It happens every time you view the outrageousness of the average television or hear a zany radio commercialor any advertisement going to extremes, to do the "hard sell."  When it happens, you become their zombie.  This happens when you watch shows and situation comedies, where the industry (or media) illustrates American life's responses to interracial marriages, alternative lifestyles, and race relations in general: If you don't immediately critically analyze the data being fed into your sphere of awareness for its veracity—it will go by unnoticed—not only by your better judgment, but your judgment in general; only to commandeer your soul and produce acts from its own bidding.

So what does that mean in plain English?  Ever had an impulse to do something, but you weren't sure where the motivation was coming from, or why you're being so blindly driven?  It could possibly be elementars created from an idea that got by your critical analysis.  George Clinton calls them, "Subliminal seducers."   

On the BBC Network Show, Luther, Alice Morgan [Ruth Wilson] says to Luther [Idris Elba]: "You know, in 1988 two psychologists published an article arguing that "positive self-deception" is a normal and advantageous part of most people's lives.  It turns out, people lie to themselves about three things: They view themselves in implausibly positive ways, they think they have far more control over their lives than they actually do, and they believe the future will be better than the evidence of the present can possibly justify." 

Speaking about justification, in the instance of the Black experience here in America, we've been bamboozled into believing that a contrasting genetic division of human species, a different group of people with another type of culture, history, language and behavior; a group distinctly different in physical characteristics and thought processes—would be able to consider us, take care of our needs as citizens, and protect our rights and interests as they would take care of their own!  

No where, in the chronicles of American history, or Western history (for that matter), has this type of phenomena ever occurred—and yet most of us act as if a travesty, like the Jews in Nazi Germany could not occur in America. . .  Truly, I would only hope to generate, a fraction of that faith and trust our people have, in each and every one of ourselves. . .

Yet, I know, not believing so—would "call all good men" to action; it would cause us to stand up: summoning forces which would galvanize heroes and "shame all cowards," into realistically looking at our chronology.  Any decent analysis shows that things could get ugly—like Bosnia.  So rather than letting it go there, most of our people ignore the obvious and take the docile approach; by putting their faith in the promise for better days and racial equality, made a people who already have what they want; giving a promise which hasn't happened for 459 years—and counting.  This belief in a promise that the future will get better than what our previous experiences has shown us, is a very delusional one.  It seems we'd rather not look at ourselves as lacking, so we look the other way on issues, "Pray on it," or view what we have accomplished in implausibly positive ways!  Delusion is what I call it.

Of course, we inherently know, change won't happen until we take preventive measures or learn to collaborate better, and that starts with the way we think concerning such issues.  Time out on protests, because it only means we are looking for White Americans to do things to correct it; but we need to answer their questions truthfully and tell them "things are not good between the two groups."  As a matter of fact, their society is changing and it is effective ours as well.  Right now, most of our young children today, do not know what it means to have both parents living in the same household.  

This is happening to both Blacks and Whites, but it is not being addressed in the White community, and there is no cohesive "Black Voice" [unified Black Media] speaking out on it as well.  Our children are not seeing both parents in the same household, nor are they experiencing how adults reconcile the differences between man and woman successfully.  These children are seeing more individualistic approaches by both parents, broken homes, hostility between parents, and "sorry-ass resolutions," laced with arguments about child support.  Blacks and Whites never viewed these things the same way, but in their quest for freedom they're glossing over of the issues has made all of its societies more lackadaisical.  In matters of family, sexuality, 'hood reality, sexuality, talking to the opposite sex—even dealing with sexual differences and alternative lifestyles—Blacks and Whites are totally different; so we are bound to have clashes in the way we do things.  But in this instance, both Black and White youth are experimenting with sexuality, and it is quite disturbing to the elderly Black community.  Our Black youth are now doing things in a way, unprecedented in Black community—and definitely unacceptable by previous Black standards; but in both cases our lack of examples of what a home looks like and individualism makes us culpable.


The reasons may be many, but underlying them all, is the overwhelming rationale that our personal woes and interests are more important than holding the family together.  This is folly brothers and sisters.  There are somethings which are, as John Mayer said; "Bigger Than My Body!"  By rejecting the urge to "stay together," the results are our children are never acquiring the social skills necessary to overcome the differences between members of the complementary sex; and as a result, many are becoming extremely polarized.  This is becoming extremely evident, in the willingness of many members of today's youth, in their  experiment in same sex escapades.  

Many of our youth have not had the opportunity to see a nuclear family, or man/woman relationships in proper group context; but they've experienced plenty of our ego-centered pettiness and bigotry.  Many of them were incarnated after the "thrill is gone" out of the relationship and the "soup has gone sour."  No wonder every one seems to be going their own way: We never taught them tolerance or how to maintain harmony in relationships.  Disillusioned men are seeking scandalous women of the wanton type, because they can just pay for what they want; reducing gratification down to its basic terms, with no promise of a future for the children who grow out of those weeds. Women who covet their children as personal paychecks and robots—are too busy following their own dreams, to bring their children up under their own personal guidance (if they even know how); and last but not least—the crack babies (and all others) who are lost and can't find their way back to their jump-off spot.  This foolishness has got to stop immediately!

Families are the very basis of civilization.  When families become relics, the society loses its integrity and results in chaos.  Some may feel that this is all right, because the wicked elements in American society are finally decaying the structure: But I caution you, if you are not preparing, or instituting some plan for your own survival, you are planning to fail, right along with those wicked elements.  America was never designed to put YOUR PEOPLE into positions of power!  Whites within America have never been subjugated in Europe as long as we have been in America, so they have no sense of what we've going through; either that or they're not concerned—since many of them are responsible.  Many of their families' fortunes have been made from our demise [slavery].  EITHER WAY, YOU HAVE GOT TO GRAB THE BULL BY THE HORNS, SIMPLY BECAUSE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS UPON IT [AS AMERICA'S SUBJUGATED PEOPLES]! 

As I said before, these things emerge from a sense of belonging.  For many of our people today, being Black is purely coincidental.  Therefore, when they see events happening to Blacks around the world, he or she don't become concerned for themselves independently, or the future of us as a people—they don't feel obligated that something has to be done, nor feel that they must collaborate with others that will.  It takes being obliged, to take appropriate action, and appropriate action is what will secure the world for more of our kind.    So why, as Blacks, are we waiting for others to do something before we consider it and  get in line?  I'm sure today's German Jews feel differently about this.  A child will never take care of their aging parent (as an adult), if they don't feel obligated out of a sense of duty that their parents once showed them.  This means conviction must rise from the heart.  We must feel the need to do so.  Urge, desire and anxiousness to do so will produce proper actions.  I know you want to immediately see what's in it for you, but you can look at what individualism produces, and quickly realize that loneliness, being "flea bitten," and "dog-eat-dog"—is not the way; Not to mention depending on another race to provide for our interest as a people.  

Besides, Whites have never been through the same things that we've been through.  There has been many enslaved people on this planet, but none but one had everything, including their mother tongue, taken away from them.  In matters of family, sexuality, 'hood reality, sexuality, talking to the opposite sex—even dealing with sexual differences and alternative lifestyles—Blacks and Whites are totally different; so we are bound to have clashes in the way we do things.  The point is, America is looking for Blacks to conform. . .

We must focus on relying on our own selves for development, survival, and prosperity.  Is that such a novel idea?  Why no, it's only natural to think this way.  No other ethnic group in the world, think like Blacks in America.  We act as though concerning ourselves about our own interests, is an affront to others.  Just because I want to see my people do better, does not mean I hate White people.  As a matter of fact, I believe we are still too dependent on America to begin with.  Sure she [America] should make up for what she has done, but I don't see waiting around, doing nothing until it happens, as the viable solution.  All nations look out for their own self interest and think their way is the best way to do things—whether they belong to a multicultural society like America—or not; otherwise, words like "ethnocentricity" would not exist.  Time out on waiting for our freedom, justice and equality—we need to make things happen for ourselves.  We need to make our own help because we need it.

When I was young, a wise man said to me, "All of what we see here came from the Great Sun.  Before that, there was only darkness.  All you have to do is close your eyes and you will see it again.  This is the place where thoughts blend and combine.  Some call it the mind, but the mind is universal.  You can't own that, we all share that: Just like thoughts—several of us can consider the same thought at the same time.  That's when we are in tune with each other or there's a spirit in the air; like during the time when the colonist felt unfairly taxed by England.  Seeing has to do with the third eye [pineal gland] visioning  thoughts to be considered for action.  This area of contemplation is called the sphere of awareness, because it represents all the things within the [universal] mind that you are aware of."

"Darkness came first—then came the light; just like Black people came first.  Some try to say we're cursed, but we are not—Nwah [Noah] curse his son Canaan; those were the Canaanites who became afflicted with leprosy—but that's another story; a whole other story."  

"The darkness contained God (and he was coherent) but he was not doing anythingjust being aware of all there is to know.  During this duration, there were no-things in existence.  Not that God wasn't capable of making them, just that he had not decided a reason to produce a world of things.  The power was there for it, but it subsist in a way like no power did in this world in which we live in; it subsists in one total mass; representing all potential power.  This power was undefined and immeasurable.  It had no shape, no size, no speed, no color, no vector—because it was undifferentiated and undefined.  It was just darkness, devoid of form."

"Knowing everything at once has its drawbacks.  First of all, because the Eternal One is without form, all that is known is instantaneously accessed faster than a blink of an eye.  Secondly, by being a consciousness without form, there could be no experience without a vessel or being to experience it through, so there's no real way of savoring or extracting the underlying significance of each experience.  There was also no way to experience any comparisons, since there is only one God; who subsists eternally without restrictions of time (since time was not created yet).  The Eternal One wanted to experience all the said qualities associated with omniscience.  The Eternal One is all knowing, present everywhere in this eternal darkness; possessing of all power—but without experience."

"So God started to create creation; starting with a place in which this manifestation could take place; for to not create a place would engage the Eternal One in an act which would limit the possibilities of one who is infinite; So a small portion of Self was dedicated to carrying out The Creator's will—and it was called the Universe, made of three layers of darkness; giving birth to the first sun, which was called the Great Sun; which God was said to have experienced that quality by manifesting the rest of the universe from that aspect of existence.  This is why the sun is symbolic to knowledge, awareness and enlightenment.  And to represent the One in manifestation, The Creator created an infinitude of forms—representing various aspects of the One's magnificence and ability to now compare.  But no matter how many ways you segment an orange, it is still an orange."

Wow!  Could you imagine that!  Much different from all organized religions, but strangely representing something—oh, so familiar with my essence.  Is it possible that all this time, I was not told the whole truth?  All life, an expression of just one being; one actor—using various forms as mere vessels to make assessments and comparisons.  Wow, if this is true, this changes everything. . .

More to come. . .

Thank you for your consideration,

C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 

Peace and Love.