Let's just consider the facts scientifically, impartially and for its potential merit--shall we? In More To Come, we were considering our origin in this world, from a non-European or Western approach. These writings we do; not from a religious—but scientific perspective, and we do so for the following reasons:
- We are not Europeans. We have a different culture, set of values, wisdom system or philosophy,* language, and ways about doing things. [* Philos does not mean love, but like; therefore philosophy doesn't really mean love of wisdom, but like of wisdom; however, I do mean love of wisdom].
- The two ways do not coincide with each other; Our people have a different approach. We have a different world view, interests, and relationship with God, man, and all God's creation. Our manner of treating people we come in contact with is different from theirs.
- We are the most ancient ones; we are the ones who evolved most of these systems of discipline, philosophies, and sciences that are revered. We left monuments around the world, of our grandeur and fame. Our ancient cities were hubs of the ancient world. . .
I know it seems odd, for a descendant of American slaves, like my persons, to make such an assertion; but that does not change the facts: The Christ, Buddha and Muhammad were Black. The Biblical Nwah (Noah) was Black; therefore his sons (kHam), Ham, Shem, and Ja'pheth were the offsprings of two Black parents. Moses was Black. Solomon was Black. King David was Black, because the ancient Hebrews were Black (otherwise how could Mary & Joseph hide out in Khamit [Egypt] while giving birth to baby Jesus). Abraham or Ibrahim was Black. Ha'gar was Black; and so was Ishmael. The Sumerians of Sumer-Akkad were Black. I could go on and on about our chronicles and Blackness (and will at another place), but these points will suffice for my assertion here; Because these personages form the basis of the governmental systems that shaped the beginning of the modern era; and those icons, as well as their disciplines originate from Black people.
Not being religious, but chronologically speaking, if there's any validity to the chronicle called the Bible, Abraham (Ibrahim) had two sons; one from Ha'gar, and another from Sara. These two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, become the basis through which the Arab and the Hebrew people take shape; Cultures in which, give us the Bible, The Covenant, and Qur'an (Koran). Kham is Nwah's son and he and his son Mis'raim are the basis in which we receive the ancient Khammau (so called Egyptian) culture; through which Ha'gar is a descendant.
Yes, there was slavery in Black lands, between Black people, but it does not change or justify the horrific travesties of Whites during the enslavement of Blacks in America and the Caribbean Islands. In many cases—in the motherland—it was customary to use slavery as a punishment for transgressions committed by a violating tribe; but this punishment was never intended for their children. In other words, in regard to wars and conflicts within Black lands, the vanquished could be enslaved—but in many, many cases—their children were allowed to continue with cultural continuity. It was not done as an act of superiority, by the tribe who received the services, it was done in respect to the legacy of the tribe; overtop of the tribes immediate transgression.
Also, most empires of the Ancient Black lands did not force religious and philosophical conversion upon their subjected peoples; So their cultural beliefs and integrity, as a people continued, despite slavery and subjugation. However, this was not the case when the European entered the Black slave market. That was an act of a people who believe themselves superior—acquiring one whom they considered to be inferior; and treated them as such; enslaving the man, woman and child, while creating a fortune and caucasian paradise.
In American slavery, I would not be allowed to read; my education would be only task-orientated, I would not be paid; and would I be considered as a brute animal, or beast of burden. I would not know what I am telling you now, if not for my due diligence—like Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman or Sojourner Truth. I marvel at what Mr. Douglass achieved—once he finagled a little White boy into teaching him how to read; his example should remind us that once we achieve something in American society, we should never give it back.
Most of our Civil Rights were achieved through the voting process, along with the help of conscientious members we put in office; therefore our struggle not to lose those rights, rely on the same process: Each generation must not cease to find proper candidates and vote on political issues, else we stand to gradually loose everything our people fought and died for.
Our goal should have not been peaceful integration during the 1960s, because integrated things of a different variety only lose their integrity. We have our own goals and interests, and therefore, naturally, we should be the ones to protect and maintain them; not someone else or some other people. Somewhere along the line, When looking for freedom, justice and equality—our ancestors got duped on the promise of integration, by the silver tongue of their oppressors [surely, the Native Americans could have furthered our education on that subject]. Wherefore, we seem to have lost our way.
It is not what a man says, but what a man does that determines a man's destiny; and it is clear that the majority of American Whites never intended to integrate with us, and therefore they surely never will. That being said, it is foolish of us to rely on such a goal to uplift our people.
We should have been brokering for respect, as fellow human beings; not relying on another people to share what they wrestled from the Native Americans. We are separate people, and we need to achieve our goals by means of our own efforts; not disrespectful but respectfully—for they will never look at us as being the same. If they will share or employ, this is good; but we need to create our own. No matter how it goes, trading will always be an integral part between peoples of the world, but we cannot continue to rely on another group of people to look after our own people's interests.
Right now, in America, we have a Black couple, battling against the National Football League and the American media machine—and losing that battle because of Whites perception of us as inferior beings, along with the natural cultural differences in handling such things. Every wise, intelligent Black person I talk to, realizes that if Ray Rice's wife did allegedly spit into his face, prompting instinctive reaction [I say allegedly because we were not there and the evidence is not without doubt], it would be hard for us to take a zero tolerance stance on that. We also realize that we don't know everything that happened, or the extent of how he was provoked.
No, this does not justify his actions, it merely gives possible motivations. We also saw by his responses, that he seriously regrets his actions—despite hideous implication, provocation and impulsive response. The only two people know what really went on, were the two involved, and they are reconciling.
We, as their people, can comprehend this, because we do not look at each other as animals (nor do we see both of them as such); so we go on his wife's actions and statements to fill in the blanks. We also do not have a history of their so-called domestic violence, because the couple has not supplied it; and most likely they will not supply it if there is any—because they want their privacy back. They both realized they wronged each other and want to reconcile. The police response was considered appropriate, because Ms. Rice opted not to take it further, the situation is obviously muddled; and therefore they wouldn't be protecting her rights or honor; (nor would they have a legal leg to stand on since he and she has resolved the issue) and she is not willing to be a participant against her husband.
But Why Can't The Rest of America See This?
Because the media put two of our own people out for public opinion, and the American majority, the NFL, and various women's groups who would have nothing to do with male/female relationships, have, once again, misconstrued our people's actions, due to their ethnocentric proclivities to immediately think the worst of us, as men and as a people. There is lopsided philistine justice at work here. The Media and the NFL have immediately pushed forward without getting all of the facts; which was largely withheld, due to the want of privacy, protection, along with desire not to bear their soul to other people—other than themselves. Yet the media has stirred public sentiment and got the White town's people (and their Black cronies) bearing fire torches, looking for a lynching (with their children by their side). The media has also stirred an organized female hornet's nest—of women that would have nothing to do with male/female relationships—salivating like sharks, looking for blood.
The NFL's decision to ban Ray Rice indefinitely—upholds whose honor, in this instance; Ms. Rice or the NFL? What we have are scared chauvinistic owners, who don't hit women—just fall back to their slew mistresses in the stable; acting like they are so in control of the situation, by making their servants sacrificial lambs.
Can you charge a person twice for the same transgression? Can we act like we don't have a less-finessed, feisty woman in front of us, and judge the situation with an image of a previous type of woman in mind? Certainly more women going to prison today, than in any other part in American history. Personally, I would not be quick to judge and mete of a sentence. These situations definitely take more caution and jurisprudence today--than any quick one-sided cowboy gun slinging; preformed by insensitive old alpha male owners. Maybe it was wise for the police department to solicit counseling, as a correctional method for this situation. . .
But that's not what happened, after this media-created melee frenzy: We have White sport commentators, and their Black well-paid lackeys, twisting the story all kinds of ways; while the couple seeks to reconcile and heal. Each day, for the last week or so, the media has re-packageded the story; like it is something new. The media's attempt to label Ms. Rice a battered woman (without her consent), is nothing more than a Svengali-move to wrestle the couple's rights to privacy away, while boosting their ratings, as they create their own story of what has happened, to incense and excite the public: knowing full well, that the institutionalized American perception of a Blackman is: "They are animals anyway."
This is precisely the reason why we cannot continue this arrangement, of being under the jurisdiction of White America; allowing them to define our destiny and perceptions for us—while supposedly safeguarding our interests as a people. We, as Blacks, need to do these things for ourselves exclusively—stepping in, if necessary, to stop their lynch parties. Once we define ourselves differently, in every way, then America will have to look at and deal with us differently; because we don't allow it.
"Come gather 'round people, wherever you roam,
And admit that the waters around you have grown,
And accept it, that soon you'll be drenched to the bone;
If your time to you is worth savin'.
Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone,
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come writers and critics, who prophesize with your pen,
And keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again,
And don't speak too soon, for the wheel's still in spin;
And there's no tellin' who that it's namin':
For the loser now, will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call,
Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall,
For he who gets hurt, will be he who has stalled;
There's a battle outside and it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake up your windows and rattle your walls,
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come mothers and fathers, throughout the land,
And don't criticize what you can't understand,
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command;
Your old road is rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one, if you can't lend your hand,
For the times they are a-changin'.
The line, it is drawn, the curse--it is casted,
The slow one now, will later be fast,
As the present now, will later be past;
The order is rapidly fadin'.
As the first one now, will later be last,
For the times they are a-changin'."
The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan
Some Background Check
Now, the translation of Hebrew teachings into Greek, eventually led to the creation of the Septuagint and the Greek Orthodox Church. Eventually the Roman Empire becomes the Holy Roman Empire, and European Christendom, becomes Europe being ruled by a pope. Despite learning about an Eastern philosophy from the Hebrew people's wisdom book—the European could not keep and obey the Eastern discipline. With the invention of the pope and absolute power of the priesthood (Cardinals, Bishops and such), Kings began to get displaced. Ownership of the land began to move from secular to temporal rule. The Catholic Church invented indulgences; as the church began to show signs of corruption. Despite the inquisition, more protestors of the church cried out for reform; chief among them was Martin Luther, and John Calvin. This led to the Reformation or Protestant Movement. This is the inception of the Modern Western world. All of this takes place before that faithful day in 1555, when our people were enslaved by John H. Hawkins (relative to Queen Elizabeth) and brought to toil in America.
So as you can see, Christianity came from the Hebrew tradition; so why are they not wearing yamakas or kippahs, and using Saturday as the Sabbath, or day of worship, instead of Sunday? Because it was changed by the European. So actually, when the White man in America allowed his slaves to learn the Bible and appointed the first slave ministers, he was indoctrinating them into a fabricated Western--not Eastern religion; made up right there in Europe. He did not keep and obey its tenants but he used his new religion to civilize and control his slave population.
As said earlier, The Christ was Black, but Jesus teachings was not Christianity. Jesus followed the Hebrew tradition; not something created in Europe something which originates with Abraham/Ibrahim (who is also Black). The reason why the facts are not obviously transparent, is due to the work of Western-oriented artists, creating new garments, appearances, and skin tones. Jesus becomes a White brunette, in a toga-like garment, and the European transformation is in full swing. But let's not forget how the European condemned the people of The Book: To quote Ishmael Reed of the New York Times; "George Bernard Shaw had it right. If you don't tell your stories, others will tell them for you, and they will "degrade" and "vulgarize" you."
Despite what you're hearing about Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Rodney King, or Ray Rice, and others like you—it is still unreliable because, it is not reported by your kind or by a source owned by your people, who are conscious of these facts.
We have gotten used to hearing stories, from their brave reporters and Black, crony side-kicks; but I must caution you, people—do your own research. And never forget; learn to trust your own people who love our own heritage, as well; for they are the vanguards of your kind.
Back To The Subject At Hand
That being said, the closest thing you have in English to the original Hebrew teachings, is the Bible—so use it well; The rituals that men created within its' chronicle list of practitioners can be relaxed, in lieu of a better understanding to be acquired by reading—so do the research. And once you do, you will see, particularly in Genesis, some parallels between the creation story told in my article, "More To Come," and the creation story of the Bible. The story told in that article, reflects on the creation cosmogony of the ancient Khammau of Khamit [so-called Egyptians] as well. The people of the Qur'an tell a story in which Allah has no intermediaries or go-betweens; which only make sense because--in these creation stories--God forms all from the Self.
The root of this Creation Cosmogony seems to be Kabbala based because all Black traditions are Kabbala based; but you will find other Eastern traditions will coincide the story told in More To Come, more than likely because of our chronology as a people: "We seem to influence everything." The common mistake of thinking Kabbala is Hebrew, instead of something adapted from the Khammau in Khamit, is the same reason why we mistake one brother for the next; because Shem (Semitic) and Kham (kHam) are both children of Nwah (Noah).
The story told in my articles, Conundrum and More To Come, expresses an ideology similar to the Muslim's concept that God has no intermediaries (although I do find the iman or ayatollah concept puzzling); because all life derives from God and the only one there is in the universe: All is formed from a portion of The Creator.
A Portion?
That's right, a portion: According to the concept, when God, The One Self, Creator, created creation--The Almighty One only devoted a portion of The Creator's immensity to the formation of the task.
What Task?
The task is creating a vehicle through which God could experience One's said qualities: An infinite being must be physically expressed by an infinitude of forms; since The Creator is infinite in potential—life is an endless unfoldment—with each thing unfolding into something else.
Consider that man and woman get to know each other, find out that they complement each other and become an item; they become one. That one couple copulate and give birth by combining 23 chromosomes from the man’s sperm, 23 chromosomes from the woman's egg; with his sperm dictating the sex (through his x and/or y sperm cells). The outcome is a male or female child, whom are the outcome of a combination of 46 chromosomes from both parents. Each off-spring seeks compatibility, a relationship and marriage (or its similitude), and they create offspring, ad infinitum. The idea of just selecting a mate to add 23 different chromosomes into the 46 chromosomes your parents bring to the possibilities, is pretty colossal in itself; and when you consider the possible family line—the combinations themselves are infinite: Each child unfolding into a myriad of combinations. . . Birds do it, bees do it; even plants and trees do it. . .
Don't forget, each child or person represents a persona, which is a combination of ideas and qualities which interface with each other; with Self interacting with another form of Self everyday! The combinations are endless!
Yet, they all come from one source, and must be reconciled in one mind; which is universal—by working through various spheres of awareness, communications, conversations, writings, through considerations, comparisons, etc. Why? Because it all comes from one source, leaning towards experience, understanding, and enlightenment. And just think—the human experience, is only one way that God experiences God’s infinite qualities within the universe. . .
So Why Do We Think Individualistically Instead Of Collective Conscious?
If we are talking modern day, in a multi-cultural society—then I would say it is due to the culture, its philosophy, emphasis and evolution; taking into account that a place like America is not truly a multi-cultural society, but rather a dominant culture superimposed overtop of a diverse number of other cultures and nationalities who call themselves American.
But if your question is aimed more at the arcane and esoteric perspective, God comes into the world as an infant, man and woman were originally one being—as a matter of fact, "All things in life are dual." The reason why there are two things is, so that the best understanding can be drawn between the extremes. Like the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx: Man walks on four during the morning (infancy), two during the day (adulthood) and returns to only three at night (old man with a cane); in order to know what a certain is, you have to find out what it's not. The enlightened is born as the unenlightened; the baby must first know its body before it communicates to others individual knowledge is acquired before one becomes sentient. The science of Ecology is proof of the oneness. . .
There are many Eastern cultures which have similar concept as this ideology. God made Satan, an archangel who was a revivalist, to show forth and prove his powers. . .
Individualism, ego-centered behavior, is the low end aspects of being aware; community is the beginning of self development and self-evolution. Group conscious, social consciousness, and social justice is the way to experience all of God's said qualities in human form. Just as a child must grow up to be an adult; an adult, in many ancient cultures, was required to mature into a divine being; depending on the society, culture and their emphasis. As you compare this concept to many Eastern philosophies, you can see the same or similar underlying theme. Yet when you look at Western societies, there is nothing that resembles this, that European culture produced.
As I said earlier, it depends on the culture and its emphasis. If you ask someone, "What is American Culture," I bet they couldn't tell you. American culture is a Western culture who's emphasis is capitalism and freedom. But the freedom displayed here, is not the freedom which doesn't impede on the rights of others, but a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control. This runs contrary to the system we are discussing:
"It is one of the oldest schemes of our spiritual enemy,
Satan, to isolate people. He knows that isolation will
cut us off from the wisdom that multiple perspectives
bring. We all need a community around us that helps
us to see the blind spot that we won't see on our own.
That is what community is about, that is the reason
for adhering to Biblical social norms.
People today have little sense anymore that we
are to join a church body and, generally speaking,
submit. Doesn't that word just make us cringe to its
Submission may even entail suffering. We don't like
to suffer.
Our human nature tells us we should maximize our
pleasure and minimize our pain, and that is what
leads to happiness—but news flash—it doesn't."
Taken from The American Experience: The Amish: Shunned
(2013) Season 25, Episode 6 PBS movie series
Callie T. Wiser Writer/Director
Interestingly enough, Shunning is a practice that the Amish have when their own people of German decent, leave the Amish community and live among the English colony descendants in America. They believe that abandoning their community life for the life of this world a great sin which will land a person in hell, with no chance of redemption unless they return. Now these are Westerners and fellow European and protestants who state this. What do they know, that we Blacks in America don't?
One thing we do know is that individualism and individual freedom is considered an evil that is antagonistic to community and godliness. As said once before, "True freedom does not mean you do what you like; Freedom is a choice granted to everyone, as long as what you choose does not trespass against the rights and freedom of another person or your community." You know this is true, even in America, because when you display such an act of freedom--more times than not, you've broken a law of the state or federal government.
According to the concepts intimated to me, God is a group reality, realized through the eyes of a single person; this way, through every sentient being, God gets his wish of experiencing God said qualities through each and every persona. Of course God will still get this experience if one does not keep true to the purpose, but that individual will not realize the said experience (not to mention the experience of running contrary to God's plan).
It seems to make sense that all came from one and that respect of that oneness is paramount to proper existence. It seems if you disrespect or don't show proper consideration to the world around you, you are disrespecting yourself and threatening your own existence: Just look at what pollution is doing to our environment. Just look at what the manufacturing of styrofoam is doing to the ozone layer. The trespass of nature surely has its consequences. . .
Individualism is an illusion. The universe is an experiment; a bubble, in an immense ocean, in that which is the true self. When the experience is over, it shall cease to be and all will return to that which made it. Both cultures of Abraham's sons bear witness to this, by living cultures which advocate peace and social harmony; community. And even though many things have gotten lost in translation, the Amish understand this as well. According to this concept, you cannot say you love God or yourself; and not consider your neighbor in the same way you would consider yourself.
People have choices; just as people develop at different rates. Those things are the beauty of creation and freedom; however, with each choice there is a consequence and learning experience of such a choice. Simply put, Put your theories to the test, and see what the results manifest; but if you don't like the effect, don't produce the cause.
Once again, I exit with a song.
Thank you for your consideration,
Let's just consider the facts scientifically, impartially and for its potential merit--shall we? In More To Come, we were considering our origin in this world, from a non-European or Western approach. These writings we do; not from a religious—but scientific perspective, and we do so for the following reasons:
- We are not Europeans. We have a different culture, set of values, wisdom system or philosophy,* language, and ways about doing things. [* Philos does not mean love, but like; therefore philosophy doesn't really mean love of wisdom, but like of wisdom; however, I do mean love of wisdom].
- The two ways do not coincide with each other; Our people have a different approach. We have a different world view, interests, and relationship with God, man, and all God's creation. Our manner of treating people we come in contact with is different from theirs.
- We are the most ancient ones; we are the ones who evolved most of these systems of discipline, philosophies, and sciences that are revered. We left monuments around the world, of our grandeur and fame. Our ancient cities were hubs of the ancient world. . .
I know it seems odd, for a descendant of American slaves, like my persons, to make such an assertion; but that does not change the facts: The Christ, Buddha and Muhammad were Black. The Biblical Nwah (Noah) was Black; therefore his sons (kHam), Ham, Shem, and Ja'pheth were the offsprings of two Black parents. Moses was Black. Solomon was Black. King David was Black, because the ancient Hebrews were Black (otherwise how could Mary & Joseph hide out in Khamit [Egypt] while giving birth to baby Jesus). Abraham or Ibrahim was Black. Ha'gar was Black; and so was Ishmael. The Sumerians of Sumer-Akkad were Black. I could go on and on about our chronicles and Blackness (and will at another place), but these points will suffice for my assertion here; Because these personages form the basis of the governmental systems that shaped the beginning of the modern era; and those icons, as well as their disciplines originate from Black people.
Not being religious, but chronologically speaking, if there's any validity to the chronicle called the Bible, Abraham (Ibrahim) had two sons; one from Ha'gar, and another from Sara. These two sons, Ishmael and Isaac, become the basis through which the Arab and the Hebrew people take shape; Cultures in which, give us the Bible, The Covenant, and Qur'an (Koran). Kham is Nwah's son and he and his son Mis'raim are the basis in which we receive the ancient Khammau (so called Egyptian) culture; through which Ha'gar is a descendant.
Yes, there was slavery in Black lands, between Black people, but it does not change or justify the horrific travesties of Whites during the enslavement of Blacks in America and the Caribbean Islands. In many cases—in the motherland—it was customary to use slavery as a punishment for transgressions committed by a violating tribe; but this punishment was never intended for their children. In other words, in regard to wars and conflicts within Black lands, the vanquished could be enslaved—but in many, many cases—their children were allowed to continue with cultural continuity. It was not done as an act of superiority, by the tribe who received the services, it was done in respect to the legacy of the tribe; overtop of the tribes immediate transgression.
Also, most empires of the Ancient Black lands did not force religious and philosophical conversion upon their subjected peoples; So their cultural beliefs and integrity, as a people continued, despite slavery and subjugation. However, this was not the case when the European entered the Black slave market. That was an act of a people who believe themselves superior—acquiring one whom they considered to be inferior; and treated them as such; enslaving the man, woman and child, while creating a fortune and caucasian paradise.
Yes, there was slavery in Black lands, between Black people, but it does not change or justify the horrific travesties of Whites during the enslavement of Blacks in America and the Caribbean Islands. In many cases—in the motherland—it was customary to use slavery as a punishment for transgressions committed by a violating tribe; but this punishment was never intended for their children. In other words, in regard to wars and conflicts within Black lands, the vanquished could be enslaved—but in many, many cases—their children were allowed to continue with cultural continuity. It was not done as an act of superiority, by the tribe who received the services, it was done in respect to the legacy of the tribe; overtop of the tribes immediate transgression.
Also, most empires of the Ancient Black lands did not force religious and philosophical conversion upon their subjected peoples; So their cultural beliefs and integrity, as a people continued, despite slavery and subjugation. However, this was not the case when the European entered the Black slave market. That was an act of a people who believe themselves superior—acquiring one whom they considered to be inferior; and treated them as such; enslaving the man, woman and child, while creating a fortune and caucasian paradise.
In American slavery, I would not be allowed to read; my education would be only task-orientated, I would not be paid; and would I be considered as a brute animal, or beast of burden. I would not know what I am telling you now, if not for my due diligence—like Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman or Sojourner Truth. I marvel at what Mr. Douglass achieved—once he finagled a little White boy into teaching him how to read; his example should remind us that once we achieve something in American society, we should never give it back.
Most of our Civil Rights were achieved through the voting process, along with the help of conscientious members we put in office; therefore our struggle not to lose those rights, rely on the same process: Each generation must not cease to find proper candidates and vote on political issues, else we stand to gradually loose everything our people fought and died for.
Most of our Civil Rights were achieved through the voting process, along with the help of conscientious members we put in office; therefore our struggle not to lose those rights, rely on the same process: Each generation must not cease to find proper candidates and vote on political issues, else we stand to gradually loose everything our people fought and died for.
Our goal should have not been peaceful integration during the 1960s, because integrated things of a different variety only lose their integrity. We have our own goals and interests, and therefore, naturally, we should be the ones to protect and maintain them; not someone else or some other people. Somewhere along the line, When looking for freedom, justice and equality—our ancestors got duped on the promise of integration, by the silver tongue of their oppressors [surely, the Native Americans could have furthered our education on that subject]. Wherefore, we seem to have lost our way.
It is not what a man says, but what a man does that determines a man's destiny; and it is clear that the majority of American Whites never intended to integrate with us, and therefore they surely never will. That being said, it is foolish of us to rely on such a goal to uplift our people.
We should have been brokering for respect, as fellow human beings; not relying on another people to share what they wrestled from the Native Americans. We are separate people, and we need to achieve our goals by means of our own efforts; not disrespectful but respectfully—for they will never look at us as being the same. If they will share or employ, this is good; but we need to create our own. No matter how it goes, trading will always be an integral part between peoples of the world, but we cannot continue to rely on another group of people to look after our own people's interests.
It is not what a man says, but what a man does that determines a man's destiny; and it is clear that the majority of American Whites never intended to integrate with us, and therefore they surely never will. That being said, it is foolish of us to rely on such a goal to uplift our people.
We should have been brokering for respect, as fellow human beings; not relying on another people to share what they wrestled from the Native Americans. We are separate people, and we need to achieve our goals by means of our own efforts; not disrespectful but respectfully—for they will never look at us as being the same. If they will share or employ, this is good; but we need to create our own. No matter how it goes, trading will always be an integral part between peoples of the world, but we cannot continue to rely on another group of people to look after our own people's interests.
Right now, in America, we have a Black couple, battling against the National Football League and the American media machine—and losing that battle because of Whites perception of us as inferior beings, along with the natural cultural differences in handling such things. Every wise, intelligent Black person I talk to, realizes that if Ray Rice's wife did allegedly spit into his face, prompting instinctive reaction [I say allegedly because we were not there and the evidence is not without doubt], it would be hard for us to take a zero tolerance stance on that. We also realize that we don't know everything that happened, or the extent of how he was provoked.
No, this does not justify his actions, it merely gives possible motivations. We also saw by his responses, that he seriously regrets his actions—despite hideous implication, provocation and impulsive response. The only two people know what really went on, were the two involved, and they are reconciling.
No, this does not justify his actions, it merely gives possible motivations. We also saw by his responses, that he seriously regrets his actions—despite hideous implication, provocation and impulsive response. The only two people know what really went on, were the two involved, and they are reconciling.
We, as their people, can comprehend this, because we do not look at each other as animals (nor do we see both of them as such); so we go on his wife's actions and statements to fill in the blanks. We also do not have a history of their so-called domestic violence, because the couple has not supplied it; and most likely they will not supply it if there is any—because they want their privacy back. They both realized they wronged each other and want to reconcile. The police response was considered appropriate, because Ms. Rice opted not to take it further, the situation is obviously muddled; and therefore they wouldn't be protecting her rights or honor; (nor would they have a legal leg to stand on since he and she has resolved the issue) and she is not willing to be a participant against her husband.
But Why Can't The Rest of America See This?
Because the media put two of our own people out for public opinion, and the American majority, the NFL, and various women's groups who would have nothing to do with male/female relationships, have, once again, misconstrued our people's actions, due to their ethnocentric proclivities to immediately think the worst of us, as men and as a people. There is lopsided philistine justice at work here. The Media and the NFL have immediately pushed forward without getting all of the facts; which was largely withheld, due to the want of privacy, protection, along with desire not to bear their soul to other people—other than themselves. Yet the media has stirred public sentiment and got the White town's people (and their Black cronies) bearing fire torches, looking for a lynching (with their children by their side). The media has also stirred an organized female hornet's nest—of women that would have nothing to do with male/female relationships—salivating like sharks, looking for blood.
The NFL's decision to ban Ray Rice indefinitely—upholds whose honor, in this instance; Ms. Rice or the NFL? What we have are scared chauvinistic owners, who don't hit women—just fall back to their slew mistresses in the stable; acting like they are so in control of the situation, by making their servants sacrificial lambs.
Can you charge a person twice for the same transgression? Can we act like we don't have a less-finessed, feisty woman in front of us, and judge the situation with an image of a previous type of woman in mind? Certainly more women going to prison today, than in any other part in American history. Personally, I would not be quick to judge and mete of a sentence. These situations definitely take more caution and jurisprudence today--than any quick one-sided cowboy gun slinging; preformed by insensitive old alpha male owners. Maybe it was wise for the police department to solicit counseling, as a correctional method for this situation. . .
But that's not what happened, after this media-created melee frenzy: We have White sport commentators, and their Black well-paid lackeys, twisting the story all kinds of ways; while the couple seeks to reconcile and heal. Each day, for the last week or so, the media has re-packageded the story; like it is something new. The media's attempt to label Ms. Rice a battered woman (without her consent), is nothing more than a Svengali-move to wrestle the couple's rights to privacy away, while boosting their ratings, as they create their own story of what has happened, to incense and excite the public: knowing full well, that the institutionalized American perception of a Blackman is: "They are animals anyway."
Can you charge a person twice for the same transgression? Can we act like we don't have a less-finessed, feisty woman in front of us, and judge the situation with an image of a previous type of woman in mind? Certainly more women going to prison today, than in any other part in American history. Personally, I would not be quick to judge and mete of a sentence. These situations definitely take more caution and jurisprudence today--than any quick one-sided cowboy gun slinging; preformed by insensitive old alpha male owners. Maybe it was wise for the police department to solicit counseling, as a correctional method for this situation. . .
But that's not what happened, after this media-created melee frenzy: We have White sport commentators, and their Black well-paid lackeys, twisting the story all kinds of ways; while the couple seeks to reconcile and heal. Each day, for the last week or so, the media has re-packageded the story; like it is something new. The media's attempt to label Ms. Rice a battered woman (without her consent), is nothing more than a Svengali-move to wrestle the couple's rights to privacy away, while boosting their ratings, as they create their own story of what has happened, to incense and excite the public: knowing full well, that the institutionalized American perception of a Blackman is: "They are animals anyway."
This is precisely the reason why we cannot continue this arrangement, of being under the jurisdiction of White America; allowing them to define our destiny and perceptions for us—while supposedly safeguarding our interests as a people. We, as Blacks, need to do these things for ourselves exclusively—stepping in, if necessary, to stop their lynch parties. Once we define ourselves differently, in every way, then America will have to look at and deal with us differently; because we don't allow it.
"Come gather 'round people, wherever you roam,
And admit that the waters around you have grown,
And accept it, that soon you'll be drenched to the bone;
If your time to you is worth savin'.
Then you better start swimmin' or you'll sink like a stone,
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come writers and critics, who prophesize with your pen,
And keep your eyes wide, the chance won't come again,
And don't speak too soon, for the wheel's still in spin;
And there's no tellin' who that it's namin':
For the loser now, will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call,
Don't stand in the doorway, don't block up the hall,
For he who gets hurt, will be he who has stalled;
There's a battle outside and it is ragin'.
It'll soon shake up your windows and rattle your walls,
For the times they are a-changin'.
Come mothers and fathers, throughout the land,
And don't criticize what you can't understand,
Your sons and your daughters are beyond your command;
Your old road is rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one, if you can't lend your hand,
For the times they are a-changin'.
The line, it is drawn, the curse--it is casted,
The slow one now, will later be fast,
As the present now, will later be past;
The order is rapidly fadin'.
As the first one now, will later be last,
For the times they are a-changin'."
The Times They Are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan
Some Background Check
Now, the translation of Hebrew teachings into Greek, eventually led to the creation of the Septuagint and the Greek Orthodox Church. Eventually the Roman Empire becomes the Holy Roman Empire, and European Christendom, becomes Europe being ruled by a pope. Despite learning about an Eastern philosophy from the Hebrew people's wisdom book—the European could not keep and obey the Eastern discipline. With the invention of the pope and absolute power of the priesthood (Cardinals, Bishops and such), Kings began to get displaced. Ownership of the land began to move from secular to temporal rule. The Catholic Church invented indulgences; as the church began to show signs of corruption. Despite the inquisition, more protestors of the church cried out for reform; chief among them was Martin Luther, and John Calvin. This led to the Reformation or Protestant Movement. This is the inception of the Modern Western world. All of this takes place before that faithful day in 1555, when our people were enslaved by John H. Hawkins (relative to Queen Elizabeth) and brought to toil in America.
So as you can see, Christianity came from the Hebrew tradition; so why are they not wearing yamakas or kippahs, and using Saturday as the Sabbath, or day of worship, instead of Sunday? Because it was changed by the European. So actually, when the White man in America allowed his slaves to learn the Bible and appointed the first slave ministers, he was indoctrinating them into a fabricated Western--not Eastern religion; made up right there in Europe. He did not keep and obey its tenants but he used his new religion to civilize and control his slave population.
As said earlier, The Christ was Black, but Jesus teachings was not Christianity. Jesus followed the Hebrew tradition; not something created in Europe something which originates with Abraham/Ibrahim (who is also Black). The reason why the facts are not obviously transparent, is due to the work of Western-oriented artists, creating new garments, appearances, and skin tones. Jesus becomes a White brunette, in a toga-like garment, and the European transformation is in full swing. But let's not forget how the European condemned the people of The Book: To quote Ishmael Reed of the New York Times; "George Bernard Shaw had it right. If you don't tell your stories, others will tell them for you, and they will "degrade" and "vulgarize" you."
Despite what you're hearing about Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Rodney King, or Ray Rice, and others like you—it is still unreliable because, it is not reported by your kind or by a source owned by your people, who are conscious of these facts.
We have gotten used to hearing stories, from their brave reporters and Black, crony side-kicks; but I must caution you, people—do your own research. And never forget; learn to trust your own people who love our own heritage, as well; for they are the vanguards of your kind.
Back To The Subject At Hand
That being said, the closest thing you have in English to the original Hebrew teachings, is the Bible—so use it well; The rituals that men created within its' chronicle list of practitioners can be relaxed, in lieu of a better understanding to be acquired by reading—so do the research. And once you do, you will see, particularly in Genesis, some parallels between the creation story told in my article, "More To Come," and the creation story of the Bible. The story told in that article, reflects on the creation cosmogony of the ancient Khammau of Khamit [so-called Egyptians] as well. The people of the Qur'an tell a story in which Allah has no intermediaries or go-betweens; which only make sense because--in these creation stories--God forms all from the Self.
The root of this Creation Cosmogony seems to be Kabbala based because all Black traditions are Kabbala based; but you will find other Eastern traditions will coincide the story told in More To Come, more than likely because of our chronology as a people: "We seem to influence everything." The common mistake of thinking Kabbala is Hebrew, instead of something adapted from the Khammau in Khamit, is the same reason why we mistake one brother for the next; because Shem (Semitic) and Kham (kHam) are both children of Nwah (Noah).
The story told in my articles, Conundrum and More To Come, expresses an ideology similar to the Muslim's concept that God has no intermediaries (although I do find the iman or ayatollah concept puzzling); because all life derives from God and the only one there is in the universe: All is formed from a portion of The Creator.
A Portion?
That's right, a portion: According to the concept, when God, The One Self, Creator, created creation--The Almighty One only devoted a portion of The Creator's immensity to the formation of the task.
What Task?
The task is creating a vehicle through which God could experience One's said qualities: An infinite being must be physically expressed by an infinitude of forms; since The Creator is infinite in potential—life is an endless unfoldment—with each thing unfolding into something else.
Consider that man and woman get to know each other, find out that they complement each other and become an item; they become one. That one couple copulate and give birth by combining 23 chromosomes from the man’s sperm, 23 chromosomes from the woman's egg; with his sperm dictating the sex (through his x and/or y sperm cells). The outcome is a male or female child, whom are the outcome of a combination of 46 chromosomes from both parents. Each off-spring seeks compatibility, a relationship and marriage (or its similitude), and they create offspring, ad infinitum. The idea of just selecting a mate to add 23 different chromosomes into the 46 chromosomes your parents bring to the possibilities, is pretty colossal in itself; and when you consider the possible family line—the combinations themselves are infinite: Each child unfolding into a myriad of combinations. . . Birds do it, bees do it; even plants and trees do it. . .
Don't forget, each child or person represents a persona, which is a combination of ideas and qualities which interface with each other; with Self interacting with another form of Self everyday! The combinations are endless!
Yet, they all come from one source, and must be reconciled in one mind; which is universal—by working through various spheres of awareness, communications, conversations, writings, through considerations, comparisons, etc. Why? Because it all comes from one source, leaning towards experience, understanding, and enlightenment. And just think—the human experience, is only one way that God experiences God’s infinite qualities within the universe. . .
So Why Do We Think Individualistically Instead Of Collective Conscious?
If we are talking modern day, in a multi-cultural society—then I would say it is due to the culture, its philosophy, emphasis and evolution; taking into account that a place like America is not truly a multi-cultural society, but rather a dominant culture superimposed overtop of a diverse number of other cultures and nationalities who call themselves American.
But if your question is aimed more at the arcane and esoteric perspective, God comes into the world as an infant, man and woman were originally one being—as a matter of fact, "All things in life are dual." The reason why there are two things is, so that the best understanding can be drawn between the extremes. Like the answer to the riddle of the Sphinx: Man walks on four during the morning (infancy), two during the day (adulthood) and returns to only three at night (old man with a cane); in order to know what a certain is, you have to find out what it's not. The enlightened is born as the unenlightened; the baby must first know its body before it communicates to others individual knowledge is acquired before one becomes sentient. The science of Ecology is proof of the oneness. . .
There are many Eastern cultures which have similar concept as this ideology. God made Satan, an archangel who was a revivalist, to show forth and prove his powers. . .
Individualism, ego-centered behavior, is the low end aspects of being aware; community is the beginning of self development and self-evolution. Group conscious, social consciousness, and social justice is the way to experience all of God's said qualities in human form. Just as a child must grow up to be an adult; an adult, in many ancient cultures, was required to mature into a divine being; depending on the society, culture and their emphasis. As you compare this concept to many Eastern philosophies, you can see the same or similar underlying theme. Yet when you look at Western societies, there is nothing that resembles this, that European culture produced.
As I said earlier, it depends on the culture and its emphasis. If you ask someone, "What is American Culture," I bet they couldn't tell you. American culture is a Western culture who's emphasis is capitalism and freedom. But the freedom displayed here, is not the freedom which doesn't impede on the rights of others, but a social theory favoring freedom of action for individuals over collective or state control. This runs contrary to the system we are discussing:
"It is one of the oldest schemes of our spiritual enemy,
Satan, to isolate people. He knows that isolation will
cut us off from the wisdom that multiple perspectives
bring. We all need a community around us that helps
us to see the blind spot that we won't see on our own.
That is what community is about, that is the reason
for adhering to Biblical social norms.
People today have little sense anymore that we
are to join a church body and, generally speaking,
submit. Doesn't that word just make us cringe to its
Submission may even entail suffering. We don't like
to suffer.
Our human nature tells us we should maximize our
pleasure and minimize our pain, and that is what
leads to happiness—but news flash—it doesn't."
Taken from The American Experience: The Amish: Shunned
(2013) Season 25, Episode 6 PBS movie series
Callie T. Wiser Writer/Director
(2013) Season 25, Episode 6 PBS movie series
Callie T. Wiser Writer/Director
Interestingly enough, Shunning is a practice that the Amish have when their own people of German decent, leave the Amish community and live among the English colony descendants in America. They believe that abandoning their community life for the life of this world a great sin which will land a person in hell, with no chance of redemption unless they return. Now these are Westerners and fellow European and protestants who state this. What do they know, that we Blacks in America don't?
One thing we do know is that individualism and individual freedom is considered an evil that is antagonistic to community and godliness. As said once before, "True freedom does not mean you do what you like; Freedom is a choice granted to everyone, as long as what you choose does not trespass against the rights and freedom of another person or your community." You know this is true, even in America, because when you display such an act of freedom--more times than not, you've broken a law of the state or federal government.
According to the concepts intimated to me, God is a group reality, realized through the eyes of a single person; this way, through every sentient being, God gets his wish of experiencing God said qualities through each and every persona. Of course God will still get this experience if one does not keep true to the purpose, but that individual will not realize the said experience (not to mention the experience of running contrary to God's plan).
It seems to make sense that all came from one and that respect of that oneness is paramount to proper existence. It seems if you disrespect or don't show proper consideration to the world around you, you are disrespecting yourself and threatening your own existence: Just look at what pollution is doing to our environment. Just look at what the manufacturing of styrofoam is doing to the ozone layer. The trespass of nature surely has its consequences. . .
Individualism is an illusion. The universe is an experiment; a bubble, in an immense ocean, in that which is the true self. When the experience is over, it shall cease to be and all will return to that which made it. Both cultures of Abraham's sons bear witness to this, by living cultures which advocate peace and social harmony; community. And even though many things have gotten lost in translation, the Amish understand this as well. According to this concept, you cannot say you love God or yourself; and not consider your neighbor in the same way you would consider yourself.
People have choices; just as people develop at different rates. Those things are the beauty of creation and freedom; however, with each choice there is a consequence and learning experience of such a choice. Simply put, Put your theories to the test, and see what the results manifest; but if you don't like the effect, don't produce the cause.
Once again, I exit with a song.
Once again, I exit with a song.
Thank you for your consideration,