As you can see, the public's response is unilateral. The target group is Black male youth who live in America. The acts are perpetrated by White males in the dominate position; the role is playing an authoritative role of police officer. In a court of law, the officer's detail account of the event takes precedence above those of whom he arrests or takes things out on. It is a built in bias in the courts; based upon a swearing in; posed and poised as true justice. People lie also; especially to hide guilt or to be politically correct in public. In many cases, these acts of brutality show how one group of people in society feels concerning another group of people in society. In the case of the travesty in Ferguson, it was not just one Black male, as was previously reported—but more than ten Black Males in Ferguson, who have died at the hands of White males wearing police uniforms; and we are not supposed to believe these acts were not racially motivated. Witnesses have mysteriously died before testifying in court—leaving the wronged parties defenseless—yet we are not supposed to think anything is wrong with this. Mainstream society has its way that they are going to look at this [look at the amount of money they were able to generate for the officer's defense in the Michael Brown case]. The media have their way they are going to look at this. The authorities have their way they are going to look at this; and we are supposed to trust and believe in the system; thinking that justice will prevail here [like it supposedly did in the case of Trayvon Martin]. How can we, when even the president's hands are tied?
In these instances, it is clear to many—justice stands little chance to prevail here. There's no wonder why our youth are concerned about their future in America. America has been preaching racial equality and equal rights for hundreds of years (longer than America has been a country)—while showing Black folks back-handedly and underneath its' breath that American society has double standards; aka, America says one thing and its' society or officials do another: Whether it is the citizens in the streets, or the citizens cloaked as local, state, or government officials, the status quo will be upheld; Same song today as it was yesterday. Many of our younger children are now confusing the camaraderie they have with younger White males in different social classes as the way the world is today—as a barometer that America has changed—that coupled with the fact that many of the new Black parents are not teaching their children of the double-standards and racist attitudes that exist in America to this day; creates a condition which blinds our youth to America's clandestine activities: Or maybe they just don't want to see it that way?
Most White people would like to believe that their society is not as racist and bigoted as it really is; or at least seem to be. The rich who make television and network shows, pay sports and entertainment celebrities to host them, set the agenda and prompt their employees as to what will and won't get said on these shows; they all have a way that they look at things. So when the producers get their Black token celebrity employees to say, 'certain things' (or when the real folks try to be politically correct), during Black History Month—most Whites have the tendency to want to believe it; because that's how they want to see it. That is, until the incidents in Florida with Trayvon Martin or the murder of young Black men in Ferguson, then the White officials in their robes, uniforms and social status come in and find nothing wrong; because that's the way they want to see it. Every one will tell you, that things are far, but no one wants to trade places with you. We watch these things go down, then watch the masses take the bait and believe it is the dead man's fault for getting killed. . . But, as for the conscious Black folks—these things have the tendency to give us the assurance that racism is alive and kicking. The only good thing that has come out of this systematic genocide process, is that Black youth all over this country know, these same things could happen to them as well—right in the neighborhoods in which they live; and that is a vast improvement from this rugged individualism our youth is now adopting from being subject to White society!
How can I say this? By their response to these situations on Facebook and Twitter, as well as conversation amongst themselves, our Black youth show unquestionably that they are concerned about what will happen next in America—not as individual persons, but as young Black males all across the United States, versus the "other" guys who say that White police are in Black communities not to harass and intimidate them, nor spy on them; but to protect and serve them—and that attitude has concerned our youth enough to take charge and attempt to protect their own interests. These three fundamental things mentioned, build a sense of belonging; and that is a good sign. They should be concerned—like all Black males who live in America under the another ethnic group's jurisdiction [who came from Europe]; whose money and political clout runs this country: Yes, we must take matters into our own Black hands and take care of our own needs and our own selves! We forget, America is a capitalist society: The only way Blacks are going to gain respect in a financially dominated society is to generate its' own finances and look after its' own interests—instead of looking for jobs from others and believing in cloaked racists to judge fairly.
No, I cannot fully predict where these protests are going, no more than I can be young again; for the way these youth are moving is phenotypical for their experience and for the vibration and sentiments of their generation: But the idea of meeting and acting in consensus, to protect one's own self interests—while no longer depending on the system to work it out for them, through their tainted political process (the kind that has the elders still waiting on human and Civil Rights)—is an excellent place to start. We strongly need social change; not promises from the society which perpetrates the fraud on a person by person basis. We can no longer trust in White society to do the right thing for Black people; any more than you can expect today's society to have a moral consciousness [nowadays] about their ancestor's deeds. As a people who live in America—we must rely on ourselves and stop looking to be included in their network. Every time we've done this, another minority group takes a leap in front of us; first it was women's lib for White women and now its' alternative lifestyles. . . When will it be time for the Black family to get equal rights? Look at the houses, businesses and streets in your ethnic communities, then look at the services in the White community: They take care of their own, when will we take care of our own? There's enough new Black millionaires. The way Whites have the "Take care of our own first mentality," is the reason why other ethnicities want to move next to them—not because of their welcoming spirit, but because then they won't have to fight for things that should have been theirs by right.
In my life, I never seen Whites participate in anything were they're not politically in control of, or had controlling interest in. It may look like its' philanthropic, but it's usually done in token proportion to state, "See, we're not all bad. . ." Otherwise, the working class poor Whites would be up in arms. . . We need to stop relying on them to solve our needs; to provide jobs that we can work for, or make fair judgments on sharing facilities and/or things that nations need. At the 50th Anniversary March on Washington, Al Sharpton and John Lewis came back to Washington asking for jobs. Really? Fifty years ago, they got good paying jobs. Did they turn this opportunity to further the Civil Rights after King was assassinated? No. Did they push for training and business education opportunities? No. When you keep asking for jobs, you give the employer power over you. He calls the shots. You are begging and he is in the superior position. When you make your own help, you are in charge. Every success builds confidence. Besides, these colonizers can't even take a realistic look at themselves concerning the evils they've done to the other ethnicities over time, so how can we believe Whites really are going to change things in America? First, they would have to admit that American society is unfair to Blacks, then they have to want to make amends—and that won't happen anytime soon; so don't hold your breath.
There is a fundamental problem with our "former owners," policing our areas or any area, as far as that is concerned, where any other ethnic group lives exclusively. Number one on this list is, by doing so, you are giving the person or race (which traditionally has had the upper hand), more power and backing by the legislative and enforcement branches of government. Secondly, by doing so, you are subjecting that particular ethnicity to the stereotypical view of the ruling class people have towards that particular ethnicity; In the case of Blacks—"we don't trust you!" The fundamental problem in having these types of multi-cultural precincts in single culture neighborhoods, is that these "neighbors" and those White males are from different communities and cultures; and these outsiders bring their prejudices, apprehensions, and bigotry with them to work everyday: And in most cases, mixed precincts are usually ran by a White man in charge. That means someone White, with little understanding or appreciation of the people and the community they are watching, is making judgment calls concerning that community!
Just because a person puts on a uniform or cloak, does not make that person the paragon of virtue; nor does it make them immune to human err, biases, and weakness, etc. Most of all, by allowing this to continue, we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by another group of people; through using the police in that area—more like a military presence; instead of authorities provided to "protect and serve." By standing pat, you are once again, subjecting our people to another group of people who are imposing their will upon us, making judgments calls concerning us—for their people are also the ruling class and the culture behind the government. The government has already done this with child rearing, support, and custody issues—fully backed with their criticism in the press; Knowing full well, our interests, human, and civil rights within White America, leaves much to be desired, in terms of racial relations.
Now, before I make this sound completely like a conspiracy theory, I want to say—as a people who are starting a country or being the founders of a multi-cultural society—you have the right to protect your own interests and try to maintain the society in which you established. There's nothing fascist in that type of thinking per 'se; a nationalist or colonist is expected to secure their own interests: I guess the complaints start when the founders [the New (White) American] make a ton of "Black gold" off of another group of people who had no choice but to work at enriching the newly formed American economy without compensation [enslaved Blacks circa 1555-1863]; then freeing them without a repatriation of profits; while claiming the status of both people [Black/White] are "separate but equal" in this country. The situation becomes further exacerbated when—instead of staying separate (as the New Americans want) and further developing as a Black nation, we allowed factions within our Black community to turn our struggle for human rights and fair treatment within America, into a movement for civil rights, inclusion, and integration; none of which fully happened.
Both Blacks and Whites play a part in this masquerade: Blacks for giving up on what we had and the White America for "stringing us along" with political correctness and promises; while taking care of only a handful of token Blacks and treating the rest to surveillance, brutality and second class citizenship. While it is not right for the Blacks in America to be tricked into believing they are going to get something they are never going to get (true racial equality from Whites), it is equally not rights for Blacks to continue to rely on America's charity as a means of income; that effort must come mainly from us, if we are going to rely on it. I guess after the ninety-seven treaties, the Native Americans knew they could never get civil rights and racial equality from the Whites; nor should we be under the illusion that after having our people in chains for three hundred and eight years, that the children of those same Whites could ever believe in their hearts that we are not inferior to them—but equal.
Just because a person puts on a uniform or cloak, does not make that person the paragon of virtue; nor does it make them immune to human err, biases, and weakness, etc. Most of all, by allowing this to continue, we are allowing ourselves to be controlled by another group of people; through using the police in that area—more like a military presence; instead of authorities provided to "protect and serve." By standing pat, you are once again, subjecting our people to another group of people who are imposing their will upon us, making judgments calls concerning us—for their people are also the ruling class and the culture behind the government. The government has already done this with child rearing, support, and custody issues—fully backed with their criticism in the press; Knowing full well, our interests, human, and civil rights within White America, leaves much to be desired, in terms of racial relations.
Now, before I make this sound completely like a conspiracy theory, I want to say—as a people who are starting a country or being the founders of a multi-cultural society—you have the right to protect your own interests and try to maintain the society in which you established. There's nothing fascist in that type of thinking per 'se; a nationalist or colonist is expected to secure their own interests: I guess the complaints start when the founders [the New (White) American] make a ton of "Black gold" off of another group of people who had no choice but to work at enriching the newly formed American economy without compensation [enslaved Blacks circa 1555-1863]; then freeing them without a repatriation of profits; while claiming the status of both people [Black/White] are "separate but equal" in this country. The situation becomes further exacerbated when—instead of staying separate (as the New Americans want) and further developing as a Black nation, we allowed factions within our Black community to turn our struggle for human rights and fair treatment within America, into a movement for civil rights, inclusion, and integration; none of which fully happened.
Both Blacks and Whites play a part in this masquerade: Blacks for giving up on what we had and the White America for "stringing us along" with political correctness and promises; while taking care of only a handful of token Blacks and treating the rest to surveillance, brutality and second class citizenship. While it is not right for the Blacks in America to be tricked into believing they are going to get something they are never going to get (true racial equality from Whites), it is equally not rights for Blacks to continue to rely on America's charity as a means of income; that effort must come mainly from us, if we are going to rely on it. I guess after the ninety-seven treaties, the Native Americans knew they could never get civil rights and racial equality from the Whites; nor should we be under the illusion that after having our people in chains for three hundred and eight years, that the children of those same Whites could ever believe in their hearts that we are not inferior to them—but equal.
That was really stretching it to say the least; but fundamentally—it was something we allowed because we did not have a high opinion of ourselves. No question, inequality should be fought vigorously, simply because no one should not stand for it! When deaths happen in our community, more pressure should be applied to resolve the murder and bring the guilty party to justice; otherwise it sends the wrong message that it is not that important. If we don't, we are saying our lives are not that important to the law enforcers; or that nothing will be done if they don't do their work. If we don't, we will be signaling to others that its alright for others to treat our people any old way, because we hate each other so, or that we are not that concerned. I know many of us have many pressures impacting on us like mama drama, paying bills and eating, but in a multi-cultural society, if we don't take an interest—it sends the wrong signal to others about our concerns. In other words, "If you don't care about your own, why should we. . .
This type of thing is a reoccurring pattern that impacts on how Blacks are treated as an ethnic group in America. By being self destructive to ourselves in America, which signals to the world, how little we think of ourselves; And if that is true, then we also shouldn't object to others treating us the same way. Also, this same mindset seems to try hardest, when being rejected. A lot of us somehow believe that since so many Whites dislike us, we should try to change their opinion of us: So the more they keep treating us bad, the harder we would work at fixing it. Sometimes I think we take more care working with others, than we do taking care of ourselves. . .
Just analyze the words to this Pointer Sisters tune:
Now’s the time for all good men to get together with one another,
We got to iron out our problems and iron out our quarrels,
And try to live as brothers.
And try to find peace within, without stepping on one another,
And do respect the women of the world, remember you all had mothers.
We got to make this land a better land, then the world in which we live,
And we got to help this man be a better man, with the kindness that we give;
I know we can make it, I know darn well we can work it out;
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
I know we can make it, I know darn well we can work it out;
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
And we gotta take care of all the children, the little children of the world,
‘Cause they’re our strongest hope for the future, the little bitty boys and girls.
We got to make this land a better land, then the world in which we live,
And we got to help this man be a better man, with the kindness that we give;
I know we can make it, I know darn well we can work it out;
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
I know we can make it, I know darn well we can work it out;
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
I know we can make it, I know darn well we can work it out;
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
Yes, we cab great gosh Almighty
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
I know we can make it, I know darn well we can work it out;
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
I know we can make it work, I know we can make it if we try
Oh, yes, we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can great gosh Almighty
Oh, yes, we can; I know we can, can
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we wanna, yes, we can, can.
Oh yes we can, I know we can, can—Yes, we can, can why can’t we?
If we want it, yes, we can, can. . .
“Yes We Can”—Pointer Sisters
As a people, we often behave like that abused dog that just won't leave his master; like that buster that keeps tagging along, trying to get with her—the more you hurt them, the more they'll love you. . . While many in America has acted like that female dog who abuse her weak pups—like the brute who intimidated us and called us ugly ever day in school—the ones who treated us inferiorly because they can; Barring us from their communities, their institutions, and their society; the ones who don't fix our streets or give us adequate public services. . . This went on from the 1860s until the end of the 1950s.
Blacks who are old enough to experience such racial hatred, do not like to mention it in public—maybe because of the level of disgrace, humiliation, and subhuman treatment experienced; and maybe it's because of fear of reprisal. Other Blacks don't mention it, because somehow they believe it is their fault; or maybe it's because they are uncertain or somehow really do believe they are inferior. During the 1860s to the 1960s, they even barred us from participating in sport games, so we formed our own Negro Leagues and got so good, they couldn't ignore us. Blacks weren't allowed to attend Major League Baseball games then, so Blacks attended their own. The concessions were Black, the writers were Black, the advertisement was Black, etc., etc; you get the idea.
Then some influential White decided to use our Black elite talent to their advantage and the rest is the 'his-story' behind Jackie Robinson entering the Major Leagues Baseball Association. After that MLB used the Negro Leagues; pimping their talents. Many of the Blacks went to the MLB because the pay was higher than money to be made in the Negro Leagues [although the salary of Blacks were lower than their White counterparts in the same league]. Of course, he couldn't stay in White hotels, so Mr. Robinson had to stay with the local blacks in every town his team played. . .
Many of us cursed our social conditions, often feeling powerless to overturn it, and many times totally unaware of what facilitated this type of behavior in Whites, many of us began blaming ourselves. As a result of over 400 years of this treatment by mainstream America, we began to get despondent, frustrated and violent; began taking it out on each other—fighting and killing one another (much like the Native Americans)—often turning to alcohol and drugs, talking negative about each other, often distrustful of women and those of their own kind.
Remember how Hip-Hop originally started out as a positive alternative to our gang warring and negative behavior. . .well what happened?
As I said previously, White America and its' Western ways [European ancestry roots] are being clandestinely superimposed upon us; That has been affecting our ethnic social sub-culture—period. Various legislation has been passed, forcing upon our people to comply to their values—and we conform somewhat, as a means of maintaining our livelihood and sustaining our survival in America. Our views as an entity (Blacks who live in America under the jurisdiction of America), are constantly under the scrutiny of mainstream society; as if, they are the moral majority, and what they find is often plastered all over their social media (as a form of cultural intimidation); is due to being the dominate culture in American society.
(1) One example of the above statement, is the Whites in America so-called acceptance and tolerance of alternative lifestyles, versus Blacks who live in America. Traditionally, all so-called African societies are Kabbalistic; which are gender specific: This ritualistically leaves no room for ambiguous terms as far as sex is concerned—since one of its' main axioms is, All things in life are dual—as in darkness and light, hot and cold, lock and key, male and females, etc. Sure, there are modulations and gradations between the poles (as well as polarizations), but those are only shifts between two extremes; According to Kabbala: Centering, Quintessence ["all-that"], and at-Oneness is the goal of Kabbala; not going to extremes.
(2) So even though our people have had everything taken from them, including their language(s) during slavery; there is still a thing called, "African Cultural Retention" which gives us a frame of mind that resembles a lot of our cultural traits; therefore we have a very similar posture as the traditional Africans at home concerning "Alternative lifestyles."
(3) Meanwhile the classical Greek, Roman, and traditional Viking culture has always accepted what we know today as alternative lifestyles; and even included beastiality—something we (as Blacks in America) looked at it as foreign from the rule.
(4) So now in America, at the height of its' sexual revolution, there's an emphasis against gay bashing, sexual discrimination, equal rights, and tolerance for LBGT people (because it has always been an acceptable part of their culture)—overtop of equilibrating or civil rights situation; causing a media frenzy in an attempt to try to force all Blacks in America to conform to the caucasian/European ethnic cultural outlook on things (because Blacks don't look at things the way that West does). This series of deeds are nothing less than the New Americans way of superimposing or forcing their White ways upon Black people.
(5) The mainstream part of American society will even go as far as to get some of their ultra-paid token Blacks to appear on their talk shows and agree with them [ESPN does it all the time].
The reason why these things are so successful upon Blacks in America is because there is a high concentration of rugged individualism growing amongst us. Rugged individualism has been amongst White Americans for a very long time—it is what they mistake as "American Freedom." It is not freedom, it is really "every man for him/or her self" but for White Americans there is a lot more leeway because they are truly part of the New American fabric because there roots are from Europe and the West. This same "leeway" is less available to others because they are not Western descendants, they just live in America vying for citizenship like the Rome of old—least of which are the former descendant of slaves for the colony. The reason why the elders of the Blacks who live in America didn't buy into this "rugged individual concept" so much, is because of their experience with oppression, suppression, run-ins with the law and agencies, stops and frisks, etc. These things have the tendency not to make you feel so free, and more like they will "throw the book at you" or "make an example of you."
However, the reason why rugged individualism works better among Black youth today, is because they mistake the growing camaraderie between young Blacks and Whites as an indicator that America no longer sees color. This is similar to how it was in South Africa, when the youth were growing up and respected their Black nanny and played amongst the so-called "colored." However, as they grew older, their parents taught them their "place" in society and the "place of others" in South African society: That's when the young Black children and the nanny would be called "Kaffir" by this same young child. However, for now, both the Black and the White youth are rebelling against tradition and enjoying the same things—so they say things like: "I don't see color." That is, of course, until the mainstream of American culture comes crashing into the "living room" of the young Black male, or he comes face-to-face with violence dressed from head-to-toe, like in Ferguson. Then he is in for a rude awakening.
We will never be able to get anything solved as individuals looking for social change. Rome's motto was, "Divide and conquer." Solidarity, single-mindedness in purpose, and a sense of belonging to that cause, is the key. The reason why we survived all these years as Blacks who live in America, is because we handed down navigational skills to each other, in the form of tradition, which our young Black millennial youth are openly disregarding. But what they fail to realize is, the American world is still being run by a lot rich White men who still are prejudice, bigoted, and racist; who will close in on a helpless "colored" figure, quicker than he/she realizes, and make a public example of him/or her.
The fact that the youth aren't going along with what is traditional, does carry one good caveat: They will address their issues with a different outlook other than, "Go back home and let the authorities handle it" or "We'll handle this at election time." That has the potential for real positive social change. And the fact that they are consulting with Dick Gregory, does seem promising.