Standing On The Verge. . .
What is the purpose of speech, if not for communication? What purpose is communication, if not to express ideas? If ideas are concepts and concepts are resultant of what you are aware of, then knowledge is the foundation of all things in existence, as surely as the Creator is the greatest omniscient [all science/knowledge and knowing] aspect of existence and subsistence. But awareness is not the totality of life; for there is a word call information; which means the formulation of that which is known—which implicates that knowledge is gathered to produce: being informed is nothing, if you do not utilize the essential or intimate details of what is being communicated to you. In other words, "To know the truth, you have to live it." You have to embrace the ideas, concepts, meanings and ideologies behind the words that you speak—through your day to day living (i.e., to personify and serve as a means of expression), in order to see and understand what these things truly mean.
There would be no reason for me to blog, if others out there did not have any need for confirmation. There would be no reason for confirmation, if everybody were absolutely sure; unless, that is, more people looking for to more concise ways in which to express it, We live in an age where knowledge is readily available, but largely gathered to orient oneself to what others are doing, while standing pat to one's own opinion or stale pool of ideas: Or like George Clinton of Parliament/Funkadelic once said; Standing On The Verge of Getting It On/Instead of getting it on [i.e., a song by the same name in caps]. As Max Roach once said, it is Deeds, Not Words [another song by the same name in caps]. What good is knowledge, if you don’t have the courage to live by it. By all means, I encourage, put all your theories to the test, but please be honest with yourself; if you don’t like the effects, then don’t produce (or reproduce) the deeds which caused it: And that means you can only do this, if you are being honest about what caused the result to begin with: If you are lying or blaming someone else for your actions, you can never get to the bottom of those actions—or grow wiser as a result of it—if you are not taking responsibility for them. In other words, you may be living by, The devil made me do it, aka others have full control of my life!
If you are reading my blogs for your amusement or bragging rights, please desist in doing so. What I share is the knowledge that What happened before, can happen again; with just a little bit of effort. This is what my efforts are for. My writings are to give my readers knowledge about how things really are, were and how these things came to be. I am writing to people who care and dare to be different—people who make a difference; those who believe in social development, self development, and moral development—regardless of what age you come from or place where you live. Those who don’t believe in change, will never change—and things will remain the same. And by the word, belief, I never advocate blind faith; I advocate change backed up with the confidence that comes from knowing; as any scientist who studies life would. Simply put; if you don’t dare to struggle, you won’t dare to win—and life is all about winning and being successful.
Most oppression and depression comes from the fact that your ideas does not match with the reality that you are in. Despite the idea that some environments are not fair, when you are not able to change or adapt things—depression/oppression will be the end result. The reality of what I speak upon, will make you aware, but it will not adapt or change anything without your assistance—which, for some, requires a change in attitude. The difficulties with most movements are they make demands upon the perpetrators of injustice—looking for them to make the social change—for the betterment of our world; My attitude is that you should personally change and that collective change will make social change. Part of what we go through in life, has to do with how we participate in it. We should want more for ourselves: So when you’re down and out and oppress, you must find ways to think outside the box; when you are in perilous waters, you must use your awareness to navigate skillfully.
Last but not least, man is a social creature. You come from a group of people. The environment in which you exist in, is because of the collective ideology of those people. Knowledge of self is all about this point—I am because we are. Our development depends on the development of each person and each person is elevated by the development of us as a whole; but social change is an average based upon the lowest common denominator—so we all have to do our part: Think globally but act locally; think socially but act locally—change starts with you. Make it happen.