Pinnacle Of The Capricorn
“All things considered,” is where I want you to be in this writing. Why all things considered? Because in order for you to appreciate the points I’m making, you have to consider all aspects of this equation; so that you can get the full impact of what I’m saying—and by doing so—you will be able to see what is being done to you and your people.
You see, culture is a very, very insidious thing. It has more appendages than Medusa, and effects your life in more ways than life in the bloodstream; with its’ arteries, branches, capillaries and arterioles. It feeds off of your sensibilities; It whispers in your ears, and can educate or deceive you according to your generational inclinations; And this it does to people who AWARE OF their own culture, so just imagine if your culture came from reconstructing elements out of the mainstream society. . .
I’ll give you an example: I probably older than most of my readership; but I write in a way that attracts younger intellectuals—sharp brothers and sisters; because I concern myself with your complications: Your observations; Your ups and downs. You guys are the promise of our future. You cannot call yourself nationalistic and not concern yourself with the younger generation’s vanguards: Gears wear down—and that’s what happened in the 70s-80s collapse.
I attempt to stand in the place where YOU are; make those considerations—in the center ring—remembering as though I’m experiencing it for the first time; using all my prior or priory knowledge, conjoined with my hard earned misfortunes in order to let you know how it really feels. . . Observe my use of the terms, “Brothers and sisters.”
Now I know, generationally, you guys (and gals) do not use those terms (simply because your generational experiences denies you the finer sensibilities to those terms) yet I bring them up to activate stirrings in the wise and break up any narcissistic tendencies in the others who receptive, by summoning your reasoning faculties of nationality from our “group’s” thinking cap.
In the days of my youth—even if you weren’t the type who believed in coming together for a cause, like the autonomy that concerns us as a people—the time period I come from would consider your actions gauche not to at least listen to such conversation. . .
But ever since the rise of Geraldo Rivera—generations after which came after, developed a general distrust for our ability to give them something to rally behind. That cultural-less pit in which slavery produced; only left us looking through glass doors for opportunities offered by others of their kind; which gave a modicum of freedom but not the true equality we searched for: Since this was not obtained through development; only solicitation, it only left us open to the whims of another group of people (the dominant culture or mainstream society)—even though our fight for civil rights cost us plenty in humiliation and bloodshed. . . This left us in a position that once we obtained legislation, newly elected officials from mainstream society would try to come back and whittle away at the strides made—like “Obamacare.”
Others of our kind thought they could charm their way into favor individualistically, rather than fighting for rights as a people—even selling our people out—and this too is not by coincident or accident; For those who grant these low-lives power, have control over their very souls and see them as harmless to their benefactor’s agenda.
The reason why I selected my words, is because I need for you to see the entire matter from the standpoint of a person, being or entity who is concerned about the welfare of others: Members and beings of a particular stock of people; Those who disseminate from members of your people and recognize or become aware of what is happening to us as a group of people in this colonized environment socially.
Now I know, no matter how old you are—or what social group or ethnicity you belong to—you know about the Holocaust of the Jews in Germany. This is the product of consolidated work: In this country alone, about every ten years, there appears several minor and one major film produced by several influential Jews in this country, to cover some aspect of this monumental phenomenon.
The reason should be fairly obvious to any culturally conscious person: It is to make sure that no Jew (nor anyone for that matter) forget that this event happened: Compare this to how many movies have been made concerning slavery or the plight of the Native Americans in this country. Hip Hop is only about 45 years old and many of you know little about Kool Moe Doe, Rakim, Lord Finesse, Kool G, LL Cool J, Schooly D or the Fresh Prince or Mc Lyte, or any of the greats from the Hip-Hop of the Skilled Era; which occurred in the late70s, 80s and 90s—just 27 to 37 years ago. The Holocaust was eighty-four years ago, and many of you millennials know about it intimately!
And for all this teaching by the Jews, and as ridiculous as it sounds—there are those from several other ethnicities who believe that the Holocaust never occurred. . .
Nonetheless, this is a major accomplishment for the Jewish community for asserting their chronology on the rest of humanity within the States for example; For I am sure that not everyone has an interest in knowing about this event and travesty—yet—nonetheless they know. Movie after movie; covering various social, political and economical aspects of it; there’s a movie on the Holocaust which gets produced. It is taught in the public school system; despite whether there are Jews present in the audience or whether other ethnicities want to know about it or not. One of the most major recent movie in my recollect is “Schindler’s List”—which covers the endeavors of Czech born, Oskar Schindler—who originally started out exploiting Jews for cheap labor, but ended up saving the lives of 1000 polish jews. I live in a predominately Black community. Curiously, what do you think the economic status is of that community and why? Do you believe that most of these people care to know about this aspect of Jewish history considering their suffrage and exploitation at the hands of their Asiatic brothers?
Not that I am anti-Semitic. . . For how can I be and be considered “conscious?!” Look through any good dictionary, and it will reveal that Semitic means “relating to or denoting a family of languages that includes Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic [Jesus/Isa spoke this dialect] and certain ancient languages such as Phoenician and Akkadian [as in Sumer Akkad], constituting the main subgroup of the Afrikan-Asiatic family.” And being an Asiatic Blackman myself—being anti-Semitic would only be considered self-hatred (and ignorance), for those descendants which came from my ancestors; However, that doesn’t stop the reverse from being true. . . In the case of Ashkenazi, Hasidic, Sephardi Jews—or any of the sub-groups hating on or exploiting the original stock of Black people in America; Like Muhammad Ali’s image being own by members of the Jewish community, or the beef that Terrell Owens currently has with Drew Rosenhaus. No, this story is about the Jewish community’s major accomplishment of letting all Americans know of the suffrages of their people; regardless to the sect—so that their interest can be protected and no one could play ignorant to discrimination; subject to prosecution.
Do I believe that Semites are smarter than our Black people in America? No, I don’t. I extrapolate that many of these Jewish people realize, culturally, what it means to be subgroup living in another man’s land: Its’ social significance, political significance, etc—and having this knowledge—they endeavor to protect their own self interests. The Jewish community have powerful influences in the movie industry and they have the Jewish defense league, because they see the need to protect their own self interests. . . This is why my persons uses this as a model; to let us not forget where we come from: We must keep things within their cultural context; The reason the Jewish community may be that focused, might lie in the fact that what we call “The Holocaust,” for the Jews was not their first one. . . As a matter of fact, there were two holocausts within English history itself (Google Jewish Holocausts within England) and one within Italy: This phenomena had formed the basis for William Shakespeare’s, “Merchant of Venice” [which you may want to Google this too].
So by the time this persecution happened in Germany—the Jewish community may have realized, this would continue to happen to this nomadic merchant class of people, traveling throughout the Western states; unless they took steps in order to prevent it.
Why did I bring the Jewish chronology up in reference to us?
Why? Because of several things which occur within social context of these two people, of course. . . But let’s not sleep on the fact that within this country every immigrant group which came to this colony called, “America,” exploited its’ predecessors to this place: Just ask the question; “How could Christopher Columbus be accredited for discovering America [or Amerigo Vespucci or the Vikings for that matter], with Natives already present? Look what they did to the predecessors? Remember the Jewish, Chinese,Dominican merchants who opened up the stores in the Black Ghettos, to send their children to schools and become doctors and lawyers. Have I not spoken the truth? No need to hate—you need to secure your own interests by investing in your self and your people the way we invest our money into theirs.
Culture is what a people do—and what a people do expresses their values and ideas about things. We have to protect our own interests; we cannot wait for mainstream America to get things and let it “trickle-down” to the underclass: All good Islamic man knows they have to be good businessmen. . . How about the rest of our people? Support your own interests; invest in yourselves. . .
Our main issue is that there are two cultures in America and that is Colonial America and the politics and culture of all other immigrants including us. Our chronology places us as indentured servants for the colonial cause; by the act of a judges gavel—we were deemed slaves and by the founding colonial fathers; “three-fifths of a man—to be considered along with livestock.” Now it is obvious that it is hard to get from under that moniker and opinion of you, when you continue to train your children not to be business owners and go to the same people, who have colonial ancestors, for work or look for public assistance. People look down on people who are looking for a hand out. . .
If you have a job, use that job to start your own. Hang around people who are progressive and support Black businesses. If we can’t rely on our people, who can we rely on? If you do hair, hone your skills so that your sisters will want to pay you to do theirs. . . Hang around business minded people.
When you watch the movie, “Gangs of New York,” you'll watch immigrants trying to rise off the backs of the other immigrants by using them. It’s business; nothing personal. You'll see them be opposed to helping the Blackman during the Civil War. And sure it is hard to learn business, go into business and make money from your own people—but if we don’t plant the seed; nothing will never grow and if we do not dare to struggle with it, how can we ever win?