Staking Claim to things they’ve long since Abandoned. . .
Listening to the Breakfast Club’s interview with Wesley Muhammad reveals some very interesting facts: Number One, that we are consciousness dwelling in a form and as such, our knowledge and chronological recording of events are circular and spiral like a slinky; whereas speaking and chronological accounts are often told and received by the unlearnt in a linear fashion—subject to deceit and/or misunderstanding. What do I mean by that?
Wesley accumulated his knowledge of the Nation of Islam in the 1990s; after death of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad in 1975 and the subsequent fragmentation of the Nation of Islam in the late 70s; forming a hard split between those who truly follow the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s message as well the self-appointed rise to power of Minister Louis Farakhan in the 80s.
Wesley claims to have read everything on the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, but he himself did not live through those times as a teenager or a young man. He was incarnated in 1972, three years before the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s death: He was only ten years old when Louis Farakhan rose to power, after the many battles to seize control over the Nation by Wallace Muhammad and various ministers and assistants to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, during the late 70s. Everyone knows there’s a big difference between living within (and through) a time period—and reading about it in the press or through research. It’s like seeing these millennials today with a perfect high-top fade, having absolutely no knowledge of Hip-Hop Culture and customs during the Skilled or Golden Era which created the look; these kids possess no language, phrases or whatever reminiscent of the style. . .
Everyone who was a teenager during these times who either observed or followed the Nation of Islam; knew that there was a rift between the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and his son Wallace. During my teens, Malcolm X was more like a son than Wallace was: Matter of fact, Malcolm was the National Spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Malcolm innovated the “Muhammad Speaks” and developed a lot of their infrastructure similar to the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey (whom Malcolm’s father followed), yet when Malcolm spoke always infused his sentences with “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches” or “The Honorable Elijah Muhammad says. . .” However, these words seldom leaves the “Honorable Minister Louis Farakhan” lips in these days and times.
As a matter of fact, the Nation of Islam has been in constant transition since the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’ return to essence in 1975. I lived during those times as a teenage during those times, I had classmates who were in the Nation of Islam, and I can tell you; during that time they were shook as to which way to go. Now it has been said that the ministers asked the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when he returned to essence, who would lead the Nation of Islam. His reply was that he is the last messenger of Allah, who has come in the persons of Master Fard. After him, there would be no more leaders. Those who know would lead by committee, but once he Honorable Elijah Muhammad when he returned to essence, ministers started to bicker about leadership and they broke off into factions: Most of the First Resurrection did as he Honorable Elijah Muhammad instructed and led by committee. This faction pretty much stayed with the mission Master Fard and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad laid down for the Black man in America. The First Resurrection are the least visible in the public eye. There were those who followed Wallace Muhammad (now Warith); and as a result, went through several changes as he searched for a curriculum which were more in keeping with the pale Arabs; as opposed to the God tribes or Sufism: First this group called themselves the American Muslim Mission, then after a few years, they called themselves Bilalians; bringing about still another curriculum change: And then finally Wallace led his followers into something which resembled the Orthodox Muslim way. Imagine how confusing that was for any of Wallace’s followers: It was like belonging to a church that changes its’ rituals every so often. Imagine letting go the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad which you were raised up with, then dropping the appearance social structure and affiliations with the other Muslims for this new way; only to have Wallace change it two more times.
Next, the barber for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Silas Muhammad, created a faction himself, loyal to the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and personally approached Warith with a reprimand for his treatment of his father’s legacy. This is a view held by John Muhammad (biological brother of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) and Solomon Royall and their followers; but as you can see, the Nation suffers more from internal struggles than external ones. Yet a lot of this is not public; which is consistent with how the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught in the thirties before Malcolm X (Malik Alhajj Shabazz) appeared on the seen. As a matter of fact, Malik was very high profile, with lawyer like precision and a wit which gained him numerous accolades by supporters and enemies alike. And while this did much to boost the notoriety and membership of the Nation, I think it did a lot to attract the notice of this countries secret service. . .
During the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s times, there were very lucrative businesses: The Shabazz franchises, bean pies and a fish business that Elijah had with Japan. During the time after of his moving onwards, the bickering and division left all that into shambles. They could not do what one man managed to build, because they were too selfish and petty to split it fairly and do best for the Nation the Honorable Elijah Muhammad built. Muslim God Indeed. . .
I was a young Christian at the time, and like most religions—i was suffering from religious prejudices and preferences as well; but many of my classmates were Black Muslims (as there were no Sunni Muslims around me as I knew of during that time). The only other Islamic contemporaries I knew of during the 70s was the Moorish Science Temple under the leadership of Noble Drew Ali. As I said, I went to school with many Muslims and even though they represented a religious threat from my parents point of view; they were my classmates, my buddies—they were children like me. They were my neighbors and friends who became these Black Muslims. At the time, neither the tinged or pale Arabs did any teachings in the Black communities. Many of them, as well as Jews, lived in White communities or isolated communities. So while my parents said no, I still had to live in the real world—I couldn’t turn my back on my buddies—so I mingled with them and observed the differences between what their religion taught and what ours taught (I even liked a Moorish American female very much). That transformation of the Black man that Wesley speaks about, are only romantic recollections of his youth; very few of the brothers under Minister Louis Farakhan ever possessed what I call “that Muslim glow” of the 60s and 70s; unless their parents were part of the “First Resurrection Muslims.”
As a matter of fact, this is fundamentally the issue I have with Wesley Muhammad: If you grew up during the Nation of Islam splendor, which is the 60s and the 70s, your view of the Nation of Islam is much different from what Wesley and Minister Louis Farakhan makes it out to be. Anyone who was incarnated in 1968, was only 7 years old when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad returned to essence. The image most Generation X children have of the Nation of Islam, is under the leadership of Minister Louis Farakhan; when in fact—his Nation of Islam is only the most visible but not representative of the values and principles Wesley Muhammad read and speaks about. The paper published under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was called “Muhammad Speaks,” Farakhan changed it to the final call and the writing style changed. Someone who’s older would know this, whether or not he was in the Nation; but most Generation X and Millennials would not. During the times of Minister Louis Farakhan, the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad have been shelved and replaced by Dianetics, a system developed by the founder of the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, that aims to relieve psychosomatic disorder by cleansing the mind of harmful mental images; which is nothing that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught. Farakhan even let Whites join the mosque nowadays—a practice which would have never occurred under the teachings of Master Fard Muhammad (the teacher and guide to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad). It is more the sentiments of Louis Farakhan solely. It has even been said that Warith Muhammad and Minister Louis Farakhan had an agreement to bring his followers towards Orthodox Islam, which was not in the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s agenda. Yet, Wesley talks as though the Nation of Islam under Minister Louis Farakhan is the same as was under the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and that these new teachings can resurrect the Black man and woman: It’s all smoke and mirrors. Those teachings can’t even produce the same product. They are using the image of the Nation of old for their own agenda. The real Nation lies with the First Resurrection and John and Silas Muhammad; their practices remain true to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teachings. They have the same curriculum. Wesley Muhammad and Wakeel tries to steal the thunder of the Nation of Islam and the Nation of Gods and Earth and claim they are the original when they don’t even practice the original Supreme Wisdom.
This Nation of Islam under Farakhan is not a “Do for Self” nation. Much more of Farakhan’s members work for White people than at any time when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad led the Nation. Farakhan has uprooted so much of Elijah Muhammad’s principle teachings, that it is a travesty to call themselves the Nation of Islam. Those members are not trying to build an economy base where you have the option to work for Black Enterprises; As a matter of fact, Farakhan no longer preach about “Moving away from her” (meaning American lifestyle), they seem to accept cohabitation with people he once claimed has wronged Black people. Brother Wesley speaks about the effect of Elijah Muhammad’s message knowing Farakhan’s new agenda does not produce a more civilized man as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad speaks about in Supreme Wisdom.
Wesley speaks negatively about getting a college degree in African-American Studies in a HBCU, because he is advocating that his members work within the economic system of Western society. This nation is not going to develop trade with African countries or develop the kind of swag that fosters Black people looking at themselves as an entity or group in a hostile environment that must learn to take care of themselves, without depending on White assistance; because White help often cripples this type Black ingenuity. Of all the ministers who spoke harshly about Malcolm to the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm had never did anything as damaging as I have lived long enough to see. Malcolm went over to Africa and formed strong ties with our people. He helped formed and strengthen the OAAU, Organization of African American Unity. As far as Pan Africanism is concerned, he is still known as the Black Prince. Most organizations which deviated from Elijah’s path had enough respect to alter the name of their organization to signify as such; but Farakhan deviates and still says he is about the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. This does nothing but confuses our people and keep folks divided. I see this clearly now.
The last time Minister Louis Farakhan felt gravely ill, he said he no longer believed Whites to be the demons which plagued the Blackman in America since 1555. This runs fundamentally contrary to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught. Yet he still maintains he is the Nation of Islam: It sounds more like someone on the take. . .
Wesley Muhammad spoke about THC in marijuana and the enhancement drugs they use on the natural canibus as being the reason for our current condition, but Wesley said very little about the White cultural experience which is still changing us—this is because Farakhan’s agenda doesn’t have the answer for that; As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t be surprise if they themselves have took a payoff to stop being a political threat or being considered a domestic enemy to this country. The way I see it is, there are Westerners, those who bow down to the Western way, those who do things different, but stay clear of direct confrontation and those who openly say that the West is the “Great Satan.” Take your choice as to which side you stand; I just state: “We will always have this problem as long as we remain subjected to their ways. . .”
C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers
C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers