Existence is a representation of the principle things you need to know about in life; it is also the outcome of whatever theories you have put to the test, or misconceptions you believe should be the case. The nature of the mind is to solve problems, and the nature of the Self is to experience those said qualities within; so that an intelligent, more reasonable course could be pursued on the way to happiness. As a scientist, existence is based upon the known—pursuing things to the point of ascertaining the truth above belief; and living according to the bottom line of such discoveries. As a believer, existence is a matter in faith and providence—good over evil, morals, values, social considerations and principles concerning us as a group: civilities for citizens, belief in the humanities, social behavior, where we are going as people, etc.
This type of life (life based upon what one believes) becomes kind of tricky; because Karma (consequence of one’s actions) is quite balanced—and no less equilibrated, principled, or scientific than “E=MC2; However, what one believes (morally) may vary from people to people, culture to culture, and along the lines of evolutionary development: Even the writings of such communities reflect such phenomena. For example, “Sweet & Low”™—an artificial sweetener based upon scientific studies—was based upon studies which proved that the caloric intake of this substitute was much lower than sugar during the time tested; but the findings were not conclusive. The business community (eager to sell a product), rushed to get the product on the market; much to the chagrin of the public. Later on, as the rest of the research happened, the key ingredient found in Sweet & Low was found to produce cancer. Bottom line: The sure thing gets moved aside for what people want; despite the knowing a sure thing. . .
Religion pitches morals and values in order to protect the group under the guidance of God; whose voice comes through another leader. God is the father; which means he looks after the children and protects them by predicting outcomes on moral and social issues; hoping the congregation will take heed and do as instructed. But the congregation are the “children,” doing things based on their own social development—very few religions teach that their congregations are one with the creator of all. So the congregation takes the immature way out and ask for God’s forgiveness: Heck, they want God to buck Self’s principles to save them. . . And before they die, some of them think to “throw up a quick prayer” and all will be “forgiven.”
So why want to know? There must be a benefit in being aware of what is going to happen, or what you can do as a result of what you know. In order for this to be true, you must emulate those things you know is know is true, real and right for the situation: It shouldn’t happen by trusting what people say, but by researching and finding out the truth on your own: That is the research part.
As a result, you will get what comes to the one who does what is appropriate, and will know what a person knows. . . Who steps correct. At some point you will educated by such concepts and travel the road “less traveled,” if you are willing to be reasonable: That is the development part, which will lead to Self-Realization or Knowledge of Self.
You have to be reasonable, or at least willing to consider the possibility; for I have tried to pitch the most poignant arguments in logic and reason and lost to folks who see what they want to see and hear what they want to hear, building monuments, cultures, beliefs and psychological defects; based upon the delusion and cognitive dissonance of what they want to believe as opposed to what really is.
Once again, man is a social creature and culture is his customs, beliefs and values—in essence; it is what a people do. Culture and cultural values changes from people to people. It is bad enough that our people (Black people) live in another land, dominated by another people (White people) who have their own different set of cultural values which often does not agree with ours: It becomes extremely complicated in this case because we are subject to their perspectives, compounded by the fact that despite the culture, for the most part—what a people know, believe and understand (despite science, knowledge, and truth are included within that cultural packet) their behaviors rarely go along with committing themselves to living by the principles that are contained within. It is high time that we, as Black people, need to study America and redefine what these cultural things mean for us as Black people; because a lot of times it means or implies something different for us. And as such, we need to have enough integrity to redefine it for ourselves—and if need be; with different terms.
We are not talking about ideals; we are talking about ways to live according to exclusively. We are talking about redefining terms and excluding terms in our vocabulary; Because those terms in theAmerican language has inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, and/or attitudes as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change—that is detrimental and often repressive to us as a people. We may find ourselves using different terms for things used by Whites, to protect our esteem as well as our mental space—and other terms simply because after we examine them, we may find that theirs does not seem true based upon a different set or stage of consciousness represented by us as a people. After all, our observations on Buddhism, Catholicism, Christianity, Hebrew Culture, Islamic Culture or Traditional African or Khamitic Culture in America is not an anthropological view, it is a Eastern view studied in a Western way; and from a Western perspective. I say we must study things how we see things, culturally, scholarly and scientifically based upon our people’s point of view; based upon our people’s values and perspective.
After we have used our critical thinking skills to determine what is true and what is not, we have to use our imagination to determine how things would be based upon such concepts:
Imagination is what Self uses to transverse between realms. It is knowledge and wisdom based upon visualization—like looking in a looking glass and applying your skills to the new realm; based on new words and new terminology but ancient rudimentary concepts and ways to consider things:
Those who are familiar with the Concept of Knowledge of Self and Eastern thoughts, know that the mind is universal, because within this school of thought; There is only one Self in the Subjective Realm, which is the Original Realm; and the sphere of Awareness, where consciousness resides. In other words, in the Subjective Realm, there is “No-Thing,” because “nothing” has been made to exist: There is only the awareness that the Self subsists, and that the ability to exist is only a potentiality.
The undifferentiated energy/matter aspect of Self, is a homogeneous substance that subsists in the Subjective Realm; where energy nor matter is undistinguishable and cannot be determined by speed, vector, gender, shape, color, time or any other means Objective beings use to determine the nature of things.
Awareness is not a thing; It is conscious used to determine what things shall become; originating from Self Awareness; based upon Self’s myriad of abilities and or qualities.
In Arabic, those who speak of Allah, speak of Allah’s Ninety-nine Attributes; Which opens up into many other realms or worlds originating from the one Self. In the language of Knowledge of Self, It is said that “Knowledge is the Foundation; which is synonymous with Omniscient awareness: Where one Self is aware of everything which resides within the “Sphere of Awareness”—where concepts are considered: Chief among them would be Kether (on the Tree of Life), which is the Self’s idea of itself.
When Self considered experiencing its own myriad of said qualities; a sphere was made within the homogeneous substance, called by some as “Undifferentiated energy/matter” and others as “Primordial waters”—where the physical realm would begin to be made somewhat separate from the Subjective realm: This realm is called the “Objective Realm.”
When the Self considered the construction of the Objective realm and it’s principles there of; the mind was constructed to hold its’ integrity and govern all parts of the realm; similar to how the Infinite potential of Unlimited Consciousness controls the Subjective realm as an implicit force within the world: Thus making the mind universal, and accessible to all to ponder and learn about other things; as opposed to separate beings who have only their limited existence and power to be concerned about—With no sense of ecology or reasoning outside their ego.
Those who followed that journey of reasoning has learned the abstract language of cosmology, the art of the concept behind words, the art of critical consideration; and the use of reasoning and imagination to become what should be: Those who have been led in the wrong direction, merely are so because they, at some point, became polarized instead of centered and/or neutral—and therefore could not find the truth or the awareness of what is appropriate or right knowledge.