When we go to study a certain course in college, it stands to reason that we will have to undergo studying the history of that subject; that is, of course, within the western world. Not that that’s bad or not the right cultural thing to do, on the contrary, you can’t know where you’re going to—if you don’t know where you’ve been; and I’ve been to a few ugly places in my lifetime, let me tell you. . . It’s always good to know the nature of the particular thing you are encountering—otherwise you could be ambushed by life itself!
There’s nothing wrong with knowing what lies ahead—that is; unless you’re “Mista Know-it-all—because then you might get offended that I’m even telling you about this, because you think you know everything:
News Flash: Nobody knows everything and nobody wants to help those type of people anyway because they’re ungrateful and yes, it helps to be “Thankful and Thoughtful” [a Sly Stone tune of the same name].
Anything worth having, will take an investment in order to keep it; which I know is true, because everything has to be fed—in other words, you have to gas in the car, if you expect to go places. . .
Not that I’m telling you not to put your theories to the test; you should. . . Everybody should want to know if what they are saying is true. . . Just keep your eyes wide open, and don’t smoke up your own keister [delude yourself] or look for things that match your own stale pool of ideas; You need to know the thing you are basing your life on is the real deal, or that you know all the contributing factors concerning your inquiry….
Long story short—you need to know the whole truth!
Now the reason for this article, is concerning the paradigm surrounding our current situation in America as Black people: We are a people who have been trying since slavery to be accepted as equal citizens; we have had two civil right movements within a two hundred year span, without achieving racial equality: Therefore, it is safe to say—despite the advancements—we still live a separate reality; apart from White people. . . So in light of things, whatever the phenomena maybe, we need to analyze what these things mean for Black people; and as conscious Black people we need to look at what these things mean for the future of Black people not only in this country—but for Black people as a whole.
That being said—what America is going through, reflects what Europeans and Americans are going through as Westerners—and on a greater scale; it reflects what all societies are going through which are dominated by Western thought and influence. Whether we want to be or not—Westerner society plays Black people to the outside; therefore whether we want to be or not, we are on the outside looking in. . . And in the past, it didn't bother us as much because we had larger numbers being discriminated against.
Therefore it is tacit in today's society, because some Black people desire to be included in mainstream society so bad—it doesn’t matter or not whether we truly are—therefore that part of the Black population is going be under the influence as the White folks in this society. This phenomena reminds me of drug addicts and junkies who are incapable of receiving the advice of others who are not drug addicts themselves, that is—or formerly were drug addicts:
Basic psyche or paradigm is, if you are not part of it—how could you possibly know all the implications. . . If you’re not hip; how could you possibly know all the parameters? You’re not "smart enough". . .
There are a number of Blacks in the bourgeoisie economic category, who swear that they are where they are in American society, because they are smarter than the rest of us Black folks; namely because they went to the finest schools in their "mixed area" and show themselves to be so much different than the rest of Black society. . . They truly believe themselves, not only to be better—but feel they shouldn’t associate with the “low-lifes”—since they are so much better than “those people” (despite the fact they share the same place of origin and once shared in the original persecutions). . . They truly feel they have made it. If you are Black, they are Brown.
This struggle is a struggle within itself. . .
And should the time comes, when the dark overlord decides to end the project and take his personal body-count to Valhalla—somehow he will be spared (like Bill Cosby). . . I’ve watched documentaries on covert operations, and somehow I would not believe these things possible. Best thing one could be is a useful pawn in a political agenda, and everyone knows pawns get sacrificed for a bigger play; It is ludicrous to consider otherwise. . . It is flawed thinking to believe one ethnic group could be safely guided by another; although I subscribe to the idea to follow to learn how to lead—I just follow in the footsteps and considerations of Marley and Steel Pulse; to “recapture our culture by any means”. . .
There is no compromise between Eastern and Western thought: The East has given us transcendental meditation, various forms of dance meditations, the concept that the whole is more than the parts, the concepts of dhryana, dhyana, and samadhi, African culture, holistic approaches to life, societies which stress peace and harmony, Oneness, the martial arts and the cultures are more ancient. . . The West has given us imperialism, racial superiority, colonization, nazis ism, nihilistic thinking, atheism, ego and rugged individualism, various forms of usurpation, xenophobias and prejudice of various sorts, various phobias and mental illnesses, and entertainment where we watch mentally ill people run amok, forcing their will upon others. . . the West is lacking in coping and social skills for dealing with adversity. Rather than compromise and sharing; might often equals right. The priest, witch-doctor, and dietician has been replaced with the psychologist, analyst, and psychiatrist; with heavily medicated people polluting the environment.
A woman once said to me, "American is a chauvinistic society!" I said, "Whether it is or not is of no consequence concerning my people. Some Black males may use the way society is, but Black folks certainly were not the ones who made this society that way—Black folks are not the mainstream of this society; it is the Whites who created this country and its ideologies. . . We're usually the ones trying to fit within and work within the themes." And this is precisely my point: Wherever American society is going is mainly the outgrowth and the evolution of the ones who founded this country. The ideas reflect its people and their psychic maturity (or lack thereof). Unfortunately, because of slavery, a cultural vacuum was created for Blacks in America and we found ourselves grasping for something that would keep us culturally in tact. So we reached for the only things that were available at the time—the religious culture of the Bible and the imitation of the culture of those some of the same folks that enslaved us. . .
A woman once said to me, "American is a chauvinistic society!" I said, "Whether it is or not is of no consequence concerning my people. Some Black males may use the way society is, but Black folks certainly were not the ones who made this society that way—Black folks are not the mainstream of this society; it is the Whites who created this country and its ideologies. . . We're usually the ones trying to fit within and work within the themes." And this is precisely my point: Wherever American society is going is mainly the outgrowth and the evolution of the ones who founded this country. The ideas reflect its people and their psychic maturity (or lack thereof). Unfortunately, because of slavery, a cultural vacuum was created for Blacks in America and we found ourselves grasping for something that would keep us culturally in tact. So we reached for the only things that were available at the time—the religious culture of the Bible and the imitation of the culture of those some of the same folks that enslaved us. . .
Sometime ago, I suggested that Black folks in America should act like a foreigner with a green card: What I meant by this is, rather than be inclusive to the cultural happenings occurring in America—Black folks should be objective and analytical to the behavioral patterns displaying themselves in this country; determining for ourselves what should the proper course action ourselves given the circumstance. What we have to keep upmost in our minds as a people, is that Black folks are different people than the folks who founded this country: We were never accepted as culturally, socially, or politically. . .
What occurs in America is the evolutionary outgrowth of the people who founded this country: It is their ideology, their beliefs and their behavior. Our behavior to them is a separate issue—one of little consequence—except through sports, music and other things we are allowed to participate in. It's citizens play politically correct, but we are always kept to the outside—so we might as well fully-accept the life. All that is good, and most that is bad in folks, can be traced back to the culture that produced the folks. It is their culture, they will have to learn from their mistakes. . .
But in order to do so, you must have another cultural perspective: This is what Malcolm, Marcus Garvey, Marley, and Steel Pulse meant by recapturing our culture by any means. This means we must look towards reflecting the culture of the peoples who look just like us, from the lands of our origin. This becomes hard for us to do, simply because of the public opinions of mainstream society—with its xenophobic posturing and prejudice. . . The way Americans act about their ways, you would think that their culture is the best and only game in town: And here is where we have to readjust our tendencies. We must seek other approaches. Of those who are engaged in the process of recapturing our culture—they may claim to be Pan-African or Eastern orientated—Buddhist, Muslim, Hebrew, etc.; but deep down inside, they are more European and Western than those who are of Western decent. This has got to change. We cannot act like Whites who think of other cultures as primitive and backwards; as reflected in their media and public opinions—we must learn to think critically for ourselves.
What we have going on in this country, is a response to the chauvinism of the 1940s and 50s by mainstream society. This gave room for undercover misandrists, to cover their sexual and anarchistic objectives under the guise of proper womanhood; which secretly aimed at the destruction of the nuclear family and androgyny. These themes and ideology can be traced back to their Western counterparts in Europe—along with sexual ambiguity, nihilism, xenophobia, and nazism. Look over the societies of England, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Poland, France and Germany and you will find it so.
As you may know, during the time, this theme was introduced in this country during the sixties—mainstream society made a distinction between womanhood and feminism. None of this had anything to do with the Black constituency in America, or its non-European make-up—as a matter of fact it ran contrary to Kabbalistic notions [which includes all African peoples] and Eastern notions of family, motherhood, womanhood and group dynamics; but that's all right: No society has to make no apologies for how it affects its people: Every group of people (as well as every person) has the right to decide its own destiny. When the time comes, if the system does not fulfill their needs—THEY will dismantle it!
The problem is, many Black people imitate mainstream culture and make their issues our people's issues; without any solutions on how to resolve such things in our own cultural way. And many of us who say we follow other teachings more germane to our own cultural aspects—simply follow themes set by Western media. Until we learn to stick to our own cultural agenda and do things in our own cultural way, we will go right down the drain with the rest of this society and its rebellions against its own traditional ways. . .