"Here's our chance to dance our way, out of our constrictions."--George Clinton
Ever notice how in most of these American movies, we have a literal united nation of actors in many of their block buster movies; You know, an asian, exotic immigrants, with a few extra Blacks sprinkled around—but always with a plethora of Whites? Have you saw that in the Matrix series, for example...or maybe Star Trek movies, or Marvel's Dr Strange... Of course, this sort of thing must symbolize that Westerners are the leading race in Spiritualism, Self Development and Space Exploration, and all things good about the planet, right?
Al Jolson (born Asa Yoelson), a Russian-born American singer, comedian and actor; lived May 26, 1886 - October 23, 1950. And at the peak of his career, was dubbed "The World's Greatest Entertainer." During his career, he used to dress in blackface and imitate Black people, in a huge number of films; While in 1963, Cleopatra, a Khamitic (Khemetic) princess, was played by Elizabeth Taylor... Are you telling me, there's no comparable Black actors available for these roles at the time? There are millions upon millions, spent in the American movie industry on films of this sort, many of them done in this fashion. What is the social significance of this? They say it isn't the wealth in America, it is the emphasis and distribution of it which is problematic—with this type of expenditure being indicative of its politics and interests. . .
So what does this tell you?
Pictures are strategically created for certain desired effects: The type of actors, the ethnicity, the ratios and even the storyline and script is strategically planned and placed. A picture is worth a thousand words. . .and just as quick as I am striving to build with you about what is happening to your conscious realm, when a movie is shown—millions of sigils or images are being impressed upon your psyche before you can reason as to the veracity and validity of such impressions. Whatever the case may be, we are being conditioned, educated and led by video, entertainment and social media on a daily basis. Now, depending on the society, this can be enlightening or a spiritual awakening, or it could be plain old indoctrination.
"Civilization is social order promoting cultural creation. Four elements constitute it: economic provision, political organization, moral traditions, and the pursuit of knowledge and the arts."
—"The Story of Civilization" by Will Durant
[mentioned in the Autobiography of Malcolm X]
—"The Story of Civilization" by Will Durant
[mentioned in the Autobiography of Malcolm X]
Knowledge of Self is a way of programming, deprogramming and reprograming ourselves within human parameters for the human kingdom while in the human form. As I said before, we are consciousness dwelling with a form. The Creator subsists and exists within what has been created: That is what Omnipresence is... How this faculty is utilized, depends on how well you have been cultivated and which culture you are incarnated into.
Europeans previously believed that all humans could only hold their breath for five minutes, until they came across the culture of the native Hawaiians, whose pearl divers cultivated the art of retaining the breath for ten minutes. . .
The Hindi, Khamau (so-called Egyptians), Vendatin, Tibetan, and Nipponese (Japanese) cultures cultivated an ample terminology of meditation techniques—as the traditional Akebulan (Afrikan) societies developed the art of moving meditation in their dance. Anthropologists from around the world claim that there isn't a more advanced system for rearing and social structures, than what the Twa (so-called Pygmies) of Alkebulan possess. Whilst the German people brought precision tooling to the automotive industry. Vikings and Roman (Latins) brought in the art of war into the Iron age; and the Native American cultures fostered the complex system of ancestral worship into the Western world. Each according to the interests of the people, their proclivities and their rate of development. . .
The Hindi, Khamau (so-called Egyptians), Vendatin, Tibetan, and Nipponese (Japanese) cultures cultivated an ample terminology of meditation techniques—as the traditional Akebulan (Afrikan) societies developed the art of moving meditation in their dance. Anthropologists from around the world claim that there isn't a more advanced system for rearing and social structures, than what the Twa (so-called Pygmies) of Alkebulan possess. Whilst the German people brought precision tooling to the automotive industry. Vikings and Roman (Latins) brought in the art of war into the Iron age; and the Native American cultures fostered the complex system of ancestral worship into the Western world. Each according to the interests of the people, their proclivities and their rate of development. . .
Knowledge is universal and is the basis of science; which every civilized culture and nation embraces. . . It is not based conjecture, but concrete evidence—upon which laws and principles can be established from experience, research and pursuits. Wisdom is also fundamentally sound--as it forms the basis of jurisprudence (wise judgment pertaining to laws) which makes for a sophisticated and experienced society, full of experience which will born great understanding.
But when it comes to cultural differences. . .a lot can be traced back to customs, traditions and religion. . .a lot of which is formed—not upon knowledge—but belief; and belief can be based on religion, hunches and feelings.
But when it comes to cultural differences. . .a lot can be traced back to customs, traditions and religion. . .a lot of which is formed—not upon knowledge—but belief; and belief can be based on religion, hunches and feelings.
For example, if I told you what I was saying was fact, the truth, or based on what I know—I'd have to substantiate my claim. . .with quotes, books, reference material, etc; But if I said, "This is what I believe". . .well then, you'd back up and say, "I'm not going to say anything, he has the right to believe what he wants. . ."
It becomes a matter of acceptable conjecture versus validity based upon a presentation of concrete evidence, facts and actual research. Interesting. . .
It becomes a matter of acceptable conjecture versus validity based upon a presentation of concrete evidence, facts and actual research. Interesting. . .
Movies are part of the cultural arts called drama; which serves as expression or vehicle for visual and audio messages concerning man vs. man, man vs. society, personal struggles, moral traditions, political organization, pursuit of knowledge, fame, etc. Its' involvement is thought provoking, with the expressed purpose of evoking expressions out of its audiences, by letting you know how a certain something feels: It can bring you to laughter or reduce to tears; with a few sobering moments between, to get its' point across to your psyche in rather concrete terms; on the way to stimulating and emoting emotional response from you. . . Movies are also be used as propaganda. . .
Actors infuse their dialogue and get up for the roles, switching characters at will, tweaking personas and impersonating public figures, while battling through social interactions and delivering powerful speeches, leaving lasting impressions on the conscious realms of anyone who will pay attention. And whether it's theater, a play, a talk show or delivering the new, stage is set and the objective is to look and feel like everything's for real; And as a renaissance artist, I am very well-aware of this. . . While on the subject, ever notice how easy actors come in and out of their roles? Well, we'll come back to this point a little later. . .
Many people believe that powerful speeches contain powerful words. . . That isn't entirely true. A powerful speech happens when a person gets into the right frame of mind, selects the corresponding character out of his répertoire of personality and moods, then chooses the right group of words to represent the spirit or mood he or she is in. Finding the right words to say, is an art; but it isn't so much as finding the right words, as it is finding the right concepts which means the same as the orator is thinking, that matters. Powerful speeches are speeches which contain vivid imagery and conceptualizations that are vigorously thought provoking; evoking the minds and spirit of others to be in harmony with or sympathetic to the one who is giving the speech. This is because all of its concepts are merely an extensive part of his or her operating system. The speeches are passionate, effective, and thought provoking because the man, his actions, and his speech, are all of one accord. . . Powerful speeches are the product of archetypal people. Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were powerful speakers, because they were sincere speakers who were mainly true to their words. . . Because the ultimate place to be is where what you are doing reflects knowledge and light; where deeds and words are one; when truth becomes acknowledged by you, and you become your own epiphany. . .Self realized: Because ultimately, you and the knowledge that you seek are one.
"How can I tell you that I love you—I love you, but I can't think of the right words to say;
I long to tell you that I'm always thinking of you—I'm always thinking of you, but my words just blow away.
It always end up to one thing, honey and I can't think of right words to say..."
It always end up to one thing, honey and I can't think of right words to say..."
—"How Can I tell You" Cat Stevens
But then, we get into what a man or woman believes—that is, what they know; what is correct or right and exact. Right and exact refers to knowing—its' precision and conciseness; its' ability to be the best solution for situation: Does it answers the reason for why something exists? Does it provide purpose or the reason why something exists or subsists? What's in a word? Within its' definition and concept does it offer the proper solution? Does it or is it the answer to our woes?
A person maybe strong in their conviction to something, but that conviction could be merely blind faith. . . Primarily in life, we should seek concrete answers wherever we can find them, but we have to be careful of those huge media sources which claim to be the authority on such things. Usually "authority sites" are just the country's way of controlling the narrative, and not necessary the most prudent way to get to the truth of such things. Your research should be thorough and include research from several angles; including people who have actually experienced what you are striving to know more about and always remember to use your reasoning and discernment abilities...because ultimately you are the most reputable judge in your universe.
"Mind your want, because there's somebody who wants your mind."
—George Clinton Parliament/Funkadelic
There are also many who believe that spiritualism and faith should be our operating system; not knowledge and human evolution: They believe that the Creator has a master plan for solving all the woes the Western world has inflicted on the rest of the globe: How do they know this? Did they get it from the Creator directly, or do they just strongly believe this with all their heart and soul and are willing to lay down life for their belief?
While I admire their conviction and know that strong will does bring about change, just wanting something to be a certain way, doesn't make it so or true. . .
This is not the thrust of Black Consciousness On The 3rd Stone From The Sun—nor will this ever be. . .
Belief and confidence in the known and the Belief in Faith that God will right the wrongs the Western man has inflicted on the rest of civilization, is two entirely different things:
What you know is what you are aware of, and what you are aware of, is evidenced; ascertained or confirmed by the available body of facts or information—In other words, it is an assessment based upon the things which has occurred, an extrapolation of bottom-line significance based upon one's everyday existence. This means people are confident, because it has been proven in so many ways, and there's concrete evidence as to the validity of such claims. . .
These are the type of things which are the most reasonable things to have faith in... In other words, Your faith should be placed in your ability to extract the underlying significance of your experiences, and using this as the basis of your beliefs; If you seek the science of everything in life, this is predominately all you need to have faith in (that is, of course, including your conversations with the silent speaker). God does not need middlemen. But always keep in mind, a true scientist of life will always examine any and everything he or she comes in contact with.
I may believe in you, but that faith will always be reliant on how much I know about you: How much I know about the makings of you; Things you hold dear—your morals, values, and interests—in essence; what you base your life upon. For it is these type of things that make up the criteria or basis through which a person makes their assessments and evaluations: The morals and values are what people use to make judgments in life. A person's morals, values, and interests make up the spirit and character of a human being—and at best; each and every day this grows, changes or improves as a person discovers and learn new things, or become involved in various new enterprises.
See, belief can be a hunch and belief and faith can be how committed you are in something. When you believe in knowledge or have faith in what you know; the basis of that faith is confirmation and concrete evidence that it is true. When you have faith in a principle, you have put that theory to the test and found out that it true ninety-nine point nine percent of the time—I would say one hundred, but you must always add a degree of skepticism:
For example, when you sit in a chair, you are confident it will hold you up—why?
Because you have sat in things like this before, that look like this chair, and it has held you up. It is not blind faith that has you believing this chair will hold you up—your faith is based upon the knowledge and awareness that things like these will support you, and given the same phenomena or same thing it will happen again:
In other words; "That which happened before will happen again given the same or similar circumstances." Then, of course you sit in a chair and you fall flat on the floor... Now you have to turn around and figure out what circumstances changed to cause this chair to fail. . .
And since God made man in his own image and likeness, the potential of man is infinite in its potential also; man and woman can get better everyday—and all the time; it depends on what each person does and WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN OR KNOW TO BE TRUE.
Man is always a work in progress: Man is always in flux, Man always has the potential to get better or worst—and because of this, your assessment should always be judged and reevaluated on a consistent basis.
"Be careful of the seed you plant in the garden of the mind, for seeds grow after their kind."
—George Clinton Parliament/Funkadelic
The letters IHVH is a tetragrammation (YHWH/JHVH or Yahweh/Jehovah) is not so much a name for God, as it is a formula or the symbolic representation as to how God unfolds creation from consciousness to manifestation:
I-A thought concept comes into the sphere of awareness; H-You consider and contemplate it as a potential act; V-It combines with other thoughts, concepts, etc., within that conscious realm, amalgamates—and becomes more powerful; H-The thought becomes reality. Once the contemplation gets to the "V" or Vah stage, there is no stopping of a determined idea. The only thing that can make a "dream deferred," is a previously opposing thought considered by the same person.
So right now, we were having this discussion about thought. But what exactly is thought?
Thought is a concept and the consideration concerning that concept. A thought is something which has principles or a principle through which that concept finds its' unifying force. Principles, concepts, ideas etc, are derived from knowledge as its foundation, but thoughts are the ways to use it or the journey that knowing these things will take you--however you must be willing to take the trip.
This thought it's actually a conversation that I had with my brothers on the topic of words, and I decided to write it down, to share our reflections, so others may see what it is that we were discussing; so they may gain a better understanding. I had to choose the right words to give my sentences the right meaning.
And that's precisely my point, words do not have power in and out themselves. It is the meaning behind The Words, which give the words their power. These meanings represent principles and concepts which serve to give the words their definition; And by defining what it is that these words represent, one can get the picture. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and as you can understand, it takes a while and several sentences comprised with several words to give the clear mental picture which would be called understanding.
This is the essence of the I stage Going into the first H stage: Within human form, thoughts enter into your conscious realm by listening, watching content, auto-suggestion, or just contemplating. . .You can receive messages in so many ways, it is futile to attempting the many ways; but as you consider them in earnest, it starts making interconnections with the procreative forces within your human existence.
The precept here is whether these things are good or bad; true or false; knowledge or deception—illumination or delusion. . .Many things you see in movies appear to be true. . . Many things you are told, seems to be the right way. . .but how do you know? And how do straighten things out when you discover you headed in the wrong direction? Sound analytical and reasoning skills are needed here.
God speaks through your reasoning faculties. Self uses your intelligence and previous experiences, to draw up the significance of what these concepts will mean—or do mean, when applied to your everyday life experiences.
Its like a pow wow, or a summit—in your sphere of awareness—where the Omniscient part of Self, comes together with the part of Self which lives in human form, and has a discussion about what has occurred; what should occur, and how this can be bought about—but all of the voices are yours.
Much of your destiny is determined this way. The potential act may be a new endeavor, or an epiphany, but the Omniscient part of your being has to show the human side how to integrate it with the road you are currently traveling on.
When thoughts comes into your Sphere of Awareness, and you consider whether you’re going to do it; you also have to use your imagination to visualize it. Without imagination, none of these things can be brought about.
You have to see yourself, involved—in a different place and a different time, under different circumstances; in order to achieve a different reality. If you want to change your life, you have to use your imagination in order to picture yourself in that new place or that new role; and let your imagination run wild to create the new atmosphere—like you did when you were young and could taste momma’s brownies—and your electromagnetic vehicle or soul will arrange the rest. . .
This is also the way that fantasy becomes someone else reality; That's why it's so important not to entertain thoughts that are unreal expectations or fool yourself with things that are delusional; those things will drive you quite insane. In life, knowledge is the foundation and truth is paramount.
A similar thing happens when you come in contact with a wise man, or wise words are being spoken to you—you usually listen hear the words, mull over those words and possible significances, and then come up with your own conclusions; based upon your reasoning abilities.
Here you have Self speaking through one being to another being, then using the reasoning and wisdom faculties of the second being to form advocacy or camaraderie after due consideration. Self is the one who organized the meeting. . . All is one.
God flows through both beings by reasoning and rationality; that's why the Bible says, “Study to show thyself approval. . .”
This is the essence of the V stage of the tetragrammation.
"I've really got to use my imagination, to think of good reasons, to keep on keepin' on;
Got to make the best of a bad situation, ever since that day, I woke up and found you were gone."
Got to make the best of a bad situation, ever since that day, I woke up and found you were gone."
—Gladys Knight and the Pips
Now, if we can agree that Man is made in the image and likeness of God, then this premise (Belief in Faith that God will right the wrongs the Western man has inflicted on the rest of civilization) would fall under the same auspices as belief in man (discussed in the above paragraph); That is, something that should be observed for signs—not just blindly believed like its a test of your Faith that it hasn't happened yet. And more over, the presence of God; as evidenced in your conscience and reasoning faculties within the human brain—would indicate when and if these things were taking shape; through the means of signs and symbols along the way. However, sitting around and waiting, while doing nothing to assist—would be like waiting around for a mystery God to put food on your table without working or buying anything: It would make more sense for you to play your part, and have faith that all our efforts are not in vain; that this would help bring about the change we need as a people. . . Don't you think? After all, destiny is not public assistance. . .
As group of people, based on things we are firmly committed to, we can bring about great social change. What that change would be, would depend on what concepts or principle things we applied ourselves to; and how real or solid those principles are. In other words, our success would depend on how much truth those principles have behind them, and whether those concepts were accurate, appropriate, or right or not—along with when the seeds are sown: Watermelons don't blossom in December. . .
At best, our assessment concerning the Almighty can only be an extrapolation—considering the immensity and the magnitude of the subject; And as such, "Faith that God will right the woes that the Western man has inflicted on the rest of civilization," is too wide an aperture to extrapolate properly; so using the laws of correspondence, I will strive to assess the point:
They say that, "God works in mysterious ways," and in saying so, I am only focusing on the fact that due to the enormous interrelationships omnipotence and omnipresence must afford our Eminence—it would be difficult (if not impossible) to assess how that works: Or that whether placing such faith in providence to "right the wrongs" would be prudent or wise. . . Or that we could even ascertain that this is truly His will or destiny that we should have faith in. . . This would be difficult to extrapolate. I think we would do much better, by putting our best efforts forward—and having faith that providence would provide the extra "kick" to get 'er done!
After all, the Scriptures say, "Watch as well as pray" and "If you make one step, I'll make two..." Being proactive is the best sign of faith and belief: If you believe in it, take the steps necessary to bring it about.
Seeking knowledge implies looking for reasons—under the auspices that everything has a reason for being here. Yet, in the way with words, one may have words within their vocabulary, whose meaning concerning reality—is extremely questionable; yet it exists side-by-side with things you know are true. . . I'd say some house cleaning is in order.
Just because a word exists, doesn't mean its concepts are real…the person who coined the term or phrase might be mistaken as to what the reality actually exists; and you who also use the words may be under the illusion or delusion as well.
You may ask, "How did this get here?" And I would say, "When is more easier to answer. . ."
Most of our conflictual elements happens during our childhood, when our critical reasoning faculties were not yet as developed as they are now, but yet decisions had to be made and we had to depend on such things. . . Psychologists seem to always search your childhood to find answers to things which are happening to you as an adult. This seems to be why they do such things. . .
Just because a word exists, doesn't mean its concepts are real…the person who coined the term or phrase might be mistaken as to what the reality actually exists; and you who also use the words may be under the illusion or delusion as well.
You may ask, "How did this get here?" And I would say, "When is more easier to answer. . ."
Most of our conflictual elements happens during our childhood, when our critical reasoning faculties were not yet as developed as they are now, but yet decisions had to be made and we had to depend on such things. . . Psychologists seem to always search your childhood to find answers to things which are happening to you as an adult. This seems to be why they do such things. . .
Our parents are our guide, the society is our guide, the government is our guide, when we are young and somethings are learned by imitation (some of which is blind imitation) and somethings are indoctrination. I'm sure if you are looking for answers, some of those answers lie there.
You might have been brought up in a certain way, or the ways of society has made a turn or has always taught something that wasn’t true; and just because of your indoctrinations and affiliations, you might be under the same hoodwink as the culture that those ways came from—the society or people that enslaved your people.
Most of what we have become, comes as a response to the environment that we come from, and what that society's interests were. And for Black people living in America, it is more precarious and vicarious—than "By the people, for the people"—because we captured and submerged into this way of life by force.
And during this process, most of our cultural ways were totally obliterated, so what Blacks in America know concerning culture is more by blind imitation of Whites from colonial times till now and reaction to Whites; than anything to do with our rich cultural heritage from our motherlands. So, if we are to upgrade our operating system, it starts here.