The line between sanity and insanity is truly thin indeed—with self delusion being the greatest illusion of them all. You might believe what you are doing is right and exact and wake up to the cold light of day and find out that it is not exactly the way you thought it was. For this is the very same reason for why we don't deal with belief, nor hunches in the same manner as the rest of the people who abide by Western culture; Nor do we deal with feelings in the same way as the rest of society as well.
Just because you feel strongly about something, does not make it so; Having strong feelings about things, without concrete evidence can be fatal mistake indeed. There is a difference between intuition and being biased to an opinion. Most of what people classify as intuition, in this realm is really biased opinions.
I will say it once more: You are in a land that is not your own; The environment called America was not created by your people. The people who created this realm and the created by your people are two different environments; America society is not an outgrowth of your people's train of thought—or how your people see things. It is not a Black Asiatic outlook, it is Western or pseudo European perspective. I am not saying this because I am racist or a polarized ethnocentric, speaking in malcontent terms—and am I not saying Western culture is necessarily wrong or right. . .
What I am saying is when you take note of the stark contrasts between the two ethnicities, marking the times when the ways concur versus the times when the system doesn't make sense to you—you will definitely see the precipice: Western culture is much different from how we consider things and will always be different towards Black people in this country; because they make the line and defy you to cross which case they will show you that it is there. We are not the ones who keep us apart from their social equality; nor does it mean we should always adjust and comply to the powers that be, because we live in a country founded by them. We need to respect the boundaries and be cautious of the olive branches because we always stand more to lose in these ventures. I could be wrong or they could be wrong and when applicable, it should be pointed out.
We have difference within our own species—but even with our indoctrinations within the borders of countries that bind us, you will see that we are more like our own people back home, than we are to the other people here in the States. But here in the states other people control the narrative (media, television shows, commercials, etc). What this teaches us, is that we need to be a little bit more nonpartisan in our approach, when looking at the world around us and how it can best serve us; There are so many other cultures that may hold some jewels for us, as we live and learn truth through the analysis of the world around us. We need not act as the other people do, for it not our path and they will not back all our people up, when it comes to the repercussions for such actions—Westerner live their lives like lone wolves and cowboys (often solitary and predatory)—you can't make long standing partners with ways like this.
The same goes for your strong convictions. Life is a science and we should conduct ourselves like a scientists of life. There are biology, ecology, sociality, psychology and metaphysics; There is the medical field and nutrition. It behooves you to reconsider how you view things as you live your life, because much of what you were taught as education was not so much science (or making you aware)—as it was acclamation to concepts belonging to the West school of thought; And I am here to tell you that life is not so one-sided, didactic or xenophobic: There are several approaches one can take on any given subject—and there's definitely a science to choosing the right ones.
Science comes from the word, "Scire," which means to know. To know means to be aware of, but for a scientist (one devoted to knowing), it must be the truth—based upon factual evidence: In other words, it must be substantiated—which does not necessarily mean statistical—because statistics can be made to give a false impression (based on how it's arranged). When a scientist has an idea about something; it is hypothesis or educated, informed guess. He doesn't handle it like intuition or strong feelings: A scientist never goes out to prove his hypothesis right or wrong—simply notes it and conducts controlled experiments to confirm what is true. In other words, he seeks confirmation in life about what is true and what is not.
Now, I'm sure you can see this is in stark contrast as to how you've been taught and how you've been brought up; the convictions your teachers had to delivering their dogma as science—but it's not: The method used—no matter how hard or softly it was applied—was merely an acclamation and indoctrination into the Western way of thinking and reasoning. As scientists, all this too must go under scrutiny...for so-called objectivity or unbiased view is the goal of a scientist. A scientist doesn't want to do things based upon familiarity, feelings, hunches or convictions. . . To the contrary, he wants to proceed in a way which simultaneously investigates his concepts, ideas and hypotheses as he moves: not habits or behavior based upon familiarity: In other words, right and exact is the way of the walk.
We have to distinguish what we are—outside of our environment, rearing, conditioning and relationship with the vessel we're in: This is crucial—within aspects of Self, we must always know who is speaking and who is being spoken to: And it is a dichotomy: Sometimes it is our flesh; sometimes it's our conditioning and our ego, other times, it may be our training, rearing and indoctrination—and then there's the True Self—the God within. These things can often serve as fetters to our True Self and true expression, because the Self is none of those things: They are part of character, persona and that the actor dispenses with, with every play. . . And it has to be that way; if we are to realize our fullest potential. . .
As discussed, from what I know—the mind is universal and shared throughout the universe; the mind own thoughts but thoughts are not our own. We receive them from a universal place of origin. The ride upon the air molecules we breathe. The science of breath in Yogic teachings is called, "Pranayama." If thoughts were personally owned and not universally perceived, then two or more people could not share the same thought at the same time. We know that this is not true, so no one owns a thought uniquely. They are universal and from what I've experienced, they are living energy entities without physical forms. . . They come into your sphere of awareness as suggestions, vying for your persons to carry them out. Once you do, they live through you. Every notice when you allow your persons to get angry, they suggest you breathe and count to ten?
Man is consciousness which dwells in a human form. Within the Universal Mind, there is his or her sphere of awareness—aka the things he or she is aware of while living in human form. It is his/her collection of what they have come to know (originally found through the process of considering thoughts); combined with the rudimentary or priori knowledge a being entered into human form with.
See, we all come here to earth with a purpose—one of many expressions of the whole: we live as the collective, but in the developmental stages our consciousness becomes somewhat centered on (and concerning) the form and/or expression we're in. I know this is radically different from what you were taught in the past, but as a more mature conscious considers this, the concept will appear very sound: One omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent entity wants to experience its' essential qualities; which gives expression to the multiplicity which gradually moves towards expressing itself as a singularity—and while doing so—from time to time gets "lost in its' rehearsals" of various roles of performances which will be, and are, performed to define Self's magnitude and greatness; as well as its subtle and sublime aspects.
And as Self moves towards Self definition, some aspects of itself become ego-centered as though it exits for its own grandiloquence; upstaging and upsetting all efforts towards peace and harmony—but this too, is part of the dichotomy used to bring the whole into focus: The "I Am" is and isn't at the same time—depending on you perspective: God did make Satan...Didn't He?
This does bring great clarity towards unity, individuality and singularity aspects of existence; as these things illuminate, "That all things in life are dual" and that, "Self realization must be witnessed within the form" to culminate the experience. Why do people in the West say, "I'm grown?" Is there ever a time when we learn as there is for us to know?
In a Stevie Wonder song called, "Heaven is Ten Zillion Light Years Away," Stevie says: "Let God's love shine within, to save our evils souls; For those who don't believe, will never see the light__ Where is my God? He lives inside of me; And I say it's taken Him so long 'cause we've got so far to come...No people, Where is your God? Inside please let Him be...And I say it's taken Him so long 'cause we've got so far to come..." Here are several double entendres, expressing the duality being discussed in this treatise: "Let God love shine within, to save our evil souls..." reference to duality and choice—often choosing what is not in our best interest, yet still the option of change/redemption; "For those who don't believe..." The duality between blind faith in a God outside our being versus the confirmed determined devotion to the inner-voice within—evidence of an omnipresent God which lives within these beings; the ever present light of the world. "It's taken him so long, because we've got so far to come..." Reference to inner conflict, turmoil, struggle—and the work to be done AFTER you know or become aware. . .
This seems to make more sense, as opposed to Western philosophy or American ideology with its' xenophobic overtones that treat some cultures (like Mexicans) like they have no reason to live in the same . . . Self is the one life which peers through these many faces. In traditional Alkebulan societies like ancient Khamit (Kemet), Yoruba, Ashanti and Akan—a human's name expresses the purpose and/or incarnation objective for each being. The name was to serve as a chant, to remind one of their reason for living (on this earthly plane). It the West, last names used to serve to tell a person of their vocation; like John Butler. A lot of names Europeans have, were taken out of the Bible (which is a transplanted Eastern tradition). Names like Mary, Peter, John, Luke are common amongst Europeans. . . This is the closest they got to living an Eastern or Asiatic culture; but just kept in mind that the Yoruba of Nigeria have a culture which is over 10,000 years old to date. . .
So suffice it to say, names for our people, express why a particular being was incarnated...but that incarnation was not made for private use; it was one of the many path Self created to do the great work.
This is in stark contrast to Westerners, who place a lot of emphasis on the individual; which is ironic because the Latin Romans (who were among the first to interface with the Khamau of Khamit) created the word, "Individual" to mean "indivisible dual"—which refer to man and woman—as all things in life are dual; as witnessed by Noah's Ark, "traveling two by two," each creature was marched in: Male and female alike. Yet, there is a push in American society towards single entities that exist solely for their own ego-centered deeds; far-past upholding the family, society or the nation. . . Let's see how far this ideology will get them. . .
As previously said, "All Things in Life are Dual: This duality is expressed in several ways; the Subjective and Objective realms, Consciousness and undifferentiated Energy/Matter, the metaphysical and physical realms, sanity and insanity, Consciousness vs. the Human form you're in; consciousness and the soul; the soul and the physical realm, etc. Each complements the other and each defines the other option by contrast: Cooperation, communication is the key—otherwise each can be opposing to each other; causing great dysfunction: That's why it is no mystery how manic depression can lead to schizophrenia...after all, such people can be their worst enemy; until some poor sod steps into the picture trying to help—so that such people can act like he's the source or cause of all their misery through the Blame somebody Else game.
The interesting thing about highly functioning mental illness, like the one depicted here is that in every other way, it is highly possible that they do this just like sane people—and in some cases; a hell of a lot smarter. The veil is very thin between the two, and some may seem as though they are almost normal—and then their insanity strikes—and you scream, "Why did they do that? That makes no sense!"
Sure it doesn't...that's because in that sector of their world, there is no logics there at all. . .
And it leaves you bewildered, because you don't understand it; It defies everything you know to be true; after thinking they were very similar to you. . .
My beloved said to me, "If you tell yourself the same thing enough times—you will convince yourself that it is so." Yes, they're telling you stories that you believe are true, because they have talked themselves into believing that those things are true—and it wouldn't matter that you gave them a ton of evidence; they will still believe what they want to believe, because to admit would mean they will have to take responsibility for their acts; and that they won't do—so they'll blame it on you.
When they first met a challenge like you, they were elated, because you represent the possibility of change—and a brand new game to play! It is as exciting as a child with a brand new toy. You represent alternative points of view, and they test you to see if you are fake. When they see that you may have what it takes, they think they may get those abilities by imitation or osmosis. But when that doesn't work; the source of joy you once was now changes into frustration: Yeah, you once lit up their life (and they will live in a room with the lights out when you leave), but for now they have convinced themselves that you are the reason for their infinite sadness. Once they repeat these things to themselves long enough, you change from Mr. Sunshine to You're So Vain—a liar and a cheat. . . But its' their low self-esteem (from either chemical imbalance or conditioning) that is really the blame. So once they transfer their guilt and self-loathing over to you—they're going to hate you and focus all their destructive qualities at you.
Every emotional response is accompanied by a chemical response and vice-versa: This is why those who live in this matter, become deeply depressed when things don't go their way! They wear themselves out from their irrational behavior. They seem to change up on you irrationally because in other areas they seem normal. They do this, because in this area, they're delusional—not in all ways; just in some spots. . . Maybe those spots came from some silly notion they had in childhood; maybe that story came from some emotional trauma their mom once had—and that fear was passed on. . .
When I grew up, I watched horror movies, but the make-up and technology wasn't as advanced. All of those type of movies seem to work on the shock value of not knowing something until the last in Aliens [the 1979 science-fiction horror film directed Ridley Scott and written by Dan' Bannon]; This let me know enough from the experience, to hone down my interest to mainly suspense. However, what is not recognized is, movies and theatre is a part of the American cultural matrix—which means what you watch and the fears you get, depends on this culture itself and its values: Movie watching becomes somewhat of an indoctrination into Western ideology and values based upon what the country permits to go on the screen. Some of it is folklore, some of it is scary imagery, and some of it is unwise to release on a young child...but nonetheless it was and they carried over into adulthood.
However these emotional conflicts for these folks may have been developed, their philosophy in life is not balanced. They do not have proper coping skills that deal with duality or balance...they only want things their way! They find it extremely difficult when things don't go their way (as it will inevitably happen to us all). They cannot and will not face the facts on their own! Besides, this way, they've convinced themselves its in your hands, so there's nothing they can do...and everyday the list of "what you've done to them, that they can do nothing about" gets longer.
Because the nature of thoughts are suggestive energy forms which symbiotically use our bodies as hosts, rational analysis are like kryptonite to the super creatures: A good honest talking would spell the end of the line for these beings, so rather than face the music, these entities practice evasive maneuvers and go into hiding—exercising deceit whenever possible. Most people hate eating healthy. And if you don't get nutritional needs, you are bound to suffer illnesses from the lack of materials—many mental illness can be caused from stresses and malnutrition.
This being the case, many highly functioning mental illness are usually handled with chemical drugs along with counseling to strive to bring about rational equilibrium; with the chemicals simulating what balance chemistry is in a human being. However, in a sick society, sickness becomes normal, so many highly functioning mentally ill patients won't take their meds. So you have this to deal with, besides trying to convince them that their state of 'mind" is not
Today, you may have parental guides as monitors (meaning they've dumped that responsibility on a group of un-savvy parents), but in the past it was the society itself and the stations, that regulated the shows and movies, based on society values; in the attempt to create a more balanced society. There were social standards in the US in the past...but since the deregulating of the FCC, movies and TV shows have taken a moral nose dive. Just look at most of the entertainment today and ask after each viewing, "What is this teaching your child?" I guarantee it will be morally disgusting value wise.
The point is, the topics, subject matter and the morals in movies today, leave much to be desired. And while you watching the tube, some of these "not so good standards" are reconfiguring yours. . .
Maybe you know about this. . . Some of those things might have gotten passed onto you, through lack of scrutiny as to the social content of what you are watching; corrupting your conscious software. That's why, among fellow scientist, we're always saying, "Show and prove this, show and prove that" or "Give me an example"—"So, in other words, what you are saying..." In this way, we are policing our conscious realm with our awareness, while others might be giving into how they feel about a subject, or their proclivities concerning a matter. From this point of view, we consider them psychically immature: Using your feelings, desires and proclivities, is an immature way to decide one's destiny...especially since most of what we were previous taught clouds are rational judgment, because it comes from another people's way of considering what is more important in life. . .
It is very important for Black people to establish their own cultural standards (based upon the concepts of our people) and stick to them. If there is ever going to be a chance at harmony; our hopes lie in becoming more rational and selective about what the West has to offer. We need our own operating system, based upon our own cultural accomplishments all over the diaspora. We have ancient societies that are sociologically more older and more equipped than any culture in the West, period. We need to objectively scrutinize all of what we receive from the West, but ultimately all belong to the One Self, through which all things are reconciled.