Sunday, November 24, 2013

Culture 101

Cultural Interests
This represents the second installment in a multi-part series called "Culture."In the next few weeks, we will examining the many aspects of this subject; including what it means to be Black in a pluralistic society.  Enjoy

One of the necessary cultural interests to acquire--as a family or community--would be peace and harmony between neighborsAfter all, the birth of children are the product of families, and the harmony of families are a necessary staple of stable communities.  Security within societies and communities, could easily be achieved from the qualities and/or faculties we use to select our comrades with; that, combined with what we use as judgment--to select the people we surround ourselves with.  
Strength and warrior prowess is a must when protecting our self interests, as a people!  That type of wisdom is in the discernment of what is kindred and what is not!  For example, everything in America's Puerto Rican communities in North America,  is beneficial for Puerto Rico abroad.  It takes a savvy to know while something may be good for us here, it might be bad for our people at home.  It may make us too dependent on the States, for example.
The ideal situation for a growing people is to have a community of comrades, equipped with such (or similar) qualities and allegiances.  This naturally evolves or takes place, when there is civilized behavior
Civilized behavior is polite, gentle and peaceful behavior.  It is a respectful behavior to others.  To be civilized, is to be fair, reasonable, harmonious--and have a way or behavior that causes people around you to be more helpful, organized and more futuristic in thinking.  Civilized behavior is part of a rationally ordered stage of cultural development.  In many countries, things like arranged marriages, are often made between the families of loyal comrades, for the purpose of securing clans. 
These types of marriages were done to strengthen bonds between families and to strengthen communities, with an common understanding that the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.  
Civilized behavior is also the morals and ethics used between people when we conduct trade or interact.  Society is an organized community with shared laws, traditions and values; while being patriotic or civilized within that community is displaying community pride.  
Patriotism and nationalism is a pride we have inside for our people and our tradition.  It is the wisdom we think we have as a group of people, based upon our chronology and tradition.  Nationalism defined, "is loyalty and devotion to one's people--especially in the sense of a national consciousness--feeling that is better and more important than other countries; placing primary emphasis on the promotion of its culture and interests above all others.
Patriotism and Nationalism is easy to understand when all of its people are of the same ethnicity--or the socioeconomic groups within that society are well balanced; but what happens when you belong to one of the people who are one of the sub-cultures?

Next: Separate cultures in a pluralistic society. . .

Peace and Blessings Folks,                              

C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers

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