Sunday, October 19, 2014


God created creation as a means of experiencing all the qualities God has.  In the East, they subscribe to the idea that all consciousness is modified by the form it is in; but essentially God is the one which peers through many faces: In the West, we are taught that the consciousness in these vessels belong to the beings.   Civilization relies on the many contributions of its  members towards building a society—rugged individualism eventually leads to chaos, Nihilism, or savagery.  One notion leads to group consciousness, the other an ego-centered life.  Of course, the choice is yours.

  One might ask,  if God is truly my awareness or consciousness, why do I feel apart; why do I feel tied to my human or fleshly being.  That is the dichotomy, isn't it?  On the one hand, you feel the sum total of your experiences, regurgitating itself as though it holds all the truth through personal experiences and the thoughts you contemplated throughout your life--and then, there's this inner voice which subtly and quietly makes suggestions that you know you never heard of--and yet both happen within your head. . .  Now which one do you identify to; Is it possible that both make up your conscience and your conscious?

Hebrew teachings, which inevitably leads to Christianity, as well as Arabian wisdom (which eventually lead to Muslim teachings as well); subscribes to the notion that you must analyze your actions and circumstances presented to you, and at the end, the One or God shall judge your person as to how persistent your being was to the task at hand; Otherwise known as Judgment Day (Maliki yaum-i-diyn): Both the Hebrew and Arab are the same people; being descendants of Abraham or Ibrahim [just different mothers].  Of course, you know I don't subscribe to organized religion--I subscribe to the concept that God has no middleman or intermediaries--just brothers and sisters sharing knowledge and helping each other to grow.  But then again, the choice is yours; just don't let religion get in the way of expanding your mind.

In this chronicle, God created the universe out of a portion of God's essence; sort of like a visual of a bubble within a vast endless ocean.  Once the area was established for the universe (aka the bubble), God dedicated a portion of infinite consciousness to operate the Great Sun; and thus orchestrate the creative process within the universe.  

To  me, it logically makes more sense to dedicate a portion of Self for creation, as opposed to God's total involvement; otherwise, the act itself (of being totally involved in the creation process), would confine and thus limit the potential of the Infinite One, to being focused in a single act of creation; while the potential to create other aspects would be diminished.  

That would be sort of  like shutting up an all powerful genie into a tiny lamp-like universe.  All throughout the Bible, God has sent angels or angles (aspects of God) to do God's bidding throughout the world [thus leaving the potential to do a myriad of other things]; and in this way, open-mindedness, dispassionand thus, God's  
neutrality would be maintained throughout any process or action.

After the Great Sun was created, God used the Great Sun to create the planets and stars.  This was God's first vehicle within the universe.  In many cultures of the East, the sun is the symbol of knowledge, reasoning, and rational ability. Through the vessel of the sun, God experienced creation from the inside, as well as the outside; sort of like, making a clock, then climbing inside the mainspring or linchpin to experience its' ticking.  God created creation so that  God could experience God's said qualities. . . 

Interestingly enough, the brain uses most of our oxygen supply—the same type gas that the sun utilizes. . .

When God made the planets and stars, God created time.  Time is defined as, the relationship between an inhabited planet and sun, its orbitsor the motion between two light-giving sources (sun to star); Time can also be defined as the length it takes to reach the other star.  Before the creation of these things, there was no thing as time; essentially God subsisted as consciousness void of form or time.  God is eternal, and is known as timeless; God is omnipresent, 
omnipotent, and omniscient.  The universe is a miniature body of God's; God's awareness and presence is throughout, and God manifests all its forms of power from a once totally homogeneous source of undifferentiated energy/matter.  

By creating the objects in the  universe from the Great Sun—like the moon, planets, and starsGod experienced time through their manifestations. According to this chronicle; There is no such thing as inanimate objects, only different forms of life (with God present throughout).  For actual proof of this, try to split a uranium atom and watch it scramble to reestablish itself. . .  Atoms have attractions and repulsions.  It seems as though, all things are vessels that God places in time, for God's experience; however sentient beings are able to acknowledge the journey.

By creating time, a way to distinguish between qualities was established; by creating extremes—the means and middle ground could be determined.  As you can see, in physical reality, all life is delineated into a myriad of forms.  Time is responsible for being able to distinguish and analyze.  Time is responsible for growth and development. 

What  most people fail to realize, is that there are plenty of conscious beings made of pure energy and plenty of beings made of matter.  Thoughts, in this realm, are aware beings made of energy and subtle ethereal elements; like oxygen.  By calling them conscious, we are saying they are aware of their meaning and purpose; but thoughts have no physical form.  Thoughts enter into man through the nostrils, just as God breathed into the nostrils and man became a living soul within a human soul.  Thoughts enter into our sphere of awareness to vie for our attention and consideration.  Our consideration of thoughts, in human form, are the way thoughts become reality.    

Essentially, before creation; knowledge, power, and experience was omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent; it was homogeneous and instantaneous and subsisted as God: Time and an infinitude of forms, makes each quality that God possesses capable of being compared, contrasted and experienced in almost seemingly isolation.  In this way God could interface with various aspects of God's capabilities or qualities by study, experience or by comparison.   

God comes into the world as a man, to live in human form.  Man is formed from the ethers first, and clothed in flesh second.  As man, God separates the ethers of man and creates woman from the original man's ethers.  God then, establishes that the two forces must reunite in order to procreate humans.  From this point on, it is said, both forces create humanitywhen they combine.  All other forms of copulation are manifestations on scale towards lust; which can lead to numerous perversions.

Of this part of the chronicle, I cannot confirm or deny for you; I can only say that we do need both genders in order to continue our kind: Love of the same kind does not further life.  There are different types of love, and different types of relationshipsbut only one type furthers our progeny into generations that born understanding; which is the true purpose of copulation.

A lot of what we have learnt, comes from the society we are in; which happens to be not the same as the culture we belong to: This, right here, is instant conflict.  We go to their schools, we learn their lore and concepts; we watch their TV Programming: and superimposed on the top of all of this is the feelings and issues associated; with thinking that we are human and thinking we’re Americans.  Our difficulty is that we have been taking all our cues from the ones who enslaved us.  There is no reason for us to have that kind of faith; particularly since this society has not evolved meditation techniques, nor has been good at correction.  Evolving man into God is not the emphasis of this society.  It has no shamans or magic men; only psychologists at exorbitant prices. 

All I am saying is believing you are only human, gives credence to the idea that, To err is human or I'm only humanwhile Eastern philosophies has man contorting their bodies in several ways and breaking wood and cinderblock with bare hands.  Now which one is it?  It all has to do with societal and cultural emphasis.

God created creation so that God could experience the Creator's said qualities.  The qualities of all are God.  God experiences through interaction.  God is also referred to as The Grand Architectbecause all God's plans are issued from known knowledge which forms the basis of all experiences; which only illuminates God's wisdom and borns understanding.  All things in life are dual; the dual aspects help to define the one.  If there were two or more Gods present before creation, then the worship or word-ship of such would be called polytheism; even if there were only two.  If there were two divine forces during creation, then it would be impossible to determine magnitude: Suffice it to say, most cultures of the East, do not entertain polytheistic creationthey subscribe a monotheistic beginningwith two aspects of that entitythat gives birth to all the other said qualities.

This seems to make sense, since all things can be reconciled; since things can be explained, understood, or known by the all knowing.  It is said that God is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent; this could not be unless one God was the source from which all things were derived.

On the topic of love, I am sure God is experiencing this quality as well.  There are several types of loveas I am sure you can imagine; and then there is sex.  Many people confused the two, but I assure you, they are two separate fields of study.  Godmaking man in God's imagehas spawned man's curiosity and proclivity for investigation; But in these areas, I find there is much confusion.

As said earlier, the true purpose of sex is for procreation; but curiosity has led to several other types of investigation.  Animals have instincts and so does man.  When an animal is urged, we call it heat; but the urge is a desire or drive to procreate.  Man has urges too, but sentient beings can interpret these urges in several different ways; based upon each person's level of understanding and/or fixation.

I have had several conversations with those who desire the same sex, different sex, and both sexes; but I keep coming back to its real purpose as the determinant (aka "Spit don't make babies").  Quite a few protesters say, "Love is love."  I love my mother, yet I wouldn't have sex with her.  I love my father, but I wouldn't have sex with him.  I love my sisters, yet I wouldn't dream of having sex with my sisters or brothers; although some members of human kind have.  Why some break these cultural and social taboos and yet don't break other forms of the same taboos--is something for the analyst couch; However it is clear to me that most homosexual, lesbians, and bisexual people don't perform incest as well.  So obviously, they who claim this but object to that know all love is not the same--and that they too, have a limit as to what social taboos they are going to violate.

On the topic of urge, an urge is a quality like any other quality.  All qualities have the ability to emote; even urge someone to do something through suggestion and/or persuasion.  Man and woman can be adequately described as conscious dwelling in human form.  God has been said to have created creation as a means to experience God's said qualities.  As consciousness dwelling in human form, we are always faced with a major decision: to use our reasoning, logic, analytic ability to help discover the nature of what we are dealing with, or indulge the urge by emoting or going along with what one is feeling.  Of course, a lot of this depends on how you are raised, what type of culture or subculture you are bought up in or belong toand your relationship to the subject at hand.  Either waythrough critical analysis, persuasions or enactmentone is surely experiencing a said quality.

Once a thought enters into your sphere of awarenessyou must determine whether it is right.  Just feeling it, is not justification to go with it.  Remember, we are also, very much tied into the physical world, by human form.  Notice that I did not call myself a human being, because I am not; I am much more than that;  I am consciousness dwelling in human form.  Babies are quite aware of this, because they struggle to gain control over their physical composition.  Once they do, they struggle to manipulate the environment and move the vehicle.  After or during the time they are learning this, they are also learning to communicate with others.  Once that occurs, the parent and elder beings begin to teach the child the culture they were incarnated into. . .

Qualities are like roads, it's important to know where the highway leads to.  You have to have a destination.  This destination is the arrangement of the qualities, and has to fit into the place where you are going.  Life must be reconciled.  If not, you must learn from the experience, because all things have a purpose and meaning for living; even when it goes awry.  Why?  Because life is metamorphosis, guided by the inner voice of reality; teaching us what love, hell or right means.

There are children who are born into murderous tendencies, just as there are children who have proclivities that range from prodigy to perversions.  Life is one big balancing act.  Reasoning is a most powerful way to curb one's enthusiasm.  Children are quite enthusiastic; many are motivated by fun, giddiness, and the pursuit of happinesshowever, few are capable of strong critical analysis or evaluation: They depend on the parents, the communitythe culture; to acquaint the child to their people's cultural values.  But in America, therein lies a problem.

When you are in America, you are in a multi-cultural societyof course, but you are also in a society which superimposes a dominant culture upon an unwary masses.  The dominant culture is Western; European; particularly White Anglo-Saxon Protestant [WASP].  Many, many times we unwittingly forsake our own preferred cultural values or ethnicities, for that of a "modern," more popular view; back in the day this was known as a "sell-out," because it was usually motivated by money (but it could be just as well done through lack of intelligence or delusion).  So, even-though you might be teaching your child your cultural values, you might lose them, later on, to "popular opinion" acquired through "public education."  Thus bringing up the need for a more private ethnocentric education to offset the effects of Americanization.

Most cultures consider murderous, violent urges or behavior something to curb, and various cultures strive to weed it out of childrenwhile they are young, by suggesting alternative points of view; depending on the culture and its' emphasis.  In America, for example, it is a known fact that sports have been a healthy alternative to curb violent behavior in its social environment.  As a matter of fact, there is a direct correlation between lynchings and ethnic travesties in this country, and a failing economy.  It has become somewhat phenotypical.  

Up until the 1950s, America also considered homosexual urges and acts known as alternative lifestyles today, as social behavior deserving of curbing; calling it deviant behavior.  Today it is not.  What was the reason for this change?  Cultural evolution? A political-economical agenda?  Or ethnocentric roots?  It is a known fact, that membership in the creative arts field are disproportionally proliferated with those of the alternative lifestyle; chief among them are actors and singers.  My observation is the entertainment fields can amass great fortunes, if aimed right.  Economics can translate into political clout.  

Up until recently, it was very, very difficult for a gay man or lesbian woman to adopt a child.  How about today?   A change in politics?  Stimulated by wealth?  One has to be careful about speaking on these matters. . .  As I said, "Depending on the culture, its' interests, its' emphasis, its' values."  America is basically a European colony, with European ancestry.  I'm sure England, France and Germany has  had more sympathetic psychological views concerning alternate lifestyleslong before 1950s.  Just look at the behavior of France towards sex, for example.

Our difficulty is that we have been taking all our cues from the ones who enslaved us; We follow their beliefs, we follow their culture, we follow their definitionseven when it contradicts our better judgments; subliminally, we think they know better, we think their culture is better.  Through this process, we have been taught to be other than Self.  This type of thinking has got to stop; critical analysis is our way out of the cage. 

Children have to be forced by parents and community to become adults; therefore between both extremes, awareness and truth is realized through the means.  The true Self teaches through life experiences and becomes through our realization.

Bottom line is, we were taught to be other than ourselves.  Relaxing the conspiracy theories for a moment, we were brought up under many of the same folklore  and beliefs as our White American counterpartswhile many of our Eastern neighbors practice, yoga, Tai-chi and transcendental meditation.  There is no denying of the existence of the superior use of martial arts practiced in the East—and yet we were taught to define our existence the same way that caucasians in America does.  In this chronological, I chose to give you another perspective and document it when I could.  It is time now, for you to reason for yourself.

A timeless conscious, homogeneous, undifferentiated substance with infinite potential comes from the subjective realm, into the objective realm of timesubdividing its essence, first into space, next into a universe; and then an infinitude forms; all being subject to time and conscious fragmentation.  Since it came from a wholly entity, it comes as no surprise that it has the tendency to consider in a holistic manner; However, this thinking can often mislead man into wrong paths.

Chief upon this list, is mistaken the object of contemplation (thoughts) with being apart of the being which is judging it.  Using a sentence like, I'm thinking about thoughtsis a perfect Western misunderstanding of the facts.  Thoughts, qualities, etc., are entities with identity, will and power, but no physical form able to carrying out the act: These entities depend upon human beings to carry out their will.  Thoughts, qualities, etc., also have inevitable paths in which they can lead a person; but just because you agree or identify which such thingsdoes not make them belong to you; that is called fixation.   

Fixation also comes as no surprise for man, since Self came here to experience God's said qualities; for God is a wholly, homogeneous entity.  But there's a difference between intuition, indulgence and fixations or proclivities.  We must learn the balance between these things; avoiding extremes.  Remember what goes up, must come down. . . 

Ultimately, qualities must be judged according to their appropriateness for the situation we've undertaken; which means things have to be right for the overall situation.  This requires a certain amount of detachment, in order to see things clearly, for what they arebeing free of prejudice and expectation.  As we go through life, we summon what's appropriate, or become educated to what is proper by our experiences itself; if we are receptive and reasonable.  If we love ourselves, we care about what situations we put ourselves in, as well as how we effect others.  This is the meaning of civilization.  This is growth and development.  When you ignore these things and don't concern yourself with the effect you have on others, you bring hell upon yourself.  You become like Cain in the Bible.  Taking appropriate measures is a journey which leads to righteousness for righteousness sake; it "Brings forth Good Fruit in Due Season" Psalms 1:3

Hindi people in India use the word, Namaste, when greeting another form of Self; showing respect for all aspects of Godas all praises are ultimately due.

Your destiny lies in your ability to use your imagination.  You have to realistically see yourself in the role you're striving to accomplish.   No serious changes will ever take place in your life, if you can't see yourself in whatever role you are striving to achieve: In order to assume the role of a prince, you must visualize yourself as a prince; doing things that princes do—assuming princely duties, etc.

Our consciousness and conscience are developmental forms of the universal consciousness which formed all things; it literally works the same way.  Often what stands in the way of our achievement lies in not taking the overall into consideration, or the opposing thoughts which are already entertained by us; due to emotionalism or misguided information.  Hey, let's not even mention, some things are just not even worth wanting or willing into existence.  I'm just saying, let's be mindful, all things come with a consequence to them. . .

We must use proper discernment in everything we do, for ultimately we are the authors of our own destiny. Each word represents a path.  Our incarnation objectives leads us on a path to seek and investigate; but ultimately man is a social creature: He or she receives their cues from the wisdom that multiple perspectives in the community bring us [depending on the society and its cultural emphasis].

Thank you for your consideration,

C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 


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