Would you keep playing a game if you kept losing and showed no signs of getting better or ever winning any awards? Well, if you wouldn't like it, what would make you think that you should keep it one hundred, speak to your parents and so-called friends in a manner which is so disrespectful and without any regard to their sentiments, and then expect these same people to continue to support you and come to your aid, in your time of need? That is an unrealistic expectation—based upon your ways and actions. . . You did nothing to make that person feel good about helping you; in any way. Are you the type who would continue to give assists on the basketball courts, while never getting a shot? Who feels good about a career like that? Are you that type of person who would sacrifice his/her life for their children—only to get put in the old folks home when you retire. . . That would be so inconsiderate on the part of the children who received such support! How would you like to be that person who’s always taking shorts?
If you want to keep things on an even keel—that is, working on your behalf—you have to be that type of person who will do the type of things that will keep things balanced. There has to be something in the interchange for the other guy; in other words, there must be some sort of compensation. Relationships don't just hold fast on their own—each person must play their part. Social harmony is something that has to be preserved or maintained. After all, everyone with any sense of self worth [self-esteem] is always looking out for their own personal interests and things that make them feel good: Maintaining reciprocity between people who will do things for you, is the best way to insure assistance in achieving your goals when you need others to come to your aid. As Aretha Franklin once said, “If you want a do right all day woman, you got to be a do right all night man.” A guy who doesn’t show any acts of gratitude to a woman who cooks his food, take care of his children, and offers him sound advice; while respecting what he has to say—his power and authority—is truly a dummy indeed. A little gratitude can go a long way: Mario Puzo writes in the Godfather Part III; " The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends. . ." Now which act do you think would be most appreciated; Giving a person ten dollars for driving you somewhere or putting ten dollars worth of gas in their car? Deeds not words. . .
That’s being considerate; showing others that you care for them just as much as they care for you; you know, returning the favor. After all, I’m not going to keep bending over backwards, if you’re not going to appreciate me or show me that you care anything about me or my efforts. . . Because life is just like that: A reciprocal thing; A something for something proposition. And if you are too stupid to recognize this gem here, you’re sure are going to be lonely for the rest of your life—or living with a basket-case bimbo. . . Nobody wants to take shorts or get dissed all the time. . . Everybody wants to win or have something to feel good about. That’s why you need to reward them for their efforts; so they won’t feel negative about you or feel that you are a bad investment. If you do all the taking and never give anything in return, who’s gonna’ want you around? You should treat folks how you want to be treated; if you expect the same from them. That shows that you care just as much about them [and what they do] as you do for yourself. As Billy Preston said, “Nothing from Nothing leaves Nothing—you got to have something; if you want to be with me.”
We like to pretend that we are independent; that we don’t need anyone—but everyone needs somebody to love and to be loved and appreciated. . . Show those good folks that you appreciate them: At least then, you’ll keep getting those assists. . .
Everything that functions on earth goes by rules: If they are not operating by rules, it’s operating in chaos—soon to be not operating at all. That’s what ecology is, things operating in harmony with each other: Balance within an environment in which a certain thing is operating within its' parameters. People who search to find the rules in which things operate by, are people who repair things or diagnose things to keep them functioning properly. There isn't a thing on this earth, which functions properly, that doesn’t go by the rules. Those who are wise, want to know what these rules are—so they can engage things in the proper manner and keep things in running order or within proper protocol. These people are known as investigators, researchers and scientists. All of these people realize that everything has a reason behind why it happens: There are no Siberian Huskies native to Africa. In the northern part of America, there are several species of birds, ducks and butterflies who fly south for the winter. Mice don’t frequent the same areas that rats do. . . Creatures are designed for their environments, but Western man in his finite wisdom has decided differently, and we see what that brings for others. . .
Everything has a purpose and a reason for doing what it does; even if the reason is foolish: Over in Australia, so-many years ago, they had a rabbit/rodent problem because they hunted fox to the point of extinction, and in doing so they threw the ecological system out of balance; due to their overzealous desires. You see a lot of this in the European/Western world. They talk about ecology and living in harmony with nature, but they really live according to their desires: Just look at Bruce Jenner (aka Caitlin Jenner}. Many times, what you need to do and what you feel like doing—maybe two different things; but you have to learn to do what’s best for the overall situation [despite how you feel]. Your actions have to be in harmony with everything else—your actions must be synchronous with the order of things—that is, the proper unfoldment of things. Life has a way of giving everything its' moment of glory, or chance to shine—life’s justice mechanisms makes sure of that.
Life is balanced like that; right down to your physical makeup. Homeostasis is the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements; especially as maintained by physiological processes. When this is not maintained; illness occurs: When relationships are not maintained; chaos occurs. Disharmony occurs. If you are the captain of your own destiny, you must be responsible for righting the ship because it is your responsibility. You can’t take credit for everything that works good in your life, and then play the Blame Someone Else game when calamity strikes. . . The only way we become better in life, is to own up to both sides of the equation.
There are people who want to know why something is being done; they want to discover the purpose behind certain actions, as well as establish more efficient ways to get the job done; Like a sort of research and development team, a scientist of life (at various times), carries out all of these various types of functions. Without any research, there can be no development; and without development—things stagnate. Life is also a continuum—meaning everything is based upon what came before; and what came before is based upon specific patterns which yields results. Another word for this is called, “Order.” What we are currently discussing is a social order; or how things can function harmoniously between each other. They say that, “Self preservation is the first law of nature,” and by being first, that makes it a prime factor—but by being prime, also makes it primitive: As expressed before, Man is a social creature—meaning he or she depends on the collective efforts of others in order to help him perform his or her functions. Children have the tendency to think only of themselves, simply because it is a basic instinct of nature, but as we are raised or cultivated into the mainstream society, we are taught to cultivate our relationships with others. On a very basic level, these things are done because as a social creature, you’re going to need other relationships in order to help you survive in life. You must realize that you are the author of your own destiny, and life happens, to teach us of our abilities. I may be able to teach you many things, but I can’t teach character or integrity—you either have these things or your don't; and if you don't, you must summon these things based upon what life experiences has taught you; I cannot help you there—you have to be the one who pays attention—you can't afford free speech. You have got to believe—not in a mystery God—but an investment in the God which lives within you. You must summon it forth. There is a better way and you must find it. Don’t just do things because your peers do things or because it is familiar; consider where these things will take you and be reasonable—but most of all; Think for yourself.
As I asked you earlier, “Would you keep playing a game if you kept losing and showed no signs of getting better or ever winning any awards?” Probably not. No one is going to keep putting themselves in a position to receive nothing in return; that is, unless they’re daft or damaged goods [has self-esteem issues]. Most people expect something in return; even if it’s only gratitude—so if you want the winds of change to work for you—you'll have to invest in your working relationships by doing things to maintain them: You have to keep things on good terms. You must understand, preserving your relationships with others is key to your own survival: Doing something to maintain something; that is, reciprocity.
We must never forget, we are in a land which is not our own: The people here are not our own. We were brought to this country for a specific purpose, and due to those people’s level humanistic development, we were separated from the chattel part of the equation; yet we are still subject to their trends—because this is THEIR culture: Our culture is just distant memories for most of our people. Whatever you may call it—spirit, fads, or generational concerns—the current vibration in America is leading us into individual acts and efforts, instead of solidarity. I need only to quote a Classic Roman proverbial wisdom to let you know what time has been: "Divide and conquer" and suddenly the picture becomes quite clear. When you step outside the dream of wishing to be or being an American, you will see that your people has always been subject to another people's jurisdiction here—that is; the same people used to be enslaved too (by the Roman). Need I elaborate on what has been the outcome for all these years? These people have compartments within their society (such as law enforcement), which will collectively handle the problem—that is; should people not conform. All groups within American society will have to conform to American society; otherwise that society will be labeled subversive and removed. It is a terrible thing when people who do not care for you (like they do their own), wound up handling your situation and meting out justice for you. . . However, or whatever happens, it will be done in solidarity: You will see it on the television. You will see it in the press and hear over the air. Their will only be one resolution concerning you: You will be the example. No matter how much money you make in this country as an individual—you can't quell a crowd who feels you're not the same as they are; particularly when you are in THEIR area. Recognize, that there's real strength in numbers, and as social creatures people need people; Which means we need to come together for our own good. This means you're going to understand we need each other, if you are ever going to be successful. And in order to sustain that help, you'll need to establish endearment; and that will come—if you exercise proper reciprocity.