Sunday, September 30, 2012

Moral Traditions Within An Individual Context

   Let us start off by saying that not everyone is moral or ethical.  There are plenty of immoral, unethical and unscrupulous characters out there--enough to go around.  This is why I stressed, in the previous article, to always quiz anyone you mob around with.  You must know the policies of everyone around you.  Good or bad (as with common sense) is relative to the upbringing and the culture(s) which produced it.  Those of us who are ego centered, seldom use words like "our people" or "community"--because their talk is all about themselves--yet their very existence relies on the benevolence, mercy, and humanity of others.  How ironic and tragic!  For those who have ideas to see and ears to hear...  These group of articles on culture are about the things that will help us to unify--like education, awareness, faith in ourselves, and culture.  Without any unity, there is no community.  Without cultural contributions by the members of our society, our growth as a people will be greatly arrested.  It is very important for us to learn the things discussed here, for these things can make us feel good about our ancestors, our people and ourselves--which in turn will encourage and enthuse... which secures our heart in the struggle because it is enthusiasm which gives us the wherewithal to handle the heavy load.  This particular article is about the type of behavior that promotes unity: morals and morality. 

   Morality is a system of virtues, which are values and standards that a person lives by.  Values are qualities that a person holds sacred.  Not only are values qualities that are considered worthwhile or desirable, but they represent the standard by which you measure everything else. . .  We conduct ourselves according to our morals, which is another word for being in accord with our values.  Values also represent the things you want-- as in being worth something to you.  This being so, morality are standards, and standards are principles--laws that revolve around love, protecting, and upholding the things you care for--simply because they are so important to me and you.  Many consider morals, values, and standards as sacred or things which are cherished.  For once again, to quote "Smokey" William Robinson, "If you can want, you can need-- if you can need you can care.  If you can care-- you can love [because the things you do, you do in behalf of that concern]."

    Morality is so important to one's everyday existence, because the  morale of a person is greatly compromised whenever enough of those sacred values are not upheld.  By morale, I mean the confidence and self esteem of a person which is associated with the execution of such ideas.  Even one's willingness to perform tasks is drastically effected, when the Western world before our folks, deny these values their proper outlet.  That is, because the things one cares about, has all been diminished in importance by American and Western society--which in turn, solicits sadness from each Black person because of the lost of integrity.  There are some who take kindness for weakness--which I say is just bad policy:  In life, you know you're going to need somebody, so why not make good on that investment.  After all, they invested in you--they believed in you, and now you are teaching them that you weren't worth it.  Once you burn him/her--that's it for the investment:  In this world, cooperation helps us get through--but who would invest in someone who's ways and actions show the compassionate one, that he/she who speaks bleeds worthlessness?  Good news travel fast--but bad news travels ten times faster (so I've seen).  Burning hope and salvation, is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.  Taking advantage of a kind person, is like burning your bridges while you're still constructing them. . .

  Morals (on a simplistic level) represent your basic sense of right and wrong. And of the ones who posses them, morals are the obligatory attempt to do things in accord with such values.  There is, however, one thing wrong with this premise: Right and wrong are not basic, or commonly understood.  As a matter of fact, most people struggle with proper judgment  of things everyday.  The basic sense of right and wrong are greatly effected by the environment we grew up in.  For example, if your father was a "John" and your mother was a prostitute, your sense of right and wrong concerning sexuality is bound to be a little dysfunctional...  After all, that's mostly what you saw and heard.  Society itself, imposes its standards of right and wrong upon it's "citizens" through laws and ordinances (and the corrupt elements it produces)--such as, indecent exposure, laws against drinking alcoholic beverages out on the street (without concealment)--as well as lewd behavior.  Not to mention,  your own personal assessment which rises out of what you see and hear within the course of a lifetime, which also plays a part as well--trying to make sense out of the other points of view within the society you live in, concerning right and wrong.  Many of our adult psychological issues and/or conflicts can be directly linked back to our parental guidance, and the standards of our childhood social environment, versus our sense of our own politics/policies and/or feelings.

  On a higher level, morals are developed from a sense of how your own acts impact on others, based upon previous acts and experiences or the wisdom thereof passed on by family or loved ones.  Once the love is there, it is each member's personal obligation to maintain group harmony within their society--and this goes for those who are benefitting from that love, whether they see themselves as a member or not: Having morals plays a major part in maintaining a peaceful environment.  This is the major reason why morality is one of the mentioned categories in being civilized or as a part of civilization.  When one looks at the word "Civilization," you can see the root word "civil."  Civil is a word associated with being considerate of others.  This implies a community, in which you want to remain a member of.  Consideration means that one ponders about how your acts are affecting others...  Civilized behavior means behaving in a polite or reasonable manner--as opposed to wild, unruly and savage.  Sort of a "Do unto others, as you would have done unto you," type of thing.  In the broader sense, civil has to do with people and governmental office, as opposed to military or religion.  This is because military and religion are specialized units or selective services within a society.  Civilized behavior addresses the world as a whole.  Civilized behavior utilizes diplomacy and tact.  This includes etiquette, ethics, and social graces.  Civilization is derived from the Latin root word "civils."   From that word, comes the word "civis" or citizen.  This word has its Proto-Indo-European relationship to key words like "home, family, beloved and love."  So says the Internet Wiktionary...

    This is indicative of what I said in earlier articles:  The root of culture and civilization starts with a relationship between man, woman, and child within a society.  Morality then, is viewed as respect for each other and obedience to the rules of right conduct (that is stuff one finds in loving relationships). That is, behavior intended to produce better social harmony.  If we are going to stay together as a group--cooperate and function in harmony with each other--we are going to have to be conscious of how we treat each other:  We should know each other's politics and act in relationship to that knowledge.  Without the consideration which morals brings, the relationship, the society, or the group will disintegrate into chaos.  Morals incorporates a recognition and distinction between good and evil.

   When we were taught to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, we were taught that America believed itself to be, "One Nation Under God" (whatever that word "under" meant)...  In that illustration, God is thought of as a force which integrates the entire country through God the Ultimate or Supreme Being (which is good).  Integration then, is the process through which things form into one whole (as in nation); to make entire things; to complete; to renew; to restore; or to make perfect.  This is the proper use of the term integration--but the integration of American society is not what the United States did to reconcile its' differences with integrating Black population into White society--as America's response to the Black population's push for Civil Rights and equality...  The meaning of Integration implies that there are two (or more) complimentary (or opposing) forces being reconciled through the action or actions reflected in the harmony that this deed of unification brings--that is, showing  proper consideration and respect for both parties.  Integration is when you can "do your thing" and  "I can do my thing," and yet we can find an equal place for both of them--a place where each being or quality is equally respected.  When integration is done properly, neither has to change too much--but both will receive what it takes to live in harmony with each other.

  This did not happen in America.  America's ruling class made some modifications to its' policies from the past up to the 50's (like Affirmative Action), but Blacks had to make far more concessions to conform to America's status quo, when it was the Blacks who were the ones who were demanding and petitioning--needless to say, the adjustments by both parties were not equal.  As Malik Al Hajj Shabazz stated repeatedly in the sixties: 'The difficulty was never approached from a human right perspective, therefore a lot of our human rights issues were never addressed (the right to be looked at and  treated as a fellow human), therefore the civil rights proposition never gave us equal respect within American society.'  The "deck" was uneven right from the start.  Whites had the economic provisions and the land basically--while our negotiation chip was the stolen, unpaid labor from which our ancestor's toil created, in conjunction with the inhumane treatment from America's  previous policies--which we were condemning, as a violation of civil and not human rights.  First of all, White America has to see us all as equal human beings, before they could negotiate permitting us into their society in a fair and just manner (no doubt after being given our monetary equivalence of forty acres and a mule).  But as we Blacks all know, that did not happen (pass the tokenism of a handful of  so-called "special N-words").  

   Even to this day, there are two separate societies implied within America, one for the majority and one for the minority-- and if you don't live amongst the majority (as in ethnic and religious communities) the disparity is very, very noticeable.  Number one on that list, is how quickly issues and difficulties get responded to within the minority and majority communities--like pot-hole repair (for example), fiber optic cable, re-paving of area streets, new department stores within the communities.  Now if I were in a relationship with you, and you had children (from a previous relationship), but I always took care of my needs first--only looking after you and your children's needs, after I took care of my own first. . .  If I addressed the collective needs afterwards: that is, after my own were satisfied and only if finances allowed; If I would buy you things like shoes, clothing, recreation or personal items only on occasion. . .   I am sure you would soon leave me, while citing me for being totally unfair!  Now travel around the U.S., and tell me what you see, in terms of ethnic, mixed, and White communities.  And if then you don't believe what I say is true, then I am willing to trade places with any Whites in the so-called "equal communities."

I guess right and wrong is in the eye of the beholder--but these folks are not beholden unto us.  Blame that on the way their European ancestors raised them.  They are gifted with a special sense of sight concerning what's right: One that cannot look upon itself with an unbias third eye.  They believe we are inferior and are supposed to be a menial class to them.  And yet, we are relying on a sense of fairness, on the part of those who don't have the same interests (like the rich senators on Capital Hill who master mind Medicare or Welfare reform).  We are still waiting for others outside of our communities to do something for us (even though you know what happened, you think the "White" or majority community should), because Blacks and other communities also have seats in the "White House."  Well, as far as the "White House Government" is concerned, there are majority and minority issues.  Black interests are classified as one of the many minority concerns...  That means, it's not that important as those of the "majority."  Now if we Blacks had a broader economic base catering to, and/or providing economic provision to several Black or ethnic areas--that type of impetus would put a different spin on things--especially within a capitalistic society where Money talks. 

  Right now, the "Alternative parties" seem to be getting much more of their rights satisfied--which I think is more of a product of the gender issue going far beyond across racial and economic lines--Alternative lifestyles are within all facets of American society:  There are some who are very affluent financially, some "middle class" (working class), some poor-- as well as amongst the majority and minority groups as well.  Gender and Alternate life-style issues within the West, can be traced back to their Teutonic and Viking roots within Europe, for example.  So indirectly, even though it is a minority issue (which means not all Americans are involved with this), it has the attention of Americans who have European roots (especially those with substantial money and influence)--whereas our interests as Blacks are an isolated issue within American society on many different levels.  The majority issue and interests within American society  is not something we can control--but working on repairing the ills that Western society placed upon us as people--is something we can. 

  In a society which is formed through the uniting of families and clans, one of the most important issues is that each of these family members get equal respect, regardless of color, creed, sex, or class.  The behavior between its members should always be civil; if that society is going to last.  Morality then, should bring respect for each and everyone, as well as, guarantee its citizens obligatory behavior to the rules of right conduct:  Attitudes as such, are the basis behind civil codes, and many parts of legislation in society; i.e. producing laws to protect societal rights and behavior intended to produce good results or social harmony between its citizens.  In other words--difficulty plus program (moral codes, etc.) equals solution.  This is how the society shows love for its' citizens and families-- by considering its' members within its' legislation and protecting their rights as one united people.  Societies of this type are bonded by this care and respect for its citizens.

  As said previously, America claims itself to be "One Nation Under God."   The lyrics of a lot of songs are running through my head right now: Such as, "Don't go and talk about my father--God is my friend; He made this world for us to live in, and gave us everything.  And all He asks of us--is that we give each other love," that's a good one by Marvin Gaye:  It's called, "God is Love."  I use this poetic context to get into the meaning of the words "moral traditions."  Civilization is part of a group of terms (civil, civic, civilized), used to describe a group of people and their overall behavior towards each other--as well as humanity in general.  Moral traditions then, within the context of civilization, are the beliefs and/or philosophies, ideologies that make this possible.  Above is a picture of a Central Asian (so-called African or Pan-Afrikan) group, pouring libation as homage or a tribute to the Supreme Being and the various agents (ancestry, kin, angels, etc.)--our central point of unification that make it possible for all of us to be where we are today.  Heavy concept!  As you well know--even though this is a tradition society depicted-- I am not an advocate of organized religion or belief over-top of the world of the known; but still science (the known) can many times be behind the basis of a lot of what is ritual: 

   I (my consciousness) was brought into the physical realm--the gender result of the DNA of my father--overlapping with the instructional codes of my mother's egg.  I am a member of a family and I am the awareness which dwells in this form.  There were two family lines which were meshed through my persons and all my siblings through my parents' genetics--which I am the conglomerate and unifying factor of.  In the lyrics "God is Love," Marvin is calling God his Father--which makes the Creator the head of the household or unifying factor.  It is God through which all things find their unity, since God made all from Self.  In this symbolism, the human family then becomes his children--whereas God represents both the love between each member, and as archetype of love itself.  This is a very good metaphor for morality, as it represents the laws of love expressed through proper conduct--because we are all related as the human family!  The word "friend" then, is the symbol of friendliness or amiability between those which were created for a meaningful purpose, the comradery between each, and the One Who Creates to express the power of Love.  This action is like it says on the back of membership cards: "I am a member in good standing! 

   It is sort of like a corporation, wherein the corporation is a created third party--which represents far more ability than its members and absorbs the liability of all who are its' members.  In this analogy, Love is the corporation, being incorporated--you must follow certain guidelines, by-laws and rules to maintain the harmony and integrity of that business.  Morals represents this connection--ethical is how you apply your degree of moral development and civilization to the business, professional, and outside world: "It becomes immoral or unethical to steal, because it damages or jeopardizes our harmony or amiability as a business, consortium, membership or trade group.  Without moral and ethical codes, the first to suffer in such societies are the elderly, the young and the women within that society.  Civilized behavior ensures their considerations.  The reason I took a more scientific philosophical approach because it is a more non-partisan and more principally applied to the subject at hand.  Beliefs do not have to be proven, but calling something knowledge does.  If someone does something questionable, you question them and they say it is part of my belief--you know that whether it is true or not has little merit since the response will usually be, "Well, that is just my belief."  But on the other hand, if you call it fact--you must substantiate it, otherwise it is not believed.  Within religion, there is religious prejudice, but the truth of knowledge and science is universal. 


  As always, thank you for your consideration of these words.

Peace, Love, and Blessings,

C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers

Above Artwork: "The Libation"     by C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Cultural Framework (Within An Individual Context)















(Within an Individual Context) 

POLITICAL ORGANIZATION (on a personal level)

I Know you have heard these things before:  "Watch out for the crowd you mob with."   "Some of your friends will lead you into dead endz."  "Your worst enemy can be your best friend, and your best friend can be your worst enemy."  "The richest man is the one with the most influential friends."  True indeed, man is a social creature, and of that there can be no doubt--yet with inside man can be the worst thoughts masquerading as benevolence.  One has to learn the politics of the soul, as well as the company one keeps, and not sleep on the demons which mob within us as a people--that rob us from the potential of success which lies within organizing like minds.

Within the Cultural Framework, performing things like this above is known as Political Organization. Political or politics are described as policy or policy-making; which is a plan or course of action, intended to influence and determine decisions as well other matters.  Right here and now, I know you can appreciate that this is an aspect of governing oneself and arranging people around you.  When I say governing, you are probably thinking a western type of government.  Little do you realize, when you first started attending school, you were submerged into a group of little people who were not your family,so right then the political game was on.  If you were like me, you may have just wanted to do your own thing... But there was twenty-nine other souls, who wanted to do their own thing too.    The problem with that is, some areas overlap with others, in other areas--they conflict.  Within any arena of life amongst creatures--whether mineral, vegetable, animal or human kingdoms-- it's all about survival:  Whether it's literal survival, or survival in a way of thinking.  Now, we know the teacher was there to oversee the overall operation, but she can't see everything...  And neither will the warden in that case...    So a lot of the time, you have to handle your own business on your own--carve out your own space and find similar thinkers for support.  You may have had a few classmates that came up to you, introduced themselves--maybe even shook your hand.  Then you had others, who just looked you up and down...  In those situations, you have your loud mouths, as well your silver-tongued speakers--who dominate the floor with their filibustering.  You have young negotiators--right along with your class bullies--even some young men with military might.  You might even have your disturbed types--in need of special attention.  And then, you have your politicians--skilled in the art of diplomacy.

If your ego or personality is ever going to last in the social arena--you would have to learn the art of politics--and even as a young child, you sort of knew this intuitively.  That is, you began to know  who's who, how to work your way around those who meant you no good and those who just don't fit into your plans.  I mean, the bully is the easiest one to discover--that's why he (or she) spends so much time in the corner or in detention.  But then there's always what happens after school...  You can't keep running away or avoiding confrontation--eventually you have to face the opposition.  Otherwise, a personality like yours, would never get proper respect.  There are always  going to be different types within a classroom:  Some who are quiet, some who are easily intimidated, and then-- those who could talk their way out of anything: Those who could negotiate with the fiercest of them:  He or she wasn't the strongest--nor was he the one with the biggest  army--but these types could sum up or assess the situation.  They are the ones with the strategy or the plan--that plan is called diplomacy.

Politics includes policy, which are the plans or course of action that belong to a person,  which are intended to influence and determine their decisions.  Politics sort of represents where a person is coming from, what is governing that particular shrewdness of a person.   It is this sort of policy of a person, that governs their forethought and careful management of all their affairs.  Politics is their way of looking at and handling the world.  The politics  of a person governs their wisdom:  Politics is what governs what a person takes heed to (and not take heed to) and what determines how a oerson distinguishes things in life. Diplomacy is the art of tact when dealing with the distinctions between people and their politics.  It is the ability to do and/or say the right or appropriate thing--as well as how to win one over.  In order to do that, you have to be good at assessing a person's values from  their words, ways, and actions.  So being a good judge of character is key here.

Not everyone reasons the same or thinks the same, so the logic will change from person to person.  One's personal reasons for doing something can be distinctly different from the next person-- who's essentially doing the same thing:  A man may steal because he is hungry, then another may steal for the challenge which comes along with stealing--and yet another may steal because he doesn't believe he can obtain it on his own or by any other means.  This means all of them have done the same thing, but for different reasons.  Each of these people must be approached, or reasoned with--in a different manner.   One's temperaments or demeanor has a lot to do with how one reasons these things through--disposition and feelings also play a major role.   One has to know how to quiet down their personality and keep an open mind to new ideas coming through when figuring things out.  It is like playing chess: In order to be any good at it, you have to figure things out by observing your own politics--in conjunction your opponent's reasoning through deduction.  Similarly, when you are out in the world, you should be familiar with the policies of the people you hang around with; particularly, since you know that politics are intended to influence and determine directions...

Political Organization on a personal level then, is gathering people around you according to their sphere of influence and reference, in relationship to your own.  If you want to get anywhere in this world, you must have the right types of influences around you-- this means the right types of people are the people with similar interests and kindred abilities.  Since we all know we influence on another--it's up to you to deduce whether or not this or that person's influence within your life will be constructive or destructive.  You have to network, in the proper way, to keep the right kinds of thoughts flowing through your social atmosphere.  Thoughts that will help you, and others around you grow.  Think tanks and such.  This sort of process requires the careful scrutiny of the people with which you form your associations--acquaintances and your intimate bonds.  If you were building a home for yourself--no doubt--you would hire the best craftsmen and women of the construction trade that you were aware of.  The same goes with deciding who will be around you according to your--and their politics.

 It is very important that you understand the politics of those around you-- since policy controls so much of their life, their decision making and subsequently how you may appear associating with such people.   It is not such a simple solution to your difficulty as to label people good or evil--group conscious or ego-centered--party member or an acquaintance and think you have the subject covered.  You really need to know the company you keep.  You must realize the psyche of a person is a complex matter:  First of all, what you call a person is a multi-faceted being--possessing many faces and perspectives, manifesting different levels of development for each--each reflecting either  parental, adult, or childish phases of each said quality.   For example, A  person may be deluded about certain deeds and believes himself/ herself to be in the right on a subject-- actually believing they wish you well and that they mean you no harm--when in fact their acts might be quite detrimental to you.  Just think about the people who smoke cigarettes or do drugs--saying they are not hurting anybody but themselves.  Well, that's not if they have people who love them and/ or depend on them;  Not if they have family or people who they effect daily, by virtue of their existence.  Yet despite this, you cannot convince these people that there's a flaw in their thinking.  It is very often that their protracted thinking only lets them see aspects of themselves...  So, are they faking that they are right--or are they confident they are when in fact they really aren't?  You see what I mean?  You can't simplify your method--it must be thorough and it must be an on-going process.  Knowing the politics around you,  allows you to understand their logical progressions and also helps you to see the overall view of everyone involved.


Logic and reasoning are not the same thing.  Logic is the progressive of a train of thought which leads to a destination.  Logic is the thoughts which fuels the train to get to the station.  Logic does not include areas of morality or the validity of the deed, it includes a sequence of actions that fit the functionality for a particular train of thought and that's it:  A thief may be logical in how he executes of his trade, but on the other hand, his trade may not be considered very rational.  Rationale is what reasoning is all about!  It connects the lower spheres of logic (induction, deduction and inference/ or memory) with the higher spheres of morals, justice and jurisprudence, purpose, truth or knowledge, wisdom and understanding.  Reasoning integrates all these--including logic.

A woman may have sex and get this man to do work on her house and never consider her acts to be a form of prostitution, which maybe simply due to  a malfunction between her upbringing, logic, and reasoning.  This type of phenomena can easily become the work of psychologists--taking years to unravel...  This is not our job. So, let me state for the record: "I am not Bob Newhart (a comedy show where Bob Newhart played an analyst for several corky personalities)!"  In other words, One only learns what one teaches self.  To be educated, you must be educable; that is, you must be receptive and willing to adapt and change--a.k.a., will to become better.  I have learned in life, not to go searching for things in others that does not exist yet, but still pursued by the assistant--literally because the assistant wanted to help bring it out.  God helps those who help themselves!  Nowadays, I just learned to follow the logical sequence of the progressions of others and access where they are going first--l leave the rescue unit for another day and another possible episode--with another person.  I don't volunteer information (any more)--the best you can get out of me, is the dropping of a jewel or two.   I now realize that many people do not really want to change and you are violating their right to choose, if you force them to.  Every person has the right to decide their own destiny and determine where the places their ideas will take them:  It's not cool, even when it might be irrational like: Wanting a champagne diet on a beer budget, you have to let people live their theories out in order to gain their understanding.  Now--you know and I know that--that's not going to happen in this situation--and you staying in a situation, waiting for an opportunity to help--is like chasing waterfalls.  Some times, knowing when to leave may be the smartest thing you can ever know

Now on the other hand, finding "Like Minds" within this Western environment, is very, very important. This alone can give you a place where you can blossom and bloom.  Having similar ideas and similar personalities allow you and others to be comfortable within an environment where all can understand themselves and share in the process.  This is a place where you can be nourished and your ideas can be taken care of.  As they say, "Two Heads are Better than One"--so is a group of empathetic minds.  A lot of similar thinking can ensure you get the job done, if everyone pulls together as a team.  And that last point, is why you must scrutinize who you letting into your group; who you are forming relationships with.  For example, usually artists and non-artists are a bad blend.  The non-artist is not familiar with the demands the art/ craft puts on an individual, nor does the non-artist recognize (that for the artist) art comes first:  While an artist is working on their craft, other things in their lives become terribly clearer.  Take that art away and many artists become frustrated and disoriented.   They loose their ability to let off "steam" by doing something creative.  Relationships are constructive for building an understanding, while having nothing in common increases the difficulty for building comradery.

Think Tanks and Consortiums (associations or combination of businesses) are great for getting services  and other types businesses started--that is, if you can weed out the Narcissists and the Opportunists.  Within these vehicles, you have people who will be there to help one another achieve, so that they whole organization can grown; and this is why they lend support.  Now everything has its opposites and unfortunately--opposites attract.   So, if you are the organizer, the bulk of your work consists of weeding out the Riff-Raff, so that your organization can last and mature.  Success will ultimately come from people of the same advocacy...  It also doesn't hurt to get a lawyer or two join the organization-- so you ascertain the legal ramifications of your possible endeavors...

If you have to convince someone of something, then they are not originally about it, nor are they certain--so you are creating their interest--the best they can be is company, since they are someone you are bringing onto the scene as an associate.  They are not your companion, they are students in the quest of your politics but they are not scientists (devoted to knowledge).  Policies and politics are what help to form lasting bonds--these sort of ideas mean you care about the same things and/or hinge your thinking upon the same or similar points of view.   I don't know how many of you peeped it, but for me--it was a painful thing to watch Nelson and Winnie Mandela (of South Africa) grow apart.  Here were two people who loved each other, cared deeply about their own people, and the future of their nation-- yet distance (a.k.a. Nelson's incarceration) forged a different type of thinking about how to go about gaining liberation from South Afrikaner's politics--and the difference between the two became irreconcilable in the end.  If you have been away from someone for any length of time--even months--you need to re-acquaint yourselves with each other's politics and policies,  because neither one of you are the same as when you left each other.  Your politics have changed.

On a larger scale, political organization is an important step of civilization.  It organizes people according to policy and structures which influence, all for the betterment of the group.  It allows people to nurture, grow and develop ideas, which strengthen the mind and build confidence within members.  In turn, laws and social structures are evolved through such groups to maintain its' interests and secure itself as an entity.  Most people do not think to much of it, but in order to vote, you must declare yourself a member of the Democratic, Republican, or Independent party; which is a way of determining your affiliation and orientation.

On the other hand, townhouse meetings and candidate's debates are very important (for those who know the game), to pick the candidate they will vote for.  This becomes important because, it is here where a person can fire strategic questions, to figure out the candidate's political agenda.  It is here, where the audience get to ask candidates, what their particular policies are, or ideas concerning  certain issues--to determine which candidate's policy and ideology is similar enough to serve their interests as the people.  This is very wise.  After all, there will be laws and ordinates passed in behalf of this official--ones that may monumentally affect their lives.  When the president of the United States ran for office, he was asked what his policies were on abortion, and civil partnerships (same sex marriage), financial recovery from the recession, etc., so the voter could see his affiliations and whether or not his politics supported theirs.   So, as you can see, knowing your partner's policies is all so very important--even in man/ woman relationships!  After all, your mate can make or break your marriage--as well as potentially ruin your life.   

Ironically, I've noticed that Black attendance to such things as townhouse meetings and candidate's debates are very low.  If we are ever going to get anywhere in this White man's world, we need to know the policy of those who we put in charge within our areas of jurisdiction.  Some of us live in a district and not know who our ward leaders are, nor state representatives.  Yet these are the same people who put policies into action that influence our lives and our home environment.   I don't get it!   As long as we are in this environment, we need to be a little more pro-active.  After all, it is our lives we are fighting for!  We have to find people who believe in our types of ideas and will protect our self interests.  Equity and cooperation means everything, for us to get things going.  Arranging connections according to similarities in policy and ideology is what political organization is all about!  Social means to advocate a society for one common cause.  These societies determine group policy which leads to governmental structures.   This is how clubs, orders, and organizations get started--  these things are necessary for cultural development and political power within mainstream society. 



Peace and Blessings Family, 

C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers 

Above: Artwork by C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers

Sunday, September 2, 2012

THE INDIVIDUAL (within a Cultural Framework)

  Last time we talked about Civilization, culture, social order, different types of government structures, family and the gather together of people.  We talked about society and the individual and how each are effected by culture and how each could effect the cultural fabric-- both positively and negatively.  We talked about family and yet I don't think you really have a practical understanding of the topic.  So we will take a very personal approach to explaining it, so that it has everyday relevance to you.
   There were several platforms presented by Black people during the 1960s.  In the article, "All For The Sake Of Love," the Black Panthers originally demonstrated qualities of a Self-help group; revolutionizing the breakfast program, developing the can food drive that many other groups today imitate, and Self-policed their community-- rather than let racist officers on the California Police Force do it for them.  Because on paper, Black people in America are considered citizens, the Panther's acts got reinterpreted as a militant group-- especially after they started to bear arms (by someone's sugggestion).  In addition, by being a political, non-religious group, they opened the door for a lot of harsh criticism from some Blacks and Whites, as well as hostile defense manuevers from the government (non-religious groups are not protected under the constitution's freedom of religion).  Other Self-Help groups included the Pan-Africanists under the direction of followers of the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Father Divine, and the Nation Of Islam, under the direction of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.  After Malcolm left the Nation Of Islam, he formed the OAAU (Organization of African American Unity), another Self-Help group in direct contact with its' diaspora partner the OAU (Organization of African Unity).  Malcolm X raised the issue that Black people's issues within America is more of a Human Right, as opposed to a Civil Right issue.  Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., represented the dominant leader of both Southern Christian Leadership Council and the non-violent aspect of the Civil Right Movement.
   There were other forms of activism present within the Black community, but all of these groups combined never represented 50% of the total Black interest-- and in the end analysis, we settled for a situation where White America did a few things to reconcile their behavior-- like affirmative action.  Despite the fact that America made 97 treaties with the Native Americans and never upheld one, we Blacks (en mass) accepted their proposal (which is all most Civil Rights activists wanted anyway).  If America's dominant culture and Black cultural relationship was viewed as a man/ woman relationship-- Blacks would be like the woman who's been mistreated by her man again and again-- yet willing to jump at the possibility of his saying, "he's changed."  This is because she cannot bear the thought of leaving this relationship and starting all over again.  She will go on half-way trusting him and cursing him, because she wants to believe-- eventhough his own chronology does not favor that she does.  Anytime you enter into a relationship where there is no equality in the decision-making process, you will never get proper justice at the hands of the other.
   Before entering into the realm of what I am about to address (The Individual within a Cultural Framework), I would like to share some meditations I had, concerning a "build" Saladin has presented on "You Tube" concerning "Why does he Fear the Devil Now."  In that build, he spoke about fears and apprehensions.  I recognize that the only reason a person has apprehensions, is because he or she is really not sure, or he or she has unwanted feelings associated with the phenomena at handNow in order to overcome these fears and apprehensions, one must take affirmative action.  That affirmative action is the resolve to do something about it.  But "the something" one must do must be constructive.  That usually starts with a committment within the head, which makes its way down to the heart.  When a person is unsure, rest assured-- there is something that a person does not know or has been avoiding.
  In order to know or to be sure or confident about what you are doing, you must go on a quest to find answers to your questions, so that a clear mental picture may be formed; an image based upon the known.  Any ideas you might have had prior to this quest, will be confirmed or disproved once you find out what it is; a.k.a. once you truly know.  It all starts off with sincerity.  You have to really want to know and it must come from the heart.  That is what sincere is:  You have to be true to yourself.  Sincerity gives you the devotion to dig deeper and get to what you really need, when those excuses come.  Loving yourself is not always easy to come by, but you can at least be honest enough with yourself to want to know and don't BS yourself.  Self deception is the worst deception of them all!
   Now I'm sure that there some people among us don't want to know, or who are afraid to know:  They are uneasy about how much they will have to do-- that it might not be fun, or it might be hard-- they might be afraid of what others might think.  All I have to say is, "Stop being a punk-- pull up your panties and stop living a lie; face reality!"  Fear will eat you up inside!  Fear will give you ulcers!  When you know, you are certain-- when you are certain, you are sure!  When you are sure, the evidence is confirmed in your mind and when it is confirmed; you are confident-- that insecurity is replaced by what it is; a.k.a. you know:  No surprises.
   Yet knowing what it is, is not good enough-- you must act upon the things you know.  It is not good enough to say, "I did my research and now I know I have a fear of heights," for example.  True.\ knowledge is the foundation of all things in existence, but you have to know how to proceed with that knowledge to make it born complete.   The word "Procedure" literally means how to move forward with what you know.  You have to find out why you have these feelings, what would be the appropriate feelings and actions to take in this or that type of  situation-- and afterwards take steps to defeat each of these things in the light of reason.  In this way you are taking steps to be well on your way to be that confident person you always wanted to be.  You have to evolve that wise way to overcome that fear.  The wise way will be the appropriate procedure.  For ones who know, the question isn't, "Can I do it?"  The question is "What must I do?"  Like I said before, "Think Globally but act locally:"  Start with one thing at a time...
   You might have the overall knowledge of the situation, but you need to act upon what you know cautiously.  Your persona of confidence is still young, it cannot take many defeats or setbacks.  You need to come up with strategies and procedures to test those theories to gain confidence of the results.  These results will help you distinguish between what is practical and what is just wishful thinking.  These series of steps and small victories will build your confidence about what you are doing and how confident you are of your approach, once you have those results.  Only then can you proceed to overcome those fears.  That is, take the proper steps based upon things you know are bulletproof (true and won' t fail you), or the things you are sure of.  This is the way of a scientist; one who is devoted to knowing.  Standing on shaky (unproven) grounds will only create more fears.
   Don't try to tackle them all at once and most definitely not head on!  You already have apprehensions and fears that you won't be successful--  take small steps and gain minor victories.  This type of approach will help to handle those associated imps and inner demons, boosting your confidence towards the next endeavor; convincing you that you can be even more successful-- as you approach your greater and  final victory!  It is always a very bad time to try to fight back inner demons, once they have you in a head lock or once they got you-- during this time resistance is futile!
   When those things happens, it is better to study the situation afterwards, to see why you failed to see the issue coming.  Watch the tape later.  Go back over it in your third-eye mind, observe which ways you handed that demon his success in that battle-- because the demon could not defeat you without your help.  Besides, during the actual battle, you were being creamed (getting beat up) because of the errors you made in judgment-- so why would you want to go back in there?  No need to beat yourself up after the fact-- learn from it!  Turn that Error into a positive education...
   Everybody has things they are not sure of-- that is, until they find the answers.  That's life.  Study the tapes, to see when your fortune changed, to get clues on how to handle it better next time:  Go back over the whole ordeal in your third eye mind-- minus those feelings you have concerning how your ego got bruised...  You can't correct that.  Those feelings never help anything, except to prolong agony.  Do the research and discover what you must do the next time.  Recognise-- you would never know what to work on, if the situation hadn't arose-- that's the blessing in disguise.  You can learn more from your mistakes, than you can from any of your successes-- and that's a fact!  Stick to your plans, remember each step on how you got there-- but most of all, remember the rules!  Only a fool believes that he can do the same things which got him there, yet expect things will be different this time...  You have to go for what you know!


   These same things apply to what we are stressing in these blogs.  You are being given knowledge and information, which is a pool of ideas, based upon known things.  I have ideas-- but I'm only giving suggestions-- YOU HAVE TO APPLY IT AND STICK TO IT!  It is up to you to find all the answers you seek.  It is up to you to prove these things to your persons, before you put anything upon that foundation.  You have to think for yourself, educate yourself,  and give full support to your ideas!  That is the only way to learn the truth for yourself...  Don't let me hear you say that you can't... You Can Do It!!!  Now, let's get back to making you aware-- in the practical sense...

ECONOMIC PROVISION (within an personal context)

   No matter where you live, there is certain things you need in order to live:  I would mention air, but at the  moment, that's free...  But you will need to eat and in most cases, you won't be raising your own livestock for consumption...  You would have to grow enough vegetation for you and the vegetarian animals you are raising (since the hog is out of the question) to eat.  That animal will eat several times more than you will, making raising it in the city, impractical.  You could grow your own fruits and vegetables and not have to pay to eat, but if you're like most people, in the beginning you will need income-- to buy such things as seed and fertilizer.  You will need money to purchase things you need, like clothes to cover your back against the elements (like rain, hail, snow, etc.).  Or to keep a roof over your head, for example.
     This means you must obtain economic provisions.  Economic provision is just another way of saying, you have to make money in order to live.  There are other ways of speaking about this-- such as "trying to make a living" for example.  Some call it, "securing a livelihood"...  But any way you put it, it's about "finding a job or securing an income."  If you found a job, you're probably working for someone who is (nine times out of ten) not black.  But be assured, there are other ways of securing an income than working for whites.  Now I know, most of you didn't put much thought into it, but if you are working for someone else to earn a living-- you are dependent upon others and this means their actions can potentially effect the quality of your living.  So will freeloading off of someone.  And if that person happens to be White, then you are dependent upon someone (who is White) to provide you a means of making a living: To pay your rent, buy your clothes, pay your bills and get something to eat.  Sounds like pretty shaky grounds don't you think...
   Remember, when you use to live at home with mom Dukes and papa Smurf?  You used to buy the "fly-est" (most current and fashionable) clothes, the sporty-est car; go to stores and resturants on the constant, etc?  You could do that then, because your parents were providing one of your most major expenses: Shelter.  You were still a child and dependent upon them.  You had plenty of money because you were not paying rent or utilities.  You might have resented them looking at you as a child, but they were taking care of you:  Adults take care of themselves.  They had previously provided you with clothes (that you no longer wear much) and also provide you with staple foods (essential foods) and condiments, back at the "crib" (house).  Yet all that changed, since you moved out the house-- now your parents no longer provided that kind of assistance (or should not provide you with it).
   You might not have considered this, but if you can't cook-- you will have to eat out and if you eat out-- then you only have cold cuts (sandwich meats or something like that), bottle of milk or juice, drinks, frozen fries and left-overs in the refrigerator.  That means you are not prepared for a major crisis.  You have no staple foods on the shelf like beans. And if you get fired tomorrow, you are a few stops away from being out in the street facing starvation (since you don't have money in the bank or some money saved).  Alright, you might not starve... You'd probably free-load off of somebody, like your girl, or take an emergency visit over to your parents, or visit a female friend and bum around from place to place for living arrangements-- but that's not the point:  The point is you have failed to secure food, clothing and shelter in life and you are not as independent as you believed yourself to be!
   And you may not have thought about this also, but in America, we all live slightly (or grossly) above what we have stored in our coffers (the bank or the money underneath your mattress, if you have any).  Could you imagine Yasir Arafat of the PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) stopping a battle with the Israelis, so that he could go shopping at the supermarket for his meals the next day...  Get my point?  Planning!  All it takes is the landlord to go up on your rent and you have to reconfigure your whole economic or financial scheme (because of the tightness of your budget).  That's not good...  Gain a few pounds around your body and there goes that expensive wardrobe...  Lose your job today and there goes food, clothing, and shelter, with no means to compensate for lack of savings.  That's too close to the chest, homie.  Many of our people can't afford to save for emergencies today, because of the amount of money they make is hardly enough to survive.  Now looking like you aren't smart doesn't look all that smart.
   This economic curve was designed that way by the rich.  They own the businesses, set the income scales and run the banks.  Supply and demand baby...  Many of us working class live basically from hand to mouth!  Yet many Black people feel racial equality has gotten better, but has it?!  My parents provided more, making less money than I do-- but that's what inflation does:  It makes every thing go up but not equally.  It looks like you make more, but everything costs more than how much your income went up...  Our parents had better earning to consumption ratios than we have today, yet we look like we are the ones who made it.  Mad real, huh?  I'll say!
   Some people say all of this is by design:  Play the game right, pay your bills on time and maybe you can apply for a credit card.  Credit cards can buy you time to accumulate money between checks.  You have more buying power.  But for the time being, when you use them, you owe the institution which loans you the money.  That can be a spider web, if you don't play your cards right...  Ever notice that when a rich person comes in and puts his or her money in a particular bank, the bank 'trips over its own feet' offering free services to the benefactor-- yet you and I have to pay for the same services they offer to the rich person?  The fact that we accept this is due to our American capitalist conditioning...  Some banks are even owned by the rich-- we know many credit cards companies are...  You could always join those who have the secret hand shake, who pretend to be for social change, while always maintaining the status quo (the existing condition or state of affairs)...  Malcolm referred to them as religious Uncle Toms in his speeches...  But that comes at a valuable cost...
   So in essence, the very rich or some financial institution gives credit to a person who can't make ends meet-- but has a track record of paying bills on time.  That is a person who does the right thing.  He or she also plays the game the way the rich want.  The contract agreement this person signed says, 'You can have this loan at such-and-such a rate, but should you miss a payment-- it goes up substantially...'  The loaning institution (or the rich) figures to gain a profit in fees and/ or a higher rate of interest-- if they don't keep to their agreement and interests fees the longer the person holds the loan.  Bottom line:  The golden rule is: "He who has the Gold, makes the rules!"
   The ones who have businesses and can afford grand scale operations, like hiring hundred to thousands of employees, provide the businesses that others can work for-- while profiting from the worker's inconveniences by offering them certain alternatives-- at a price.  These people are called the rich and the bourgeoise.  It is the rich and bourgeoise who are profitting from the working class.  They are often like rich slave-makers of the poor.  Many of them also wear secret rings and belong to private clubs and secret organizations; but that comes at a price also...  Kind of reminds me of those old movies, wherein the Westerner or former cowboy works for the general store and when he needed goods (as a condition of his employment), he had to buy what he needed from the same general store.  Or the Richard Pryor movie, "Which Way Is Up?" Where all of the directors and owners had secret rings.  Currently, the owner of Seagram's Gin, owns Geffen Records.  Conceiveably, you could party all weekend and jam to your favorite tunes-- all compliments to the owner of both companies.  Fancy that!
   For the most part those who work, don't have enough money to live comfortably in American society-- so the working class provides the perfect opportunity for those who loan assistance, to profit from their inability to sustain themselves.  Welcome to the world of capitalism:  Essential, frolical (hedonistic, etc.) and entertainment needs, taken care of-- but at a price.
   Now a lot of Whites like to call themselves "middle class," because this makes them feel good about being part of White society while not making as much money as those who are in control of things.   But if you research the word "bourgeoise" or "middle class", you will find that this class, is composed of those who operated a business (or group of businesses) and generates a substantial amount of income-- indicated by the net worth of the middle person in financial terms-- like a medical doctor who owns a medical group, for example.  Most of us and these "White middle-class citizens," are working poor above the poverty level.  We are the ones who pay for everything in this society, ala carte.  Even the services for the poor are provided through our taxes, to those who live at the poverty level!  That, my people, is Capitalism at its' finest.
   Key points to the above statements:  In a Capitalistic society, class is present-- but it is not as rigid as the class structure of  Great Britain.  You can move up and down the class lines in America, provided you have your own business that is successful (or making a substantial profit), and you become socially acceptable by the local class you are trying to break into.  It is that second part, I personally have a particular difficulty with.  Though it is true that you will never become rich working for someone else, but the key here is how you think.  Thinking requires that you are properly educated-- within that sentence lies a problem for the poor; but consider this article part of your education or enlightenment:  Our indoctrination is also an obstacle, because it creates habits of bad thinking, thoughts of inability, and volunteered slavery that keeps us chained to the system.  But the way out of our economic condition is to provide a service or supply goods to those who need our products,  for a fee.  That's how you begin to start sustaining yourself (instead of being used by someone to make someone else rich from your labor),
   Paying for a good education takes money; something the working poor is not in abundance of.  Many times, wiser parents struggle very hard to send their children to schools-- in an attempt to give their children a running start in life-- only to have some of these very same children tell their parents that they never asked them for itwhile resenting the whole process.  Several times, these children may even insult their parents for always providing opportunities-- but that is another story for another time.
   I just want to share this story with you:  I know this guy in the "hood," who went to college and through his ambition landed a teaching job at a college preparatory school (I might add that I am proud of that) after being part of the working poor in the ghetto.  His girlfriend, mother and wife to be, never did well in school-- matter of fact is that she never finished school.  All of her siblings were gang members or gang affiliated.  This guy went on to urge her to get her GED (high school equivalency), she even landed a good job.  After which, she suddenly became impossible to be with and eventually they had to break it off and go their separate ways.  Seems like she resented being urged in that way and felt pressure to do what he asked.  Get it..?  The way she was raised, made her more comfortable in the rut she was in...  Sometimes you have to find out what the person really wants, get out of their way and let them try to realize their own theories.  After that, they might be receptive to plan B, but don't choose it for them.  Consider that this article is also an eye opener and an education, for those who have eyes to see...
   Anyway, a better education is not a guarantee to a better job or a better life.  Attitude and aptitude-- on the part of the student-- plays its part and society plays the other.  Being wise to the knowledge contained within this article is definitely a right starter towards the proper attitude, let me tell you, but it is not enough...
   The vicious cycle is, the poor really can't afford to pay for education, so their lack of preparedness limits their children's ability to improve their lot (unless providence-- through the goodwill in man intervenes).  Those who scrape and make sacrifices so that their children can go to the best schools, are not direct shoe-ins either.  What I am saying is, a person who wants to do right is a receptive vehicle for godly teachings and for the inner voice to reach!  A child must be receptive to the idea of education and their parent's ideas of what proper education will afford them-- in order for that child to make the best out of what is made available.  Yet that child must be astute enough to see and navigate around the mazes that the priviledged has set up.  It is not an easy road.  As a wise brother, who goes by the name of Unikue, used to say to me: "I want the loot but not the [their] lifestyle."  And that's so true because to cultural folks, an American lifestyle is wild and predatory!
   What I am also saying is,  the fate of a whole nation of people (such as Black people) should not rely on the goodwill of another nation of people (ruling class Whites) to do the right thing.  That is just too much blind faith on a people who's past chronicles are bad.  It's like almost making the ruling class in America into  Gods!  We must do better for ourselves and gain proper education, a sense of autonomy, and the ambition to do so.  This is the key.
   Capitalism-- like traditional societies-- has their influential families, which also imply family lines and their traditions-- but like in England; class is paramount.  In traditional societies, families and family bonds are paramount.  Both are societies based upon social equality-- but the traditional society is based upon more social bonds, values, morals and valor, whereas the capitalistic society in America is based upon economic and financial status, class and race.  In Capitalistic society, there are old families and old forms of prejudice-- take the Henry Ford family  for example.  Capitalizing on the imposition, is what capitalism is all about.  That's how the Rockefellers and the Carnegies got ahead.  But that is the way of the Whites within the Capitalist structure.
   As I have said before, I think we (as Black people) are expecting too much compassion from the White Western Capitalist society.  That's like trying to change the nature of an animal!  It is what it is.  A capitalist needs something to capitalize off of-- and unfortunately if you are the working class, then the target is you!  And if you are Black, subliminally you are more than likely summed up as the one to "pull a fast one on" or take advantage of.  The most likely to be dis-enfranchised.  You are symbollic to a target; a mark.  Traditional societies are relatives or extended families turned into a larger group, uniting with other tribes of extended families.  This is not to imply that there is never any trouble between family members... 
   The emphasis here is a society of kindred people with common needs that are better fulfilled by a collective (a group of the same), rather than relying on the goodwill of others.  In Capitalism, one has to move up the social ladder or corporate ladder, in order to change class.  This requires assistance; which means someone has to take a liking to you (I don't wear a skirt so the lure or inuendo of sexuality won't work-- LOL).  The other part requires that your play the game or conform to the class rules.  Do the things the ruling class feels comfortable with.  Knowing and discussing their favorite past-time activities (like sports, etc.).  Sometimes, one can get by with just having social grace and charm-- other times, they might just need a token.  But most of all, they can't consider you a threat...
  In England, class cannot be changed except by being knighted by a king or queen or some high authority of the highest noble class, in recognition of some heroics or spectacular deed.  In other words, you must be made noble by the aristocracy, who must find you worthy.  This means in England, you can be bourgeoise and literally rich, but it would mean little, if you have "no class" status.  That's one of the benefits of being in American society, the opportunity for making advancements is there, if you make enough money, know how to play the game, and meet with "open minds" (or the need for a token or figure head arises)...  But let's take a look at proper education.


   Right now, most of you still depend on the supermarket being open to secure food.  Most urban people don't grow your own food.  A lot of Black people in America migrated from the south during the World Wars, to seek more pay in the factories and to escape the racist conditions in the south.  A lot of our parents (and grandparents) were former members of a rural community which knew a lot about farming, but many failed to be able to pass that knowledge down to their children.  Parts of it is our parents fault and the other part is our own fault.  Many of us as teens, as we thought about the prospect of growing things we eat everyday, had an image of a dusty looking person in overalls and a raggedy straw hat-- and we didn't want any parts of that.  We were to cool for that...  Besides, many of our parents were too much in pursuit of making ends meet in an industrial urban environment to have spare time.   They were either too tired or too disinterested in teaching rural skills to their urban children within a factory worker environment.  And we were too busy clowning "Southern ways" to understand the significance of doing for Self in this manner.  So growing your own food was seldom considered by the children of such parents and grandparents.  But then again, maybe if the children were more inclined...  But now I know better now:  Knowing how to survive against all oods, is always essential.
  If you work for Black people in an innercity community, more than likely it is a convenient store, mini- market or some food-related store owner.  Look around you:  In most Black urban communities, the most booming businesses have to do with food.  The people may not fix their houses, repair the steps, nor fix their car-- but they will treat themselves to a McDonald's meal!  It's not that we don't have our priorities in perspective:  Eating is just a quick fix!  People often eat when they are dissatisfied...   It calms us...  And in a lot of Black area shopping malls, the most plentiful businesses are food related.   The hardware and plumbing stores within the community are being replaced by big chains like Home Depots and Loews, on the other side of town-- causing Blacks to spend their money in other communities.  Computer stores and other higher blue collar and white collar work, are usually located in more mixed and Whiter communities-- which means, not so much in the "hood" or other ethnic communities.  This places more money circulation in those parts of town-- in those communities.  The streets get repaired.  The pavements get redone.  Traffic markings are more current.  You have to pay for parking.  Why?  Because they're raking in more "dough" and more taxes for their area.  If you want to survive elsewhere, you have to operate within a different set of rules.
   However, last time I checked, cooking for people was considered menial labor; which is something we (as a people) find it hard to get away from within the American social structure.  As long as you do not own your own means of production (economic provision), you are dependent upon someone else.  Women constantly tell me how independent they are, but if you are basing your ability upon pretty looks and sexuality, you are border-lining prostitution and debasement.  If you do not make your own clothing, own the land you live on or the house that is on it-- if you don't grow your own food and feed for your own livestock ( that is, if you are a meat eater)-- if you have not secured enough money to sustain trade for the items you don't have (like transportation for yourself and your trading goods), you can't begin to think you are independent.  I know it doesn't sound sexy that you make your own clothes, but it sure as hell will provide an income if your designs are fly.  My female cousin, is starting to rake in some good profits from selling homemade cookies outside the state building-- she put that not so sexy image down and started bringing in additional income.  So as you can see, most of us need an attitude adjustment, where independence is concerned.  An attitude adjustment and the proper education.


   For any thing you want to do, knowledge is the foundation to all things in existence.  You need to be properly informed, so that you can make intelligent decisions.  Knowledge and the proper attitude is all you need to rise and walk away,  George Clinton (non-italics mine).  You will need inspiration as well as aspirations.  Inspiration and confidence comes along with being knowledgeable or well-informed.  A lot of that thinking "you can't do something," comes from an environment full of people who are not your own, coupled with a lot of crab, misery-loves-company, malcontent, Maryland Farmers (a.k.a. M-F'ers).  The only thing that can limit you is what you believe.  You have to learn to distinguish between people who will love and encourage you, versus those who simply do not mean you any good.  If you are positive within yourself and believe you can do it, you need to stay away from dissatisfied people-- because sooner or later-- that stuff rubs off big time.  Recognise, these types are never going to do nothing but complain...
   Know-how is another important feature in adjusting one's attitude and seeking of proper  knowledge and education.  My parents were (especially mother) sticklers were vocation was concerned:  The more skills, the merrier.  My father worked in construction and in the book publishing trade, mother worked in the garment trade so she taught me to sew.  Father brought home some very interesting books and we developed quite a little library.  His guardians had a little money, so he knew the value of having encyclopedias and such, but his discontent with situations surrounding his birth and social class, led him to a practical upstart I call, "mom."  Needless to say, slackness and laziness was not tolerated in our upbringing.  The rules of social engagement was talked about all the time:  How you had to be much better yet show no signs of haughtiness etc., for that attitude could get you fired.  We learned the etiquette for the worlds we wished to enter.  That was only right.  No ambassador would dare step into another's man land and not know that land's customs-- as to not offend them.  "Remember you are under another man's scrutiny, when you are in his world."  Know-how to be civil.
   Currently I supervise with two Caucasians and one Black (who has since retired).  It was fascinating to me how the Black would always be aware of the "do's and don'ts," and most of the time found a way to manuever and navigate between what he wanted, what he was allowed, and what he shouldn't do-- while the Whites would plow straight ahead seemlingly regardless of warnings and pending dangers (such as fines and lost of job).  I guess they could count on forgiveness from their fellow Whites.  You can even tell these Whites have an underlying problem with my position over them as well (because they attempt to find ways to navigate around my jurisdiction and authority).    I guess that's how they're raised or trained to be.
   The difficulty today is some of our teens are following this same irreverent pattern, despite the fact that they are not the ruling class.  They do the same things that young Whites do, thinking they will get the same consideration-- only to be shocked when they are "made an example of."  You have to know where you are at and what the rules are, so you can navigate around them safely.  Maybe I'm out of touch with the current world or this new attitude, but this smells like a recipe for disaster.  You see, with the attitude I'm talking about, we could just be around a knowledgeable person and learn, or smooth talk to a more skilled person so that soon we would have the skill also.  Today, our youth seem to think as long as they are there and dress the part, they should get paid-- while given the full benefit of breaks, lunch and goof-off time!  So much for these types of youth being culturally unaware!  This has got to change, if they are going to survive in America.
   Any one who is aware (be they young or old) knows what keeps us in this menial situation is the lack of knowledge, but the cycle is vicious:  Economics are a deterrent for many poor people seeking more than public education for their children-- for the one's who save for it, there is no guarantee for success for these children due to better education and a glimpse at a more affluent social environment, if the child is not determined or devoted to this end.  There are other social obstacles to navigate around and it takes an astuteness that only a person who really want this cross-over will possess.
   As said earlier, knowing requires a certain amount of sincerity and dedication to find out what is truth and devotion to live according to it.  Everyone wants to know, few want to fashion their lives appropriately to the known.  If they did, then righteousness would be the result of it.  What a person wants is usually pursued before what one knows. 

 Individual?  What does that mean?

  I take the word back to it's etymology or ancient roots which describes it as "an indivisible dual" or two which cannot be separated (which in terms of relationships is pretty hard to find these days).  Today, it seems, there are too many male and female "free agents."  The results: chaos; using people; uncivilized behavior; alternative lifestyles, fears and phobias.  Trust and reliance are the major factors here-- and without them proper relationships are not possible:  In the words of Peter Gabriel: "Without it man-kind can't climb through the roof!"  A culture cannot work successfully without strong family units and strong family bonds or ties.  Besides that, in this world of cultural sophistication, no one makes it on their own.  They do so by the assistance of others.  Family helps out because you are of the same blood (in functional cases).  Those other bonds you rely on like family, are forged through common values, common ethics and codes of conduct, common interests and world view.  If anyone should be picked according to such criteria, it should be your love partner:  Think about it:  There will be no one you will spend more time with than your partner (and if you do-- that in and of itself is a problem).  You should have plenty of things you enjoy doing together.  If you are not doing a lot of things together, then you are doing too much apart; and if you are doing that much apart, then pretty soon you will be apart.
  Your world view is pretty much the same as saying, "What is your policy concerning?  How shrewd or wise are you?  How right and exact or expedient are you?  What is your political stance?"  Don't think for a minute, because she is a woman and she talks a lot about shopping and appearance, that she does not have a political or world view-- if you do you will find yourself being manipulated constantly.  Everybody has a stance-- know that! 
   Too many people pick a companion because they look good or look sexy.  I'm not saying that that shouldn't play a part-- just not the primary part.  Without a common point of view, you are going one way and your so-called partner is going in another.  Without common goals, you have separate goals.  And if you have separate goals,  you can merely be a means to getting somewhere; not to be confused with someone permanent.  And if you are a permanent part, don't let the lack of common interests have them take you for granted (granite) and  turn you into a piece of furniture...  The partner in your life, should be more than someone you like to bang...  Really.  That is so superficial...  No wonder, one day you turn around and find him or her gone.   Truth of the matter is that you never knew the person and that person was never with you.  They were amused by you.  You only knew that the sex was good and they made doing it fun-- but without admiration for  the other's values and sense of direction-- that too will be short lived.
   It is so horrible to have unprotected sex, get pregnant and then try to make a family out of it.  How equipped is the other partner for being a parent?  Did they even want children?  Why does society let a woman make that outcome decision for you?  Once the sperm leaves your body and it isn't in the bag, those politics are pretty one-sided...  What kind of environment was this person raised in?  Are they materialistic?  Narcissistic?  If they are, they certainly will make a bad candidate for raising children, because children require sacrifices and they should come first, for they are the future of a society.  Are they hedonistic?  If so, you can count on them sacrificing you and the family, when the politics comes down to personal pain!  Group needs should always come before personal ones, but if your rearing has not instill you with such values, or if you are not certain of this in your soul mate, then how are you sure they will be there when pressure comes upon you two?
   The basic unit of society is the family unit and the family unit starts with the bond between man and woman.  Anyone who gets into a relationship with a sense of options and alternatives are not suitable for starting a family-- simple as that.  The tying of families is what civilization is all about.  Trust and reliability is the name of the family game and in that type of situation, your significant other is only looking out for their own personal interests.  Economics become a  manipulative cat and mouse game, instead of a joint enterprise in scenarios like these.  If you can't both roll up your shelves, it might be better to leave, than to get let down later on.  Word is bond.   This is something that is bigger than the both of you.  It is the world's first corporation:  The third entity created should be greater than either one of you or it isn't true love.  And if you only have an arrangement-- please wear a condom and/or use protection.
  The best developmental tool for man and woman is a relationship properly used.  We are divine compliments, especially when we stand for the same thing, because man and woman look at things distinctly in different ways (two heads which look out for each other are better than one).


Peace and Happiness,

C. Be'erla Hai-roi Myers