Saturday, August 20, 2016

No Country For Young Men:  A SYNOPSIS


     I want you young men to appreciate that the, World is yours, like Nas said. . . But maybe not the way he meant it.  What I mean is; “You are the ones who will inherit the world we left behind, when the older generations die.”  This is very important.  Each generation has to take on the mantle of the world that the previous ones created: That is, you will be subject to the world your parents currently live in; as your children will be subject to yours.  The only way you will be able to successfully change anything for the better, depends on the VALUES YOU BRING TO THE EQUATION, AND THE CHOICES THAT YOU MAKE, WHICH WILL BE BASED UPON HOW MUCH YOU KNOW ABOUT THE PREVIOUS SYSTEM: Truly it is about, What you allow and what you don’t do; because what your generation does—right now—will determine the future of our race; that is, Black people who live in North America.  Our people have established a journey within the wilderness of North America, and we have growth we have to make here, in order to establish our own true destiny in America; that is—a destiny distinctly different from mainstream America and its ways and actions: All people—all folks on this planet—have a job to do for the benefit of the world in which we live.  “Life is what we make it; life is what we do.”  Each one of us must P-O-PPlay Our Part for the benefit of our world.  We cannot wait for the White man, Yellow man, Red man, or Brown man who lives in America to take care of  or determine our future for us!  We are the masters of our own destiny!!!

     If you are confident in your ability, all you need is procedure; procedure corresponds to knowing how to move forward and that requires that you are aware of things—thus the reason for this synopsis.  But it will take a group of you to institute real social change and this is where the word must be spread.  Change your thinking and you change your relationship to time.

    Man is truly a social creature, and how we establish and maintain our relationships, is very crucial to this process: I can’t spit in your face one minute and expect you to come back for seconds.  I can’t know that I’m going to need your help and keep it a hundred.  That’s contradictory:  Two kings can’t wear the same crown, two beauties can’t wear the same gown.  Be careful how you treat the people when you’re blowing up, because you’ll see the same people when you’re going down.  If I rub you the wrong way, I have no guarantee that you will even be around to have another interaction—unless maybe you are working with me—or you are used to abuse. . .  That’s just being tacky; and I’m just calling it like I see it. 

Now I was taught: “Treat people like you want to be treated.”  But for real, who wants to keep giving love when all you receive is pain?  Know why no one wants to be around a lot of you?  Because your attitudes are crappy!  Power comes from refinement: No one can put pure fossil fuel in their car, but gasoline (from the oil refineries) can sure make it go! 

     As I said before and I end all my articles to the affect, You are the author of your own destiny.  It is truly about, What you allow and what you don’t do:  If you don’t take CARE in how you eat, live, love, and learn—there will be nothing but CARELESSNESS in you; Which means you will be subject to your carelessness, not the one who is making a life for yourself; and most of what I’m saying will evade your attention; but if you care, you will see what I am talking about.  Just remember: There are those who MAKE things happen; Those who WATCH things happen; and Those who WONDER what happened.

     I emphasize that as young Black men, our leadership is not respected by our women enough, each other enough, and all nations are judged by the leadership and the readiness of its’ men.  If that is the case then this means we are in trouble, and part of this is our fault: That is because we allow swallywags in our company for the sake of our momentary urges (well momentary for some).  In the land of indulgences (as far as sex and lust are concerned) sex and lust are very low bottom feeders—where love is concerned: Sex being the lowest and care being the highest. And quite frankly, with all sex we are getting, it strictly boils down to usury; for sex is always about using for the sake of pleasure, positioning, and ultimately for some type of payment; For as you can see from babies being born—the process does display quite a lack of concern; which shouldn’t come as a surprise for some of you since you did not care for her (past the possibility of sex/lust and indulgence).

     Sex today has become more like cash and carry, and in case, it is better to protect yourself against situationships because relationships are a remote possibility: A little bit latex is what lies between you and eighteen years of freedom—since there is no love lost between the two of you—these situations are going to be loaded with nefariousness.  In the previous article, I spoke of Pandora (as a hyperlink): “Pandora was, according to Greek myth, the first woman on Earth. She was created by Gods; each one of them gave her a gift, thus, her name in Greek means “the one who bears all gifts.”  Pandora was created as a punishment to the mankind; Zeus wanted to punish people because Prometheus stole the fire to give it to them. Her gifts were beautifully evil, according to Hesiod. Hephaestus created her from clay, shaping her perfectly, Aphrodite gave her femininity and Athena taught her crafts. Hermes was ordered by Zeus to teach her to be deceitful, stubborn and curious.”  

[Check that science out: Women have to rise above their urges in order perform higher virtues and provide man with wife and motherhood.]

     “Pandora was given a box or a jar, called pithos in Greek. The gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was not allowed to open the box ever. Then Hermes took Pandora to Epimetheus, brother of Prometheus, to be his wife. Prometheus had advised Epimetheus not to accept anything from the gods, but he saw Pandora and was astonished by her beauty, thus he accepted her right away.”
“Pandora was trying to tame her curiosity, but at the end she could not hold herself anymore; she opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships that gods had hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared, because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Hope inside.”

“According to Hesiod Hope indeed stayed inside because that was Zeus’ will; he wanted to let people suffer in order to understand that they should not disobey their gods. Pandora was the right person to do it, because she was curious enough, but not malicious.”  What I hope you can appreciate about this scenario is that our women unwittingly do things which they think will grant them the happiness they seek; when in reality, they are only complicating matters; then they blame it on the man.  And because the younger generations don't know WHY THE CUSTOMS WERE ESTABLISHED in the first place. . .  They often seek a more acute or temporary solution to something that customs have cured for millenniaThis is the reason for civilization.  This is one of the reasons authors write books and singers sing songs and playwrights write plays; actors act and painters paint; to upgrade the software—to improve the technology; to make our world wiser and to avoid the mishaps and mayhemYet today, old paths are not adhered to.  Does that mean that every other procedure is wrong?  Can I give an example of this paradigm Try the whole concept of man/woman sexuality:

     Many things are maneuvered by women through sexuality.  Women get plenty off of the promise of indulgence and good looks.  Sex sells.  But women can get pregnant and they are the one who “hold the bag.”  Now, you might hear that all men are dogs and that all men like to cheat; but who are these men fooling and cheating with?  Other men?  I don’t think so. . .  That’s right—in most cases—it’s another woman!  And though this may not the only reason guys seek the company of another women, part of reason is the nagging, inhospitality, controlling, manipulating—uncompromising nature—that we find in many women.

     Case in point: Why do you think prostitutes come off so accommodating?  If it is truly that men are dogs, then who are they fooling with but female dogs?  Oscar Brown, Jr., once said, “The women I laid with frequently, each in their heart held secrecy, that she was really making ME the LADIES MAN. . .”  If a woman complains to much, many call her a b*t@h, and because of this complaining and lack of patience,  many men seek more accommodating types than they previously had—only to find when this other woman “gains the seat,” she’s subject to eventually act like her predecessors. . .Right?  That’s because the technology has not been upgraded, and probably won’t be—if she never owns up to being the origin of the problem. . .

     Some women may even decide something more like themselves is their solution—only to find, many times, this perfect persona is mimicking the ways of the opposite sex as her “natural” character (often being more abusive and nagging psychologically than any “man” could ever be); innately knowing that the gender’s genetic designs always have a way of reminding each and every species who they really are (no matter how hate may make them suppress it): This type kind of looks for how they want their man to look, minus all those things she doesn’t like; and JUST knows what she needs. . .or “Let’s throw the gratuitous sex scene in—so we can save this movie. . .”  
Sex and indulgence—and—love and consideration for someone are two different things; Gratification and feeling some kind of way—is not love.  Love has a solid structure that can solidify pregnancies into families/but spit don’t make babies/and Sex-perps are not love experts. . .  Nor is the child you carry your own property (and neither is stealing sperm to complete the other set) part of the proper solution.

     In traditional African societies, there were rites of passage—rituals designed to establish a set of rules which establishes a standard way or approach towards handling certain things: Rituals are also designed to include what a society needs from each individual in order to continue as a society and as a group of people with values towards life.  For example: Without artificial insemination and mad Western scientists to facilitate it—all societies would die without new children to replenish it—a phenomena that will only continue with the union of man and woman.  The strength and values of the relationship determines the quality of the child rearing—as societies require families.  Bisexual women who prefer women often resort to nefarious means to ensnare and trick men into being sperm donors in their Frankenstein-ish families.  Just consider what kind of child rearing or society that situationships will produce in the long run. . .  As said in the parent article; “More succinctly, ALL societies are judged by the virility and leadership of their leaders.  Men are expected to lead and defend their women, families and household.  When one society ravages another, they kill the men, rape the women, and slaughter the children.”  This has been the way for several thousand years and now the new generations are challenging these notions. . .   

     In ancient Khamit [so-called Egypt], Het Heru, the symbol of womanhood, is the archetype of grace, beauty, wit, charm, tactpoisecoquettishness, and sophistication.    How many young women today, do you know has grace, beauty, wit, charm, and etiquette?  As a “modern” man, do you even LOOK for women with these kind of traits, or do you just look for women with good looks and sex appeal?

“In these current times, Black women have little respect for men—they have reversed many of the roles and now choose men like "flavors of the week."  Women have become generally becoming unmanageable by their parents, female family members—not to mention any male figure—and are often uncooperative in heterosexual relationships; often fostering hidden agendas and having no patience for anything domestic.  The modern woman doesn't have relationships—they create "situationships."   But we can agree, very little of this behavior (if any), could ever be seen as the basis for establishing the enduring relationships that family and stable societies require. . .  Little boys will never acquire true “manhood traits” from such unruly, funky environments and thus many will not know what to look for; simply because neither of their parents upheld the cultural standards of the society they belong tobecause many don’t know what they are or WHY THE CUSTOMS WERE ESTABLISHED for in the first place. . .

     And with this keeping it one hundredas far as mainstream American society is concerned: You may think you are one of them, when you’re with your little homiez—busting it up and thinking all’s equal with your White friends and you got the same rights and such—but you better put on another headset when you’re dealing with enforcement, because that is the way things have always been here; and in this instance, Blacks have never been accepted as. You are in America, and in America—Blacks are something mainstream society has often felt it must protect against.  So often, when you are in the company of police officers, the burden of proof is on you to prove you aren’t what they think you are. . .  And failure to do so may cost you your life!  

     Now we may talk about the right and wrong of it, and being brave and not afraid to die and such, but in the moment of being approached—is strictly not the time: That time is strictly all about all about survival, navigating around, and calming down any racism that might occur.  Because if something occurs, society will think you did something.  We are not the ones in charge, we do not have their respect, we do not have the organization, the unity, the economic power and solidarity, or the political power to force a proper solution at this time, so don’t be a martyr!  Don’t lose your life for a slogan. . .

     But most of all, recognize Blackman, like Large Professor said, “We are symbolic to the prey.”  You are young, times have changed and there’s very little women who will have your back, so you have to look for them; don’t be so trusting  for the ones who choose you.  I know sex may be the priority of youth, but you need one with priorities and virtues. . .  You might ask: “What are morals and virtues?”  Morals is the right and wrong of things: It originated when people belonged to a larger society and cared about keeping it tight.  It is immoral to steal, because it takes away from the society’s camaraderie.  Stealing—like lying—is hard to win back, once you did it to someone, because once bitten, you become shy; believing it might happen again.  It is all about respect (which went out when dissing came in).  Virtues are values that are worth having.  You want to know what virtues or standards your girl has to begin with.  If she picked you, that says she is choosing you for what she wants; but if you pick her, you should pick her for what virtues she holds.  Like I said, there’s a lot to reevaluate, but don’t be the one who blindly does things because their peers are doing it—think for yourself! But most of all, before you go changing; KNOW WHY THE CUSTOMS WERE ESTABLISHED FOR IN THE FIRST PLACE. . . 

Thank you for all your considerations,
(I do appreciate all of you greatly)

C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 
