Thursday, December 5, 2019


  First of all, I’d like to welcome mySelf back from such a long hiatus.  I do apologize, but I am reaching another chapter in my life and preparations are necessary...that is, if I am to carry the next phase out to the best of my ability.  I promise to do better, for—like the year ahead—my vision will be clearer.
  This episode concerning life will be taken from a scientific—and not a religious perspective.
   It will be written for those who do not know their origin in this world, and those who choose not to continuing worshipping something they know not, and for those who—like me—subscribe to the notion that the One who created all, needs no middle man or emissary.
   I am addressing it to those who are reasonable, rational and ones who have questions—barring the atheist. . .  The agnostic, I can handle, if they can put their reasoning above doubt.  But a person who believes that all this order can take place, without a causative factor outside of the Big Bang Theory—needs to have their consciousness examined for ridiculous perversions and decrepit ideas.

   We will be using reasoning, science and inductive, deductive inferential logic to extrapolate a comfortable place concerning divine order.  Coming from the perspective that, since the usurping of the reigns of power by the colonial Western powers; the awareness of this subject matter has been on a constant decline.  Knowing that the Western man, since the so-called, “Age of Enlightenment,” and its “Illuminati” period of secret societiestheir society as experienced moral, cultural, and conscious decline under the White man’s watch; which stands to reason, because he is not the author of most of the meditative and enlightening and conscious raising technology used today; and has little confidence in it.  It comes as no surprise, however, because the West’s emphasis for usurpation was riches, land and domination through enslavement.  Besides...enlightened people don't make good slaves. . .

   If I were to describe our true self, I would define my existence as consciousness dwelling in a human form; but I would not describe myself as human.  Most religions would agree in that analysis:

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
                                                                                                   —Genesis 2:7, KJV

"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”                                    —Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV

“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation.  “So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!"
                                                                                                  —[Qur’an 23:12-14]

“It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old, though of you there are some who die before; and lets you reach a term appointed; in order that you may learn wisdom.”
                                                                                                       —[Qur’an 40:67]

   Not to get bogged down into religion; only to show that two of the most major religions speak of the human body as a vehicle.  But before departing this area, I’d like to point out, the innuendo from the topmost quote, that man or God is merely a spirit…nothing can be further from the truth.  The spirit can be referred to as the animating factor: 
Here, in this verse, the Creator breathes into the nostrils of the human vehicle and the lump of clay becomes a living soul—the breath is what animates the lump of clay.
   The word “spirit” in English, comes from the word, “Spiroth” in Hebri (Hebrew), which derives from the spiraling motion of the breath within the human lungs. . .  Now everyone knows, when you get agitated, folks say, “Take a deep breath”and most persons lose consciousness and suffer permanent brain damage after more than five minutes without oxygen: 
This illustrates that the consciousness feeds off of the oxygen, generated from the spiraling motion of the breath—but consciousness is separate from “the spirit in the lungs.”
The lower sura and ayah intimates a being growing in wisdom (which means to perceive the interrelationship between all things), which indicates awareness and consideration takes place in the consciousness—that is separate from the mechanisms which fuels it, emote it…or the feelings which urge it to action.

   The Spirit of 1776 was an urge to action felt by a number of White people in the American colonies of England; but not every person responded to the urge in the same way.  The differences between those caught up in the “spirit," depends on the level of consciousness of person contemplating the force or energy, and the level of development of the person contemplating that urge to action. 

   Most of us use the word, “Emotion,” but very few of us ever use the root of the word, “emote”—which means, “to express"—particularly when you’re acting in a film or a play.  If an actor doesn’t emote, the audience can’t tell how he’s supposed to be feeling in a scene; or how one would or should feel in these particular situations.
   But there are no fixed ways to feel, and everybody does not feel the same way about any given phenomena—however, there are patterns, tendencies, proclivities and groups of people who react in similar ways. . . 
   They may be indoctrinated [culturally, socially or politically], caught up in the rapture, or just plain manipulated—but this is more emotional than rational: Rational is in search of the truth, what’s appropriate (or right), the facts, knowledge or what is needed in a given situation: But reasoning and being urged to act are two different things.  
   We are conscious beings, considering and making choices—we are not slaves of mental death and power being manipulated to act as in the Pavlov’s Theory or experiment:  
Reasoning our seeking universal knowledge will eventually lead to wisdom and ultimately understanding; whereas the spirit, zeal and emotions are used to animate, urge and move and manipulate the body. 

   What is evidenced here, is a meaning that got, “Lost in translation”—similar to how the word, “philos” of the word, “philosophy” does not exactly translate to mean, “love of wisdom” [philosophy roughly means, “like of wisdom,” because the Greek culture of that time period had not nailed down the concept of love (Eros doesn't cut it)]: 
What got lost in translation is the Hebri scriptures and Eastern ideology does account for a consciousness, which is an ‘implied reality,’ which dwells inside an energy complex which they called, "the spirit of God" which dwells within human form as, "the soul"—something which the Western world was only not aware of, but psychically and philosophically had not fashioned any words to express this concept in the translation which took place from Hebri into English.
  The whole concept of applying Hebrew wisdom into the Western world, by way of Catholicism/Christianity in the Western world, is evidence of acknowledging a superior Eastern ideology which the West “borrows” from the East; because psychically and philosophically the West had not psychologically evolved to the point where they could have produced such works.  

   Not that this writing is an advocation of religion—I am just making a point concerning a conscious aspect of Self dwelling within a fleshly vehicle, in which an energy complex or “spirit/soul” is being used to animate or emote the vessel to do its' will—in the only analogous philosophical operating system available to me at the time (quotations from the Hebri Scriptures). . .  
   I still plan to keep my vow about being scientific concerning these matters pertaining to God—it’s just that in the ancient days, religion and science went “hand-in-hand” and seemed to be attempting to raise the conscious realm of its' masses, whereas today they are separate fields of study and often used to make a fortune [1/1-40 compare].

   Now, in most ancient world concepts, we have a “Creator” creating the Objective Universe and all which is contained within it.  The East has it; African Secret Societies have it; Greco-Roman and Viking lore embrace such an ideology…and this American society kind of does this as well. . .  So, scientifically, this may be a good place to start.

   I will not get into the Big Bang Theory simply because that seems more of a "pseudo-science" to me: 
Any theory about the universe that does not acknowledge or identify an identity and/or a quickening factor which causes the "Bang" to happen, is bogus to me; However this occurs frequently in scientific exchanges between the East and West.  In this theory they want the public to believe that one day this explosion occurred which has solar systems keeping perfect order and yet there is no causative factor maintaining the synchronicity of that order—and I say that's a bunch of crap.  
   The reason why splitting a uranium atom makes an atomic explosion, is that the projected electron disturbs the harmony of the uranium's aura, which endangers the identity of that atom, and the explosion comes as a result of that atom attempting to restore its' order which it identifies to.
   How do you get animate from inanimate objects?  
So why use such terms. . .  In my order or operating system, all life is animate, because it is put here by an omniscient, omnipotent Self, which has Self’s presence and awareness within every vehicle from the atom on up.  There’s affinities, attractions, repulsions, bonds and the urge to remain here; the only difference is the level in which these qualities and consciousness operates. . .
   This reason above is the difference between cultures and thus all of the more reason for reeducating ourselves:
We have been in this country longer than America has been a country.  America was an English colony with indentured servants and slaves.  They claim that Blacks went from indentured servants to slaves in Virginia somewhere between 1603-1609; however, there are documents placing our folks on a slave ship called, “The Good Ship Jesus” which landed in Jamestown, Virginia in 1555.
   The slave trade practices destroyed our cultural ideologies and replaced them with Western indoctrinations and ideologies and a reduced sense of self-esteem.  What we knew in our homelands was replaced by what White indentured servants and working class Masons believed.  We took on a lot of their bad habits, beliefs and world views…these are the very same obstacles we have to overcome in recapturing our original view of things even to this day.

   So lets recap and get back on track.  The view I'm presenting is that there is an aware presence that brought about the quickening process which brought on creation.  We do not subscribe to a notion that there was an enormous pool of gases lying around dormant, which formulated a ball of gasses compressing upon itself, until a spark took place which united into an explosion which continues to happen to this day.  We do not subscribe to a happenstance incident like this; without an omniscient consciousness being present which caused this to happen—as part of a plan or consideration.  Otherwise, if that was the case—then why has it continued such a harmonious ordered pattern for all these trillions of years?

No, our view is that creation started as part of a willed act on the part of a conscious presence which brought the act about for a purpose.

   This concept separates us from an atheist point of view; which claims there is no such presence—that nothing constructed the reasoning sentient aspect of our mind; it just happened to happen—and there is no quickening factor that cements our relation to the universe about us; or the ecology which keeps it functioning in harmony and in relation to everything else is there.

   If you are fixed upon such notions—this writing is not for you. 

  However, we find do it difficult for you to subscribe to such order and science in the world, without the notion of an author, purpose and reason for living and existence—after witnessing our intelligent faculties and reasoning abilities that this act has been conducting itself for quite some time despite obstacles.

   Most of the world subscribe to a conscious presence which brought the universe about—however, we may not agree as to when and why.  
I  can relate to the agnostic who says that he or she really are not sure; because at the same time, they do acknowledge order and bear witness to laws which govern it, just not sure how that works—giving credence to the possibility of one who constructed such a design.
  Some call the designer, “The Grand Architect,” others merely, “the Creator.”  Some even call this conscious presence which created all, “The Supreme Being,” while others merely call this presence “God” or the “Self.”  
   But since we are speaking scientifically on the subject; we will venture away and refrain from the sloppy use of terms to describe something which, by the nature of the topic itself, is far too abstract not to be more accurate in locating terms to designate, describe, discuss, delineate and/or illustrate this presence’s features.

   Now some refer to the "Universe," as if it were the creator. . .  

However, I find that notion far-fetched; for the universe is something the Creator created and there is enough substantial evidence to prove that there was time when there was no universe—thus making such a notion mute.  For that same reason, one has to be careful with the “being” part of the words, “Supreme Being”—for that word implies existence or an outward manifestation (hence the prefix—ex) and before the universe, there is no outward manifestation or expression. . .

   So I guess some of you are wondering, “What was the state of things, before the creation of the universe?”

   It doesn’t help that in the Western world, there is a principle which states, “Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, but changed from one form to another.”  So what form was matter in before creation?

   Well, in many of the esoteric circles, this period before the creation of the universe was called the “Subjective Realm.”  This refers to the state where there is only the Supreme One or Creator. When I first learned of this, I would recollect the image or depiction by thinking: 
In this this realm there is only the One I, who is the subject of the Subjective Realm, who created everything else in the Objective Ream or the realm of Objects. . .  

But how was the state of affairs before creation?

   Before Creation there was only Self.
   Most scientist of life describe the Self or the Supreme One as an Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent multiplicity, expressing itself as a singularity, subsisting entirely as all that is; in two major aspects which is unlimited consciousness with an infinite potential which subsists inside of a vast infinite form of undifferentiated energy/matter that extends in all directions infinitely.
   The One who created all, in this state of subsistence has an awareness of all of Self’s essence; which extends throughout every part; and this consciousness is present everywhere throughout this homogeneous Substance, as all power in terms of a singularity.
  This means the power is unlike any power you have ever experienced or witnessed because it is combination of all power ever experienced and then some: The power cannot be measured because there are no means in our existence to do so.  It has no shape, color, size, vector or speed and the power is infinite in ability; and yet, in this state, has not set  anything or force into motion.

   Simply put, this is consciousness dwelling in a form of undifferentiated energy/matter.  Yes, it is true, matter cannot be created nor destroyed; but changed from one form to another and before creation this form is formless and undifferentiated; which means undistinguishable and undefined—however full of possibility and potential—expressing nothing because nothing has been considered.  The consciousness is aware of Self and Self’s infinity capacity as a singularity or single awareness of one essence.

   Matter is a slower moving form of energy and energy is a faster moving form of matter; Yet in this state, it is both and neither.  Self is undefinable in this stage and yet is all that is.  Muslims of the Harbi call Self Allah; the more ancient Hebri, in their scriptures call Self Elohim (the Enlightened One); The Yoruba call Self Oduduwa; the Akan or Ashanti people call Self Onyankopon - Onyame - Odomankoma; the Khamau of Khamit (Kemit) call Self Atum/Khepera/Amen Ra; and the list of names goes on. . .
   Yet it is important for you to understand that consciousness is not energy/matter or a thing; it is the awareness and possesses the potential of energy/matter to be whatever Self wants to be—once it considers and wills it to be—and whatever it wills, that is what it becomes; 
If Self wills differently, it becomes differently; there is no limit to Self’s range.  Yet, in this stage, No Things have been created…
But this ultimately is who our existence is forged after…this is what we are “made in the image and likeness of.”  This is the true Self.

   So let’s go back to the passages from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Qur’an:
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”Genesis 2:7, KJV 
“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!”[Qur’an 23:12-14]

“It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old, though of you there are some who die before;- and lets you reach a term appointed; in order that you may learn wisdom.”[Qur’an 40:67]

 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV

The symbol of the earth, soil and undifferentiated  energy/matter being the matrix in which the earth is fashioned, as correspondences should be fairly obvious:  The earth in the Objective Realm is like the undifferentiated energy/matter of the Subjective Realm; which is made into the substance of the Mineral Kingdom—which is the basis of the Vegetable, Animal and Human Kingdom—each vehicle from all of the kingdoms have vessels made of the earth's essence.

  The breathing of Self into the nostrils of his Objective vessel has several significances as well: 
Gases being introduced into the lungs, the spiraling motion of the breath; its’ significance to all mental functions, its’ use in all catabolic fuel combustion processes and the prana energy released to replenish the soul in all animation processes.  The verses also cover the states of matter as well: solids, liquids and gases. . .

   Most cultures subscribe to the idea that man is made in the image and likeness of God; but how close that similitude comes to the original, depends on the skill set of the maker. . . Now, doesn’t it?  So what if the creator is perfect in ability. . .

   But why was all this fashioned anyway?  What was the purpose for creating creation?

   Although this is not a Western concept, I think you have to take a moment to consider these facts and readjust any misconceptions you might have:

1)  That the One who made all in the Objective Realm is a multiplicity that functions as a singularity—quoted in the caption: “Let US make man in OUR own image and likeness.”  The idea of family comes into mind, since in Christianity they talk about a Father, Son and a “Holy Ghost”…but don’t hold me to that reference; especially in today’s society where nuclear families are almost extinct and social interaction between a husband and wife is rarely witness by children in the same household. . .  But the concept of a group functioning and identifying as a single unit or “We” is what is being symbolized here.
2)  In the above depictions, these are aspects of an otherwise homogeneous  reality, that cannot be diluted, mixed, or tampered with in any aspect.
3)  In the Subjective Realm, there is only One, and that is the One who created all; and being that there is only One all things came from One.
4)  Self is eternal and Self’s ability and potential infinite; which means starting from a point and extending in all directions indefinitely: All starts from Self and Self has no beginning nor end.  Self is a timeless reality.
5)  Thus being the case, the Objective Realm was formed from a portion of Self within Self.  It is not separate from Self, just a place where certain properties can occur; which otherwise wouldn’t.  It is a misnomer to look at the Universe as the Self itSelf; because the Universe is a vessel for Self to carry out Self’s will; symbolically, the Universe is as a bubble in an infinite primordial sea—and there are many bubbles within that ocean, and the potential for many more. . .
6)  People believe they have their own minds and their own awareness separate from the Creator: If that were so, then the Creator would not be Omniscient; what we call our own minds and consciousness is only levels of consciousness based upon each being’s level of development; with the Self being the conglomerate and ultimate level of development.
7)  Mind nor thoughts are our own: The mind is universal, like a huge warehouse, in which we access portions of it.  Thoughts are not our own; otherwise, we couldn’t have the same thought; They are objects of contemplation—what we experience is our associations to such thoughts and the ideas affiliated with them: The eyes don’t see and the ears don’t hear; we receive patterns thru our nerves and we interpret them within the brain—based upon the level of development:
A thousand pictures can be drawn from one word; Only who is the artist, we got to agree;
A thousand miles can lead so many ways; Just to know who is driving, what a help it would be.”
                           —I’m Just a Singer In A Rock & Roll Band Moody Blues

   But what is causing all this to happen?

   End of Part One 


C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 

Sunday, August 18, 2019


   We have learned in this environment that it's a "Dog Eat Dog" world, and you should always look out for number one; but have you ever thought what it might be like in other environments?

   My nephew, Orenthiel said to me, "I've been delving into other cultural background to get a better understanding of everyone’s view and especially how it relates to us."
    That made a whole lot of sense to me, especially since he's been in the military, and I was incarnated during the Cold War spell in the United States.  
   I had always been here in the States, since I was raised, but I've listened to Rastafarian music and saw, despite being once an English colony, the people who were once slaves (like the Blacks in America), have forged a culture from the line of Jesse—King Haile Selassie from Ethiopia (the same line that Jesus came from), called the Coptic Rastafari; which has its own outlook on life; which is vastly different from the British or Western way. 
   This thrilled me a lot: First, because I am not Britishand secondly—since being subject to British and Western rule, I perceived it was high time that I see the world thru my people's eyes.  I hope that doesn't sound anti-American because all I seek is a independent cultural outlook which supports my people. . .

   Back in the day, I heard U Roy, a Rastafarian from Jamaica sing, "In Every Part of The World, You Can See Natty Dread…”—the song was called, "African Message."  This song made me aware, no matter where Rastas are seen around the world, they remain a "dread."

   What does that mean?  It means that dreadlocks lock their hair to symbolize their resistance to outer cultural influence, their discipline remains true to their culture and their divine right as Coptic Rastafari.  Jesus was said to be an Essenes, and he locked his hair in a similar fashion; just as the Essenes priesthood did in ancient times. . .  
Not that I am advocating religion, or their religion, but rather I'm embracing the wisdom to, "Be in the world but not of it" [1 John 2:15 and Romans 12:2].
   So I study these things like the knowledge above, to see the interconnectedness between our cultural perspectives; in my search of, and confirmation of the higher knowledge of Self.

   "In the primordial waters of Nu, dwelled Neter. . ."  

  In ancient Khamit [Kemit], it is said that the Creator wanted to experience the said qualities inherent within Creator's essence.  So the Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent One, circumscribed a portion of the One's essence, in order to create to create a place for this universe: 

   Neter is the Khamit name for the Creator in their creation cosmogony.  Nu, who represents the undifferentiated energy/matter, is depicted as a woman with stars upon her body; but Neter remains an implied reality; like wind upon the water. . .  So Neter willed a sphere [bubble] within her endless ocean-like waters; and within the sphere created, they designated the space for all objective reality; but before the sphere is populated, Neter inserts a portion himself into the sphere and named this aspect of Self, Atum.
   I have studied a few of these creation cosmogonies, including the one which exists in the Scriptures under the Sepher of Moses (Musa) in the book of Genesis.  I've studied these things to extrapolate a better understanding of the words used within my own cultural matrix describing this grand abstract event—also, in doing so; when I come across those who live by these religions, codes and conceptualizations; I understand their complications and thought processes. . .

   So in the Khamau Creation Cosmogony, it is said that Atum bewails his fate within the bubble created for the entire universe: And at firstfor the first timethe Self is uncertain...maybe because this bubble represents a clean slate or a starting's the first experience of chaos, since life in this realm no longer subsists but exists; and there are no things yet—due to the fact that while owning all qualities in the subjective realm, the qualities are homogeneous and unified; but in the objective realm, they are beginning to "feel" as a multiplicity with various dual aspects to every quality [since in physical reality all things are dual] and beginning to be perceived as seemingly apart from one another [since the objective realm is an inversion of the subjective realm]. . . However, it becoming exceedingly clear to Atum that he must organize the concepts of contemplation but initially, at first, He cannot...that is, until He creates a place for which He can stand. . .

   Now some of you will say about such things; "I don't believe that story...there isn't such a thing...that's just superstition!"'s not important that you do I am not teaching Kemit religion or science.  I am just using the story, merely to point out certain concepts; which are nonetheless, accurate and very true:  And as with most religions, there once was a time when science was incorporated within them—so we should be able to extract the underlying significance or concept of what our ancestors were trying to communicate to us, without falling victim to the superstitious aspects or mere beliefs.  Never forget: A mythology was once a science or operating system with parts which are now obscure or missing; making comprehension difficult or damn near impossible...therefore becoming a myth. . .  

   The language we are currently using, has letters in which they are symbols for sounds, in which the juxtaposition of these certain letters/sounds communicates or represents certain concepts that exist behind the words, to finally help us to understand or give us a clear mental picture concerning these certain concepts, qualities and values; that might be too complex to understand all-at-once without them; Such is the same with telling stories; It's not whether or not the story is true or historical, in as much as it is whether or not the concepts are adequate enough to help you comprehend the overall concept, that might be difficult to understand these complexities without a tale to provide various visualizations.  Always remember, the key part of any story, is the morals in which it contains. . .

  Whenever I read about God/the Creator/Elohim (Jehovah is a tetragrammation of how Elohim created through thought-ideas) in the scriptures—whenever the Almighty decided to do something, the Creator always sent an angel like Michael or Gabriel to execute what the Almighty willed. . .  
   So I asked my person: "As Creator, why would I need to use another agent/emissary in order to do something...Why not do it directly?"  
Right then and there, "The Can you walk while chewing gum" scenario came into my sphere of awareness: It is obvious that you cannot bat a ball while taking a nap—nor can an infinite entity stay infinite, while engaging in one activity—for in that moment of activity, one's options (or potential to do everything) becomes limited by the nature of the activity Self's engaged in. . .  

So as Creator and chief, creates a vehicle or emissary and delegates responsibility to angels, agents, or other such emissaries. . .  This way, the Creator initiates the activity,  yet remains neutral and unfettered in the potential to do something or anything else that may need to be done. . .  That sort of works like when you are going through can become so focus on the flowers (or particulars), that you can't see the forest or the trees (the overall underlying significance): This is when talking to a neutral or third party benefits you because of their detachment from the feelings associated with going through things. . .    

      In these types of scenarios, Angels become the archetypes for particular qualities, principles, etc: They are selected because they are constructed to be committed to being the best at what they do, and usually possessory of one power to an extreme (which is why they are usually created with a counter-part, complement, or nemesis—for counterbalance):
For destruction, nobody's better than Michael—he's the destroying angel.  The Angel Gabriel, the revealer, who commands your attention, is mentioned in the book of  Daniel—then appears as a man to teach the prophet Muhammad, and prepares him for his epic journey in the Qur'an.

   Self created creation to experience Self's said qualities—creating the Angelical realm or pantheon with its' hierarchical classifications, seems to be one of the ways the universe was ordered and systematically made synchronous and harmonious—as far as creation stories and myths are concerned; and real life is patterned according to certain laws and correspondences which govern this universe.  Or at the very least, providing nomenclature for the classification of the certain forces and energies (like the ninety-nine attributes in the Qur'an) or that part of this type of nomenclature. . .

[It must be noted that none of these qualities are absolute—God created the lion and the serpent; the joker, the thief, and virtuous alike without favorites: Therefore each is used in its appropriate hour and none are favored out of that time; a good judge always chooses appropriately when to enact.]  
   Now the concept concerning Atum needing a place to stand, is all about perspective and putting things in their proper perspectives: Everybody has a point of view; and it is through this point of view, that we are able to receive the quality, value and appreciation for that particular point of view that one stands for.

      It is said that, "Self wanted to experience Self's own qualities. . ."  

    According to this story concerning creation, Self before manifesting creation, subsisted as a homogeneous and wholly (or "Holy") quickening factor. . .  
   Holy means something that has not been mixed, tampered or diluted in any form:  In other words, though we may speak of unlimited conscious or infinite potential and undifferentiated energy/matter as two aspects—I must make you aware that these two aspects are only dual in a manner of speaking about the One's magnanimously abstract but awesome power and ability. 
The truth of the matter is, just like in this world all things are dual; it must never be forgotten, however, that the two are really one.  And though I know this to be true, sometimes when I see people with polarized points of view; it becomes difficult to reconcile or continue to bear this in mind. . .

Once Atum created a place to stand, he could then begin to create forms or vessels for the various qualities to operate with, and thereby have a means of studying these forces in juxtaposition to each other—that is, as opposed to experiencing them all at once, as it is in the Subjective Realm before Self actually created things (It is said that Self subsisted as Nothingness before creating the Objective Realm or realm of objects): Could you imagine, being surrounded by trillions upon trillion (or more) of thoughts, all occurring at once or simultaneously?  That's why time was created: To create the illusion of the separateness created by time and space. 

   Time is a means of creating parcels in space: Time is usually told by observing the transmissions of light produced by one giving body (such as the sun or star), and the measurement it takes to cover the distance to another non-light giving body (just as the earth), and what activities can occur during these durations; 
There are rotations that the earth makes, and its orbits around the sun.  The speed in which she moves is 1,037 and one-third miles per hour on its way around the sun.  Each single rotation is broken up in four segments; but the total rotation around its own axis is considered a day, and one orbit around the sun a year.  The year is measured into four segments called seasons; which consists of three months.  Months are measured by the orbit the moon makes around the earth and is roughly 29.5 days on average or approximately for phases of 7 days (or the duration of an average duration of a woman's menstrual cycle).
   You see, every event or activity that occurs on earth is measured by the duration or measurement  it takes for light to reach the surface of the earth, the phase of her rotation on her own axis, or the distance already traveled by the earth on its way around the sun; not the clock and calendar used to mark or map these things out. . .
   This distance, and the consistency of the planet's orbit, allows us to measure activity in juxtaposition to the rotation of our planet, while it is traveling around the sun. The clock and the stopwatch are just more current means through which we measure both activities by. . .  The purpose of this is so that Self could experience Self’s qualities seemingly apart from Self, so that each quality could be studied in isolation. 

   There are several things that are striving to be communicated to us in Atum's needing a place to stand before creating creation: Chiefly, the message is Perspective or Point of View.  When drawing a perspective drawing, one must have a converging point or point of view; This is the place where all the lines and angles created from the objects in juxtaposition to each other tend to meet at a certain point.  It is also where things from different directions come together so as to eventually meet. This point is called a focal point.  This had to be established, otherwise the point of view would have been merely one upon many and without order, sequence or arrangement; aka chaos.

   A brother I knew, by the name of Sulé, used to say, "Stand for something or fall for anything..." 

   What that meant to me is, you have to stand on principle; and principally knowledge is the foundation..  Things, or objects as such, are vessels or symbols of other various forces, powers or qualities; in which these things are the physical manifestations thereof.  In this type of statement made, knowledge is the foundation and being committed to its principles is very much preferred over someone who is aimless and without direction, taking things on face value: aka, "Stand for something or fall for anything."
    Self created creation so that the Creator could experience Self's own potential or qualities:  This is the like the question and statement of why God created the devil: To show forth his powers. . .  Adversity can often bring out the best in beings. The reason for why all things exist is to be a manifestation of one principle or the other, or to serve as a quality or condition for the myriad of qualities the Self possesses. 

   However, the perspective of Self must be set straight: Self is the observer; the one who's doing the observation, the knowledge and acknowledgments: Self is analyzing, determining and ascertaining Self's findings: Self is the one making the judgment call, as to what is going on and all the underlying significances to Self.  This is the understanding that Self is using the experience for—a thorough investigation and examination of Self's qualities.  Self operates  through vessels, vehicles and agencies, but remains as the observer and analyst; the Seer.  Things act, but the Self observes and configures; just as the Grand Architect plans, knows the proper specifications, and puts things in order according to those plans. . . 

   There is also the matter of standing upright, i.e., governing one's self according to principle:  In other words, “There's a thin veil between driving and being driven; Using one's Will and being driven by desire;  As was said before, "All things in life are dual"—meaning, in physical reality, there are  two sides to everything; two aspects to every situation, two complementary forces; but the two sides are both sides of the same pole—two sides of the same coin; the observer (or Self's perspective) is in favor of neither and centered towards what is appropriate for the situation. 
   This perspective of the Self as the observer, in the Khamit tradition, is the understanding of the Utchaat: the all seeing eye.

  In the Human kingdom, the vehicle of Self is the human vehicle, but the perspective and driving force of that vessel is the consciousness, awareness and the observer within.  The human body is not a robot, android, or cyborg...but something wayyy more sophisticated: It is a vehicle equipped with a persona or personality or behavioral complex for every human expression of Self; which serves as a character script and program for the fail-safe operation of the vessel.  
   In each human being, the Self develops responses to every inner and outer situations the Self goes through, while interacting with the environment.  This is recorded into the memory faculty of each vessel in the human kingdom. The consciousness within each being also  has access to THE MIND (that is universal) where the consciousness of ALL dwells and interacts with its portion of Self that resides in human form.  The persona also has reflexes that often responds long before one becomes aware that it has been employed. It also has habits and emotional behavior which go into activation before one realizes they have been employed as well…

 [Right here you can see several possibilities and dichotomies that might arise between the personality and from the parts of this scenario, but we shall address these items later. . .]

    Eventually these responses accumulate into a composite called a personality complex,  You can literally watch a child developing it, and see it growing day by day,..until one you begin to see the child developing their style and character…different from the observer mode you see in younger children; as they  start to prefer certain paths and become indulgent in the world. . .
      Keep in mind that one's personality or character, though it may appear fixed at times, is not a fixed reality: it is programmable, deprogrammable and reprogrammable.  It is as removable as an actor changes his/her character from play to play or as the situation demands…however, many times, do we become attached to certain behaviors; rather than being mindful of them. . .  We can become quite lost in the scripts we wrote for ourselves. . .  We might even believe it is us and jump up in defense of it. . . 

   The human body is also equipped with sensors that feel out the environment by the use of five senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching); which includes sentiments (attitudes) and sensibilities under a category called feelings,  We can easily find ourselves reacting, rather than assessing and drawing up plans, like we did as the Grand Architect constructing our universe.  Our flesh also has faculties that recalls recollects and remembers; the vehicle has inductive, deductive and inference logic built into it as well...but these things are not our consciousness or awareness…they are tools for our consciousness to use. . .


   The purpose of the human form is to put our consciousness in touch with the world around it; but sometimes, it sort of acts like it has a life of its own, independent of the True Self (hence the term “other than Self”) and even have us believing that we should see things only in this way; because the persona suggests things (or recollects things) that are part of the Ego particularly—and not so much a part of the Analyst the Awareness of Self or rational One Self prefers to be: The conscious, the good conscience and bad conscience, debate on a constant basis within the human being—with the personality/ego complex vying for control (and thus lowering the level of knowing to mere opinions and feelings). . . 

   Now before we go any further, I must caution your person; there is a big difference between awareness thru feelings and the awareness one has thru knowing; and this difference is a very big difference. . . Your person may be aware of something, feeling deep down inside to the bottom of your person's heart that your person is right; and be dead wrong about a chick at a Jerry Springer Paternity Test. . .   But the feelings were so strong, you believed were driven by it...obsessed even...but it was still wrong!  
   Don't feel bad, many persons find themselves driven by forces, then find themselves mistaken from time to time. . .  They may even call those considerations intuition, premonitions, and convictions only to find, upon reflectionwhen traced it back to its' origin; it originated from an unproven thought that got pass the awareness and the person entertained; then got incensed by it or caught up by the rapture of a thought! 

   Let's face facts, what most people called intuition is really suspicions and not so much facts. . .  True intuition originates from priori knowledge, whereas suspicion is emotionally driven: Both may be triggered by experiences but true intuition contain knowledge and awareness that extends way beyond the sum total of your experiences and provide knowledge hitherto fathomed or imagined by you: It is sort of like an epiphany.  

   As it has been said, "All Things in Life Are Dual"—but no matter how different things may seem—the two are really one, because all came from One wholly essence (even when it comes down you the Self and your personality at times).  Sometimes this duality expresses itself as a dichotomy: God in contradistinction to being Human; the various stages of conscious development in the life of a being: Self and other than Self behavior; group consciousness vs. ego centered behavior...the list goes on: But one thing we do know for sure—studying one aspect, gives you a better understanding of the other. . .

   I also said, “There's a thin veil between driving and being driven; Will and desire; aspiration-want and emoting... no one wants to be a "slave of mental death and power or a savage in the pursuit of happiness,” but the veil is very thin between the two indeed.” You exist within a human vessel or vehicle, which houses your consciousness while you are on earth but you can often mistake yourself for being a human being:

“Then call the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirits all return unto God who gave it.”— Ecclesiastes 12:7 

   The human vessel also has reflexes that can respond to stimuli, long before one becomes aware that it has been employed. It includes habits which go into activation before one realizes they have been employed... In short, it sort of has a life of its' own...

   This often poses a problem for Self in human form: Namely issues of Self identification. . .

   Once you step outside the realm of willing, and start desiring, you are stepping from a position of analytical observation, study and neutrality—into declaration (willing and wanting) and even into obsession; being captivated or entangled and thus limited by such a consideration, rather than studying it. . .

  Now as long as you know what you will is appropriate for the situation, or all persons evolved, you are still focused on how the group fares; and not so much for your own ego, you are more towards the balance. . .  But, when it becomes are then moving away from what is the search for the whole truth...what is right and what is appropriate—and into opinions, beliefs,  personal interests and according to how one feels:
After all, your personality has been with you for a long time. . .  Most of one's personality was constructed when you were very young; mostly as a child even. . . 

  When psychologists and psychiatrists try to help us out of our entanglements and our self imposed prisons based upon our likes and dislikes; they usually ask numerous questions concerning one's childhood—that's because a lot of our decisions were decided during those times; A lot of that content and impetus was emotional based and we were emotionally charged. . .   We were still immature and not yet rational beings. . .  And yes, there's a lot of unresolved issues are buried here in this chamber. . . 

  This represents a period in your life, when your analytical and critical thinking or consideration skills weren't at their highest.  But if you are now planning for retirement...that's an example of when your most current analytical skills are being employed. . .  We may not have been properly educated in true civilized life, humanities and metaphysical science, so our lack of education may have contributed to the lack of skills but even so, age may have also curbed your curiosity for the refinement. . .

   Sure, your personality is present within these considerations, but when you consider all the factors present or what's best for the group,  these considerations makes our personal concerns one upon many; and not the primary or only consideration that's important...and that is the difference of true Self development vs. Western development. . .
When I was younger, I watched a paramount king, Asantehene, show up at Pan-Afrikan summit.  On his hand was a huge honeycomb-like gold ring, which represented the kingdom of the Ashanti people and behind, but aside the king was an assistant helping to hold up the king's forearm and hand (as this ring weighed a considerable amount: All of this was symbolism—the Asantehene had lost his persona for the consideration of the kingdom and nation: the hive symbolizes the industry and livelihood of his people and by negating his lower self for the sake of the higher; his reward was a supreme wisdom more immense than personal experience could ever provide.  When I looked at him, he seemed removed and remote from the type of observation I was experiencing at the time.  Now that I'm an elder in this science of life, I have a grasp of culture and freedom, hitherto never experienced: I can see that if you submerged yourself with the concerns of the group, your overall consciousness can be divinely increased—considering your emphasis. . .

   God is a Group reality or concept seen through the eyes of One; When you consider the all, the consciousness rises, as the Creator is truly the lord of all the worlds:  Taking on the consideration of the many, and allowing it to outweigh the single thought processes of your own concerns—has it own rewards. . .  Seek and you shall find, if your heart is sincere; wisdom whispers in your ears all you need to know. . .   I am because We are.

    Now all this stuff about the Asantehene, can all be rubbish.  Overtime, greed and corruption, could have over-ran such lofty concepts; despite the training, tutorships, undergoing rites of passage and the grandeur and antiquity of the Ashanti people, a thought could have creeped past one such Asantehene, and become entertained by his person in such a way, that his stoic look becomes just a facade—and he milks the multitude for all they got. . . You might be right. . . 
   But then again, if your experiences has left you so jaded about leadership, that you cannot see things according the standard they are constructed upon, outside of the people who attempt to live them out; if your imagination cannot allow you to see possibilities that lie in the qualities you see everyday…if you cannot judge things in standards, principles, quotes and slogans. . .  Then infinity is not within your grasp and clay-bound greatness is all that's left for you:

"Never be afraid to love...No no no no no..Never be afraid to just be!
Cast away the chains of doubt, have the courage to be free!
Don't gaud your eyes with other' lies, see only what you want to see
Just duplicate the simple truth, have the courage to be free!
Open your eyes, you can fly, Open your eyes, you can fly! You can fly!”

                                                                    —"Can Fly" by Flora Purim

  There's another issue here as well: When the Self created physical reality, time 
fragments the awareness within the human vehicle (consciousness), so that things are seen in beings over a duration; rather than all at once: This made things like growth and development, levels of consciousness, etc, able to be experienced as, "One step at a time," instead of a constant flow with continuous illusions and doubts such as; "Us and them," he and her (or she), good and evil. . .   Thus various perspectives...can be constructed outside of a, "All is One" philosophy and visualization: Where there is always (and only) One Self, viewed wholly a singularity (without any other possibility), expressing itself in the physical world as a multiplicity of forms... 

   Where we, as the Self and Black people, run into difficulties, as conscious people, is in identity; 
A lot of this depends on which teachings you embrace: The East teachings embrace a sort of "ecology" or interconnection between the parts of Self, whereas the West greatly embraces the ego, "me first," rugged individualistic ideology; with the "battle of the sexes," and "God is dead" point of view.  
But none teach what is being taught here, because this is not religious or government based point of view; but a science based on knowledge; But that is another story for another  space and time...  
However, there are religious perspectives: the agnostic and the atheist.  There is Western education with its' sexually ambiguous perspective, the street element, with criminology points of view as well...all based upon the level of conscious development of the advocates and/or practitioners as well, to add to the mental confusion and challenge.

   There's also common issue of incorrectly identifying with the thoughts as the enter your realm. . .  As I said, the proper perspective of the True Self is the observer, the seer, the analyst, the rational one and the judge: The Self is aware and acknowledging; because Self is all knowing. . .  Self operates through vehicles and agencies...the human body is one; the personality or character is another...but the Self is separate from the vehicles it operates in; It does so, so it can make intimate observations concerning the object of contemplation: qualities.  All types of concepts enter into the conscious realm through sphere of awareness, attempting to be considered by Self; among them are thoughts,  
However, thoughts themselves are a whole other topic.  As you probably are familiar through my previous writings, thoughts are energy complexes with intelligent programming...they are not personal possessions..they are one of the many, many suggestions which come through the sphere of awareness, vying for execution as a potential act; But just because you consider them, doesn't make these suggestions or the thoughts that initiate them; your own.

   But getting mixed up with the suggestions made, is exactly what some people do.  They get intimate with thoughts coming through,  ideas develop, and before you know it, they believe the concept originated in their own heads. . .  Well, if that was the case, then nobody could have the same thoughts as you have. . .  Well, you know that's not true.  But as I said, there is a thin veil—and once you become involved—some people totally identify with the suggestion and lose their "objectivity" as the observer.  They become completely obsessed with the idea:

"My love must be a kind of blind love...I can't see anyone but you. . ."

                                                                            —"I only have Eyes for you" The Flamingoes.

   People shift from watching the wheels go round, or the pivotal part to one side of the pendulum's bob, and can only see things from that perspective; the opposite side or the whole picture becomes totally unavailable them; because the person is jaded, opinionated, irrational, and borderline emotional.  Impartiality is key here. . .  As scientist of life, we can ill-afford to have an opinion; You should only be interested in knowing, discovering or exposing the truth (or knowledge). Biased perspectives is not the perspective of those who have Knowledge of Self.  
Personally, the thoughts we choose should be ones you can't loose with—but it is irrational learnt behavior to stick to a side or to be one dimensional.  Hopefully, your analytical and rational skills will allow you to reconcile, provide order and make sense of all these conflicting points of view that exist. 
   And since we live in the West, a lot of our struggle as Black people is distinguishing which is which, what is appropriate and how to get out of our "self-imposed prisons," we create when we embrace the wrong ideology concerning consciousness and mental faculties: Why did God make devil?  A lot of these issues exists because Western society's ideology concerning self, mind, body, emotional management, and rationality does not seem to adequately address or classify this phenomena appropriately.  Nor does this government teach a philosophy of  self-control to the people it governs. . .  That is not part of Western philosophy, so if you want to remedy these sort of problems, maybe this article will assist you in remedying such issues.

   To have a religious philosophy which says, you and the Creator of all worlds are separate, then claim he created all alone without any other substances or factors other than himself, represents a confused philosophy.  To say, All things come from one God, and say, I love God, because he is your Father and God knows all and has all the answers, while go against that wisdom or instructions listed in your document on a regular basis and say you want to live with him in heaven under his ways based on that knowledge is evidence of a very confused mind.  To think that you will make it to such a place while constantly disobeying the tenets is even more evidence of mental confusion. 

It would seem, if you are sincere, you would be seeking universal knowledge and applying it as much as you could, if you wanted to become one or closer with such an Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent majesty...but that way is not taught in any Western religions or religion that I know of.

   In case you are not aware of this, I am not advocating religion; with religion comes religious prejudices. What I do advocate should be looked at truly as a science concerning our origin in this world and how we should look at ourselves as a result of this knowledge:  We study religions, looking for the science within; so that we can take the best part by confirming what may have once been just theory… 
There is no one else, or people more suitable for this endeavor, because it was never intended for us to survive slavery; much less expect another people, who had members who profited from this demise, educate you to your divine right—especially after it was our ancestors who taught them of it… 
So one of your own, who also suffered as you from the ignorance of Westernization, is bringing you this knowledge; don't let it be in vain for you…

   When we get signals in this society, we're often given the "wrong foods,"  because we don't know where the signals are coming from and we don't know how to distinguish what part of Self is speaking; because Western philosophy is ignorant to this, and what they teach will not maintain harmony.  Although all considerations within your mental realm goes on in your voice, not all of the voices inside your head represent the proper Self perspective:
The persona, personality and/or character of a person is not the True Self. That is a condition reflex that was created from accessing the situation and making up a response. After following this process for a period of time, the sum total is derived; based upon values, observation and rearing. 

   The issue is, most of that programming was done during childhood. This is the main reason why psychologist ask so many questions concerning your childhood, because this is when a lot of your behavioral traits is created.  Childhood is when your rational, analytical and critical skills are lowest and your emotions and opinions are higher.  A lot of your personality was made up from a child's point of reference with emotionality reading high (unless your parents reared you otherwise--and your person actually received it).   Even though your person might have been raised right, you still have to deal with the level of maturity of the child's operating system: If the child's persona is more emotional—"Do whatcha like" character, then the child will do more of what they feel like; if the persona is more rational, the persona will seek the more reasonable routes. . .

   As such, if you were in a culture which teaches civilization, you would know that the operating system called, “personality,” should be analyzed and upgraded by Self as you grow older.  Because, if you identify with that same personality you had in childhood as an adult, you would not living by the potential growing up brings to an operating system—even if you had self awareness, because the disparity between that personality and your awareness would present a lot of contradictory behavior. . .

   But we are not in a culture like that.  Within this current American environment, where rearing is so dysfunctional, and children rarely live in  house environments where the mother and father live in the same place; the children become socially ill-equipped for handling man/woman relationships and the family structure further disintegrates. . .
  So in many cases under this system, we experience immature, ego-centered beings, trying to push their agenda without considering its impact on the harmony of the group.  They listen to music, watch TV, and find themselves repeating lines from various sources— yet many of them do not remember where you got the idea from..

   We also spoke of the thin veil between Will and Desire: That depends on the level of involvement: Now to will means, "To want or order," but what you order—can range from a wish into a determined idea—and maybe into a point where you are strongly obliged according to feelings. . . Where one changes into the other, is another thinly veiled subject: You might start out being aware of something and want to know more. You know that in order to do anything, you have to want to fulfill a consideration: Now you know this consideration may be a want to know, something that's needed or just something that desired based on emotionalism, or sensualism instead of pragmatism....

   Now what we mean by pragmatism versus emotionalism, sensualism or being driven is this:  We know that the True Self will be interested in what's best for the overall situation because God is a group reality seen through the eyes of one; which is you—so if you are expressing life in a Godly sort of way, then pragmatism will be your way.  Pragmatic means you are dealing with things sensibly and realistic; basically you are reasonable.  Now we're not saying you don't have personal interests when you are godly, we are saying you keep things in perspective: You are one among many and nobody will like a consideration where they are not treated fairly or their interests are not taken under consideration. . .  Now, you are the arbitrator and observer: you must choose wisely...not be one-sided.  Thoughts are going to come into you sphere and offer all kind of suggestions—but you must maintain your Godly perspective; you can ill-afford to allow that suggestion to become 'delicious,' aka, get mixed in with your personal feelings and cloud your perspective or make you irrational.  That's what we mean by sensualism, emotionalism, and being, "taken of your square."  God is a rational being that controls the impulses and stays centered. . .  

   Basically, in Subjective reality, there is One Self (hence the subject) which is a multiplicity expressing itself as a singularity. 
In the Objective realm or the Physical realm all the said qualities of the self are expressed in various vehicles, each seemingly both independent and implicitly interdependent upon the activity of other vehicles—hence a multitude of forms implicitly held together by a singularity through metaphysics (the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space). 
In the Subjective Realm, Self subsists; in the Objective or Physical Realm; Self exists within time. 

  Life on this planet will always present itself in the manner of qualities of which they were made.  We must have the refinement to discover the fine-lined distinctions—but you always have a choice: Life is dual. Some choices suck…granted…but that's just your feelings towards them: The important thing is to make the right choice...

   All I know is that, "Truth catches up with you, so I strive to be on the square"... Am I always? No... but I am civilized and I put power of refinement to work everyday and as learn from my errors,
This way, I can instruct both ways: The good choice and the consequence of a bad one—but it is up to everyone to feel free enough to choose—and not be a slave of mental death and power:
If this is were we are coming from, then let’s do comparative cultural research to expand our mind and be aware of what is happening around us; and not be deceived that the powers that be has our people’s best interest at heart.  

   Consciousness or awareness is not a thing, yet it is the motivator of all things; Things are moved, but are principally squared by its nature: A leopard never changes its spots, nor a tiger its stripes or a lion its' mane--their acts are within their nature,  But if you know their nature, and make the right suggestions, they can be influenced. . .  But not one who has knowledge of himself…only knowledge and truth matters. 

  Always remember, Self is the Seer and judges everything that goes on in your sphere of awareness. . .  A Judge, like truth, has no partners in judging wisely.  Every suggestion gets analyzed and judged regardless.

  I repeat, “You are not your person: That style and character is not you, that is something you use to get a desired effect; when it doesn’t fit the narrative—you have the ability to switch it as quickly as an actor changes roles: But you don’t because you have gotten so used to the role until you only look for places where this role is viable.  If you were on the screen, they’d call you one dimensional and say you need to seek more challenging roles…and if you continued on that path, they’d call you, “Type-casted.”  In other words, you have a fixed and limited view of yourself, and it is limiting your potential.

   The need to produce the right qualities or force at the right moment is very crucial [just ask Manny in Pacquiao vs. Juan Manuel Marquez Dec. 2012].  For everyone knows what happens when you try to put a square peg into a round hole, or when a cog is not in sync with the other sprockets…especially in a transmission or the relevance to a timing belt. . .  Life is mathematical—timing is everything; and to a scientist this means everything must be done right and exact.

   Some of us were taught that in America, the streets were paved with gold.  Among my people, a trader made an interpretation that we would receive more gold for our labor...  We all know how the rest of that story goes. . .    
Never lose the perspective on who and what is causing all this to happen!

Take charge of your life!


C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers