Friday, June 9, 2017

Something/Anything. . .   

   When I was a youngin' I thought that the most beautiful bird in the world was the peacock; Strutting its' stuff with its' flamboyant feathers, radiantly showing off so the world showing could see; Gracefully—its' plumage—radiant, with the grace of a swan on the surface of a pool; whose paddling motions can never be detected—much less its' rippling effects witnessed; as it glides across the water.
During those days, these attributes were usually attributed to femininity: Grace, beauty, charm, sophistication, finesse and wit were all at a woman's disposal, and America desired to attribute it to her. . .  That is, she was assessed by those standards during those times.  In the generations before me, people with a 'little money' would send their daughters to charm school—and judging by the length of her nails—one knew that there were certain women who would never be engaged in blue collar work; in as far as trends were in american society at the time. . .

   Imagine my disappointment, when I found out that only the male peacocks had these colorful feathers—all female peacocks of this species have only dusty looking brown feathers—similar to the American sparrow: Wow! Usually it's the males of their species which are the ones who are on the prowl; scoping for the most favorable prospects; taking the best of the ones their kind has to offer; making only the approaches, and the females display the things desirable of pursuit. . .  
Most people look at the male lion's mane as a symbol of nobility—mistakenly cloaking him with the caliber of best hunter; When in fact, is it is the females of the felines who do most of the hunting in their pride.
A prides consists of several females, two males, and their related young—which may include up to 40 individuals in their group.  Usually when the females come back with their kill, it is the two males who take the "lion's share" of the hunt—leaving the remains of the hunt for the mother and their offspring; Even though, it is the women who captured the meal. . .
Lions will only kill when threatened or hungry—whereas tigers and leopards will hunt for sport.

    Lions are the only members of the cat species which form social groups. . .

   What this teaches me is, things are not always what they seem; and that roles often change according to subject, emphasis and time.  Some among women kind may say that trends in society and civilization has been inserted only by man's dominate nature and will; Nonetheless, we see these things in nature and wonder: "it is in the designs of human form to do so—And if so; then the undertones and gut rumblings are just noises of protest by those of their kind, who are discontent with their role, and wish to steal all the cats from the pride. . .  Maybe even do something like collect his nectar in magical stores and eliminate his kind all together. . .  However, it is not in the nature of real cats to think or do so. . .

   Although there are the four kingdoms in this universe (mineral, vegetable, animal and man), the kingdoms of animal and man break down into groups of phylum such as vertebrates and invertebrates, arthropods, mollusks, and echinoderms; in which the vertebrates then divide into classes like mammals, fish with fins and spines—fish with cartilage—amphibians and reptiles.  
Of the class known as mammals, there are Orders of Primates [monkeys, Apes, humans], Carnivora or carnivores, Rodentia or rodents [rats, squirrels, rabbits and other gnawing creatures occupying the greatest number of mammals], and Artiodactyla or even toed hoofed mammals aka cloven-hoofed—such as sheep, goats, deer, antelopes, moose, bison, camels, cows, giraffes, hippos and pigs.  Most of the world's species of large land mammals are artiodactyls. . .
In every Order, there are different Families which similar features: The Carnivore Order break down into Families of Felidaes or Felines (cats), Canidae or Canines (Dogs), Ursidae or Bears and Mustelidae or Weasels (such as skunks, badgers, weasels, polecats, martens, ferrets, fishers, otters, and wolverines).
And we know what kind of omnivorous Carnivora members of the cat, rat and dog produces. . .  Don't we?

   Each Family in the Animal Kingdom then breaks down into Genus: So there's Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus. Each Genus contains members (in this case animals) which have similar features and are closely related: The Felidae or Feline Family contains Genus of Felis (small cats), Panthera (larger cats such as Tigers, Leopards, cougars, panthers and Lions); and each individual Species within the Genus is named after it's individual features and characteristics.  The names of the animals are in Latin so they can be understood all over the Western domain; usually consisting of two words in which the first will be the Genus and the second will be the specific species.

   The interesting thing is the consideration of man.  In esoteric science, there are four kingdoms, with man belonging to the human kingdom; due to his sentient nature.  However,  in taxonomic classification, there are five kingdoms among the living; animals, Plants, Fungi, Bacteria and Protists; with man belonging to the animal: In fact, this theory does not acknowledge the foundation of all Kingdoms: The Mineral kingdom, which provides the gases, liquids and solids that the other kingdoms sustains themselves with!
Chose what you like, but consider the conscious implications of such a choosing; since sentient means to be able to perceive, sense and show awareness and understanding.  And while animals may be able to feel and sense to some degree, have a sense of the elements around them and respond to those cues; Only man ponders his own existence and through his or her inquiry gains an understanding of why he is here and acquire a sense of his own destiny.  Those, on the other hand, who believe that man is of the Animal kingdom will then, have little problem buying into Attributing instinctive behavior experienced by the less mindful and conscious of our species to left over remnants of our so-called animalistic nature.  However, I subscribe to man belonging solely to the Human Kingdom. . .


Of the Domain of creatures of Eukarya—nucleus and membrane-bound organelles and multicellular organisms;
In the Phylum Chordata—vertebrates and Class of mammal;
SubClass Theria—pouch Bearers; Infraclass Eutheria—Placental;
Of the Primate Order:
(typically having flexible hands and feet with opposable (having thumbs), good eyesight, a Highly developed brain; as in higher Apes)
SubOrder Anthropoidea—Apeman: SuperFamily Hominoidea—extinct humans, great apes gorillas, Chimpanzees and orangutans;
Human Family:
Genus Homo—Man—Bipedalism/skill in tool utilization
Species: Homo Sapiens—ones with large brain capacity; wise

     Now what this does is shed light on a very important point for you to grasp:
The above classification is based upon the Western scientist's view on life.  This is an outgrowth of those people in the western community who live within Europe and all of its colonies, domains, and protectorates, who are devoted to knowing; based upon their cultures level of development; striving to exercise the greatest degree of unbiased observation—but nonetheless tainted by their cultural view on things and maybe less open to other cultural points of views on things: Visited by certain prejudices which might interfere with such people having an international perspective.  Or it might just be phenotypical for their level of development.
If the Creator created man in his own image and likeness; then international citizenship and a world view of observation should be most sought after.  Yet we find, in most things Western, a certain amount of exclusiveness and a certain degree of excluding of things that don't coincide; rather than a reconciliation and inclusiveness: Basically, the Western world have not evolved enough to incorporate the cultural ideas and philosophical perspectives of the world community into their findings.  They are imperial in their thinking; exercising an air of superiority and lack of receptivity.

     That being said, this Taxonomic classification conflicts with the esoteric point of view, which classify the Kingdoms into Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Man: Taxonomy Kingdoms consist of Plants, Fungi, Bacteria and Protists, then animal; omitting the basic atoms and molecular structures that are derived from the Mineral Kingdom where the other Kingdoms obtain their construction materials.  The Vegetable Kingdom feasts off the minerals from the soil to construct cellular structures; such as Nucleus structures that vary in atomic number and weigh.  Plants grow from cell and organelle structures; the Universal awareness utilizes this knowledge in the construction of Fungi, Bacteria and Protists—algae and protozoan (plant/animal) respectively.  To then, classify by creatures who have vertebrae is accurate in my view.  To then analyze those vertebrae which have or form pouches, to include a mother's belly area while carrying a child is a stretch but I can allow that view.  To further distinguish by saying those who create placentas, as opposed to eggs is correct to me as well.

     Culture is what a people do: It is born into existence as an outgrowth of their ideas; Some born of sound reasoning, and some based upon their beliefs;Truth, legacy, folklore, fantasy, fairytales and/or superstitions.  Whatever the case may be, whatever a person does; what proceeds—is the logical outgrowth of that way of thinking: So basically, "If you don't want the effects; don't produce the cause."
But more importantly, what occurs reflects the growth and development of those people; their values; qualities: And conversely, sometimes the place in which you stand, makes other points harder to see.
Western culture believes we descended from apes; and that's just what it is—a belief.  First of all, it is a known fact that all human life came from Central Asiatic Black people and We people do not share that same belief in any of our cultures.  Secondly, they say that humans evolved from "Tool-using Chimps". . .  But why some chimps would evolve into men and some wouldn't, is never adequately explained. . .
But even more centrally, in the cultural community of scientists who deal with Causative Factors which pervades throughout the universe; I consider it safe to say that the conscious factor which willed the undifferentiated energy/matter substance to assume various shapes and structures on a subatomic, atomic, and molecular level, etc; Experienced the various phenomena; and having done so—merely incorporated such findings into the next construction of life: Various patterns throughout the entire universe confirms this.

Man did not evolve from Apes; However, the awareness did incorporate the underlying significance of the previous experience into the construction of its' next experience—with remnants of such an endeavor incorporated into its construction.  Evidence of such is stamped into our ecology and nebula within this world, and universally this awareness consciously resides in man; permeating throughout its' growth and development like a giant spider presiding within one huge web. . .  


C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers