Thursday, December 5, 2019


  First of all, I’d like to welcome mySelf back from such a long hiatus.  I do apologize, but I am reaching another chapter in my life and preparations are necessary...that is, if I am to carry the next phase out to the best of my ability.  I promise to do better, for—like the year ahead—my vision will be clearer.
  This episode concerning life will be taken from a scientific—and not a religious perspective.
   It will be written for those who do not know their origin in this world, and those who choose not to continuing worshipping something they know not, and for those who—like me—subscribe to the notion that the One who created all, needs no middle man or emissary.
   I am addressing it to those who are reasonable, rational and ones who have questions—barring the atheist. . .  The agnostic, I can handle, if they can put their reasoning above doubt.  But a person who believes that all this order can take place, without a causative factor outside of the Big Bang Theory—needs to have their consciousness examined for ridiculous perversions and decrepit ideas.

   We will be using reasoning, science and inductive, deductive inferential logic to extrapolate a comfortable place concerning divine order.  Coming from the perspective that, since the usurping of the reigns of power by the colonial Western powers; the awareness of this subject matter has been on a constant decline.  Knowing that the Western man, since the so-called, “Age of Enlightenment,” and its “Illuminati” period of secret societiestheir society as experienced moral, cultural, and conscious decline under the White man’s watch; which stands to reason, because he is not the author of most of the meditative and enlightening and conscious raising technology used today; and has little confidence in it.  It comes as no surprise, however, because the West’s emphasis for usurpation was riches, land and domination through enslavement.  Besides...enlightened people don't make good slaves. . .

   If I were to describe our true self, I would define my existence as consciousness dwelling in a human form; but I would not describe myself as human.  Most religions would agree in that analysis:

"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”
                                                                                                   —Genesis 2:7, KJV

"Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”                                    —Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV

“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation.  “So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!"
                                                                                                  —[Qur’an 23:12-14]

“It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old, though of you there are some who die before; and lets you reach a term appointed; in order that you may learn wisdom.”
                                                                                                       —[Qur’an 40:67]

   Not to get bogged down into religion; only to show that two of the most major religions speak of the human body as a vehicle.  But before departing this area, I’d like to point out, the innuendo from the topmost quote, that man or God is merely a spirit…nothing can be further from the truth.  The spirit can be referred to as the animating factor: 
Here, in this verse, the Creator breathes into the nostrils of the human vehicle and the lump of clay becomes a living soul—the breath is what animates the lump of clay.
   The word “spirit” in English, comes from the word, “Spiroth” in Hebri (Hebrew), which derives from the spiraling motion of the breath within the human lungs. . .  Now everyone knows, when you get agitated, folks say, “Take a deep breath”and most persons lose consciousness and suffer permanent brain damage after more than five minutes without oxygen: 
This illustrates that the consciousness feeds off of the oxygen, generated from the spiraling motion of the breath—but consciousness is separate from “the spirit in the lungs.”
The lower sura and ayah intimates a being growing in wisdom (which means to perceive the interrelationship between all things), which indicates awareness and consideration takes place in the consciousness—that is separate from the mechanisms which fuels it, emote it…or the feelings which urge it to action.

   The Spirit of 1776 was an urge to action felt by a number of White people in the American colonies of England; but not every person responded to the urge in the same way.  The differences between those caught up in the “spirit," depends on the level of consciousness of person contemplating the force or energy, and the level of development of the person contemplating that urge to action. 

   Most of us use the word, “Emotion,” but very few of us ever use the root of the word, “emote”—which means, “to express"—particularly when you’re acting in a film or a play.  If an actor doesn’t emote, the audience can’t tell how he’s supposed to be feeling in a scene; or how one would or should feel in these particular situations.
   But there are no fixed ways to feel, and everybody does not feel the same way about any given phenomena—however, there are patterns, tendencies, proclivities and groups of people who react in similar ways. . . 
   They may be indoctrinated [culturally, socially or politically], caught up in the rapture, or just plain manipulated—but this is more emotional than rational: Rational is in search of the truth, what’s appropriate (or right), the facts, knowledge or what is needed in a given situation: But reasoning and being urged to act are two different things.  
   We are conscious beings, considering and making choices—we are not slaves of mental death and power being manipulated to act as in the Pavlov’s Theory or experiment:  
Reasoning our seeking universal knowledge will eventually lead to wisdom and ultimately understanding; whereas the spirit, zeal and emotions are used to animate, urge and move and manipulate the body. 

   What is evidenced here, is a meaning that got, “Lost in translation”—similar to how the word, “philos” of the word, “philosophy” does not exactly translate to mean, “love of wisdom” [philosophy roughly means, “like of wisdom,” because the Greek culture of that time period had not nailed down the concept of love (Eros doesn't cut it)]: 
What got lost in translation is the Hebri scriptures and Eastern ideology does account for a consciousness, which is an ‘implied reality,’ which dwells inside an energy complex which they called, "the spirit of God" which dwells within human form as, "the soul"—something which the Western world was only not aware of, but psychically and philosophically had not fashioned any words to express this concept in the translation which took place from Hebri into English.
  The whole concept of applying Hebrew wisdom into the Western world, by way of Catholicism/Christianity in the Western world, is evidence of acknowledging a superior Eastern ideology which the West “borrows” from the East; because psychically and philosophically the West had not psychologically evolved to the point where they could have produced such works.  

   Not that this writing is an advocation of religion—I am just making a point concerning a conscious aspect of Self dwelling within a fleshly vehicle, in which an energy complex or “spirit/soul” is being used to animate or emote the vessel to do its' will—in the only analogous philosophical operating system available to me at the time (quotations from the Hebri Scriptures). . .  
   I still plan to keep my vow about being scientific concerning these matters pertaining to God—it’s just that in the ancient days, religion and science went “hand-in-hand” and seemed to be attempting to raise the conscious realm of its' masses, whereas today they are separate fields of study and often used to make a fortune [1/1-40 compare].

   Now, in most ancient world concepts, we have a “Creator” creating the Objective Universe and all which is contained within it.  The East has it; African Secret Societies have it; Greco-Roman and Viking lore embrace such an ideology…and this American society kind of does this as well. . .  So, scientifically, this may be a good place to start.

   I will not get into the Big Bang Theory simply because that seems more of a "pseudo-science" to me: 
Any theory about the universe that does not acknowledge or identify an identity and/or a quickening factor which causes the "Bang" to happen, is bogus to me; However this occurs frequently in scientific exchanges between the East and West.  In this theory they want the public to believe that one day this explosion occurred which has solar systems keeping perfect order and yet there is no causative factor maintaining the synchronicity of that order—and I say that's a bunch of crap.  
   The reason why splitting a uranium atom makes an atomic explosion, is that the projected electron disturbs the harmony of the uranium's aura, which endangers the identity of that atom, and the explosion comes as a result of that atom attempting to restore its' order which it identifies to.
   How do you get animate from inanimate objects?  
So why use such terms. . .  In my order or operating system, all life is animate, because it is put here by an omniscient, omnipotent Self, which has Self’s presence and awareness within every vehicle from the atom on up.  There’s affinities, attractions, repulsions, bonds and the urge to remain here; the only difference is the level in which these qualities and consciousness operates. . .
   This reason above is the difference between cultures and thus all of the more reason for reeducating ourselves:
We have been in this country longer than America has been a country.  America was an English colony with indentured servants and slaves.  They claim that Blacks went from indentured servants to slaves in Virginia somewhere between 1603-1609; however, there are documents placing our folks on a slave ship called, “The Good Ship Jesus” which landed in Jamestown, Virginia in 1555.
   The slave trade practices destroyed our cultural ideologies and replaced them with Western indoctrinations and ideologies and a reduced sense of self-esteem.  What we knew in our homelands was replaced by what White indentured servants and working class Masons believed.  We took on a lot of their bad habits, beliefs and world views…these are the very same obstacles we have to overcome in recapturing our original view of things even to this day.

   So lets recap and get back on track.  The view I'm presenting is that there is an aware presence that brought about the quickening process which brought on creation.  We do not subscribe to a notion that there was an enormous pool of gases lying around dormant, which formulated a ball of gasses compressing upon itself, until a spark took place which united into an explosion which continues to happen to this day.  We do not subscribe to a happenstance incident like this; without an omniscient consciousness being present which caused this to happen—as part of a plan or consideration.  Otherwise, if that was the case—then why has it continued such a harmonious ordered pattern for all these trillions of years?

No, our view is that creation started as part of a willed act on the part of a conscious presence which brought the act about for a purpose.

   This concept separates us from an atheist point of view; which claims there is no such presence—that nothing constructed the reasoning sentient aspect of our mind; it just happened to happen—and there is no quickening factor that cements our relation to the universe about us; or the ecology which keeps it functioning in harmony and in relation to everything else is there.

   If you are fixed upon such notions—this writing is not for you. 

  However, we find do it difficult for you to subscribe to such order and science in the world, without the notion of an author, purpose and reason for living and existence—after witnessing our intelligent faculties and reasoning abilities that this act has been conducting itself for quite some time despite obstacles.

   Most of the world subscribe to a conscious presence which brought the universe about—however, we may not agree as to when and why.  
I  can relate to the agnostic who says that he or she really are not sure; because at the same time, they do acknowledge order and bear witness to laws which govern it, just not sure how that works—giving credence to the possibility of one who constructed such a design.
  Some call the designer, “The Grand Architect,” others merely, “the Creator.”  Some even call this conscious presence which created all, “The Supreme Being,” while others merely call this presence “God” or the “Self.”  
   But since we are speaking scientifically on the subject; we will venture away and refrain from the sloppy use of terms to describe something which, by the nature of the topic itself, is far too abstract not to be more accurate in locating terms to designate, describe, discuss, delineate and/or illustrate this presence’s features.

   Now some refer to the "Universe," as if it were the creator. . .  

However, I find that notion far-fetched; for the universe is something the Creator created and there is enough substantial evidence to prove that there was time when there was no universe—thus making such a notion mute.  For that same reason, one has to be careful with the “being” part of the words, “Supreme Being”—for that word implies existence or an outward manifestation (hence the prefix—ex) and before the universe, there is no outward manifestation or expression. . .

   So I guess some of you are wondering, “What was the state of things, before the creation of the universe?”

   It doesn’t help that in the Western world, there is a principle which states, “Matter cannot be created nor destroyed, but changed from one form to another.”  So what form was matter in before creation?

   Well, in many of the esoteric circles, this period before the creation of the universe was called the “Subjective Realm.”  This refers to the state where there is only the Supreme One or Creator. When I first learned of this, I would recollect the image or depiction by thinking: 
In this this realm there is only the One I, who is the subject of the Subjective Realm, who created everything else in the Objective Ream or the realm of Objects. . .  

But how was the state of affairs before creation?

   Before Creation there was only Self.
   Most scientist of life describe the Self or the Supreme One as an Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent multiplicity, expressing itself as a singularity, subsisting entirely as all that is; in two major aspects which is unlimited consciousness with an infinite potential which subsists inside of a vast infinite form of undifferentiated energy/matter that extends in all directions infinitely.
   The One who created all, in this state of subsistence has an awareness of all of Self’s essence; which extends throughout every part; and this consciousness is present everywhere throughout this homogeneous Substance, as all power in terms of a singularity.
  This means the power is unlike any power you have ever experienced or witnessed because it is combination of all power ever experienced and then some: The power cannot be measured because there are no means in our existence to do so.  It has no shape, color, size, vector or speed and the power is infinite in ability; and yet, in this state, has not set  anything or force into motion.

   Simply put, this is consciousness dwelling in a form of undifferentiated energy/matter.  Yes, it is true, matter cannot be created nor destroyed; but changed from one form to another and before creation this form is formless and undifferentiated; which means undistinguishable and undefined—however full of possibility and potential—expressing nothing because nothing has been considered.  The consciousness is aware of Self and Self’s infinity capacity as a singularity or single awareness of one essence.

   Matter is a slower moving form of energy and energy is a faster moving form of matter; Yet in this state, it is both and neither.  Self is undefinable in this stage and yet is all that is.  Muslims of the Harbi call Self Allah; the more ancient Hebri, in their scriptures call Self Elohim (the Enlightened One); The Yoruba call Self Oduduwa; the Akan or Ashanti people call Self Onyankopon - Onyame - Odomankoma; the Khamau of Khamit (Kemit) call Self Atum/Khepera/Amen Ra; and the list of names goes on. . .
   Yet it is important for you to understand that consciousness is not energy/matter or a thing; it is the awareness and possesses the potential of energy/matter to be whatever Self wants to be—once it considers and wills it to be—and whatever it wills, that is what it becomes; 
If Self wills differently, it becomes differently; there is no limit to Self’s range.  Yet, in this stage, No Things have been created…
But this ultimately is who our existence is forged after…this is what we are “made in the image and likeness of.”  This is the true Self.

   So let’s go back to the passages from the Holy Scriptures and the Holy Qur’an:
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.”Genesis 2:7, KJV 
“Verily We created man from a product of wet earth; then placed him as a drop (of seed) in a safe lodging; then We fashioned the drop into a clot, then We fashioned the clot into a little lump, then We fashioned the little lump into bones, then clothed the bones with flesh, and then produced it another creation. So blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators!”[Qur’an 23:12-14]

“It is He Who has created you from dust then from a sperm-drop, then from a leech-like clot; then does he get you out (into the light) as a child: then lets you (grow and) reach your age of full strength; then lets you become old, though of you there are some who die before;- and lets you reach a term appointed; in order that you may learn wisdom.”[Qur’an 40:67]

 "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”Ecclesiastes 12:7, KJV

The symbol of the earth, soil and undifferentiated  energy/matter being the matrix in which the earth is fashioned, as correspondences should be fairly obvious:  The earth in the Objective Realm is like the undifferentiated energy/matter of the Subjective Realm; which is made into the substance of the Mineral Kingdom—which is the basis of the Vegetable, Animal and Human Kingdom—each vehicle from all of the kingdoms have vessels made of the earth's essence.

  The breathing of Self into the nostrils of his Objective vessel has several significances as well: 
Gases being introduced into the lungs, the spiraling motion of the breath; its’ significance to all mental functions, its’ use in all catabolic fuel combustion processes and the prana energy released to replenish the soul in all animation processes.  The verses also cover the states of matter as well: solids, liquids and gases. . .

   Most cultures subscribe to the idea that man is made in the image and likeness of God; but how close that similitude comes to the original, depends on the skill set of the maker. . . Now, doesn’t it?  So what if the creator is perfect in ability. . .

   But why was all this fashioned anyway?  What was the purpose for creating creation?

   Although this is not a Western concept, I think you have to take a moment to consider these facts and readjust any misconceptions you might have:

1)  That the One who made all in the Objective Realm is a multiplicity that functions as a singularity—quoted in the caption: “Let US make man in OUR own image and likeness.”  The idea of family comes into mind, since in Christianity they talk about a Father, Son and a “Holy Ghost”…but don’t hold me to that reference; especially in today’s society where nuclear families are almost extinct and social interaction between a husband and wife is rarely witness by children in the same household. . .  But the concept of a group functioning and identifying as a single unit or “We” is what is being symbolized here.
2)  In the above depictions, these are aspects of an otherwise homogeneous  reality, that cannot be diluted, mixed, or tampered with in any aspect.
3)  In the Subjective Realm, there is only One, and that is the One who created all; and being that there is only One all things came from One.
4)  Self is eternal and Self’s ability and potential infinite; which means starting from a point and extending in all directions indefinitely: All starts from Self and Self has no beginning nor end.  Self is a timeless reality.
5)  Thus being the case, the Objective Realm was formed from a portion of Self within Self.  It is not separate from Self, just a place where certain properties can occur; which otherwise wouldn’t.  It is a misnomer to look at the Universe as the Self itSelf; because the Universe is a vessel for Self to carry out Self’s will; symbolically, the Universe is as a bubble in an infinite primordial sea—and there are many bubbles within that ocean, and the potential for many more. . .
6)  People believe they have their own minds and their own awareness separate from the Creator: If that were so, then the Creator would not be Omniscient; what we call our own minds and consciousness is only levels of consciousness based upon each being’s level of development; with the Self being the conglomerate and ultimate level of development.
7)  Mind nor thoughts are our own: The mind is universal, like a huge warehouse, in which we access portions of it.  Thoughts are not our own; otherwise, we couldn’t have the same thought; They are objects of contemplation—what we experience is our associations to such thoughts and the ideas affiliated with them: The eyes don’t see and the ears don’t hear; we receive patterns thru our nerves and we interpret them within the brain—based upon the level of development:
A thousand pictures can be drawn from one word; Only who is the artist, we got to agree;
A thousand miles can lead so many ways; Just to know who is driving, what a help it would be.”
                           —I’m Just a Singer In A Rock & Roll Band Moody Blues

   But what is causing all this to happen?

   End of Part One 


C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 

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