Wednesday, September 10, 2014

More to come. . .  

  Remember this?             

"All of what we see here came from the Great Sun.  Before that, there was only darkness.  All you have to do is close your eyes and you will see it again.  This is the place where thoughts blend and combine.  Some call it the mind, but the mind is universal.  You can't own that [the mind/that is], we all share that in common: Just like thoughts—several of us can consider the same thought at the same time.  That's when we are in-tune with each other or there's a spirit in the air; like during the time when the English colonists felt unfairly taxed by England.  Seeing has to do with the third eye [pineal gland], visioning thoughts to be considered for action.  This area of contemplation is called the sphere of awareness, because it represents all the things within the [universal] mind that you are aware of."

"Darkness came first—then came the light; just like Black people came first.  Some try to say, we're cursed, but we are not—Nwah [Noah] cursed his son Canaan; the father of the Canaanites, who became afflicted with leprosy—but that's another story; a whole other story."     

"The darkness contained God [and God was coherent] but God was not doing anything—just being aware of all there is to know.  During this duration, there were no-things in existence.  Not that God wasn't capable of making them; just that God had not decided a reason to produce a world of things.  The power was there for it, but it subsist in a way like no power did in this world in which we live in; it subsists in one total mass; representing all potential power.  This power was undefined and immeasurable.  It had no shape, no size, no speed, no color, no vector—because it was undifferentiated and undefined.  It was just darkness, devoid of form."

"Knowing everything at once has its drawbacks.  First of all, because the Eternal One is without form; all that is known is instantaneously accessed faster than a blink of an eye.  Secondly, by being a consciousness without form, there could be no experience without a vehicle, vessel, or being, to experience it through; so there's no real way of savoring or extracting the underlying significance of each experience.  There was also no way to experience any comparisons, since there is only one God; who subsists eternally without restrictions of time (since time was not created yet).  The Eternal One wanted to experience all the said qualities associated with omniscience.  The Eternal One is all knowing, present everywhere in this eternal darkness; possessing of all power—but without experience."

"So God started to create creation; starting with a place in which this manifestation could take place; for to not create a place where creation would be, would engage the Eternal One in an act, which would limit the possibilities of one who is infinite; So a small portion of Self, was dedicated to carrying out The Creator's will—and it was called the Universe, made of three layers of darkness; giving birth to the first sun; which was called The Great Sunwhich God was said to have experienced that quality by manifesting itthe rest of the universe from that aspect of existence: This is why the sun is symbolic to knowledge, awareness and enlightenment.  And to represent the One in manifestation, The Creator created an infinitude of forms—representing various aspects of the One's magnificence, and the ability to now compare.  But no matter how many ways you segment or slice an orange, it is still an orange.

"Wow!  Could you imagine that!  Much different from all organized religions; but strangely representing something—oh, so familiar with my essence.  Is it possible that all this time, I was not being told the whole truth?  All life, an expression of just one being; one actor—using various forms as mere vessels to make assessments and comparisons.  Wow, if this is true, this changes everything. . ."

   Here's the "More to come. . ."   

First of all, for those of us who live in America, we were stripped of everything:
Our culture, our traditions, most of our music, our arts, our religion,
our concept of God and creation: In essence, we were made to 
Become other than ourselves.
The future for us was uncertain, but the now was quite clear: We were going to be
worked for no pay or compensation and considered as cattle or livestock, in
which could be purchased at trading auctions and slave blocks, or places where 
human bondage could be negotiated.
Education, other than servitude, was not even a consideration; and that which
served as religion was merely what our owners allowed us to digest.  Europe 
had already undergone changes with this "New religion," which we, as a people,
would have never experienced.  Protestant groups had put a different spin on Western Christianity to begin with; as the Mother of all Western Christianity, Catholicism, would not even be considered Christianity, by many who practiced the Protestant faith; neither would it resemble Eastern Christianity or Jesus' Hebrew teachings.

This in and of itself, needs to be considered by all of us who consider our place in this man's world, for it holds the key to our freedom: The freedom to define ourselves, and to be who we were meant to be.  Even if we are to accept the terms we currently live under, we need to unbiasedly look at the position, and all it stands for, before reassuming the role.  Jesus' teachings was not Christianity, because Jesus did not come to change what the Covenant manifests, nor was that what the Hebrew prophets before taught; and Western nor Eastern Christianity is that sort of teaching inherent in Hebrew way.  Besides that, the notion that the Roman world would have persecuted the prophet Jesus, then embrace His perfect teachings after crucifying him—is a ludicrous notion.

But I am not here to discuss this or any organized religion in general; I am speaking concerning a system which Blacks in America use to govern their persons by—a government; long before our people were to even have a chance to be considered a part of a government that Whites from Europe created in Americaright after they used starvation, war, alcoholism, and STD to wipe out the natives [while under the pretense of being their friends].  

Our people must never lose track of the fact that most religions in colonized America were outcasted religions in Europe in that time.  Most colonists from England were criminals and religious dissidents, who were given a chance to start anew, in a new wilderness—to forge a colony; which would later become a country.  Blacks were not included in that party.  This was not the way we defined or governed ourselves in our own homelands.  This way was imposed on us.  We had not defined ourselves as such; i.e., using knowledge birthed from among us.  


Now, in a way I can understand the frustration in our youth to try "something new."  I can see how one could be thoroughly frustrated with the expectations of Western-oriented Black parents; who want their children to succeed according to another people’s standards and guidelines in American culture.  By comparison, Blacks seldom succeed to the level of the White movers and shakers in this country; and when and if we do, we succeed mainly, with those who are not a threat to the status quo—those who do not conform to a sense of Black ethnocentricity; not to mention, Black consciousness.  What we are experiencing is the collapse of the Western colonialism experience in America; Its icons and values are being de-valued by the media—who has no respect for sacred cows, sports celebrities, movie stars, entertainment icons.  Conversely, American culture in Hollywood has begun to make a plethora of movies, based upon past cartoon super heroes [this move is like expanding one's chest to look good with a dying heart].  A vain attempt to glorify cynicism, American media reporters are assassinating all role models (both Black and White); often replacing them with merely void; giving the children nothing to look forward to.

Many of our youth are products of the crack users, often in search of identitybasically want to leave this planet; engaging in emotional and often self destructive means. . . In a time where AIDS and STDs are rampant, there is unparalleled sexual freedom and  sexual ambiguity practiced among the youth.  Besides being polarized in gender, there's a lack of love being displayed in our youth—manifesting as a general mistrust of anyone.  That something new cannot continue to be apathy or a don't care attitude; it has to start manifesting as a love for each other.

When you love yourself, you care about what happens to you; when you love your own people, you start to do things in the interest of your folks.  The more you define you, the more you realize that you come from a group of people—and that group of people have a chronology which defines who they are.  Knowing that chronology is essential in defining who you are as well!  If you don't care about yourself, then it's all over.  Go jump off a cliff. . .  Psyche!  But if you do care, you will find a way to put the brakes on backslides.  Many of you are too unsure of yourself to do something like that, so you mingle with mayhem; you take risks—but you really don't want to die: Anyone who saw a person die of AIDS or cancer, will bear witness to my statement; they'd rather engage in self-destructive endeavors.

So for those of you who give a damn, you'll have to spend more time redefining your strategy.  Redefining your strategy starts with reevaluation: If you don't like the world you're living in, you are going to have to redefine it; but don't partially redefine it—totally redefine it: This means you will have to replace all the parts and every aspect!  If it is a society, then all elements must be reconsidered and replaced—if not you'll get a hybrid, and who knows how that'll work.  My doctor is in his late twenties to early thirties—he can't help but be that because my old doctor retired.  Eventually, the youth will be in charge!  Don't do a half-ass job; totally take on your mantleLike Slick Rick said; "Hey young world, the world is yours."

Above is a wise man redefining his place in the world by entertaining a concept of God, unparalleled in the Western world.  Wow! 

In this concept, God is the only living entity in the entire universe.  God conceived it and God achieved it; Every role is created by God, starring God and acted out by God.  God wrote it; God acts in it and God watches it.  There is only One Self in the world, and God is it!  God created creation so that God could experience God's infinite qualities through an infinitude of forms.  According to this concept, every time you look at something, you're staring an aspect of YOU in the face!  The purpose is for God to experience God's said ability.  Even the opposing forces are aspects of God.  This is a totally different perspective than I was raised with!  This is greatly different from what we were taught in the West; The question is, where did that other concept come from and what is the nature of its design?

There can be no higher concept than the Creator; and therefore, there can be no one greater than yourself in this concept—that is; other than the collective, the origin of all things; the source of all things.  So this concept represents the Self as a group consciousness, manifested throughout all creation.  A multi-racial society, like the United States, should flourish well under a system like this.  In this concept, individuality is an illusion.  Now, I'm not trying to judge, but America prides itself on individual efforts—and all it has gotten for us is a handful of rich individuals and a majority of our people living in the poverty and sub-poverty level.  Ego, envy, jealousy, lust, and hate are merely manifestations of taking one role above everything and everyone else; which, in and of itself, is nonsense; because life itself is all manifested, as per the will of God.  All aspects are for Godliness; even the wrong way circles back around to defining and giving glory to righteousness.  In this concept, even the devil serves a righteous purpose; he's like a prosecuting attorney questioning the defense: Why did God make devil?  To show forth God's ability against opposing forces. . .

Now, I have spoken to you before about an anthropological approach.  You can't compare cultures to extract the significance of a culture; you must follow the logic, reasoning and premise of that particular culture, on its own merit; in order to gain the fullest understanding and true knowledge.

In order to truly be free, one must shake off indoctrination and cultural constraints, by reconsidering everything previously taught; Only then, can one say, that their thoughts and concepts are their own understanding!  Right now, most of us live under a system, perpetrated by another people who have a low opinion of us.  We go in front of a White judge in a Black coat and are taught we should believe him to be impartial.  Why?  Because  American culture says it is.  We cannot shake his impression—because in order for us to be in his system, we must have a place; and despise our Jesse Owen-like accomplishmentsthe concept or idea of us, in their collective minds, never changes.  The ironic thing is, most Whites don't know they're thinking that way, when they're thinking it.  Those folks really believe they are liberal and open-minded!  They literally do not see us.  [For more insight, read Ralph Ellison's "Invisible Man"].   That's why the game must change, to one where we are not under the jurisdiction of another (people that is).

Our roles in our lives must change as well.  We are a product of culture which reflects a certain degree of racism; which subtly and pervasively damages our psyche on a continual basis.  There is bigotry or intolerance for anything that is of non-European origin, although there is a pretense to do so.  The only way to counteract such affects and effects is to critically analyze the system itself; which is what Black Consciousness on the Third Stone from the Sun, seeks to do.  Yet the metamorphosis would not be complete without your consideration. 

Your destiny lies in your ability to use your imagination.  No serious changes will ever take place in your life, if you can't see yourself in whatever role you are striving to achieve: In order to assume the role of a prince, you must visualize yourself as a prince; doing things that princes do—assuming princely duties.  And once you comprehend that role and start acting as such, take responsibility for the consequence of behaving as such.  In other words, "There is no action without a consequence to it," so whatever happens, know that it happens as a result of your behavior.  If you can own up to the part that you play, you can benefit by following its part in relationship to the theme and moral of the story; dig it?  You can learn from your mistakes, adjust, and improve your role: You have infinite potential!  According to the Bible, you are made in the image and likeness of God; You can be anything you want to be. . .

If the above theory is feasible (and it is), then each one of us originates from the Godhead, each body or vessel was made for the use of the Godhead; therefore the good conscience (con=to and science=know yields good to know), equals the direction to steer the vessel in.  In other words, all roads lead to God realizing God's goal through the manly vehicle; it's just that some roads are much, much, much faster than others. . .  Some are at a snails gallop!  Lol

The idea that one can entertain ideas other than Godly one, shows the greatest amount of potential: After all, God comes into the world as a child, has to acclimate oneself, then pass those findings onto the offspring.  Often, to find out what a certain something is, you have to establish what it isn't; one complements the other.  One of the things I hope you can appreciate about this article is that culture traits are not always measured in terms of right and wrong, but emphasis; and the differences in emphasis.  America emphasizes freedom, but its real emphasis is capitalism and the pursuit of happiness.  Societies in India, like the Vendatins, specialized in meditation techniques.  Ancient Khamit's emphasis is, the evolution of man to God.  I'm not saying right or wrong, just different.  In a capitalistic society, there must be those who are to be capitalized off of.  The implications should be obvious; from the acquisition of the land, to the enslavement of our kind--it's all in the manner of thinking and considering others.

Our difficulty is that we have been taking all our cues from the ones who enslaved us.  We learned their take on religion while we were enslaved.  We took on their values or lack their of; even to this very day!  We let them judge us and watch them pick a different verdict for themselves: Just look at how the NFL judged Ben Roethlisberger as opposed to Ray Rice; she must have felt she was culpable also, because she forgave and married him.  And on a higher note, how does the NFL suspension benefit, vindicate, or work in the favor of Ms. Rice's honor?  She and her husband are locked out of a million dollar potential; for who?  

Once again, it is all about how Whites (in this case White women and their men) see it.  We need to explore getting up from under their image and likeness; their views on beauty, success, wealth, etc.  We need to explore our own people's views on such things in life.  We must take our issues out of their courts and put the navigation into our own hands.  We need to define ourselves by our own standards, not theirs; and not through their legal system!  It should be obvious that their judgment is flawed, by their tolerance of others; and their equality when it comes to us.  All around the word, the image of God (or the Enlightened Ones) is similar to the people who are worshipping the deity; So if Whites are worshipping a White Jesus and White Mary, why can't Blacks in America do the same?  After all, there are images of a Black Madonna in Palermo, Italy, Black Baby Jesus in the Philippines, a Black Krishna and Buddha.  If it didn't matter, then why isn't Jesus depicted in Hebrew attire?  

It is high time that we stop allowing Whites to dictate to us how things really are.  We need to explore things for ourselves.  Evolve our culture.  Redefine ourselves; independent of our oppressors.  It is time to think outside the box; learn new perspectives and take a more anthropological scientific approach towards our American experience.  After all, your life is yours; it fits you like your skin.  White culture is made from their people; it protects their interests.  Our culture should be made by us; without interference by them.  If Ms. Rice wanted to drop the charges, the NFL should not be penalizing her husband the way that they are now.  Time to redefine ourselves and protect our own interests, by the makings of a better you.  Time to take the Bull by the Horns and shape our own Black minds.  Hey young world, the world is yours.

                                FUBU= For Us By Us; "Life is What You Make It." 

Thank you for your consideration,

C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 


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