Sunday, April 14, 2019

What The Hell Is This

If love is not the primary objective, then what is it but a second-hand emotion?
Everyone wants to be care for and needed; and if you are needed you expect a certain amount of appreciation. . .  But that desire "to have," does not always translate into appreciation.  Sometimes that need to have, is because you crave it like it's something you want to devour. . .  And if so, then gratification or lust becomes primary goal; then after Greed sets in and one comes face to face with the desire of sex as an addiction.  Which makes pregnancy as an unwanted side effect and making babies an unwanted product;  making having a family a living hell. . .  Which is about right, for this type of civilization.

Just look around you.  You show up at a parent teacher's meeting and see maybe one or two parent couples in a room full of single-parents; mostly women.  Most of the children of these parents have never resided in a place where their mothers and fathers lived in the same house.  Many of these moms never lived in a household with their children dad(s)--they only had sex together until a period came between them or didn't show up (the sex was unprotected) and oops, there it is!  
In many cases, the pregnancy was unexpected and unwanted.  It changed the dynamics--all together.  In many cases, it was recreational sex turned procreational.  There was so-called "painless love" that was thrusted into a world of responsibility: The world of taking care of my needs and desires turned into a world of responsibility for somebody else and sacrificing my desires for the sake of someone else.   Maybe the sex was good, but now there's this baby on the way that's going to need things and cost a bundle--and that bundle includes dissatisfaction--with a touch of discontent.
This went from momentary pleasure to a lifelong obligation to another being and quite frankly, not everyone is up to that task.  Sex is like playtime to many people, whereas having a baby is a commitment towards family, society and civilization--or in the words of Daryl Hall and John Oates: "I'm just a kid don't make me feel like a man." 

"Help me I think I'm falling in love with you--
Are you going to let me go there by myself?
That's just a lonely thing to do.

Both of us flirting around
Flirting and flirting; Hurting too. . . 
We love our loving, but not like we love our freedom ."

                                                                "Help Me"--Joni Mitchell

Then, there are those who get tired of playing around with the flakiness of non-committal people that just want to get their rocks off--and try their hand at being a couple; yet the candidates come from households where one or the other parents are missing: These couples never saw their mothers and fathers wake up in the same households with each other.  These situations breed a certain type of mentality: 
What do they know about a loving and caring relationship?  What do they know about commitment?  They never saw it in their immediate environment, so where would they get it from?  But they do know a lot about objectification. . .  
And this also means they never saw the parents demonstrating family interaction--family dynamics or real live encounters for that matter: Family is something you see on a re-run of "The Waltons," something grand-mom and grand-pop or great grand parents do--but by then it's no use because its something ancient "and old."
So what do these children feel and what do these children know about getting together; living in the same place and having the proper coping skills when difficulties arrive between each other?  What do the people of the Millennial  era know about raising a family today?  And based upon that mentality, how equipped are they to form any sort of lasting relationship where two people will care about each other in a loving fashion?
Most of the conventional methods seem mushy and undesirable   And since this group were raised by parents were not together and frequently disagree with each other--how many of them grow up to feel they were not wanted, were a burden or inadequate for certain social interactions and just not participate?

"Please lock me away and don't allow the day--
Here inside--where I hide--with my loneliness. . .
I don't care what they say, I won't stay in a world without love.

Birds, sing out of tune--and rain clouds hide the moon
I'm Ok, here I'll stay--with my loneliness. . . 
I don't care what they say, I won't stay in a world without love."

"A World Without Love"--Peter and Gordon

Is it that difficult for most people who don't have Knowledge of Self to see the social and political implications here?
These are not relationships--these concoctions are situationships--at least that is what I am told they are; and most of them come with drama because they are too emotional, ill-equipped and untrained too solve them: As a matter of fact, when others speak of such conditions in social media, they refer to the relationship status as: "Complicated" because they are vastly intolerable due to the of lack of etiquette and composure.

American societal relationships are becoming parasitical; And many people in America have various sub-routines running in the background: The old routine of finding a mate with a similar ideology or cultural matrix and settling down to work has a unit, has become replaced as an "operating system."  It takes too long--most don't have the social skills necessary to implement it--and trustworthiness seems to always be a questionable issue.  The new operating system of today is to "go Über"--and seek services à La carte--avoiding liability and obligation as much as possible. . .  
Few--if any of these social considerations--originates from conditions of wanting to endear or to be loved and needed; it's more like wanting to be "served," being driven by strong sexual desire or defining oneself in sexual terms. . .  And this country's public and social media--along with its' people in power; and the children who calls themselves "the sons and daughters of liberty," push this as though it is good for public relations; And they call it freedom: And then call its' various conditions, "Freedom of choice". . . 

Ha-ha-ha, that's a laughable notion: One that takes its' stock holders straight to the bank. . .  As its' bank holders take bank shots daily, and your investments go careening one way and you go another--for everyone knows that, "A fool and his money are soon departed". . .
But what was your foolishness?  
To think others feel like you do, or that the world is changing. . .  After all, many people are claiming love is love. . . So why don't you go shove your tongue down your grandma's throat?  Because love consists of different relationships, and not all these relationships are interchangeable. . .

So which ones are and which ones aren't?
Depending on who you are, and the culture you're in, this will vary: 
In Denmark and Scandinavian countries, there is a large range in sexual ambiguity. . .  But then, depending on your cultural parameters, your culture may or may not permit it. . .  The scriptures of your religious or moral doctrine may have a different bottom line. . . Your personal or internal values may compel you to find a lot of what you experienced disgusting; 
That will depend on who you are, and the way that you have been cultivated: But one thing we all must exercise is tolerance for one's right to choose; after all, "All Things in Life are Dual". . .

If you are from another people, group, or another culture and living in this country, an assessment or evaluation would be the most prudent and reasonable course of action--depending on your relationship TO the culture in which you are interfacing [American or whatever] and any premonitions you might experience.  My personal freedoms are restricted around my cultural confines; This is also the source of my discipline: Those are based on what I know and understand--all things outside of that are uncertain and subject to observation, analysis and comparison. . .

Of course, this is where the demeanor and personality of a people come into play:
The demeanor of a group of people is no different in character than the characteristics of a person: There are some who "reek" of sex; that is, totally given over to sex--"watch out boy she'll chew you up"--he or she is demented, perverse and you should know better than to step into THEIR world. . .
There are those who are intimidating, war-like, Nihilistic--as well as irrelevant and irreverent--meaning you know you will never change them and they're xenophobic in their influences; they believe they are Superior to everyone and in need of no one. . .  There are groups of people who are generally like this as well:  
There are German people who live in American culture today--who will NOT admit that they are German or come from German descent; and this is usually because of what the German people did wayyy back in the World Wars. . .and the same goes for the mentality of a culture. . .      
 This country's culture is not a culture of peace and happiness. . .  America is a culture which started as a colony and ended up as a capitalist society (with private and corporate industry exercising colonial mentality).  There are certain things you CAN and CAN'T expect from such an institution.  
I think Black people have the wrong EXPECTATION of what they CAN and CAN'T EXPECT from the American public and American people.
Blacks in this country are simply "looking for love in all the wrong places". . .

If you study the history of Blacks in America, you'll come a people who are descendants from England taking political advantage of our ancestors; manipulating them into a lifetime of servitude--while culturally stripping their offspring of their cultural identity and heritage in the process.  The only thing our Black youth had to fill the void was what little culture we could piece together, manufactured directly from the culture of the people who enslaved us.  
Besides setting up an inferior/superior dynamic from the jump; After the Emancipation Proclamation, Blacks then began this eternal and pointless pursuit of trying to be accepted as equals within American society.  Besides the constant rejection, our people also began to identify and affiliate ourselves with the analogous changes occurring within American society. 
Culture is what a people do, and as a result, there will be a consequence for their actions. . . We are two different people with two different destinies.  There is no need to become subjugated to their cultural errors too. . .  That's too big a price to pay. . . But nonetheless, here we go trending:

Seldom do people give what they want from others. They expect to be taken care of, but they don't take care of anything. They want loyalty but they aren't loyal. They want respect but quick to dis.  Simply put: "Treat people how you want to be treated."  "Do good, so good comes back to you."  Karma:

BB King once said, "I'd like to live the love that I sing about, in my songs." 
Smokey Robinson  said, "If you can want, you can need; if you can need, 
you can care; if you can care you can love..."

But love is out of date and the young millennial mainstream White American society has murdered the term: Actually, Generation X started it, but the Millennials have finished the job. . .  The trend is, "Love" has been removed from the Millennial's diction. . . Their artists, poets and writers--all work around it.  And, unwittingly, many young Blacks who live in America within their era, have followed suit and done so too.  And along with eliminating the term "Love, " goes all the associated and afiliated words, concepts and ideologies--except the word "need."  
And the Millennials have done so, because they've noticed the failure of so-many relationsips in the past, as far back as they all can remember (since the 1960s); Which translates into, "None of you parents age folks can tell a Millennials--isht."  It also means that this Millennial generation is "making life up as they go along"--without any previous knowledge--so they are using their life as a trial run. . .  
Unfortunately for them, very few of us are brought into this world as clairvoyant beings.  As well, unbeknowst to the crowd, by notlooking backwards--they do not benefit from the underlying signicance that you can gain when you listen to others speak upon that which has come before! In other words, most Millennials are constantly getting ambushed by life's circumstances--with no prior knowledge to help them out.  
Black people in the past, has always benefitted from the group mentallity; aka there's strength in numbers. . . But today, the rugged individualism that use to only dominant the Western world, has come crashing into our young folks world--and it is a "Every man for himself" philosophy, based on being guarded.  Millennials avoid the openness and giving that comes with love, because most young folks don't want a philosophy that leaves them that vulnerable; Today, folks want you to go first... 

Like Joni Mitchell implied in the song "Help me," all this avoidance of pain and responsibility by passing on and inflicting undesired obligations upon others is creating deep seated resentments among the unsuspecting persons within their young age group. . . 

With this type of approach, I wonder--in the long run--where such type of behavior is going to take this new generation along with the younger group of Black people of this era? 

It is so wild, that among the younger class, there's a reluctance to give up anything of equal value to obtain what they want--which is to be appreciated and needed or to be listened to.  They often use others and expect to keep getting chances, but they often ruin and "burn their bridges" by their actions which follow. We see younger generation hint around to wanting to be intimate partners with others, saying things like, we "feel some type of way. . ." But what way is that? 
If we have not define it for ourselves, how can it be clear to someone else? If we didn't learn it from our environment, how do we learn to express it? Civilize means to teach knowledge and wisdom; but today, no body wants to get hurt--so we play avoidance; unwilling to make sacrifices in order to invest in the thing we say we want.

"Ain't got nobody that I can depend on--
Ain't got nobody that I can depend on. . .

Ain't got no one, no tengo a nadie
That I know of, no tengo a nadie
That I can depend on, no tengo a nadieAin't got no one, no tengo a nadie. . . 

"No One to Depend On "--Carlos Santana (lyrics Thomas Coke Escovedo)

No wonder children act as though they are unwanted; the only parent they really know is their mother—for better or for worst; making their father an alien: As most fathers in current day America, they become a little better than sperm donors as mother completes her curriculum à La carte.
So, is this the objective the liberated woman wants: A good paying job, a home in the suburbs—a "situationship" and a guarantee from the Federal Government that she can get child support—when she takes a chance during her fertile period and become pregnant? 
No this makes having a child more like a demon seed in the devil's civilization.
You can keep playing tag and you'll never have family--just babies without any cohesiveness or unity in thought--but at least YOU don't get hurt. But in this scenario, it's just the babies that suffer because they'll never know what a nuclear family is or feel like--just like the rhetoric that the early 60s mainstream Western feminist and misandrist used and prayed for [like "Love is Love"]. 
I know most youth are disenchanted with the relationship scenarios, due to the bust up job each generation before them has done--but we can't give up on Love because there is no future in a world without love or care. There's no promise of a future, to a generation who won't make sacrifices for the next generation to have a better life. . .  We all also learn from our errors, to be better people. 

"It's better to love and lost, than to never loved at all"--Delfonics.  

YOU HAVE TO GIVE, IN ORDER TO GAIN RESPECT. In a nutshell, the word is called reciprocity. Anything worth having requires that you invest in it.
I think its time for us to start dedicating our lives for the world we intend to live in: Life is what you make it.

At some point, we have to learn that we have to be about the things we want to see in life: Those things we principally want, we have to incorporate them into how we live: Then we can attract: 
21. Who is the Founder of unalike attract and alike repels?
All these things are born from equality and equality means to be equal in everything; OR CONGRUENT IN NATURE. Life, like love is about reciprocity. Ecology is equality and balance. All things in life have duality--you'll have to PYP--that is; play your part and stay in your lane:

Chaka Khan once said: "Don't let them get the best, of your heart; 
leave the rest up to love--Then you'll be taken care of."

"In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. . ."
We have to emulate the things we consider are right in order to make that knowledge born:  The issue is, convincing you thundercats that everybody needs love and that love is the right measure.



C. Be'er la Hai-roi Myers 

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